Dani welcome......I'm do sorry to hear of your 2 ectopics.
Welcome ll84!!!!!!! It's great to Find threads where we are all in the same boat. I hope your scars settle soon. How big are they? Mine are about 1.5cm long
AM! Yippee now you can TTC again!
Can I ask you all where your scars are? I find it strange mine are belly button, above bikini line (middle) and right side....even though my left tube was removed?????
Yes I'd defo say positive.
Did you say you're cd22,,,,,,????? Could it be a BFP? HCG causes opk,s o be positive too? Do u normally have long cycles?
Am - great news you can start trying again. I think it's a really good mental step to help looking foward. We will mever forget what has happened but looking to the future is a great healer!
Sandyhen you're not the only one - I too have a big c- section type scar. Please don't feel ashamed of it. By trying to hide it you will just make it the elephant in the room. Wgat happened is no fault if youre, justva cruel twist of fate. You have nithing to be ashamed of so please don't hide away! xx