Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

woww! August..44 is huge..i can imagine how full and sore you must be down there..but on the bright side you have so many follies and potential eggies....yayy!Am excited for you...you are getting so close to ER!!:hugs:
Augustluvers- oh my gosh! 44 follicles! You go girl :) I know how uncomfy that u/a wand is. :/ sorry about y'all's mishap but glAd you finally made it home!!

Oh I'm so excited for you!!

I know! I'm drinking lots of water, I'm so afraid of OHSS!

Wow that amazing... I would make sure you get plenty of fluids and rest ALOT :shrug: it will all be worth it :)
Oh my goodness August!! 44 follies! No wonder you're uncomfortable!! I only have like 18 and I'm ready for them to be taken out!!

In the sitting room now as DH has his TESE procedure and then I'm up for my collection! Fingers crossed for plenty if good solid envies and enough good sperm to make us pregnant! :)
Oh my goodness August!! 44 follies! No wonder you're uncomfortable!! I only have like 18 and I'm ready for them to be taken out!!

In the sitting room now as DH has his TESE procedure and then I'm up for my collection! Fingers crossed for plenty if good solid envies and enough good sperm to make us pregnant! :)

Good luck with your retrieval!
babydreamer-waiting to hear how your retrieval goes....good luck Hun:thumbup:
babydreamer old luck can't wait to hear ow it all went :)

august that's amazing!!! Go you!!! I agree rest and drink plenty :hugs:

mission, starlight, brandy, Bma hope you're all doing okay??
Thanks girls, retrieval went really well! They got 17 and my Dr, was happy. They also got plenty from DH to use for fresh and enough for 4 frozen. I'll get the call tomorrow to see how many are viable. Feeling OK just a bit crampy and gassy and DH and I are replacing the rest of today :)
Oops. That should have been relaxing. Stupid tablet lol.
Finding that now that all the "happy drugs" are out of my system I'm not feeling so great. My boobs are sooooooooooo sore and sensitive to the touch and there's uncomfortable pressure that's worse when I pee. Drinking tons if water though just to be safe!

How is everyone?
1babydreamer- chug the Gatorade or coconut water. You might be bloated but it helps!!! Can't wait to hear the fertilization report!! :)
1babydreamer ~ I'm so happy that your ER went so well. But I'm sorry you are feeling the aftermath now. Like the girls say... drink up and rest.

As for me ~ I'm finding it difficult to do my injections now that my tummy is sore :wacko: But I'm getting them done! I can't wait for my appointment tomorrow. I'm praying that these follicles are within range to get my trigger shot tomorrow and ER on Wednesday. I do have a lot of follicles (44+) however the nurse and tech believe only 1/2 of them will be retrieved and maybe 10-12 actual mature eggs, but hey all I need is one!
yayyy BABYDREAMER!!!thats a good number!! So sorry you are sore!!
But half the job is done..relax until the next step..soon to be PUPO:)
How many are you planning on putting back in?

August-Not long before your ER Hun! you are right..al we need is one to work but am sure you'l get many !!

scerena-Am doing just fine Hun,...how are you..it must be amazing to be preggers...:cloud9:
Thanks BMA, Mission and August. I'm drinking tons even though I'm sooooooo bloated! :0
Mission, we're hoping to put back two perfect embies. We'd love twins!
August, my fingers are crossed for your appointment tomorrow and I know you'll have plenty of good eggs to use! Like u said it just takes one ;).
1babydreamer yes drink plenty and rest as much as you can :hugs: looking forward to hearing your fert report :)

August I remember my stomach getting sore from the injections :hugs: yes you only need one :) I had 17 BIG follicles- the rest were under 10/12 but I got 9 eggs- one transferred and 2 frozen- so remember its quality vs quantity although I think you're going to do great :)

mission yes it is Hun, will be your turn soon :hugs: although now I worry more than ever- I thought IVF was worrying but this is crazy! Just hope all continues okay...

I'm glad you're doing okay- I'm loosing track- are you planning to do your FET in July/August?
baby dreamer - Congrats! Just a few more days and you'll be PUPO!

August - Hopefully you get good news and are able to trigger today!! Sounds like you're going to have a lot to work with. They got 32 eggs from me so I know how uncomfortable you are right now

Mission - Not long now and you'll be on your way.

AFM - I had to do an mini HCG booster on Friday so I have no way of knowing if the transfer worked :growlmad:
I have been testing since then. Saturday and Sunday's tests were kinda light but this morning's test was quite a bit darker. I am hoping that is a good sign. I'm thinking, since it was half of an ovidrel shot that we did, that it should be out of my system by Thursday or Friday, but I still don't think I'll trust the hpt until we get a positive beta! It's driving me crazy waiting :wacko:
babylove ~ I hope your test continues to get darker. A full Ovidrel shot usually last about 8-10 days. I think that both times I used Ovidrel it lasted 9 days in my system. So if you took a half shot then I would say probably 5 days, everyone metabolizes differently. I would take the test at the same time very day. I did mine at 6am every morning and they never got darker, so maybe it's a great thing that yours are getting darker :happydance:

Well it's crazy weather here in South Jersey today. It's no rain to straight down pour and then drizzle to down pour every 5 minutes! The weather is giving me a whiplash :rofl: I'm about to get ready and shower up for my appointment. I can't believe that my appointment is so late in the day, but there are about 15 IVF couples all around the same cycle day so that explains the late or early ultrasounds. Girls... I'm super excited. I just want this to work so badly. :winkwink:
babylove-i have been thinking about you Hun!!...i thnk too that the tests getting daarker is a good sign..fx'd it continues to get darker..:hugs:

scerena-heyy..am doing my FET in august...it was july earlier but when i decided on lap , they wanted me to recover for a month before going forward!!
i know it must be soo hard not to worry....but that was a beautiful hearbeat Hun and praying for you that it stays healthy!:hugs:

august-wishing you goodluck for your appt. Hun...hope you get to trigger soon!:hugs:

:hugs:to everyone else
So I'm at work but I got the fertilization report. Out if 17, 9 have fertilized!! Whooohoo! Still set for a 5 day transfer this Friday. Hopefully all will make it to transfer so we can out two back and freeze the rest! :)
yay! BABYDREAMER,so happy for you...wishing al make it to blasts...not long before your ET..you must be so excited!!:happydance:

bma-congrats again on that great beta!!:hugs:

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