I feel like I know you all so well after reading your posts..
You have given me so much hope xx
My story..
Ttc for 8yrs - have pcos -
Gave up trying 2yrs ago when we adopted our 2 beautiful babies xx
Then on the 24th February I got what I thought was my period, but it never stopped so I went to the doctors and was told it sounded like I was ovulating..
I started doing ovulation tests that were all coming back positive - which I was advised can also mean you are pregnant..
So I took a test on 15/03/14 and it was positive - (absolutely shocked)
Called out hospital and advised on my bleeding and cramps..
Was called in for a can on 19/03/14 -
On scan I was told I had a pregnancy of unknown location - I had blood tests find and I had hcg level of 2240.. I was told to come back in 2 days and be retested - but I was more than likely having mc..
The following day I had sharp pain on my left ovary and couldn't move..
I went in to hospital and they did another scan and said I ended emergency surgery - I was 9wks pregnant and I hand ruptured my left tube - I had to have it removed..
I came around from the surgery and was advised I was very lucky I had came in when I had..
I am absolutely devastated xx
The following morning my brother and sister inlaw announced their ivf had been a success xx
I am so happy for them but also so sad at the same time xx
Life can be so cruel xx