Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Wow so much going on in here!

Scerena ~ Good luck with you follicle check today! You're getting closer and closer to EC :yipee:

TTCbaby ~ How are you hun?

Mission ~ Yay for the :witch: coming. Can't wait to here how your appointment goes on Thursday :hugs:

Bma ~ how are you hun?

Captain ~ Is today the transfer? I pray all goes well! Keep up updated.

Frustrated1 ~ Welcome to the group :hugs:

Kismat ~ I remember being in the IUI thread with you before. Huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :happydance: :yipee: :happydance:

As for me ~ I'm feeling a lot better in regards to the bad mood that I have been in. I have a busy week ahead of me. Thursday morning will be my last BCP day, Friday is my ultrasound and bloodwork to see if everything is good to start stimming on Monday. I return on Monday morning for another ultrasound and bloodwork (hopefully AF will be here by then.) I typically get af on the 3rd day of not taking the bcp. Saturday is the bachelorette party for my cousin. See... busy busy But I love it as time seems to blow right by.

I pray you are all doing well!
augustluvers fx'd Monday hurries so that you can start Stimming! Roll on thursday or the end of bcp's :)

Todays scan-
13 follicles but possibly 17 follicles if the others grow by EC.
Nurse is happy and said don't worry they're positive I will have enough to share :)
Estrogen is high so they've given me cabergoline to prevent OHSS!

I will find out if EC is Thursday or Friday when my blood results are back later today! I'm scared now lol!!!
mission thanks Hun :hugs: I don't see what difference today's scan will show, but I hope that come EC there's some more sneaky eggs :)

I will update after my app, either way EC is thurs/ fri :)

How are you??? Fx'd you can start stimming on Thursday :)

captain transfer tomorrow how exciting :happydance: how are you feeling???

ttcbaby How did yesterday go Hun???

kismat I hope that you get a lovely beta number :)

frustrated welcome I hope you can get started ASAP!!

I hope i do too!!! I can't concentrate at work for the life of me. But it won't be until the afternoon until i get my results back....i just can't believe it.
Wow so much going on in here!

Scerena ~ Good luck with you follicle check today! You're getting closer and closer to EC :yipee:

TTCbaby ~ How are you hun?

Mission ~ Yay for the :witch: coming. Can't wait to here how your appointment goes on Thursday :hugs:

Bma ~ how are you hun?

Captain ~ Is today the transfer? I pray all goes well! Keep up updated.

Frustrated1 ~ Welcome to the group :hugs:

Kismat ~ I remember being in the IUI thread with you before. Huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :happydance: :yipee: :happydance:

As for me ~ I'm feeling a lot better in regards to the bad mood that I have been in. I have a busy week ahead of me. Thursday morning will be my last BCP day, Friday is my ultrasound and bloodwork to see if everything is good to start stimming on Monday. I return on Monday morning for another ultrasound and bloodwork (hopefully AF will be here by then.) I typically get af on the 3rd day of not taking the bcp. Saturday is the bachelorette party for my cousin. See... busy busy But I love it as time seems to blow right by.

I pray you are all doing well!

THANK YOU sooooooooo much!!!! I am still in absolute shock. Went in for my bloodwork a little bit ago, so i'll get the results later today. just sooooo nervous for them!!!!

I mean 4 positive tests can't be wrong right?? i showed the test to my nurse and she's like it's ok it's ok...hehehehehe got the biggest hug from her which made me feel like all of this is real:)

Good luck to you as well, you start stimming soon.
missionmommy I know I feel so lucky. I just hope a lot make it to day 5 or 6, so they can freeze them. There's always that chance that it won't work the first time :/ .... FX for your appointment tomorrow, hope you get to start stimming! If you start stimmig Wednesday what is your estimated egg retrieval? We may be in the TWW together as well!

frustrated1 good luck, hope you can get started ASAP.

augustluvers I am actually starting to feel more like myself. The bloating has gone down. I'm chugging a ton of Gatorade. .... Being busy does help time pass by fast! Enjoy the bachelorette party! How fun. And good luck with your scans... I hope you are able to start Monday! :) glad your mood is lifting.

scerena what is Cabergolin? My estrogen got up to 4729 last Friday and they had me trigger with lupron instead of ovidrel to prevent ohss. Try not to be scared, they will do everything they can to make sure you don't get ohss. If Cabergolin is a pill I wish they would have given it to me my ET could have been this Friday if so... Wah. Lol I pray everything goes well, and you stay healthy. And wow... Isn't it crazy, just yesterday you had 9 and today you have 13.... Keep on growing :) see, when I left on Friday I had 10 in each ovary and 3-4 that were less than 10 mm and they ended up retrieving 30 and 27 fertilized. It's amazing what can happen in a day! Good luck good luck!!!!

kismat you are definitely pregnant! And I'm praying for a high & strong beta number for you!!! :)
Bma thanks Hun :) yes it is a pill, not sure what my levels were but they said they were high and this should help prevent ohss- something like that anyway?

Yes you're right! A day does make a whole difference!
Crazy you got 27 fertilised eggs you must be so chuffed :)

How have you been since retrieval? Any pains etc?
I've been normal. Nothing really hurts that bad. A bit sore when I laugh. :)

How are you feeling?
Aw good was scared of being sore after retrieval...

Well bloods are back and they can't book me in for EC as my levels are tooooo high!!! Got to travel 2 hours to the clinic and 2 hours back tomorrow just for a blood test :grr:
Basically no EC until my levels drop a bit :(
Oh no! Sorry scerena. I hope everything settles down so you can have your EC. :hugs:
So it's OFFICIAL OFFICIAL!!! My bloods came back awesome...he said beta of 1200. So he said your numbers are quite high for 5 weeks. But all is well and have another beta next tuesday with an ultrasound.
Bma thanks Hun so worried!!!

kismat yay congrats :happydance:
hi ladies - looks like there is a lot that is going on here :) I am finally back - just got back from our trip to Barcelona Hi ladies!! We got back from Barcelona two days ago and all recovered from the jetlag now. We had such a wonderful and relaxing trip!!

Yesterday we had our initial consult at the new clinic we have been referred to for IVF. New clinic seems really friendly, knowledagble, and organized (much better than pervious doctor). Before deciding on treatment, they want to do a repeat full work up of tests on me and DH, so that is all scheduled for this month - I have a couple of blood tests, an ultrasound on ovaries and uterus, another HSG, and my hubby is going to do an indepth SA, then we have another appointment on May 31 to discuss results and action plan. So even though lots of tests, glad that they will all be done within the month! So not too much for me in the meantime, but very excited to follow along with all of you.

frustrated - welcome!! I hope that you are able to move quickly along with your process. I am really hoping to start right after we get our results on May 31, but we will need to wait until we get there to discuss further. I will definitely let you know how it goes though!

Kismat- can't wait to hear about your beta results. So so excited for you, congrats!!!

serena - I hope that your levels settle down soon so that you can go ahead with the EC. must be very frustrating :hugs:

augustlovers - excited for you to start stimming soon :)

bma - 27 fertilized, that is amazing!! Hope you're able to freeze a bunch and that it all works on the first try!
starlight-Welcome back Hun!! Glad your first appt. went well...:)Hope al your tests come out fine and u get to start soon!!
bma-My appointment is on thurday Hun....i am sooo excited about it and praying that i get to start the same day!But the sad part is i wont be in the TWW...remember my hypothyroid and polypectomy?..they'l push the ET to july:(...i hope u get your BFP by then:hugs:

scerena- The follies are growing..thats a good news Hun...fx'd the rest catch up too!!i hope your estrogen levels come down soon and you get to EC..:hugs:
augustluvers-Thankss Hun...i hope u get to start monday...we wil be stimming around the same time:)
captain-Good luck for your transfer Hun..waiting to hear from you:)
Hi Ladies

Well I will start stimming on Saturday...woohoo...I'm so happy

Scerena -what's is your estrogen at? I'm so happy you have enough eggs for the sharing.

Kismat - wonderful news hun I'm sure that is reassuring for you...enjoy this time hun, you deserve it.

Starlight - welcome back and glad that things are moving along. I remember all the testing is so crazy....I was so happy when it was over.

August - I will be 2 days ahead of you hun so we are buddies.
Thanks sooooo much Everyone!!! I know i still can't believe it. i'm still in such shock. but i couldn't keep it in after i got the blood test results so i called hubby up right away. i wanted to tell him in a cute way, but that was out the door. so what i did was on my way home last night i picked up 2 onesies, one pink that says I Love my Daddy and the other red that says Daddy Rocks...just seeing his face was the most precious thing ever!!!

I just pray that all of you are with me soon!!!!
mission-mommy, I hope that your appointment on Thursday goes well and that it comes soon!!

ttcbaby - whoop whoop, you start stimming this weekend, how exciting!

kismatt - how fantastic! I would also call my hubby instantly when I found out. The onsies you picked up are so sweet!!
Hi girls, quick update from me, I had my ET today and we transferred 2 top quality 5-day blastocysts, one of which was starting to hatch, with 5 top quality ones to freeze. The clinic were recommending to transfer only one given that they were very good quality and I was 'young' (almost 38?! Really?! was my response). DH and I had discussed it at length and read up on the stats and risks extensively so we reconsidered but ultimately decided to stick with 2. To be honest I thought that the dr was very balanced and informative but I just wish the conversation had happened yesterday so that me and DH had more time to consider their views on our specific circumstances before deciding. They gave us like 3 minutes to decide before coming back in to ask for an answer, and the when we said 2 we had to sign a form saying that they had told us about the risks of twins and all the statistics about increased risks etc. It felt a bit like it should have been done at a slower pace and, like, yesterday? Anyway, all done now, just the waiting...going to try to keep myself busy with work and family and not stress about it...easier said than done!

For all the ladies just starting, I did antagonist protocol and apart from the bloating have found the whole process pretty painless and straightforward. Good luck and babydust all round! X
Hi ladies! i hope you all are well. Quick update from me. I had another us today and my lining is looking "great" according to the NP. I am to continue the estrogen, lupron until next week, and start crinone next weekend, then transfer is scheduled for the 16th!
captain thanks for the update....I agree it is a huge decision to be made in 3 minutes! Glad you stuck to your guns though, I agree with you I will be doing 2 even if my quality is amazing. If the quality is not there then I will ask for 3.

lucie - awesome news!!!! We are well on our way to our bfps aren't we???

afm - just waiting for af...they emailed me today to say that af might not come but that my scan on Monday showed a think lining so that is ok and they will still start me on Saturday as long as my e2 is low, which they suspect it will be.

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