buddy wanted - ttc after ectopic surgery to remove a tube or more

Well it was a false alarm and i now have a full on sickness bug aswell as a really sore stomach due to af arriving today. Being ill must be whats caused me to be a little late. Oh seemed quite upset that af arrived which i feel crushed about as he really wants this. He seems ok now, its not been long at all tht we have even been able to ttc since ectopic, ive only had 3 normal cycles and both other times its took us 5 months to conceive. I know it will happen eventually and i have faith in that.

Thanks for ur support xxx
Sorry af arrived and your not feeling great. I know after ectopic I was desperate to fall quickly but try to look on it as your body is having longer to heal
Squeak- I am so sorry hunny! It's so mean when AF is late and gets your hopes up! I have been there many times! At least you know you are on a regular schedule though and like you said it took 5 months before so you still have time before going to see a specialist. But for now definitely get a massage and eat lots of chocolates and drink wine!

Thanks, thats really nice of you both. Im ok, i was a little disappointed but i know in my head that my body needs to heal and it will most likely take a while yet. As you say im just glad to know im regular x
I was more upset that oh was quite upset, i spoke to him and explained its likely not going to happen as quick this time round. After we talked he seemed alot better, i think hes jusg been keeping it all in for fear of upsetting me, so one good thing came ouf of it which is we sat down n got it all out.

How are you getting along ladyluck? I have been throwing up and having hot and cold sweats, yuck!

Thanks again for ur kind words x

Thanks, thats really nice of you both. Im ok, i was a little disappointed but i know in my head that my body needs to heal and it will most likely take a while yet. As you say im just glad to know im regular x
I was more upset that oh was quite upset, i spoke to him and explained its likely not going to happen as quick this time round. After we talked he seemed alot better, i think hes jusg been keeping it all in for fear of upsetting me, so one good thing came ouf of it which is we sat down n got it all out.

How are you getting along ladyluck? I have been throwing up and having hot and cold sweats, yuck!

Thanks again for ur kind words x
I'm 15w4d and still throwing up regularly. I have a bit of a belly now and have started to feel tickles. All this said I'm petrified every day. Got on early gender scan in Sunday but scans fill me with fear.

Me ectopic scar is bad and really goes in because they stitched me up too tight as popped open so wondering how that will look stretched as u get bigger

Still being sick, thats unlucky as they say you usually leave it behind in first trimester. Some people would say its a good sign x

I understand they will fill you with fear. Im positive all will be excellent and hopefully then you wont feel fear anymore. Are you going to find out the gender?

Funnily enough i was thinking the othdr day how my scar would look should i gt pregnant. Do you have the 3 scars. The one on my side is very small, the one inside my belly butto is like a tiny knotted rope. The one in my bikini line has really healed well and you cant see it.

A lady i work with had a surgery for ectopic around 30 years ago and has a scar from bikini line to the navel so i cant complain after i seen that. X

Good luck for scan, keep us updated x
Just realised you said early gender scan, will they be able to tell at nearly 16 weeks?
I will be 16w1d and apparently yes they can tell. Then hopefully I will get the same answer at the 20 week scan. Yes I have 3 scars but one on both sides and one in my tummy button. It's the one on the right side that's horrible. From what they said they went in key hole to have a look then did the surgery through one side when they realised I had ruptured so I don't have a bikini scar at all. Which I think I would have preferred the nurse after was very confused why they had done this and said she hadn't seen it before!
Lady-I got an early gender scan at 17 weeks and 4 days and it showed us he was a boy! We didn't announce it though until after the 20 week because I have heard where some are late bloomers lol! But good luck, let us know!!!

AFM- I have 3 scars too. One thru my belly button that you can barely tell, sometimes just looks like dirt lol and the other two on my hip areas...the one that the tube came out of is like more gross and bigger than the other side but both are so low that my bikini covers them which is good! They were healing but then I got pregnant and they are a little more red then they used to be...I should go buy Vitamin E and rub it on them! Has anyone else used anything that works?
Hi I'm in the same place. I had an emergency operations march 7th last year. I was 10 1/2 weeks gone. It was my first pregnancy and a honeymoon baby. We got the go ahead to start trying again in April but 12 months on absolutely nothing. My sister is now pregnant and 4 of my friends and 2 of my colleagues. I'm surrounded by pregnancies and everyday I feel - why can't I get pregnant what am I doing wrong!
Hi polly,
It always makes me sad to see new faces in this thread! I was in such a dark place when I came looking for someone to talk to who understood what I was going through. As you can see, this place is pretty quiet now as most of the ladies are pregnant or had babies after their ectopic! Its a horrible feeling when everyone around you is pregnant and its the only thing you want in the world. What are you doing with regards to ttc? Are you temping/charting/opks? Also if you dont mind me asking how old are you? I was told to go back for tests if I didnt fall pregnant within 18 months of my ectopic (im under 30, just, and believe its within 12 months if youre over 30)
Feel free to come here and chat/vent anytime. The ladies here are lovely
X x
Hey Polly,

Sorry you hv had to join this thread. I feel your pain its really hard when everyone else is falling pregnant. Im ok with it now I just tell myself it will be me one day but i do still hv down days. I had ectopic in august however i couldnt really start trying till jan as it took my cycles quite along time to settle down.

Were your cycles normalish in april? I read on one of the main ectopic sites that it takes 18 months for most women to become pregnant after ectopic. Lots of ladies on this board are now pregnant after the ectopic which gives me huge hope. Its also really helpful as they truely understand.
Hi polly,

I am the latest one to join in these threads. I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy almost leading to near to death experience. Thank GOD I am alive but i the kind of emotional feeling I am going through is horrible and painful. I had an emergency surgery on feb 5 and lost 3 ltrs of blood. My right tube is removed. Now its been more than 40 days but no AF yet (I had sex in between). I got BFN twice. Desperately trying to conceive again. I want my baby back. Plz suggest how long do I need to wait for the AF to arrive. :( :(
Hi Polly79. I'm in a very similar situation. I had a ruptured ectopic back in April 2013. I was just 8 weeks.

There were complications after my tube was removed (I was sent home with a 28 cm incision and no stitches in it!!!)

I also lost a lot of blood and had to be admitted to a different hospital to have some blood transfusions.

That was in April, it then took me till July 2013 to have my first AF. However, since then, no BFP. Not even a hint of one :(

When I was pregnant, 5 other woman at work were. Now they've all had their babies and are celebrating their 6 months birthdays. It kills me. I want to be so happy for them, but I secretly think 'that should've been me'.

When will we get our BFP and carry to full term?

I am now 33, soon to be 34, so I will be heading to the docs soon. I get married in 3 weeks, so I have told my other half that I'm gonna wait till after that. I am due my next AF whilst on Honeymoon.

It kills my other half when he sees how sad I am every time AF arrives. I wish it didnt effect me so much, but now I'm worried it will never happen for us.
Hi ladies,

So happy to hear from each of you again. Welcome to the threats to all the new ladies. So sorry for what you went too went through. It is a tough path and luckily we got good positive examples from the expecting moms here. Hope we all can get healthy pregnancies soon:hugs:

AFM, hubby n I just came back from the 3 weeks vacation in Hawaii. All relaxed and ready to go back TTCing. Still get scared every time I get sensitive on left/right sides. AF is back to normal for 3 cycles already (30-day). I stopped using opk and let it happen naturally. :kiss:

Anyway hope everyone is fine! Keep us updated!:thumbup:
Hello ladies I am currently going through my second ectopic pregnancy. I was able to catch both pregnancy before they ruptured and was give mtx shot both times. I was hard for me because I was not trying either times. I was so excited when I found out the first time because I took a test at home and was so happy to see the two lines. The second time which was March 5 2014 I was not expecting a bfp because I showed no sign of ovulation from the opks. I went to the doctor for a check up and they did a routine check up she did a pregnancy test and there was my bfp. I was so happy because I finally thought wow its really going to happen this time. Well when the doctor went to look at the baby he could not see it long story short I had an cornual ectopic pregnancy meaning this time it got further than before but it implanted between my fallopian tube and my uterus. I was crushed and tried to hold back my tears. I go for an hsg test once all of this is said and done to see if there are any blockage in my tubes. I would so enjoy having a ttc buddy while going through this journey. We can support each other. I am spreading baby dust to all of us that are having a difficult time conceiving we will have our BFP soon we can not give up!!
Gray I'm so sorry you have had to go through this again. Unfortunately we are more likely now we have had one to have another and it just seems so unfair. It's good they are going to look and check for blockage now. Was it on the same side again?
Hi ladies, just wanted some advice, hopefully if y'all can help me.
I feel so empty since my ectopic pregnancy, we've been ttc for 3 years for our rainbow. This month was the 2/3rd cycle off the pill doc said to try birth control for three months to regulate my body as far as my hormones. (it really did help, I'll go into that if anyone wants to know), anywho, last cycle was 22 days so i figured i didn't ovulate or i did and it was the from my left side with no tube. This cycle i ovulated on cycle day 13, if i went by last cycle 22 days, I'm late. Or am i? I don't know why I'm so confused. I've taken a test, frer, it's one of those tests where you might see a line, so I'm just waiting. I've been cramping since 5dpo, and i mean cramps! They won't stop. I'm so afraid it's ectopic again but i know that frer would be blaring positive.. I'm waiting this week to see what happens. I just hope this emptiness can soon be filled. :(

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