Hi girls!
Cathinoo - Those are sooo funny!

I've now found the original document on the internet and forwarded it to several attorney friends. There is this complete ass-hat of a judge in one of our local courts who flat out refused to let this super-pregnant lawyer transfer one of her cases and, instead, made her appear for motions hearings 9 months pregnant and about to pop at any moment. I told my boss that if that happens to me, I will do my absolute best to get the phrase "Your honor, I need a continuance and a mop" on the record so that I can order the transcript later.
Pnut - Turns out, you can get 50 OPK strips and 20 pregnancy tests (wondfo) for about 20 bucks on Amazon. I feel this may be bad news for our SOs. I think I can hold off on using them for this cycle because I'm already like 10 dpo or something (Dr. told me to count the weird spotting AS af and told me that, if anything, I'd probably O a little earlier than usual due to the stress....what a great evolutionary tactic: "You're super stressed out! Let's make babies, that'll help!"

) I've heard wondfo's are just about as good as the more expensive brands, but not really sure...what do you think?
Kuji - Sleep all you want mama! You're growing a
human for goodness sake!
I'm off to get drinks with some friends/colleagues (only one glass of red wine for me

, *sigh*) The Dr. actually told me that alcohol affects ttc when the
men are drinking (because the

get killed off in fairly great numbers), but they haven't found a conclusive link for women - and that pot makes sperm slow. I found this rather hysterical - picturing stoned sperm way too confused about where the egg might be, and drunk sperm just all: "Nevermind, this looks hard."

Either way though, I figure I'll error on the side of caution and stick with a glass or two max.
How's everyone doing this evening?