Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

ttcbaby-How did your ET go..? your signature tells you put back two...
yay!!congrats on being PUPO...:happydance:
Thank you for the welcome! Don't worry about the questions I'm sure I will have plenty for you soon! I'm on .10 lupron till I get my period, then I'll go in for an ultrasound and start stims. I'm not sure yet what stimming meds my R.E. is going to put me on yet. I'm currently 12 DPO so I should be seeing AF in a day or two. Never thought id be so happy to see the witch! I usually have a pretty regular 28-30 day cycle with a 13-14 day luteal phase.

So far my sweet DH has been giving me my injections and he's been doing a great job! I haven't had any major symptoms yet and no pain with injections but I know it's early. Hopefully the trend will continue ;). I just hope this all works!

Welcome babydreamer-:flower:
Many of us here are first time IVFers too:)
how long are you going to be on lupron??when do you start stimming??what meds are you going to be on?sorry for so many questions..just wanted to know more about your cycle:)
Welcome 1babydreamer my oh had 85% abnormal :spermy: ICSI is so amazing as on my 1st try I'm 4w1d pregnant plays have 2 frosties which we never expected :) I'm confident ICSI will help you too :)
Not long until you start stimming it will fly by :)

ttcbaby I posted in your journal but congrats on being PUPO with twinnies :dance:

:hi: to the rest if yo ladies I hope that you're all doing okay?
Can I join in here? Is that okay?
Today is the first day of my first IVF cycle. We're doing a short protocol Kisspeptin trial :happydance:

I'm 22, DH is 29 and we've been TTC for 18 cycles. We found out a few months ago that DH has extremely low morphology (1%) and I have on the lower side AMH levels for my age.
Very nervous, but super excited to get started :happydance:
First try- congrats on your beta!! Yay!

Missionmommy - congrats on 9 embryos, that's awesome.

Augustluvers- the week will fly! (I hope) gl with your scan :)

Scerena- please list any and all symptoms you had.. Lol

AFM- Wednesday I have my u/s & bloodwork and then they'll teach me how to do the PIO shots... Eek! Getting so close :)

thank u so much Hun:):hugs:
did you ask them about the possibility of taking progesterone as endometrin or crinone gel??? why only pio? what makes them choose one over the othre??just curious!!ask them if u can...is pio more effective?

Ok- so she said when you are doing ivf (fresh cycle) after egg retrival your body has already started producing progesterone. When you do a FET, they have to introduce the progesterone & the PIO shots are better for this. :)

She said my lining looks really good! :yipee: I learned that ill have to be on the estrogen pills and patches the entire time. :/ it's not a big deal but trying to remember to take three little pills a day is hard and I often have to count how many I have to make sure I took all three! Yikes. So, ill probably go back in today and get her to do my first PIO shot!
Welcome 1babydreamer my oh had 85% abnormal :spermy: ICSI is so amazing as on my 1st try I'm 4w1d pregnant plays have 2 frosties which we never expected :) I'm confident ICSI will help you too :)
Not long until you start stimming it will fly by :)

ttcbaby I posted in your journal but congrats on being PUPO with twinnies :dance:

:hi: to the rest if yo ladies I hope that you're all doing okay?

Thank you so much scerena! That gives me so much hope! We couldn't believe after all the testing I had done and even my lap surgery, that it took 1 and 1/2 years for someone to suggest the SCSA test! If we'd done that a year ago we never would have even tried IUI, we would have skipped straight to IVF! Well, better late than never :winkwink:.
Can't wait to start stimming and get this party started! :dance:

Congrats on your :bfp: and here's tons of :dust: for a healthy pregnancy!

Oh, BTW, what does PUPO mean? :blush:

And welcome wellsk! I'm starting my very first IVF too! Let's be buddies :flower: I'm not quite sure what a Kisspeptin Trial is. Do you have to down reg before you start stimming? Oh, and I just love your profile pic! I had that on my FB page for a while. What kind of dog or dogs do you have? I have an 80lb. Alaskan Malamute :).
bma-Thanx so much Hun...well then i should be prepared for the dreaded pio shots too..i though i am done with them!! well anything to take home my own miracle baby/ies :)
and soo u finally start your shots.... yay!for great lining !!!
only 8 days for you to become PUPO...sooo excited for you:hugs:

babydreamer-i dint know what PUPO means too...its PREGNANT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE...but i find the word so cute !
and scerena is right icsi is a lifesaver for spermie issues..my Dh had very poor morphology...al my eggs ended up being successfully fertilized by ICSI :)
MY dh did my shots too:) stimming meds are subcutaneous too..so feel the same..some sting but icing helps!!
hoping your Af comes soon and you get to start:hugs:

My Dh has 1%morpho too....ICSI did great..!!And dont worry about the AMh..all they need are a few good eggies to make a baby..i pray you get many though!
May i ask what a kisspeptin trial is??What ivf protocol and meds are you on?
Good luck for your ivf journey:hugs:
Hi Babydreamer :hugs: That's great, when do you start?
Thanks! I had it on my facebook too, when I saw it I just found it so amusing and true! :haha: I bet your Malamute is gorgeous, and at 80lb, massive!
I have a Dalmatian (Roly) and a Basset Hound (Newton) :cloud9:

Hi mission mommy :hi: Thank you for your reassuring words! I'm sorry that you have the same issue :hugs: I also hope that you get your BFP soon. When do you start?

Both for mission mommy and Babydreamer; Basically Kisspeptin is a replacement trigger hormone instead of hCG. It is hoped that it will reduce the amount of OHSS in women. It is a normal antagonist short protocol, using Gonal 150mg and Cetrotide 250mcg. The only difference is the trigger.

I start injecting Gonal 150mg tomorrow, exciting! :happydance:
Welcome 1babydreamer and wellsk!!! :hi: :dust:

Mission mommy- I start my PIO shots Friday. So, to prepare myself I took the needle ill be using to inject the progesterone and stuck myself just to make sure I can do it! And it didnt hurt at all! Thank god. I'm going to do the PIO shot in the am and sit on my heated seats on the drive to work. If you would like some tips, a sweet girl from bnb posted on my journal. I can post them here or PM you!! :)

Scerena- so how are the calculating your due date since you did ivf? I would think that the transfer date would be the start?!? Confused :shrug: anyway! I'm still so excited have you been testing and testing???? Lol
1babydreamer gl with your upcoming cycle :) I had so many tests/investigations/op and I just wish I went straight to IVF... But things happen for a reason I guess :)

wellsk hey Hun welcome to the thread :) gl again for starting tomorrow, you will do great :)

mission how are things going with you Hun??

Bma yes still been testing and the line is very dark now :) my beta today was 223 and I have a repeat one on Friday :) so crampy though I hate it!
How's things going with you??? Not long now and it all starts again for you :) how you feeling???
I know!!! I'm so excited. :) ready to be PUPO!
I'm feeling fine. I actually ate a banana today & then took all my vitamins & my stomach has been hurting all day!! :dohh:

Yay for the good beta. :cloud9:
bma-hope your tummy is feeling better!! OMG you stuck yourself..i cant get myself to look at the needle when it goes in:wacko:
sure PM the tips please...anything to make it easy!

wellsk-heyy!! i am done with the ER...could not do the transfer as i am to have a hysteroscopy done for a uterine polyp...:dohh:in june
so am going to have an FET in july if everything goes as planned!
woww! the trial sound interesting..!!
good luck for tomorrow!:thumbup:

scerena-Am doing just fine...really impatient as evrythings seems to be on a standstill after the ER...i wish i could have a fresh transfer...the damn polyp:dohh:
And yippee..that sounds like a great Beta..i pray it keeps getting better :hugs:

Am waiting for my AF to arrive..after which they'l schedule my hysteroscopy!
They plan to put me on BCPs for a cycle after that and then finally i start meds for FET..so am expecting it to be mid july! It seems soo far:cry:
Thanks for the welcome Bmall and the good wishes scerena! PUPO, I get it;). That's cute. Thanks again mission_mommy :).

wellsk: I started lupron injections over a week ago to down regulate for long protocol. As soon as the witch arrives I will go in for an U/S and start on stimming meds! I've never wanted the witch to come so bad! Lol. Dalmations are such pretty dogs and bassets are just adorable ;). I work in an animal hospital and I love me some dogs!
Good luck tomorrow and hopefully we will be bump buddies soon!
Mission mommy- lol! I have to do them myself. DH is a baby! Ok he admitted he didn't want to hurt me... But he's a very smart guy he could have just said that to make me go "awe, ok" :haha: anyways.... I'm just glad the needle part doesn't hurt. The rest I can handle. I'm expecting the oil to be uncomfortable and to be a little sore , but that's okay.
Also- I totally understand being impatient, but geez time flies! I'm glad I work though. Even though I wish I didnt :haha: I'd have way too much time to over think and analyze stuff if I didn't :wacko:
July will be here super fast. :)
Mission mommy- lol! I have to do them myself. DH is a baby! Ok he admitted he didn't want to hurt me... But he's a very smart guy he could have just said that to make me go "awe, ok" :haha: anyways.... I'm just glad the needle part doesn't hurt. The rest I can handle. I'm expecting the oil to be uncomfortable and to be a little sore , but that's okay.
Also- I totally understand being impatient, but geez time flies! I'm glad I work though. Even though I wish I didnt :haha: I'd have way too much time to over think and analyze stuff if I didn't :wacko:
July will be here super fast. :)

you my dear are so brave to do an IM by yourself!!! Thank you for the tips though!

I hope time flies for me too....!!!
1babydreamer good luck with your upcoming cycle :hugs:

wellsk :hi: welcome to the thread let us know how you make out today :hugs:

mission how are things going with you Hun??

Bma I did all of my own PIO shots myself. They don't hurt at all. In fact its the after math that hurts lol Make sure to massage the injection sight before and after the injection so you don't sore up.

Scerena ~ How are you?

Starlight ~ How are you making out dear?

Sorry if I missed anyone else. I pray and hope you are all well! :hugs:

As for me ~ I have an issue... and I'm warning you now that it may be tmi, but I need to talk to someone here... Today is day 16 on bcp (desogen). I have been having odd cm for the past week! I thought that I was ovulating last week with all the fertile cm I was having. But then I thought how? I'm on BCP. Anyway, then this morning I did the deed and when I went to the bathroom right after I had brown/red blood. It wasn't like right before a period spotting, it was more of watery and brown/with a tint of red. I put on a liner and went to work. 2 hours later I went to the bathroom and nothing on the liner but after peeing I whiped and there was a smuge of watery brown/red discharge. Now it's been 1.5 hours since then and still nothing on the liner but after peeing there was the fainest smudge of brown. Is this breakthrough bleeding? I have never, in all my years of birth control pills had break through bleeding. I had cramps from Sunday-Tuesday and now this wierd spotting. :shrug:
Thanks Augustluvers!

If it wasn't for the BCP you are on I'd be hoping you were prego! Do you think it could be from the cyst bursting or anything like that? Are you going to call your clinic? I want to know ... :)

AFM- my nurse called this morning. She said nothing is wrong but she wanted me to come in tomorrow for blood work. She said she just wanted to see it from Wednesday to Friday :shrug: so, I can't take the shots until tomorrow afternoon. I'm kind of nervous but she said nothing was wrong so I am trying to just trust! She said she was just being neurotic.... Which it's better than not really caring .
Thanks Augustluvers!

If it wasn't for the BCP you are on I'd be hoping you were prego! Do you think it could be from the cyst bursting or anything like that? Are you going to call your clinic? I want to know ... :)

AFM- my nurse called this morning. She said nothing is wrong but she wanted me to come in tomorrow for blood work. She said she just wanted to see it from Wednesday to Friday :shrug: so, I can't take the shots until tomorrow afternoon. I'm kind of nervous but she said nothing was wrong so I am trying to just trust! She said she was just being neurotic.... Which it's better than not really caring .

I know! That's what I told my husband this morning! LOL But I know I can't be due to the BCP. I think I'm going to wait a little and see if I continue bleeding.

I wouldn't worry about tomorrows visit they probably just want to confirm that you are completely ready for your FET :happydance:
Augustluvers- are you going to take a test just on that little chance you could be? I mean I bet it's from the cyst.

I'm trying not to worry. I wasn't supposed to come back in until the pregnancy test :shrug: but I'm glad & thankful she is being extra cautious with me!
augustluvers-am doing just fine Hun:hugs:. Things are going at a very slow pace right now..waiting on my AF to arrive to schedule my hysteroscopy...only july can make things move forward....hate the wait!!

I had a little spotting when i was on bcps...but if u never spot when on bcps then you should probably talk to your nurse or as bma said do a test...
did you by any chance miss a dose?:shrug:

bma-do not worry Hun..i think too that the nurse is being extra cautious and just wants to see everything goes well..:hugs:

lucie and ttcbaby-how is your tww going?

scerena-i hope you are doing fine Hun:hugs:

i hope all the other ladies are doing fine..:hugs:

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