Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Mission, I have no idea what they are doing next...haha. Look like we will officially consent to the IVF/ICSI on June 14, then get started from there! They'd want to start me on the next cycle but I am not sure what that means!

Screna, thanks! What did your OH do to help with morphology? Also, how are you dong?? Hope your scan on Thursday is perfect :)

1baby, that is great that stimming is going well for you and your ER will come up so soon!! Hope you get lots of great embryos :)

Bma, I have my fingers crossed for you!!!

How exciting! If it's anything like my doc he only does it so many times per year so he put me on BC this cycle to align me with the other patients. That seems to be the standard practice.

FX for you that it's a quick process :)
Starlight ~ I pray that you get to start on June 14th! So excited for you!

Mission ~ I'm sorry that you are in pain :hugs: I pray you start feeling better soon! :hugs:

Scerena ~ I'm so excited for your ultrasound! I see so many IVF girls on here that have to wait so long for their first ultrasound. At my fertility center after your first ultrasound is three days after your second beta. Even though all you can see is the sac. And then you are seen by the FS twice a week until 12 weeks when they discharge you to your OBGYN. :shrug:

1babydreamer ~ Welcome back! I loved lupron and follistim because they are so easy to inject and they don't burn like menopur or bravelle. I actually injected my menupor and bravelle into my thighs and I would pinch my skin at the same time that I was injecting the medication and I that helped me not feel the burn as much. Like you said, it's worth it in the end :hugs: It looks like my estimated ER is June 11th, which means I'm only 3 days behind you! When is you next scan?

BMA ~ I don't know how FET work, but I'm assuming that if your embryos are at 5-6 days, then I would say you did a 5 day transfer :shrug: Like scerena said, don't get disheartened with a bfn, it's still early :hugs: So when do you actually plan to test?

As for me ~ It's been a super crazy weekend so I'm sorry for being so MIA on you girls. Friday I had my appointment and was told to wait for the call to see if I can start my injections. I went to work straight after for only 1.5 hours as I was only scheduled to work from 9am to 12pm but due to my appointment I didn't make it to work until 10:30am. As I left work I got the call!!!!! ~~~~ Start 225iu of Follistim!!!!! I was so freakin happy!!!!! So I went home and had lunch with my husband, then I had a nail appointment with my mother and then the rehearsal dinner for my cousins wedding that I'm in. After the dinner I went to see Fast and Furious 6. I got up saturday morning got ready for the wedding and I didn't make it back home until 12 midnight. I slept in until noon today, went to church and I'm just having a minute to myself! But the good news is that I've got 3 days of stimming under my belt :happydance: so 225 on Friday, 225 on Saturday and 225 today. I go in tomorrow morning for an ultrasound and blood work
Augustluvers- you go girl!!! :) glad you are on your way :happydance:

AFM- I'm going to start testing tomorrow morning! I can't take it and it gives me something to do. :dohh: I have like 26 tests at home so they are taunting me! I don't feel a darn thing which I know is completely normal, but you know how we all wish we could just have some clues!! I have my acupuncture tomorrow as well, hope it helps.
bma-am soo excited you are gonna test tomorrow...i pray you see 2 lines but if u dont, dnt be disappointed ..its too early! But let us kno..i'l be waiting ...
august-yayyy! for starting:happydance:!! waiting to hear how your scan goes..let us know!
scerena-wow!that must be so exciting to be able to see the little bean!
starlight-i hope you get to start soon:)
BMA ~ lol ... I would be the same! Last cycle I tested everyday because i wanted to see the trigger leave my system :rofl: worst thing in the world, but I just know I'll do it again. I have so many cheapie test here at home

I started a blog. I seem to be horrible at keeping up with a journal on here LOL and this way my family and friends can see my progress without seeing everything I do on here. I'm going to add the link to my signature now so you girls can access it as well :)
[U1babydreamer ~ Welcome back! I loved lupron and follistim because they are so easy to inject and they don't burn like menopur or bravelle. I actually injected my menupor and bravelle into my thighs and I would pinch my skin at the same time that I was injecting the medication and I that helped me not feel the burn as much. Like you said, it's worth it in the end :hugs: It looks like my estimated ER is June 11th, which means I'm only 3 days behind you! When is you next scan?

As for me ~ It's been a super crazy weekend so I'm sorry for being so MIA on you girls. Friday I had my appointment and was told to wait for the call to see if I can start my injections. I went to work straight after for only 1.5 hours as I was only scheduled to work from 9am to 12pm but due to my appointment I didn't make it to work until 10:30am. As I left work I got the call!!!!! ~~~~ Start 225iu of Follistim!!!!! I was so freakin happy!!!!! So I went home and had lunch with my husband, then I had a nail appointment with my mother and then the rehearsal dinner for my cousins wedding that I'm in. After the dinner I went to see Fast and Furious 6. I got up saturday morning got ready for the wedding and I didn't make it back home until 12 midnight. I slept in until noon today, went to church and I'm just having a minute to myself! But the good news is that I've got 3 days of stimming under my belt :happydance: so 225 on Friday, 225 on Saturday and 225 today. I go in tomorrow morning for an ultrasound and blood work

Thanks Hun! We're getting close now! I have an appointment tomorrow for another scan and bloodwork to check my estrogen levels. I've been having ovulation type cramping on both sides and TMI alert, I have been swimming in eggwhites for the last two days!! I totally understand too about being super busy but it's nice that it helps the time fly :winkwink: Hopefully we are on our way to our BFP's and will be bump buddies! :hugs:

Ladies, I have to tell you that I'm really nervous because of hubby's DFI %. Trying to stay positive but he's at 38% and even with the TESE procedure and ICSI, I've heard chances are not great for success :nope:. It really increases our chances of a MC even if implantation is successful. But I'm hoping we will be a miraculous exception! I'm thinking of doing acupuncture the day of transfer but I've never done it before. Should I bother or should I have already done it sooner? Does anyone have any thoughts?
babydreamer- thanks Hun:hugs:!!! Looks like you are responding pretty well!! Lupron was my Fav too and i have to do it again before my FET!
I had a lap last year march but looks like it has grown back :cry:i guess its the stimming meds ! Well mine was severe..so i guess its easy for it to be back!:shrug:

I was worried about that too. Before I went on BCP in my early twenties I had two really bad ovarian cysts and my endo always made periods wretched! I was worried when we started all the fertility treatments that it would make things worse before we got pregnant. Luckily you are being monitored closely and hopefully after your lap you will fall pregnant on the first cycle after! My fingers are crossed for you and I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
augustluvers I'm not doing my u/s through the clinic I'm doing it privately closer to home, I could have done it before but I'd rather go when there is more of a chance of seeing the heartbeat otherwise I will worry myself crazy, I also had my betas that reassured me I was pregnant :)

Gl with your ultrasound :)
Sounds like you had a busy weekend :hugs: I want to watch the new fast and furious me and oh will go when we get a chance :)

Bma can't wait to start seeing your tests :) I didn't do acupuncture but I've heard good things about it :)

mission I'm praying my scan is an exciting one :) I'm very worried :( hope you're doing okay???

1babydreamer I have no idea about acu as I didn't do it but I have heard real good things about it :)

The egg whites are normal :) how many days into Stims are you??
Of course it was negative this morning. I knew it was too early to test so I am well aware! :) BUT I woke up to pee around 12am and laid back down and felt pressure in my abdomen. I wouldn't say like rolling cramps or anything but just pressure etc like maybe AF. So, I will take that as a good sign! Woop!

Ill get back to you ladies when I can... Busy day at work. :)
Don't be disheartened Hun :hugs: mine was bfn at 4dpt too :hugs:

I've everything crossed for you Hun I really do :hugs:
Quick update for me. Just finished with transfer. We transferred two 5AA blasts!! We have 5 more grade 5AA left plus all 21 left are still developing. We'll know tomorrow how many make it to freeze! This went way better than I could ever have imagined!!
Good deal BABYLOVE! Take it easy now. :)
scerena - glad you're doing well! :) those are good tips for DH. We were chatting over the weekend and we are definitely going to do IVF, but hubby wants to try it without ICSI at first (if that is an option), so we will talk about that next Friday at the IVF consent meeting. So excited to get started!

bma - everything crossed for you!! xxoo

brandy - thank you! how are you doing?

missionmommy - thanks! how are you feeling?? I also hope that we can start soon and that it moves quick. Just got AF today, so not sure what that means for starting time? I am a big newbie lol

august - that is amazing that you have started stimming!!! how is it going so far, feeling good? yay!

babylove - how exciting!! :) :) :)
1babydreamer- I started acupuncture jan 30 of this year. I went for a good 6-10 sessions I can't remember and then I stopped because 80 dollars a week is a lot of money! So, I haven't gone regularly for a while and decided to go the week of stimming, embryo transfer and right after embryo transfer. I'd say go and talk to the acupuncurists!! It can't hurt :)
starlight sounds good Hun :) fx'd that will be an option for you and oh :) next Friday is so soon :) exciting!!! :hugs:
babylove-wohooo! thats a brilliant number and am sure you'l get a lot to freeze!
And CONGRATULATIONS!!...you are PUPO with twins:happydance:

starlight-Am feeling fine Hun...just want this surgery to be done fast...dont want to stay on pain meds anymore!
I guess they'l give you a plan on your next visit...if your Dh's SA was good i dont think they'l have a problem with doing ivf without icsi..you'l also have an option of doing half in petri dish and half icsi if you have good number of eggs!!

scerena-dont you worry Hun:hugs:..with the Betas you got i am sure the little one is healthy..am sure you'l give us a happy update on your scan soon!Am doing fine...The waiting is getting longer..am getting impatient!

Bma-:hugs:i'l pray the next test you do is positive..it was really too early! But the af like pressure sounds positive to me...they say the uterus strecthing feels like af cramps....fx'd for you:hugs:

babydreamer-thank u so much Hun!:hugs:i hope so too!

august-heyy! waiting on your update!
Quick update for me. Just finished with transfer. We transferred two 5AA blasts!! We have 5 more grade 5AA left plus all 21 left are still developing. We'll know tomorrow how many make it to freeze! This went way better than I could ever have imagined!!

Thats totally awesome :) congrats! I am sure you will do great and it sounds like alot of embies will be waiting for you.

scerena - glad you're doing well! :) those are good tips for DH. We were chatting over the weekend and we are definitely going to do IVF, but hubby wants to try it without ICSI at first (if that is an option), so we will talk about that next Friday at the IVF consent meeting. So excited to get started!

bma - everything crossed for you!! xxoo

brandy - thank you! how are you doing?

missionmommy - thanks! how are you feeling?? I also hope that we can start soon and that it moves quick. Just got AF today, so not sure what that means for starting time? I am a big newbie lol

august - that is amazing that you have started stimming!!! how is it going so far, feeling good? yay!

babylove - how exciting!! :) :) :)

Just got back from my trial transfer and hysteroscope... well now I have to have surgery to remove 2 Polyps Friday... yay just another thing to add to the madness of all this IVF crap.
Babylove ~ Congrats on being PUPO!!!! I'm so happy that your transfer went well, rest up! :hugs:

BMA ~ It's still too early, so don't lose hope!

As for me ~ my ultrasound went well this morning. I have lots of follicles! They changed my medications for tonight and tomorrow. I have to take 75iu of Follistim and 75iu of Menopur tonight and tomorrow night, and tomorrow morning I have to start the ganirelix. Estimated ER is Monday/Tuesday. My next appointment it WEdnesday :happydance:
BabyLove That's great news!! :happydance: Congrats on being PUPO and get some good rest so those embies can get all snuggly in there!

scerena I've never done acupuncture either but I've been wanting to try. I'm at 6 days stimming going into my appointment today and at my scan today I have 15 good follies between 10 and 12. Three more days of stimming my Dr. says and then the trigger shot. Estimated retrieval if all goes well is this Saturday 6/8 and then an estimated 5 day transfer on Thursday 6/13. Getting close now! How are you feeling? When is your next scan?

How are the rest of you ladies doing?

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