Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Hey ladies!!
Brandy, so excited for your transfer! Are you going to put two or one back? Sorry if you mentioned already. I am so foggy headed these days :blush:

Bma, I'm doing ok, thanks and yay for an early gender scan!! :happydance: I'm sure everything else will turn out just fine with your little beebs :thumbup:

mmbelle, I echo what Bma said, it took a while for all my follies to grow and for the smaller ones to catch up. I think I stimmed for 10 days before my trigger shot. My collection even got pushed a day because my RE wanted me to stim for one more day and then trigger so the smaller follies could catch up. At collection I had 17 but only 9 fertilized. Remember, it's quality, not quantity :winkwink: Try to keep your chin up. This infertility rollercoaster can be a real killer!

Starlight, that's awesome! You're on your way to being PUPO!! Sending out good vibes and :dust: for your collection and transfer!

AFM, I just got my immune tests back and apparently I have elevated thyroid antibodies :dohh:. It means that my thyroid is on it's way to being destroyed and since your thyroid regulates hormones and so much of your body's functions, problems with it can cause early miscarriages as your body attacks the embryos. Soooooooooo they're thinking that's why we had such an early chemical when everything else was so perfect including my lil embies. Even though I had my TSH tested when we did our fertility workup over a year ago and my level was in the "normal" range, the TSH thyroid test only registers a thyroid problem when you already have full blown thyroiditis! You can have elevated thyroid antibodies for years before your thyroid is actually destroyed and then find out you have the autoimmune disease hashimotos :shrug:. So frustrating!! I wish we had had this testing done before my first IVF and we might actually still be pregnant now :nope:.
So anyway, now we proceed with my cycle just like last time except this time I stay on the prednisone until 12 weeks. I scheduled an appointment with my GP to have a full thyroid panel test done and hopefully get on some meds to stop my thyroid from being destroyed. Infertility, with it's costs and problems, is scary enough without facing an autoimmune disease too! :wacko:
I'm getting a little beat down with all these obstacles being thrown our way :cry:
Glad that your stimmin is going fine and few more days till er and pupo.

BMA- so exciting that you can know the gender of your lil ones soon...
A question for you..when did you start baby aspirin before fet?? Did your doctor prescribe it??

Brandy- yay!! Soon to be pupo!!

Baby dreamer- am so sorry to hear about the thyroid issue..I had a tsh 15 when I tested before ivf..I was very shocked because six months earlier I had normal test results... My thyroid antibodies were elevated too... Am on 100 Mcg levothyroxine which is keeping levels normal..but am happy that it was detected and treated.
Did you test for auto immune issues..I heard there are special tests to find those...my doctor did not test me and I have prednisone only for a few says around transfer...should I be talking to my doctor about it....
Glad that your stimmin is going fine and few more days till er and pupo.

BMA- so exciting that you can know the gender of your lil ones soon...
A question for you..when did you start baby aspirin before fet?? Did your doctor prescribe it??

Brandy- yay!! Soon to be pupo!!

Baby dreamer- am so sorry to hear about the thyroid issue..I had a tsh 15 when I tested before ivf..I was very shocked because six months earlier I had normal test results... My thyroid antibodies were elevated too... Am on 100 Mcg levothyroxine which is keeping levels normal..but am happy that it was detected and treated.
Did you test for auto immune issues..I heard there are special tests to find those...my doctor did not test me and I have prednisone only for a few says around transfer...should I be talking to my doctor about it....

Yes, I had all the auto immune tests and the chromosomal abnormalities bloodwork done after my chemical. My RE wanted to run all the immunological tests to rule those out because he just couldn't understand why we lost it. Good thing we did! My TSH was 1.5 a year ago which is totally normal but my thyroid antibodies were way elevated so I want to talk to my GP about getting on levothyroxine too. I would definitely talk to your RE about staying on the pred until the heartbeat at least. My RE is pretty sure that's why we miscarried. I only took it for four days which would explain why there was implantation but once I stopped, the antibodies attacked the embryo :nope:
Maybe the levothyroxine is enough to regulate it without the pred but I would ask anyway. I know that once you are pregnant your thyroid goes all wacky because of the hormones, so that worries me. That's why I want to talk to my GP too. I know that for the first 12 weeks, the baby relies on the mother for thyroid function until the baby develops their own.
Here's a good website with info about thyroid function and infertility:
and this one: https://hypothyroidmom.com/hashimotos-disease-the-danger-of-thyroid-antibodies-and-pregnancy/
Hey ladies!!
Brandy, so excited for your transfer! Are you going to put two or one back? Sorry if you mentioned already. I am so foggy headed these days :blush:

Bma, I'm doing ok, thanks and yay for an early gender scan!! :happydance: I'm sure everything else will turn out just fine with your little beebs :thumbup:

mmbelle, I echo what Bma said, it took a while for all my follies to grow and for the smaller ones to catch up. I think I stimmed for 10 days before my trigger shot. My collection even got pushed a day because my RE wanted me to stim for one more day and then trigger so the smaller follies could catch up. At collection I had 17 but only 9 fertilized. Remember, it's quality, not quantity :winkwink: Try to keep your chin up. This infertility rollercoaster can be a real killer!

Starlight, that's awesome! You're on your way to being PUPO!! Sending out good vibes and :dust: for your collection and transfer!

AFM, I just got my immune tests back and apparently I have elevated thyroid antibodies :dohh:. It means that my thyroid is on it's way to being destroyed and since your thyroid regulates hormones and so much of your body's functions, problems with it can cause early miscarriages as your body attacks the embryos. Soooooooooo they're thinking that's why we had such an early chemical when everything else was so perfect including my lil embies. Even though I had my TSH tested when we did our fertility workup over a year ago and my level was in the "normal" range, the TSH thyroid test only registers a thyroid problem when you already have full blown thyroiditis! You can have elevated thyroid antibodies for years before your thyroid is actually destroyed and then find out you have the autoimmune disease hashimotos :shrug:. So frustrating!! I wish we had had this testing done before my first IVF and we might actually still be pregnant now :nope:.
So anyway, now we proceed with my cycle just like last time except this time I stay on the prednisone until 12 weeks. I scheduled an appointment with my GP to have a full thyroid panel test done and hopefully get on some meds to stop my thyroid from being destroyed. Infertility, with it's costs and problems, is scary enough without facing an autoimmune disease too! :wacko:
I'm getting a little beat down with all these obstacles being thrown our way :cry:

We are actually transferring 3 :happydance:

Although no one ever wants to find anything wrong iwth them it gives you a little insight into what went wrong possibly and how to prevent it in the future :hugs: It's alot better than sorry unexplained infertility :dohh:

I hope everything goes smoothly from here on out for you!
I forgot this website which is very helpful!
Starlight- you are getting closer to er and et :happydance:

Brandy - good luck tomorrow with your transfer :hugs: so happy for you!

Mmbelle- like bma said... quality over quantity. I had 40 follicles and only 10 mature at retrieval. Plus a fews days cab bring some more follicles :hugs:

Bma- last night I dreamed about having a scan and my twins were dressed in pink dresses with tiaras! :rofl: I cant wait to know what you are having.

AFM - tomorrow is my 6w4d ultrasound. We should be able to hear the babies heartbeats. Im excited and scared! I just pray they are both well. I have no symptoms but everyone keeps saying they usually start during week 7 :shrug: I've been going crazy. ..I leave to San Francisco on july 24 and im gone for two weeks. I booked a non stop 5.5 hour flight. My ivf nurse said ill be ok but I'm still a little scared. Any advice?
Starlight- you are getting closer to er and et :happydance:

Brandy - good luck tomorrow with your transfer :hugs: so happy for you!

Mmbelle- like bma said... quality over quantity. I had 40 follicles and only 10 mature at retrieval. Plus a fews days cab bring some more follicles :hugs:

Bma- last night I dreamed about having a scan and my twins were dressed in pink dresses with tiaras! :rofl: I cant wait to know what you are having.

AFM - tomorrow is my 6w4d ultrasound. We should be able to hear the babies heartbeats. Im excited and scared! I just pray they are both well. I have no symptoms but everyone keeps saying they usually start during week 7 :shrug: I've been going crazy. ..I leave to San Francisco on july 24 and im gone for two weeks. I booked a non stop 5.5 hour flight. My ivf nurse said ill be ok but I'm still a little scared. Any advice?

Thank you for the well wishes!

I wouldnt worry about not having any symptoms you will be paid back later in the pregnancy epecially carrying twins :) Enjoy it while you can. That will be so cute to see the heartbeats :cloud9:
Baby dreamer- I'm happy you found out the reason. So many people never get te answers to why ivf didn't work. Your RE sounds pretty amazing, I loved mine but when I brought up immunology issues he kind of just emailed and said there isn't enough research etc. but yet he put me on prednisone ??

Mission mommy- I started the baby aspirin as soon as I started the BCP. I keep taking it as well. My RE actually told me he didn't think I needed it but that it definitely would not hurt!

Augustluvers- funny dream! I haven't had any about my twins :( I sure so hope we can tell the gender that day--- it's definitely not guaranteed I will know but hopefully!! Oh yeah I still rarely have any symptoms. The only time I have vomited is after brushing my teeth. I've gotten nausea the last three days but nothing crazy! So, for whatever reason it's been breezy for me! Hope for you as well. Can't wait to hear about your scan,

Advice for traveling.... Keep yourself hydrated and get up and walk around every now and again. That was the instructions for me when I drove from tx to tn!!

Thank you so much:hugs: BABYDREAMER, the hypothyroid mom site had great info.. my RE is taking the right steps..she did get my tsh down to 1.5 which is recommended for pregnancy..i guess she knows what she is doin but i wil write a mail to my nurse asking about immune issues..
did you get your tsh tested again??

bma- thanks hun:hugs:...i started taking it yesterday...any other tips for FET?

august- wow..hearing hearbeats sounds exciting...il pray the little ones are fine!:hugs:

hello everyone!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Not really. I at a piece of pineapple core for 5 days starting the day of transfer. :)
Mission, I'm seeing my GP tomorrow and I'm going to have my TSH redone as well as all the other thyroid tests Just want to check all the boxes ;). I'll let you know what happens :)
Brandy ~ I wish you the best with your transfer :hugs:

1babydreamer ~ good luck at your appointment today :hugs: I pray that all goes well.

How is everyone today?

Afm ~ Had my heartbeat scan today. We saw both heartbeats! Babies look so tiny. Baby A has a heart beat of 117 and baby B - 121. Nurse said that for 6w4d this is very good! Babies are measuring on point and I'm measuring 6d4d which is right on target :happydance:
Hi Ladies!

I am feeling better after the shock wore off that I didn't produce a million follies so I am doing much better now, thanks to all of you for your nice words and support!! :)

BMA- I started stimming on July 8th, so a week ago. (Same as Starlight) They increased my dose to 225iu on the 4th day. But its stayed they same since then.

Congrats August!! How exciting!!!!

I have gone in for a scan the past 3 mornings and my follies are still very small, the largest is 1cm. But there were 9 today instead of 8 so that is exciting. The estimated ER day is Saturday but maybe later if they don't start growing faster!! :)

Good Luck today with ET Brandy!! Praying for you! :)

I hope everyone else is doing well :)
bma--great that the babies are doing well! and your toothbrush tales made me lol, although I am sure it is very unpleasant!!

mmbelle--there is still lots of time for your follies to grow and catch up! when is your next scan? I have had two scans so far, and I have 5-6 lead follies then lots of small ones. they increased my dosage yesterday and today, then will have another scan tomorrow, so hoping to see more growth!! Great that you have 8 follies now. I think that my ER will be around the same time as you!

1babydreamer--glad that you were able to get an idea of what may be the issue. It must be really tough and I am thinking of you xxoo. I wish you lots of luck and babydust in your upcoming cycle!!

missionmommy--how are you doing? :)

brandy--transferring 3, how exciting!

august--how exciting to see the heartbeats!!!
Bma- thanks hunni..i'l try that too:) At this point wanna do everything that can benefit the cycle...

babydreamer-i hope your tests results come out just fine hun:hugs:

august-woww! that sounds good!

starlight-am doing fine Hun!your Er is so near..did you trigger yet???

scerena -missing u here..how r u and the little ones?
Thats totally cool August!


I have 3 top grade 5D Blasts. The rest will be frozen ;)
mission aww thanks for missing me I've missed you all too :hugs: sorry I haven't been on much I'm rubbish with my journal too- I have been silently stalking though :)

I'm doing good thanks, my little one is doing good as far as I know- I will find out on my scan on Monday- nervous but excited!!!

How are you feeling??? What date is your FET do you know???

brandy congrats on being PUPO :happydance:

starlight so good to see you've started :) 5-6 lead follicles is good :) gl with your scan tomorrow :hugs:

1babydreamer gl at the doctors today :hugs: :hugs:

mmbelle87 gl with your cycle :)

Bma how are your twins doing???

august brilliant news that you heard the heartbeats and that both twins are right on track :)

:hi: to anyone I missed :)

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