Hi, ladies--
I was hoping I could join your thread. I was on here (baby and bump) last fall after my first ectopic treated with Methotrexate (no surgery). I waited three months and tried again and got pregnant on my first try. Soon after, they saw I had ovulated from both sides and saw one baby in the uterus (with a heartbeat) and one baby in my tube. Heterotopic pregnancy. I had emergency surgery to remove my left tube and the baby. They said my right tube looked great. I continued to carry my baby for another 9 weeks. He was healthy and growing at both my 9 week scan and my 12 week scan. At my 16 week appointment, he no longer had a heartbeat. I was devasted. I've now lost 3 babies in 9 months.
We weren't sure if it's because I had to have the surgery that took his life, or the fact that they tested me for stuff and found out I have Factor V Leiden, which means my blood clots more easily than others. (Even though I've had two live babies in 2007 and 2009).
So, now I only have one tube. We actively tried last month (2nd period after my loss), but I got a BFN I had my third period since my loss on August 9th and I'm just about to O.
I'm scared I won't get pregnant again with only one tube, but your stories are SO encouraging!!!
I've had 7 pregnancies. 1 and 2 were early miscarriages, #3 was my DD, #4 was my DS, #5 was my ectopic, and #6 and 7 were my twins (heterotopic). I'm hoping for one more take home baby!!!
(I'm 32 and live in Iowa, United States)