First baby, it does sound odd to have it 6 days after your af was due, but you could have ovulated later than usual and implantation could have taken the full 10 days, or it is simply your af coming but decided to screw you about this time......I would try get a blood test done if at all possible, it's the best way to know if there is any hcg in your system......keeping my fingers crossed that you're pregnant, but hoping that if you're not then your af comes soon.
C.m.c that's cool that we match, I bought some ovulation tests today, but I've never used them before ....I found temping to be too hard because I live in Thailand and every morning I wake up boiling hot and my temps were all over the place haha will you try anything like that again even tho you didnt seem to get anything from them, or will you literally just bd every day haha
I don't expect to fall pregnant this month, as I've been off metformin for 3 months, but it will be good not having to be so careful xx