Buddies who are TTC for #1?

Sorry, I've had a crazy and busy weekend!

I'm sorry for the bfn, Pnut, but at least you're not out of the game yet! Some people have only had their bfps after 10-14 days after a missed period. So who knows!
Hi ladies! Sorry for the brief absence...10 year anniversary of hurricane Katrina and, thus, a whole lot of benefits/etc...to go to in New Orleans it seems (every law firm I work for was doing something I just had to be at apparently). It should be calming down now thank God.

- How are things shaping up for you? I'm sorry about the BFN, that sucks every time it happens. I've read a ton of stories that make me think that a BFP at 9-12 dpo is more an anomaly than the rule...like Kuji said, many women don't get positive urine tests until 14 dpo and later. Don't count yourself out to AF arrives properly and, even if she does, I am here to be your September cycle buddy! :winkwink: I'm sure it provides our SO's immense comfort to know that we are planning when to sleep with them down to the last detail with other women on the internet! Just kidding. My husband doesn't even know I'm on these forums, he would find it irreparably silly I'm sure. :blush:

Kuji It is so weird that scent sensitivity and food aversion is a thing with pregnancy! What a bizarre evolutionary tactic, what smells are getting to you the most? One of my pregnant friends absolutely cannot stand the smell of coffee at the moment and she was the biggest coffee addict I had ever seen prior to her pregnancy!

I'm going to the OB/GYN tomorrow to establish myself as a new patient and talk to her about what I should be doing I guess (I'll probably try to get her to put me on prenatal vitamins just to error on the side of caution). Hoping this bizarre cycle was just a fluke and not indicative of something more serious, I have enough anxiety as is. :wacko:
That's alright, it's understandable :) I hope things went well!

Right now I can't stand the scent of orange peels! I had thrown some out in the trash a few weeks ago and I swear the smell is still there!!!! And the trash has been emptied since then! I tried to see if maybe a piece fell somewhere but I can't see where it would be. And it seems to really be coming from the trash. I checked it out properly though and gave it a wash. :( Oh well.
That and the scent of my chinchilla's urine is just 100 times worse to me. I try to stay away from the animal's room now if I don't need to be in there. I just do my daily food and water check and get out!

Okay, that's probably a good idea! I'm sure things will be fine and she can give you some answers and advice! Prenatals would definitely be a good idea though. I had been taking mine since March haha! I wanted to be very sure that they were at least 2 months in my system before ttc.
Orange peels? People buy cleaning products to make their houses smell like that on purpose! lol. That's hilarious. I love chinchillas, but all caged animals do have the tendency to get quite smelly (I had pet fancy rats for years). I know this sounds weird, but to cut down on the smell from the cages, you can stick dryer sheets (fabric softener sheets? I don't know what you call them in Canada! :haha:) underneath the cages (not IN them, clearly). It really helped with the rats a lot!

So, it is a thing to be on prenatals before you are actually pregnant! I've gotten conflicting advice on that, some people say it doesn't do anything, some people say it helps prepare your body for pregnancy...frankly, I'm of the opinion that they're vitamins for crying out loud and cannot possibly be harmful, so why not? I'll just ask the doc about it, I'm sure she has a more educated opinion than myself. It's actually encouraging that it took you a few months to conceive even though you were doing everything right, I don't know why I'm so worried (I think it's mostly just because I'm older and ttc #1). My whole life I've been super careful about not getting pregnant and it's so weird to try to shift gears because in the back of my head I'm thinking "this should only take a month right?" when I know that it's not an exact science. I'm not going to temp this cycle and just assume that I will ovulate sometime around the 9th and try to ramp up BD with husband around that time (though I have the impression that unless you are using OPKs/temping there really is no telling and you could O late or early and the best thing is just to BD every three days or so if you can manage it). That, however, seems like a lot of work!
Andianna - My dr made sure I was taking prenatals when she found out that we wanted to TTC. It's got the folic acid you need. And then you'll already be taking them during those first week before you get your positive :)

Kuji - That sucks about the orange peels. Try mixing some vinegar, water, and hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray a few squirts in your trashcan and anywhere else there is an adverse smell. It helps, trust me. My nose is sensitive already and I'm not preggo.

I guess I'll just keep waiting and trying not to over think it. You guys are right. I'm not totally out until AF shows her ugly head.
Hi ladies!
Dr. did an annual exam (I haven't had health insurance for the last 3 years, so I was more than a little overdue for that...) and told me that when she was taking her medical boards she didn't even have af for 3 months because of the stress. She is 100% convinced that my odd cycle was just because of the bar exam and I'm hoping she's right and everything goes back to normal this month! She told me to start taking prenatals now, so I'll go ahead and start doing that. I'm going to try to hold off through September from using OPKs (unless I can find a really good deal online :blush:).

How are you ladies this evening?
andiannajones- Trust me, I am an orange addict, but for some reason, now I can't stand the scent of the peels! :haha:
I might try the dryer sheet thing and see if it works with my monsters :)

I'm glad the Dr. was about to give some explanations, they make sense.
For some reason, the last generation seems to think that prenatals before getting pregnant is weird and doesn't make sense. My mother gave me the weirdest look about me taking prenatals before being pregnant but honestly, I can see WHY it should be taken before. At least you already have everything baby needs in your system so that when you do get pregnant, baby is already getting everything it needs!

The same as usual here. Always super tired. I want to sleep again but then I don't since I slept most of the day already. And I'd like to have a normal-ish sleep schedule. I mean, I could nap in the day but now I'm just sleeping most of the day!

And how are you? :)

Pnut- I might try that. Thanks! I definitely hope it works :D
andianna - sooo glad you got some answers from the dr. I hope your cycles get back to normal now. I'm trying to hold off as much as long as possible on doing the OPKs because it can cost a lot and it will probably drive DH nuts!

Kuji - I so hope that magic solution I gave you works. I know it works for me.




Screenshot_2015-09-03-07-34-18.jpgHi lovely ladies! 7DPO today. No symptoms besides a bit of cramping yesterday and the day before but think it was associated with a bug.

Andianna, since you're in law. I saw something on facebook that made me giggle.
Sorry if the pics don't show or came out in the wrong order. Trying to do it on my phone.
I know right. Had a good laugh.

So I tested and obviously BFN. I did an OKP just because and it was quite dark but not positive. Peeing on sticks(or dipping them in most cases lol) is addictive!

How all you ladies doing?
Hi girls!

Cathinoo - Those are sooo funny! :haha: I've now found the original document on the internet and forwarded it to several attorney friends. There is this complete ass-hat of a judge in one of our local courts who flat out refused to let this super-pregnant lawyer transfer one of her cases and, instead, made her appear for motions hearings 9 months pregnant and about to pop at any moment. I told my boss that if that happens to me, I will do my absolute best to get the phrase "Your honor, I need a continuance and a mop" on the record so that I can order the transcript later.

Pnut - Turns out, you can get 50 OPK strips and 20 pregnancy tests (wondfo) for about 20 bucks on Amazon. I feel this may be bad news for our SOs. I think I can hold off on using them for this cycle because I'm already like 10 dpo or something (Dr. told me to count the weird spotting AS af and told me that, if anything, I'd probably O a little earlier than usual due to the stress....what a great evolutionary tactic: "You're super stressed out! Let's make babies, that'll help!" :wacko:) I've heard wondfo's are just about as good as the more expensive brands, but not really sure...what do you think?

Kuji - Sleep all you want mama! You're growing a human for goodness sake! :sleep:

I'm off to get drinks with some friends/colleagues (only one glass of red wine for me:wine:, *sigh*) The Dr. actually told me that alcohol affects ttc when the men are drinking (because the :spermy: get killed off in fairly great numbers), but they haven't found a conclusive link for women - and that pot makes sperm slow. I found this rather hysterical - picturing stoned sperm way too confused about where the egg might be, and drunk sperm just all: "Nevermind, this looks hard." :haha: Either way though, I figure I'll error on the side of caution and stick with a glass or two max.

How's everyone doing this evening? :flower:
"nevermind this looks hard" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I've just been looking at the OPKs on amazon and found some for cheaper than that they come with some HPTs too. So I'm gonna propose the idea to DH when he wakes up and see what he thinks. Cause at this point I'm just trying to find out if and when in my cycle I O. Cause with my IUD, and history of super duper irregular cycles, I haven't the faintest idea when it happens.

Talked to my mom about temping again (like I said I wasn't going to do) and she admitted that when she was TTC for my youngest brother she had crazy temp charts too and that she could only figure out O with the OPKs. So maybe its a thing in our family? :shrug:
Pnut - It would not surprise me at all if there was a heavy genetic component to your cycles and your mom's experience is likely highly indicative of what is happening to you! I mean, OPKs aren't that expensive in all reality, especially if you are only using them for a few cycles to get a grip on when you O (I'm sure the IUD and irregular cycles make it absolutely impossible to guess correctly...thanks body!) I think they only get cost-prohibitive when you are trying long-long term (like years). I'd just bite the bullet and do it. I will join you with temping and OPKs in October if this month doesn't catch the eggy.

Last post I said I was 10 dpo...that is WAY wrong! :dohh: I meant that I'm about 10 days into my cycle, so poor husband is getting accosted pretty frequently at the moment (rough life for him, I'm sure). Dr. told me to BD only every other day because every day depletes sperm count too much, so we'll probably do that for about a week and see what we get! Obviously, since we're so new to ttc (and I'm not 100% sure that DH would agree that we are "trying"...he's more just kind of given up on fighting me on it) we haven't had him tested, so I don't know if we're fighting an uphill battle with his little guys or not...but I'm trying to remain hopeful and just assume that conception will take a few months of misses before I figure it out!

Kuji - how are our witch-doctor dryer sheet/hydrogen-peroxide remedies working out for ya? :haha:

Cathinoo - if you are 7 dpo and pee on an OPK...what happens? LOL...I don't know what it being dark means...Oh, I have SO much to learn! :blush:
andianna - I think you're right about the genetic factor. I'm sure temping (not that I think I have the hang of things) as well as the OPKs will help me a lot in figuring things out. FX you catch that eggy!

STILL zero signs of AF here. I've still got some pulling type sensation in my lower ab region. I'm really confused as to what's going on with my body. At this point I'm just trying to wait it out and see what happens.
How late does that make you for af pnut? This sounds very encouraging....FX
according to FF I'm 8ish days late. But this will only be my second period after IUD removal, so I'm not sure if my cycles are going to be longer now or what.
Sorry, I've been everywhere for a while! That or asleep or reading, no energy to reply :haha:

andiannajones- They're working great so far. I'm hoping it keeps it up! :haha:

Pnut- It sounds promising so far. Fx that AF doesn't show up anytime soon! :af:

Also, apparently my ex-roommates who are now my neighbours have reported my landlord which is a little stressful ish. I mean, I'm not too worried but I'm also a little scared the landlord will assume I reported him, which I didn't and didn't have a clue it happened until last night.

The landlord completely destroyed the back porch in Spring since it was to be remade due to rotten and soggy wood(last tenants had a carpet on the porch...). Well, he never fixed it and it's now almost fall. Apparently, I didn't know, it's a violation of our safety since if there's a fire, we're supposed to have two exits available and now we only have one. We're on the third floor so we can't just escape from a window... and especially with me being pregnant now, it looks even worse for him.
So there's a chance he'll either be forced to get it done within a week and/or get a $1000 fine. I already don't see eye to eye with the landlord since he used to stalk us and bother us minimum once a week. It made us feel like it wasn't our apartment, like we were living in his house with his rules. Once we actually had to call the cops because he tried to open our door. The neighbours were the ones to confirm to me and the cops that it was him since we didn't see him(although it was obvious it was him). So we had to write him a letter to ask him to leave us alone and to only call if there's something important, we don't accept him just knocking on our door unannounced. I have a health reason (stress/depression/anxiety) and being bothered in random all the time actually puts me on edge and I can't relax because I stress that the house is always clean JUST in case he shows up! So we mentioned my depression and that him showing up all the time was a health concern.

Also we told him that if he tried entering our home, we may be forced to call the cops, although we don't want that and even told him there was a witness. Yeah, he didn't find it funny and left us alone ever since.

Sorry for the rant, I just really hate the man. I'm not fond of my apartment(or him) but I would like to stay until the baby is at least one years old since moving with a newborn could be a hassle. But knowing how he is, it's not certain how it'll go. I almost feel like he might try something as "revenge" even though I didn't do anything.

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