Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Sorry for not being on ladies, hectic weekend with my step daughter, niece and nephew and had a bad morning yesterday I was dizzy and fell to the floor but felt fine ever since!!!

Thanks for the good luck ladies

I am now PUPO with 1 "perfect embryo" which is a hatching blast OTD 21/05/13 (my ohs birthday)

It was that perfect that the consultant would not transfer two, he said if it was day 3 he would transfer two or if this embryo was down graded a bit then he would consider two...
He went on to say about if he puts a lower grade one in also and I miscarry that one it could bleed into the good one and he wouldn't want to risk loosing the good one...
He said he done 10 transfers today and put two back in on every one, but he said if they had embies like mine he wouldn't put two back...

After me arguing for ages I agreed to one as I didn't have a choice and what he said makes sense

They will call me tomorrow to let me know if any of the other 3 are suitable to freeze

bma thank you :hugs: how are you???

ana welcome to the thread :flower:

ttcbaby your follicles sound like they're doing good :hugs: when I had my dose increase I grew more follicles, hope your scan goes well for you today :hugs:

mission so glad you've triggered I'm looking forward to your report tomorrow :happydance: get plenty of rest, I was very sore after ER but some people are better :hugs:

frustrated1 thank you :hugs: I was only allowed one blast because it was top quality, if it wasn't as good quality he would have done two :shrug: I know the NHS are strict with only one blast, I'm private and had this problem too :shrug: I guess below a certain age and blasts- they only like one :)

:hi: to anyone I missed :hugs:
Sorry for not being on ladies, hectic weekend with my step daughter, niece and nephew and had a bad morning yesterday I was dizzy and fell to the floor but felt fine ever since!!!

Thanks for the good luck ladies

I am now PUPO with 1 "perfect embryo" which is a hatching blast OTD 21/05/13 (my ohs birthday)

It was that perfect that the consultant would not transfer two, he said if it was day 3 he would transfer two or if this embryo was down graded a bit then he would consider two...
He went on to say about if he puts a lower grade one in also and I miscarry that one it could bleed into the good one and he wouldn't want to risk loosing the good one...
He said he done 10 transfers today and put two back in on every one, but he said if they had embies like mine he wouldn't put two back...

After me arguing for ages I agreed to one as I didn't have a choice and what he said makes sense

They will call me tomorrow to let me know if any of the other 3 are suitable to freeze

bma thank you :hugs: how are you???

ana welcome to the thread :flower:

ttcbaby your follicles sound like they're doing good :hugs: when I had my dose increase I grew more follicles, hope your scan goes well for you today :hugs:

mission so glad you've triggered I'm looking forward to your report tomorrow :happydance: get plenty of rest, I was very sore after ER but some people are better :hugs:

frustrated1 thank you :hugs: I was only allowed one blast because it was top quality, if it wasn't as good quality he would have done two :shrug: I know the NHS are strict with only one blast, I'm private and had this problem too :shrug: I guess below a certain age and blasts- they only like one :)

:hi: to anyone I missed :hugs:

Oh no! Glad you are feeling better.

I'm glad your RE took the time to tell you why he only wanted to put one back. And I'm glad you are content with that! Now come on may 21!!!!!!! Lol I'm so excited for you. Question- are you going to test any time before otd? I'm kinda debating on whether I will or not :wacko:

AFM- I'm good. Still just taking estrogen pills and doing patches every three days. Nothing new here :coffee:
Congrats scerena, I really hope that perfect blast sticks!!

I'm just dealing with the whole world falling out of my doodah...jeez what a heavy AF.

I'm also starting to really see a trend on these threads with the younger ladies getting their BFPs and the older ones not...doesn't seem to be much to do with how the embryos are looking or how many there are. I suppose it's just in line with the stats, but I wish I was just 5 years younger or something....! Hey ho.

:hugs: ask your dr about endometrium scratching. Not sure if its routine or not but its supposed to help with the embryo implanting. That's all ill say, I'm sure you dont want any suggestions now . Here for you though
bma oh wants me to wait for OTD as its his bday but I'm thinking I might do a sneaky one before so IF it doesn't work I won't be too emotional on his actual bday... I might test a few days before if I'm brave enough I'm so scared already!!!

The 30th will soon be here Hun :hugs:

captain so sorry Hun :hugs: I agree with Bma about the scratch it's worth an ask? We are all here for you :hugs:
Scerena ~ I'm so glad to see you had a transfer :happy dance: I can't wait for your testing date :hugs:

TtCbaby ~ Yay for those follicles!

Mission ~ you've triggered? I can't wait for your ec report :hugs:

Bma!~ I pray you are well.

Captain ~ so sorry for the :bfn: and the :witch: I can say that my af after my failed IVF was really heavy due to all the progesterone. It really sucks!

AFM~ Nothing to really report on my end. Just waiting for the 28th to come around and see if this cyst went away. Af is finally going away, thank the heavens for that! LOL :haha: I'm getting sick, I can feel it. I feel like a truck hit me or something! Yay me! LOL
Scerena- I'm already nervous for you. :hugs: I have tons of tests & then I found more tests in my bathroom. Yikes! I'm not going to be able to hold out. DH knows I have no control, I think he hates when I test early & get upset, but he also knows he can't stop me :haha:

Augustluvers- thank you! I sure hope that cyst is gone! Hope you get to feeling better quick. :hugs:
Scerena - that sounds fantastically positive! I shall be keeping everything crossed for you and eagerly watching from afar!
august sorry you've been I'll :( I hope you feel better soon :hugs: I have everything crossed for you that your cyst has gone :hugs:

bma my oh knows I can't help but test early, like yours hates me being upset... I think with it being his bday on OTD he wants me to wait it out :)
I have done a medicated cycle n ages so haven't brought tests so I will be going to be shop in a couple if days for some :)

frustrated1 thanks, I hope the embie sticks as I know just because they said its perfect it doesn't necessarily mean it will work [-o<
:hi: ladies just an update to let you know that I have 2 quality blasts frozen :)
I am having issues with my mother and her not understanding my position on things. We eventually had to tell my parents about our struggles TTC because we needed their help with the costs of IVF. I am very grateful for their help but my mother cannot or will not even try to see things from my POV. I don't think it's possible for her. We had a huge fight last Wednesday over my decision not to tell anyone that we are pregnant (if/when it actually happens) until at least 10 weeks, if not longer. She thinks that is me being negative about this whole situation. She thinks I should tell everyone as soon as we find out and I should be super excited about it now, as if I should assume that IVF is a guarantee. I tried to tell her that this may not work the first time, so I can't get anymore excited than I am now because it would make it that much harder to deal with if it doesn't work. I also told her there is NO way I am telling everyone, and then something bad happens, and I have to turn around and tell everyone that our baby is gone. She wanted to know why I was so afraid of everyone knowing if I lost the baby? I just about lost it!! Are you serious? How does she not realize that telling everyone and having everyone ask you how it's going would be like reliving it every time? It has nothing to do with being negative or afraid and everything to do with protecting myself in any possible outcome. Aside from the fact that it isn't anyone else's business. I don't know what to do or say to her now... I feel like if IVF works this time, I will have to lie and tell her it didn't until we hit our 10 or 12 week mark and I didn't want to have to do that with her. But I feel like she will share our news before we are ready or get to tell anyone ourselves. What do I do?????? Am I being to tough on her or am I wrong in how I feel about this? :wacko:
Baby love- I am very very protective of myself during this ivf cycle and I will not be announcing until I'm 12 weeks etc. in my opinion you are not being tough on her at all. This is your business no matter how much money they leant you. Try to make her understand that this is your journey and that you will handle it the way that you want to. Just because you choose to not tell anyone does not mean that you are being negative, you are protecting yourself. People do not understand this process until they have to go through it themselves. Also, people who don't even do ivf wait until 12 weeks to announce their pregnancy because not until your 2nd Tri does your miscarriage rate go down. Until then it is a very real possibility. And why on earth would you want to RE live that every time someone spoke to you? Maybe you should tell her that if you got pregnant via ivf and lost the baby then maybe if not everyone knew that you could grieve properly and move on without having to explain everything to everyone. I think that no matter what she thinks or believes that she needs to respect your wishes and not say anything or make this harder on you. I would also probably tell my mom exactly what you said. That you think you might have to lie to her until you hit 12 weeks and that's not what you want to do because she is your mom and should be the one person in the whole world that you could tell something so private and her gaurd it for you. You know?

And if she still can't understand then just keep it from her. Tell her you have to stay on BCP longer or whatever and just protect yourself!
Hello everyone:)
i Had my ER today and they were able to retrieve only 13 eggs....my RE thinks thats a good number...really?????...but i hope most of them fertilize....cant wait for tomorrow to know how many did..am veryyy nervous!!When i woke up from anaesthesia i had severe cramping and pain:cry:..and am stil in pain...:(i hope that goes away in a day or two...!

scerenaCONRATSS on being PUPO..very happy for u:hugs:I'l pray it sticks!!

captain-feels so sorry for u Hun:hugs: lotss of goodluck for your FET!

august-how are you ? hope your cyst disappears soon:hugs:and u get to start!
bma-how are you doing?
babylove-bma is right!!!you dont have to tell anybody if you dont want to!
mission thanks :hugs: 13 is a fab number :) are they doing icsi or standard Ivf? My soreness is just going, keep up with painkillers Hun :hugs:
Can't wait for your report tomorrow :happydance:

babylove I agree it's all your decision as to who knows what concerning your IVF :hugs:
Mission mommy- 13 is a great number! I'm excited to hear how many fertilize!! Hope you get to feeling better. Remember tons of Gatorade. Like one after another :)

And I'm doing well. Go in tomorrow for my ultrasound and blood work!
mission looking forward to your fert report today :)

bma hope your U/S and bloodwork is all ok today :)
I got my ferilization report and all 13 fertilized..yay!!:yipee:
Am feeling less sore today::)Just praying that atleast 6 make it to freeze!Wil know by this week end how many do!
bma-Waiting to hear from you about your u/s and bloodwork...hope it went well:)Taking your advice and having loads of gatorade:hugs:
scerena-hey Hun:hugs:we had ICSI done on all because DH has morphology isssues..but the nurse said his sample looked great as all they needed were 13 good li'l spermies!
Hows your TWW going???
Mission mommy- :yipee: that's fantastic! Fx that they all make it to blasts :) glad you are feeling a bit better.

Scerena- yea, how are you feeling?

My blood work hasn't come back and I haven't gotten any instructions, but she said my lining was looking great. I think it's around 9mm thick! And she ordered the progesterone in oil shots and I paid and they will be here tomorrow. :wacko:
mission we had ICSI done too :) I'm so glad all 13 fertilised well done :spermy: the TWW is TORTURE :dohh:

Bma your lining sounds fab :) will you be doing the FET earlier at this rate??? Sorry I haven't a clue how they work :)
hello ladies!! I had my HSG last week and it was pretty uncomfortable but not as bad as the one I had last year, so that was good. My last HSG showed that my right tube may be blocked, where last week, they told me that both tubes were clear, so that is good and different news. They mentioned that I had a small dip in my uterus but that it wouldn't impact anything. The rest of the results for me and my hubby will come on May 31, so just a couple weeks away, then at that time we will discuss "action plan", so hope that things move quickly after that!

bma - I had to do another HSG becuase I was with another doctor for over a year who ran tests and provided clomid treatment, then when that didn't work, he referred us over to a new clinic for IVF. The new clinic likes to do a full work-up on everyone whether you have had tests done before or not, so this month, we are doing all the tests all over again! SO exciting that your FET is scheduled for May 30, so soon now!

scerna - yay on the transfer of one perfect embie - i love the pic!!! so happy that it all came together. Have my fingers crossed for you xxoo. Also wonderful that you wre able to freeze 2!

mission mommy - how fantastic that you got all 13 fertilized!!!

augustlovers - so sorry that you weren't able to go ahead this cycle :hugs: i hope that time flies so that it all can get started for you soon!

babylove - totally agree with the ladies here and echo that you should follow how you feel and that you sohuld not tell anyone till you're ready. I am absolutely on the same page as you in terms of when to tell people, so do not let anyone make you feel that you're being unreasonable!

welcome Oculi83 & Ana :)

captain - sorry about the BFN :(

firsttry - hope the tww flies by for you. your 2 embryos looks beautiful!

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