Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Mission ~ the estimated ER is Monday, but the nurse just called and said that it can be as early as Sunday with the way I'm stimming lol

I no longer need follistim, I'm now doing 150ui of menopur.
August- WHOO hoo! How exciting. Just a few days away !!

Scerena- so excited for you to update on your scan <3
August- WHOO hoo! How exciting. Just a few days away !!

Scerena- so excited for you to update on your scan <3

I know! I can't believe how fast this is all passing by! I feel like the days are flying by! I can't believe I'm already on day 6 of stims! It's crazy!
Obviously I can not say what worked or didn't. But just in case any of you are interested..... I took 81 mg aspirin daily to help blood flow to my uterus and still am. Along with my prenatal. I also ate one piece of pineapple core starting the day of embryo transfer(after the procedure). You cut the core into 5 pieces and eat one piece for 5 days. :)
Bma thank you, I will update tomorrow I'm scared about his scan!!!
I feel like a drug addict with all these drugs and needles sitting in a nicely organized box... I drool when I look at it.. I cant wait to stick myself.

If I said that anywhere else I would be taken to rehab im sure.
Bma-THank you for the tips Hun..i'l remember to do that..i read on someother threads too that women took aspirin wich helped but did not know about pineapple core...its so nice of you that you shared with us!:hugs:

august-yay!that not so far away...time went really fast during my stimming too...you are not that far away from being pupo!!:happydance:

scerena-woww...thats so exciting....share with us any scan pics if they give them to you...:hugs: fx'dthe scan wil go great Hun!
Bma that is so exciting!! Congrats!! Can't wait to hear about your first scan.

August I totally feel your pain! I have been so exhausted and uncomfortable the last few days but I'm set for ER on Saturday!! :happydance: Fingers crossed both of our ER's go well and we get plenty of good eggies!!

scerena good luck on your scan!

Brandy, your funny! When do you start your injections?

Mission, how are you? I know how much torture waiting is as I'm the least patient person on the planet, but time has already flown by and I know August will be here before you know it!

AFM, it's so hard to find the energy to do anything lately! I get home from work and I'm just exhausted! The last few days of stimming have really been a little tough on my body and I'm so bloated and uncomfortable all the time and the headaches are not fun. I knew there would be side effects but the exhaustion is a surprise. I feel like I can fall asleep standing at any moment! Lol!
I go in tomorrow for another scan and possibly my trigger shot and then ER on Saturday!! :happydance::happydance: Nervous but excited!!
Bma that is so exciting!! Congrats!! Can't wait to hear about your first scan.

August I totally feel your pain! I have been so exhausted and uncomfortable the last few days but I'm set for ER on Saturday!! :happydance: Fingers crossed both of our ER's go well and we get plenty of good eggies!!

scerena good luck on your scan!

Brandy, your funny! When do you start your injections?

Mission, how are you? I know how much torture waiting is as I'm the least patient person on the planet, but time has already flown by and I know August will be here before you know it!

AFM, it's so hard to find the energy to do anything lately! I get home from work and I'm just exhausted! The last few days of stimming have really been a little tough on my body and I'm so bloated and uncomfortable all the time and the headaches are not fun. I knew there would be side effects but the exhaustion is a surprise. I feel like I can fall asleep standing at any moment! Lol!
I go in tomorrow for another scan and possibly my trigger shot and then ER on Saturday!! :happydance::happydance: Nervous but excited!!

haha my first injections are next Friday... 9 days but whos counting lol
Scerena- thinking of you!!!

Mission mommy- only 6 days left, let them pass by fast! :)

Augustluvers- hope you're feeling okay, take it easy , relief is coming!

1babydreamer- relief is coming your way! I swear the hour before retrieval was the worse for me, it hurt more to sit and even walk... But all for a good cause, take it easy!

BABYLOVE- how are you feeling? Sending prayers your way girl. :)
Scerena- thinking of you!!!

Mission mommy- only 6 days left, let them pass by fast! :)

Augustluvers- hope you're feeling okay, take it easy , relief is coming!

1babydreamer- relief is coming your way! I swear the hour before retrieval was the worse for me, it hurt more to sit and even walk... But all for a good cause, take it easy!

BABYLOVE- how are you feeling? Sending prayers your way girl. :)

CONGRATS BMA!!! :happydance: Looking forward to seeing your beta tomorrow!

I'm feeling okay, too early to test but I don't feel anything. I had some cramping yesterday but they said that was normal after the transfer. Other than that just sore boobs from the progesterone, they are super swollen, and I'm still bloated. I just went back to work this morning. I really don't want to take the mini ovidrel shot on Friday so that I can test this weekend, but I can't not follow the doctor's orders. :growlmad:
Baby love- test before you take the ovidrel on Friday. Lol I got a barely there line on Monday which was 4dp5dt...(and that's not normal, so if you do don't get discouraged). Anyways. I still don't feel anything so don't worry and I say this for both our sakes. I want to feel stuff just to make sure all is okay, but I barely feel anything and when I do it's not much and not all day. When do you go in for your beta test?
I plan on testing but it'll only be 4dp5dt so I don't expect to see anything. After that, I won't be able to test and get an actual positive (not false from the ovidrel) until probably the next weekend. My beta is scheduled for June 17th. It feels sooo far away!!! My birthday is June 20th so I hope I get good news.
I know I shouldn't expect to feel anything now, but I just feel so normal, it's weird, I don't know how to explain it...
Yeah, I felt the same way. Just stay positive! There is no reason it shouldn't happen for you :)
Babylove ~ I'm guessing they are testing you so far away to make sure that the ovidrel is out of your system? :shrug: I pray that you get great news!

Bma ~ So happy for you! Congrats again! :hugs:

Scerena ~ I saw your post on your journal about your scan today! So exciting that you got to see the heartbeat! :happydance:

As for me~ I had a horrible evening last night. I was so cranky and hormonal. I was not in the mood to deal with anyone. And I woke up in the same mood with more bloating and cramping and globs of I don't know what! I have a headache of the year as well. But I know, it'll be worth it and it's almost over. I can't wait for my ultrasound tomorrow!
Augustluvers- you poor thing! :hugs: sorry for the cramping and headache ! Hope you feel better soon. :)
Congrats Bma! :)
I'm waiting to find out if I'm going to have a 3 day transfer or 5 day. So impatient for tomorrow to know!
I've only got 3 embryos, so I think two will have become the strong pair and I'll have the transfer tomorrow.
Wellsk- how exciting!!! Good luck & I've got everything crossed for you :dust:
babydreamer-heyy Hun! Let us know how your scan went!So,are you triggering today??

Bma-I was soo happy to see your tests getting darker..!its funny how we want symptoms to show up so quick....nausea ,morning sickness are like the things we wish for...
It must be a great feeling to finally be able to say that you are pregnant!:cloud9:

august-aww..i hope you feel better soon..but once you have those eggies out..you'l be fine HUn:hugs:

Wellsk-Goodluck for your transfer:thumbup:
babydreamer-heyy Hun! Let us know how your scan went!So,are you triggering today??

I feel just awful today! Work was tough. It's just like August described. I feel headachy, exhausted, cranky and hormonal and I have no appetite! I'm usually starving when I wake up but the last two days I haven't wanted any breakfast and I barely eat anything all day. So not like me!
My scan went okay but my RE wants me to do one more night of stimming and trigger tomorrow. So now my ER date is Sunday with a hopeful five day transfer on Friday 6/14 :happydance: He said I have quite a few good sized follies already on my right but he wants some of the smaller ones to catch up.

Wellsk, good luck on your transfer and let us know how it goes!!

Bma, So happy for you! Throw some of that awesome baby dust our way! :winkwink:

BabyLove, I know the waiting is torture! Fingers crossed for you!

Hope everyone else is doing well :flower:

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