Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

I had endometrin as well. In fact I have a ton of boxes from the last 3 IUI cycles on top of this ivf. Since I have to do a FET they said I'd have to do the progesterone in oil and yea it is IM :( BUT I'm definitely going to double check and try to weasel my way out of it. But if they insist then obviously I can just get over it!!! Lol you are right ill obviously do anything for my babies!
scerena - I see that you are in London too! You're not getting treated at UCH by any chance are you? That is where we are. I believe they use ARGH for the ER, fertilisation and ET.
UPDATE: I emailed the nurse to ask about my embryos. She said so far ALL 27 have matured, and to call on Monday to see how many the were able to freeze! I'm so happy. She said the ones that mature are usually the ones they freeze! WHOO hoo!

Scerena- good luck. FX for you.
UPDATE: I emailed the nurse to ask about my embryos. She said so far ALL 27 have matured, and to call on Monday to see how many the were able to freeze! I'm so happy. She said the ones that mature are usually the ones they freeze! WHOO hoo!

Scerena- good luck. FX for you.

I just popped in here after a long absence and have to say HOLY SH*T, 27 embryos that are maturing may be the most I've ever heard of! Congratulations and I hope many of them make it to freeze.

By the way, some people think FETs can be more successful than fresh transfers, because your body has had a time to get back to normal after the hyper-stimulation, so don't see it as a bad thing.

Good luck!
First try- exactly how I felt HOLY SHI* . Lol thank you! And the nurses kind of hinted that they like to do FET because it does give the body time to get back to normal. :) so thanks for the encouragement.

So your FET it coming up! Good luck to you :) do you mind sharing a quick run down on how a FET works? I'm supposed to call with AF and then start PIO , eatrogen pills and patches and I just wonder when it all starts? Day 1..? Like day 1 if AF I start PIO and pills and patches etc?
First try- exactly how I felt HOLY SHI* . Lol thank you! And the nurses kind of hinted that they like to do FET because it does give the body time to get back to normal. :) so thanks for the encouragement.

So your FET it coming up! Good luck to you :) do you mind sharing a quick run down on how a FET works? I'm supposed to call with AF and then start PIO , eatrogen pills and patches and I just wonder when it all starts? Day 1..? Like day 1 if AF I start PIO and pills and patches etc?

Let's see if I remember the specifics. I did a long protocol, so it started with 15-18 days of BCPs. Then, 4 days after stopping BCPs, I did baseline tests. All was good, so I started estrogen shots (but patches were a possibility too), 1 shot every 3rd day.

About 16 days later (they are controlling your cycle, so this can be longer or shorter...mine was based on when they had space on their surgery schedule for the transfer), being today, I went in for my pre-FET appointment. They did a scan to check my lining (looks good!) and took blood to check my hormone levels (haven't heard yet).

Assuming all is good, I will start daily PIO shots, while continuing the estrogen shot every 3rd day. Transfer is 5 days after pre-FET lining check (or 6 days for me because I asked to come in on Friday instead of Saturday). So, next Thursday :thumbup:
Haven't posted in a while...

Kismat - CONGRATS!! How exciting :wohoo:

Scerena - Hope your levels go down and you won't have to wait any longer!

TTCbaby - Yay, the cyst is gone :happydance: Glad you finally get to start.

Captain - Congrants on being PUPO! Can't wait to hear good news from you.

Mission - how's stimming going... you started yesterday right?

BMA - OMG!! That is crazy and amazing! I hope they all make it to freeze and hopefully we can be TWW buddies. I will be trying my best not to POAS early but it is going to be sooo hard! I need someone telling me NO!

I'm sure I am missing a few ppl, I really need to catch up. It's exciting following everyone's journey. I love to hear when someone gets a :bfp: It gives me hope and reminds me to really try and stay positive, no matter what happens!

AFM, my meds should be coming in today! I am leaving work early to go check (and wait) if they aren't there. I am about to start my last week of bcps and my u/s and med review is next Wed, May 8th. I can't believe I am so close to stimming and hopefully u/s looks good and I can start. If so, my first shot will be May 13th. :happydance:
Baby love- I hope so too! Good luck and hopefully you'll start may 13! And I'm so so sorry but I am not good at saying no to POAS. I actually have a ton of cheap pregnancy tests. :wacko: I don't know when I'll start testing but I'm sure it will be before my beta. Why wait? :haha: I just test because if its a negative I want to mentally prepare myself, most likely I will do the beta and then have to go to work and if I'm a little prepared and it's negative then I won't be a complete mess.
Well yesterday was my last BCP and this morning was my follow-up appointment to see if I can come in on Monday to start stimming... well upon completing my ultrasound it was not hard to see that I have a 32mm cyst in my right ovary. :cry: I knew something was wrong because I have been in pain for a few days. So right now we are waiting to see what happens. I'm waiting for a call from the FS to see what I'm going to do next. I'm really bummed as I know that this will postpone my cycle now. :cry:
augustluvers-aww Honey...thats really sad...i wish u dint have to wait:(what do they plan to do to get rid of it...i hope they come up with a good plan...!:hugs:

bma-yay! 27 to freeze is a lottt....so happy for you Hun!!
i was prescribed endometrin before they knew they had to do FET,...so they might change mine too..but am ready for anything if i end up with a healthy baby or two...:baby::baby:
firsttry-hey! GL for your FET:)
scerena-waiting to hear from u Hun...hope u r doin fine!

babylove-heyyy Hun!!! My first stim was a breeze....Dh did it..i had three shots to take....and it was done in a minute...:)
few more days and you are starting stims too..yay!:happydance:

AFM-after a few hours of my first shot i had a little cramping in the lower abdomen...now the cramping is gone but there is slight pain and discomfort over the rt.ovarian area....is it normal to feel that way ???i have endometrioma cysts on my ovaries:dohh:..i hope its not them that are causing it...am a little scared cause i read they might grow too...:(
thanks Mission Mommy ~ :hugs: They gave me no plan this morning at the office. They just said that they would call and inform me of the next step this afternoon. They still haven't called.

As for your injections. I used to cramp here and there after my shots. I pray your cyst don't grow.

I wanted to share with you ladies that my sheltie (dog) had her puppies on May 1 at 2:30am. She had 4 (3 girls and a boy) however, sadly the boy didn't make it past 24 hours. Everything I read states that it's normal for one to two puppies to not make it, due to failure to thrive or infections/virus caught in the womb, but I was so bummed none the less. The remaining females are healthy, growing and eating a lot. I must say that it has been AMAZING watching the motherly instincts of my dog. :cloud9: I'll try to get a good picture and post it tonight.
Just got the call ~ "Stop the birth control and call on cycle day 1 to schedule ultrasound and bloodwork. Or Call if you don't get a period by May 22."

I told the nurse that I don't understand why I would wait until May 22, if I'm stopping the birth control a period will come so more then likely day one will be on Sunday. So she said "just call whenever day one is." So I asked the nurse what the plan was in regards to the cyst. She said they didn't put anything in the chart.

I feel at a loss of words. I have no idea what's going on. I have feeling like this.
missionmommy - so happy that your appointment went well yesterday and that you are able to start now!! Yay!! Look forward to hearing about your appointment this weekend to see how your follies are growing :) Sorry to hear that you are feeling uncomfortable and unfortunately I have no experience to share with you - but I hope that it goes away soon and that all is well.

scerena - how frustrating that they didn't get the blood results back to you on the same day as requested. I hope your scan and bloods go well in London today :hugs: I have my fingers crossed for you that you'll be able to do the EC this weekend!

bma - sorry that you're not able to to do the ET this cycle, but end of May is soon approaching, so very excited for your FET! Glad that you are feeling pretty good after your EC. That is so sweet that you sent a treat over to your clinic, am sure they really appreciate it :) 27 matured embryos - wow, that is amazing!!!!

firsttry - your FET is ocming up in less than a week. have my fingers crossed for you and wishing you lots of luck!

babylove - you're getting really close now, you must be excited! so happy to hear that things are moving along on your end!

augustlovers - so sorry to hear about the cyst :( I hope that it resolves itself soon so that you can get things going. that is really frustrating about your conversatoin with the nurse - do you think that you could possible call back and get to talk to somoene else? That is ridiculous that they did not even document that you had a cyst?! so sorry you are going through this - I too would feel the same as you.
AFM - I just had some blood tests and baseline u/s today. I don't get the results until the end of the month though! Next up is the HSG which will be next Thursday. The tests today went well and I really love the staff and the clinic is also esthetically pleasing, which is a huge difference to where I was before. I am definitely happy that we switched to a new place!
Auvustluvers- I am so so sorry. How frustrating :hugs: I hope you get some answers.

Missionmommy- I would report everything to your nursing staff. They need to know. It could be initial reaction or not. Please inform them, I wouldn't want anything negative to come from this. I had an initial reaction with the menopur and told them and they told me to please call if the symptoms continued!

Starlight- good luck with everything :)
bma- Just called my nurse and left her a voice message..waiting for her to call back.its only on the right side Hun...i was guessing its because my right ovary is stuck to my uterus cause of endo and any movement or change in the ovarian size could be causing the pain...though i dont know for sure whats going on:shrug:i hope am not reacting badly to the med because i dont want anything to delay my ER...:nope:

augustluvers-Thats so frustrating when they dont give you clear answers....i hope they know what they are doing and hope its the best for you HUn:hugs:

starlight-Thanks HUn:hugs:....well am waiting for my next appt too..its on sunday and i'l know how am responding:)
Wishing GL fr your HSG....i hope it comes out all clear::)Glad you liked your new clinic:)
Just got a call from my nurse:) She says its all fine:) asked me to take a tylenol when ever i feel the pain...says my ovaries are getting into action..some people feel the pain..sooo...i just gotto bear it!!
Haven't posted in a while...

AFM, my meds should be coming in today! I am leaving work early to go check (and wait) if they aren't there. I am about to start my last week of bcps and my u/s and med review is next Wed, May 8th. I can't believe I am so close to stimming and hopefully u/s looks good and I can start. If so, my first shot will be May 13th. :happydance:

Woohoo for starting!

Well yesterday was my last BCP and this morning was my follow-up appointment to see if I can come in on Monday to start stimming... well upon completing my ultrasound it was not hard to see that I have a 32mm cyst in my right ovary. :cry: I knew something was wrong because I have been in pain for a few days. So right now we are waiting to see what happens. I'm waiting for a call from the FS to see what I'm going to do next. I'm really bummed as I know that this will postpone my cycle now. :cry:

Oh hun, I am so sorry...I have just finished going through this. Did they do your E2 level? Did you get that result? If it is elevated they will not aspirate it and will want to wait it out and let it go down. It took my cyst which was 23mm 3 weeks to go down while I was on meds for it...

AFM - I just had some blood tests and baseline u/s today. I don't get the results until the end of the month though! Next up is the HSG which will be next Thursday. The tests today went well and I really love the staff and the clinic is also esthetically pleasing, which is a huge difference to where I was before. I am definitely happy that we switched to a new place!

awesome that you feel good about this new place hun! fxed!

Just got a call from my nurse:) She says its all fine:) asked me to take a tylenol when ever i feel the pain...says my ovaries are getting into action..some people feel the pain..sooo...i just gotto bear it!!

Glad to hear all is ok!

afm I head to florida tomorrow to hopefully start stimming. I will do a scan and bw once I get in and will get the go ahead to start once all is clear! Geez after all of this , I do hope all is clear!
Hey ladies not brilliant news BUT goodish news...
My levels dropped from 33000 yesterday to 24000 today... It has to be 20000 or below in order to have EC, so back to London tomorrow and if all is well with my bloods tomorrow then EC will be on Tuesday so please please please keep your fingers crossed for me

Bma 27 embies well done you :) I'm so happy for you that you have so many to freeze :)

babylovemgl with your u/s I really hope that you get to start stimming come may 13th :)

frustrated1 I'm with the Lister clinic in London Hun :)

mission I'm glad that you've done your first shot :) I use to feel pains in my ovaries :)

augustluvers sorry to hear about the cyst :hugs: I hope that your af arrives ASAP and that you can get some answers how frustrating :hugs:

starlight switching clinics was the best thing that I done ever also :) I'm glad that they're doing all these tests for you :hugs: things are looking up for you :)

ttcbaby I hope that everything will be clear and that you get the go ahead Hun it's been a long wait for you :hugs:
Scerena- that is good news! FX that it keeps on going down!

Ttcbaby- looking forward to your update!! :)

AFM- so, egg retrieval was last Sunday. They told me to expect AF 10-14 days... Like normal after ovulation. Guess what?!? It's here today, not even a week later just 6 days. I'm taking this as a very good sign. So far it's light bleeding so I'm assuming it is AF at least! Ill call on Monday and start the cycle to my FET! I'm so excited. :happydance:

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