Scerena- this is a list of medicine my clinic gave me safe for during the cycle. Hope it helps! So, yes.. Go get some robitussin!
1. Upper Respiratory Infections(Colds)
b. Benadryl
c. Plain Robitussin
d. Dimetapp
e. Sudafed
f. Zyrtec
g. Claritin
h. Tylenol Cough and Cold
i. If you have a fever, you need to see your PCP for antibiotic. Tell him you are attempting pregnancy.
2. Fever
a. Tylenol
b. Call your Primary Care Physician for possible antibiotic
3. Headache
a. Tylenol
b. If you have migraine headaches and take a certain medication, call your Ob Dr to OK med
4. Constipation
a. Milk of Magnesia
b. Metamucil
c. Citracal
d. Surfak
e. Colace
f. Fiber
g. Prune Juice
5. Diarrhea
a. Imodium
b. Kaopectate
6. Hemorrhoids
a. Preparation H
b. Anusol
c. Tucks
7. Nausea
a. Emetrol
b. “Preggy Pops”
c. Ginger Ale, Ginger Snaps
d. Small frequent meals
8. Indigestion
a. Tums
b. Mylanta
c. Maalox
d. Rolaids
e. Pepcid
f. Zantac
g. Tagamet
9. Gas
a. Mylacon
b. Tums
c. Mylanta Gas
10. Yeast Infection
a. Call your OB Dr for appointment – they will need to take a sample and look under the microscope to confirm yeast or other infection.
b. DO NOT use applicator to insert medication, put cream on outside only for all yeast medications below
1. Monistat
2. Gyne-Lotrimin
3. Femstat
4. Vagistat
11. Urinary Tract Infection
a. a. Call your OB/GYN Dr for appointment – they will need to take a sample and have it analyzed to determine if antibiotics are needed and what type can be helpful. .