she said it will be so difficult to choose the best embies today as they all look really good and they want the one with the best potential...
All 4 embies are doing very well...
They grade from grade 1-4 with 1 being the highest... All 4 are grade 1
So far there is one 7cell
And 3 8 cells, they were all 4 cells yesterday so they're doubling nicely she said....
I said will I be allowed two back and she said probably not if blast transfer... I'm not happy about that... I will be discussing on the day...
Anyhow Im having transfer on Sunday IF they make it fx'd
I said will they make it and she said they're developing very nicely, if they were slow they would have put them back, she said if they're going to develop it wouldn't make a difference being in the dish or inside me, she said they are doing very well...
first did you have a day 3 or 5 transfer??? Congrats on being PUPO
mission brilliant news I can't wait for you to trigger
everything sounds right on track