Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

thanks girls. i'm definitely not going to test until monday morning which is when the clinic said to test. I'm getting lots of cramps/twinges and loads of watery CM so i think AF would be here if it weren't for the crinone. I'm still a bit teary about it all but also have been thinking ahead to a likely FET date and end of June doesn't feel too far away to be trying again. i know how lucky i am to have 5 frosties.
Bma, wow, I wouldn't mind stimming for just 9 days as well! :)

Scerena, good luck for your ET! How exciting! :)
First try- :happydance: I'm guessing your profile pic is the 2 embies they transferred? I'm so excited for you!!!
:Hi: ladies...my scan went well today:happydance:everything looks fine..they have called me again tommorow..i might be triggering soon!!
very excited about it:wohoo:
E2 was 2008 and have 5 follies each on both the ovaries which are above 11mm and 15 less than 10mm..!

oculi83-Welcome:flower: Glad you joined us:)

Bma-heyy Hun...getting really uncomfortable down there..i am on painkillers every few hours ,so thats keeping the pain at bay. It gets tender down there after bowel movements though..!you must be ssoo excited about your FET!!glad u are feeling better now:)

scerena-- hii...am doing fine..waiting for stimming to get finished fast:)Gl for the ET tomorrow...:hugs:

captainDont lose hope Hun:hugs:It must be soo frustrating for you not knowing exactly...!Was just looking around other forums and many women had watery cm and twinges in their TWW and they ended up being pregnant....so you are stil very much in the game...Waiting to hear from you on monday..wil pray for you!:hugs:

ttcbaby-hope you are doing good!how did your second scan go?

babylove-yayy!you'l be starting soon..i am on low dose hcg and follistim too...but i had lupron as wel...:)
IM HAVING A 5 DAY TRANSFER :) she said it will be so difficult to choose the best embies today as they all look really good and they want the one with the best potential...

All 4 embies are doing very well...
They grade from grade 1-4 with 1 being the highest... All 4 are grade 1 :)
So far there is one 7cell
And 3 8 cells, they were all 4 cells yesterday so they're doubling nicely she said....

I said will I be allowed two back and she said probably not if blast transfer... I'm not happy about that... I will be discussing on the day...
Anyhow Im having transfer on Sunday IF they make it fx'd [-o<[-o<

I said will they make it and she said they're developing very nicely, if they were slow they would have put them back, she said if they're going to develop it wouldn't make a difference being in the dish or inside me, she said they are doing very well...

first did you have a day 3 or 5 transfer??? Congrats on being PUPO :)

mission brilliant news I can't wait for you to trigger :happydance: everything sounds right on track :)
IM HAVING A 5 DAY TRANSFER :) she said it will be so difficult to choose the best embies today as they all look really good and they want the one with the best potential...

All 4 embies are doing very well...
They grade from grade 1-4 with 1 being the highest... All 4 are grade 1 :)
So far there is one 7cell
And 3 8 cells, they were all 4 cells yesterday so they're doubling nicely she said....

I said will I be allowed two back and she said probably not if blast transfer... I'm not happy about that... I will be discussing on the day...
Anyhow Im having transfer on Sunday IF they make it fx'd [-o<[-o<

I said will they make it and she said they're developing very nicely, if they were slow they would have put them back, she said if they're going to develop it wouldn't make a difference being in the dish or inside me, she said they are doing very well...

first did you have a day 3 or 5 transfer??? Congrats on being PUPO :)

mission brilliant news I can't wait for you to trigger :happydance: everything sounds right on track :)

These blasts were frozen on day 5 or 6. I transfered one fresh blast on day 5. That resulted in m/c at 7weeks1day. Then, transfered one for my first FET; chemical pregnancy. Because of the two failures, I transferred 2 this time. For me, it's unlikely they'll both be viable.

But we were on board with transferring one earlier, because of the risks of twin pregnancy, including preterm birth. And I'd really like to avoid a c-section. Just some things to consider if this is your first IVF cycle.

Good luck!!!
Mission mommy- yay! I'm glad you are able to have some relief, I can't imagine your pain, I remember mine but I know it's nothing what you are feeling!

Scerena- awesome, just awesome news!!!!! I'm so happy for you and those strong embies! And I'd definitely talk with them about putting two back if that's is what you truly want, :)
Scerena - That is fantastic news! Good luck for Sunday. :happydance: From what I've read about treatment in the UK they seem very reluctant to put back two blasts unless you're over a certain age or have already had a number of failed IVF attempts or they are of a low grade. I seem to recall that the NICE guidelines from Feb 2013 and the consultation paper from 2011 or 2012 said something along those lines. It's something I've been looking into as I'd rather have two blasts (assuming I get any!) put back first time round to give us the optimum chances of success. The NHS certainly won't allow it though :nope:. In any event, my fingers are crossed for you and I look forward to hearing your update after the transfer.
ME- 34- normal , everything is fine
DH- 34- low sperm count, and mobilty

Hi Girls! :winkwink:

I am new to this site. My husband and I have been TTC for over a year. However for seven years we have always had unprotexted sex. So I knew something was wrong when we were TTC, and I wasn't getting pregnant. This mothers day . May 10th, is my ER.. Today was my last sono gram and I have over 26 follies. However 10 of them are doing nothing... :growlmad: the others are 15 and above. My biggest follie is a 20! :happydance: Please send happy baby thoughts my way... it's a crucial time. I am happy to be on the journey with so many woman who just want to be mothers! I wish all the best of luck and prayers! We all want the same thing and thats a :bfp:

Here are my stats:
IVF#1- 300 iui of Gonal, 10 units of Lo hcg, and 250 mg of gainerelex, I cycled for a total of eight days. I have a total of 26 follies, 10 are 10 and below. Tonight is my trigger shot! :headspin:.. ( really tired of these needles)... :wacko:](*,)

I am doing a freeze all... so I will keep you guys posted! Good luck everyone!!!
Welcome Ana8225. Good luck at ER. :) so, you will be doing a FET , is that what you mean when you say you are doing a freeze all? Anyway, fx for you!!
scerena - that is awesome news!!!!!!! Fxed for sunday!
ana - good luck and welcome!

afm - scan went ok....I have 5-6 on the left but my right ovary has a dominant follcile which is not allowing any others to grow so it doesnt look like we will get the count we wanted. They have increased my gonal f to 225 and I will go back in on Sunday.
Ana-Welcome to the thread..:flower: my ER is on monday or tuesday:) mine is a freeze all too..Good luck for your ER..waiting to hear how yours goes:)

scerena-Thats wonderful news Hun:hugs:...all of grade A..woww...My clinic does only 5 day transfers as they believe it gives better chances of success...::)Hope you get to put in two:)

Bma-yes Hun..the pain gaave me a hard time through the stims but am happy that am making many follies and RE is happy with everything til now...:)
Hows everything with you?when are you starting your progesterone sshots?
just 20 days to go for your FET..u must be sooo excited!!!

ttcbaby-goodluck for sunday Hun:)Dont you worry...there was a dominant follicle on my left ovary too and others werent growing but they did in a few days and caught up with the others..hope the same happens with you:):hugs:

AFM-I had a scan today and 7 follies greater than 10mm on each side..largest is 16mm::)..so around 14 countable and 8-10 less than 10mm...
e2 was 2997...they are happy with the levels and follicle growth and might trigger saaturday or sunday..so ER is on monday or tuesday:)
Am kinda worried now cause i have endometriomas on my ovariess and read that it might affect the egg quality :nope: ....i dont want to end up having crappy eggs ....am praying that my eggies come out healthy !
Have a scan tomorrow morning that wil decide if i trigger tomorrow..fx'd!!
Mission mommy- praying for healthy good quality eggs! Can't wait to hear about your scan today :)
And yes, I am getting so excited! I will start progesterone shots 6 or 7 days before may 30. :/ kinda nervous but not so much. I had to take an intramuscular shot Tuesday and I was sore but not too bad. I just didn't think about it too much!

Ttcbaby- praying for top quality eggs for you as well! :)
Mission mommy- praying for healthy good quality eggs! Can't wait to hear about your scan today :)
And yes, I am getting so excited! I will start progesterone shots 6 or 7 days before may 30. :/ kinda nervous but not so much. I had to take an intramuscular shot Tuesday and I was sore but not too bad. I just didn't think about it too much!

Ttcbaby- praying for top quality eggs for you as well! :)

Hey Bma..Thanx Hun!
I had my scan today and the largest was 17mm , e2 was 3355...i got a call from my nurse and am going to have my trigger shot tonight at 11pm...:happydance:
But there is one thing thats been troubling me..is the largest follicle size of 17mm good enough for trigger??? i heard most of the trigger when follicles are aatleast 19mm...
I am sure my RE knows what she is doing...but am worrying about every little thing...
What do i expect on ER day? does it hurt??My ER is scheduled for monday!!
Mission mommy- my nurse said they like them to be around 16-19 mm to trigger. So, you should be fine!! :) I think they can possibly still be growing after trigger??

The day of ER I was under general anesthesia . So, nothing hurt me! Will you be sedated or go under general as well? Anyways the hour before ER, I was in discomfort, sitting hurt for sure. After ER, I felt awesome! I didn't even take pain pills until later that night. I didn't rest too much because I felt so good. I would advise to rest after ER for sure, and of you aren't under general anesthesia then take your pain killer and drink lots of Gatorade, coconut water etc. :) you will do great!
Mission mommy- my nurse said they like them to be around 16-19 mm to trigger. So, you should be fine!! :) I think they can possibly still be growing after trigger??

The day of ER I was under general anesthesia . So, nothing hurt me! Will you be sedated or go under general as well? Anyways the hour before ER, I was in discomfort, sitting hurt for sure. After ER, I felt awesome! I didn't even take pain pills until later that night. I didn't rest too much because I felt so good. I would advise to rest after ER for sure, and of you aren't under general anesthesia then take your pain killer and drink lots of Gatorade, coconut water etc. :) you will do great!

Thank u soo much..i am feeling much better after reading that..:hugs:
i guess i wil be on gen.anesthesia too:)I am feeling quite heavy and uncomfortable in the lower abdomen..lower back hurts too..waiting to be done with the ER to feel normal again!!!I wil remember to rest and have lots of gatorade:)
Captainj- just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. Hope you get a bfp. :hugs:

And I read your signature. :hugs: I'm so sorry :hugs:
Scerena- thinking of you today!!! How exciting!!!

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