Buddy wanted!

No sorry I didn't mean that! I've read (not sure whether this is correct for the first trimester) that you should exercise within those limits. So, just in case I am pregnant, I exercise like that. I'm sure it's just me being paranoid! But anyway, before TTC, I was doing seriously tough training that wouldn't have been suitable when TTC!

Sorry if I panicked you! X
No sorry I didn't mean that! I've read (not sure whether this is correct for the first trimester) that you should exercise within those limits. So, just in case I am pregnant, I exercise like that. I'm sure it's just me being paranoid! But anyway, before TTC, I was doing seriously tough training that wouldn't have been suitable when TTC!

Sorry if I panicked you! X

Haha well... I'm still kind of panicked. Soooo... when I get the implant out next Tuesday.. and we begin TTC.... I shouldn't be raising my heart rate?
No I think it's fine. The only reason I slowed down is because I was going to the gym twice most days and doing heavy weights, spinning and going for long fast runs which I thought I should calm down. I think you'll be fine doing what you are! X x
I do think of it like homework-- the fun kind though. I always loved homework anyway!

My basal thermometer brand is called Reli-On. Here's a link so you ladies can check it out. It does take an entire minute which some women complain about but I don't care since I'll be half asleep anyway and it beeps when it's done.

Thanks for sharing! I have the same thermometer, so perhaps I just missed the part about it beeping extra during the ovulation point. If I recall correctly, mine beeps 4 times once it gets the correct temp, but I don't remember if the number of beeps was lower/higher during my lowest temp days. I'll have to pay attention next time!

As far as the 1 minute to reach temp, I agree w. not having an issue with it. I too am normally half asleep when I temp, I just pull it out when it's done beeping and put it back in the case - then check it when I get to the bathroom with the light turned on.
Well it's still being delivered so I might be wrong about the beeping. Our we O'ing when we're at our lowest temp or when we're at our highest temp? I should probably figure this stuff out PRIOR to TTC!!
About the exercise, the only issue is with an increased heart rate and temp after your 12th week of pregnancy, I am ttc#1 also and seeing a Fertility Specialist and he has suggested working out, as losing 10% of your body fat helps with infertility, since losing weight I have already started ovulating on my own and my cycles have regulated. also if you are someone that works out regularly it is fine to continue that they are mainly only talking about beginning a new intense workout regime while pregnant because your body is not use to it! GL and Fx'd for you!
Well it's still being delivered so I might be wrong about the beeping. Our we O'ing when we're at our lowest temp or when we're at our highest temp? I should probably figure this stuff out PRIOR to TTC!!

Pretty sure, based on everything I've read, that you O when your temp is at (or near) it's lowest. In the days following O, your temps will go up slightly.
Good morning ladies! I'm currently at 10 dpo and I'm driving myself insane! This is the 4th cycle of TTC, but it's the first time I've been this anxious about AF rearing her ugly head. I blame it on this being my first month of temping, plus I swear I'm seeing all kinds of potential signs (though I think I've just started going a little looney and I'm really just making everything up)!

Yesterday's BBT was WAY off (93.3 F; I temped later in the day just to make sure the therm was working properly and it was somewhere in the 97-98 F temp range, which is normal for me). I think I may have accidentally turned it back on after taking the temp, otherwise I don't know why it would have such a low reading. This morning, my BBT was 98.1 - it's the first time this cycle that my BBT has broken 97.5, let alone 98 degrees! So now I'm staring down charts of pregnant vs. non-pregnant cycles to try and figure out what the heck is going on. It doesn't help that I don't have one of my own charts to compare notes with yet.

Add that to the fact that for days 6-8 post-O I had light red/pinkish blood on the tp during p.m. peeing. And I swear I am randomly having hot flashes in my hands...weird, as I've never had this happen before. I'm also breaking out (the worst part about being off of birth control, IMO!) - but this isn't necessarily inconsistent with the week leading to AF. A minimum of 3.5 days left in the TWW -- I'm dying here!!!!

And to top it off, I just paid for sky diving tickets for DH and I (yay for living social deals)! We're planning to do that during a mini-vacay with some friends in August. As soon as I hit the payment button, I told DH that I just sealed our fate of getting pregnant sometime before then since it's highly recommended to not sky dive when pregnant.

How's everyone else doing?

all sounds positive for you? When will you test? in three days?

Don't envy the sky diving though pregnant or not! Not sure I could physically push myself out of a plane!

I'm on CD10 but not sure when i'll O. Currently seducing the DH each night to make sure i've got all my bases covered!

I'm thinking of charting if AF arrives next month, bit worried about what DH will say about the temperature thing though as he finds that all a bit too much for him. Maybe I could find a thermometer that doesn't beep? Any recommendations? :shrug:

x x

all sounds positive for you? When will you test? in three days?

Don't envy the sky diving though pregnant or not! Not sure I could physically push myself out of a plane!

I'm on CD10 but not sure when i'll O. Currently seducing the DH each night to make sure i've got all my bases covered!

I'm thinking of charting if AF arrives next month, bit worried about what DH will say about the temperature thing though as he finds that all a bit too much for him. Maybe I could find a thermometer that doesn't beep? Any recommendations? :shrug:

x x

If I'm being honest, the thought of testing absolutely terrifies me! I haven't tested during previous cycles, but then AF has shown up on time (or earlier) each month. If AF hasn't appeared by Mon morning (it's due Sunday), then I'll probably test - definitely won't before then b/c I don't want to get my hopes up anymore than they already are before AF is expected.

I'm super excited about the prospect of sky diving. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane makes absolutely no sense, which is probably one of the reasons I'm drawn to it!

Definitely keep on seducing your OH! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is your month!!

As far as temping goes, I don't have any recommendations for beep-less thermometers, though I'm sure there are some out there. I think your DH and mine have similar thinking - mine is starting to get overwhelmed with many of the things I'm doing, even though he has little involvement in it outside of BDing and I don't really bring it up. Can't imagine how he'd feel if I shared even half of my thoughts with him :wacko:
I know what you mean, last month I tested readily but this month, I can't face seeing another BFN so will refrain from testing unless AF doesn't show up!

No, i've not ventured into CM and CP stuff as I fear it might put him off me!

Maybe I should buy a thermometer before I think my AF might show up as otherwise I won't have one for the next cycle? I'll try and buy one on the sly this weekend.............

Good luck with it and let me know what happens! x x
I feel you guys about freaking out OH. He didn't care about the prenatals because I told him my body needed vitamins since it was coming off of the mirena hormones anyway however the other night after BD'ing he questioned why I didn't run straight to the bathroom and I was just like oh I don't need to tonight and he just gave me the strangest look and went "oooooookay" and then rolled over. I think I freaked him out. I can't even imagine how he'll react when he finds out I already bought tests and a therm. to start temping.

He knew I was taking out my mirena but I think he thought it'd be a few months (or more) wait and that it'd come effortlessly. I tried explaining to him that it has to happen at just the right time to which he replied-- "that makes no sense-- Nick (a loser co-worker of his) got three women pregnant from one night stands." to which I replied "exxxxactly. It's frustrating!". Drives me mad that people do get PG from one night stands or on accident and others who WANT and are READY for a baby have to work their asses off for it!
Thought I'd check in and see how you ladies were doing today. I've still got 2 days left until AF is scheduled to appear. I am seriously ready to breakdown and test, but I haven't quite convinced myself to do it. I did however tell DH last night that on Monday this girl is testing away!

I also proceeded to tell him about all the symptoms I've been having that lead me to think things are looking positive, so he now thinks I've gone crazy. We only had one sucessful BDing during my fertile period this cycle (day of ovulation), so DH thinks there's no chance that I'm actually pregnant. I just keep telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about :smug:

I feel you guys about freaking out OH. He didn't care about the prenatals because I told him my body needed vitamins since it was coming off of the mirena hormones anyway however the other night after BD'ing he questioned why I didn't run straight to the bathroom and I was just like oh I don't need to tonight and he just gave me the strangest look and went "oooooookay" and then rolled over. I think I freaked him out. I can't even imagine how he'll react when he finds out I already bought tests and a therm. to start temping.

He knew I was taking out my mirena but I think he thought it'd be a few months (or more) wait and that it'd come effortlessly. I tried explaining to him that it has to happen at just the right time to which he replied-- "that makes no sense-- Nick (a loser co-worker of his) got three women pregnant from one night stands." to which I replied "exxxxactly. It's frustrating!". Drives me mad that people do get PG from one night stands or on accident and others who WANT and are READY for a baby have to work their asses off for it!

I hope you share his reaction when he finally does find out! I think it takes our OHs a bit more time to process things once we've finally decided to get started. DH and I have been TTC for 4 months now, but I don't think it really started syncing in for him until last month (even though we talked about when we'd start TTC last summer). It just takes them longer, but I wouldn't worry to much, he'll catch up :winkwink:

I also love how naive a guys thinking can be when it comes to pregnancy, albeit sometimes I also envy it. If only it were as simple as a one night stand when you are actually ready to get pregnant!

Doing good although still getting neg OPKs and I'm on CD13 now so hoping I just ovulate later in my cycle? Or maybe I'm testing at wrong times. But the OPKs literally only have the control line on them and not even a hint of another line!!!! I really hope I'm not having an "annovulatory" month :nope:

DH is now getting on board with what we have to do. Last night he asked me when I'm ovulating in a hopeful tone which is great and has "made the move" many times over the last few days to ensure "I always have a full supply of men to attack the egg" which is sweet and weird at the same time.........

Feeling like AF is coming but I hope not as i'm only CD13 but this is what happened last month!

How are you ladies doing? x x

Doing good although still getting neg OPKs and I'm on CD13 now so hoping I just ovulate later in my cycle? Or maybe I'm testing at wrong times. But the OPKs literally only have the control line on them and not even a hint of another line!!!! I really hope I'm not having an "annovulatory" month :nope:

DH is now getting on board with what we have to do. Last night he asked me when I'm ovulating in a hopeful tone which is great and has "made the move" many times over the last few days to ensure "I always have a full supply of men to attack the egg" which is sweet and weird at the same time.........

Feeling like AF is coming but I hope not as i'm only CD13 but this is what happened last month!

How are you ladies doing? x x

Hopefully your ovulation just got pushed back a couple of days this month and you'll be getting that positive OPK today :flower:

Your DH's comment, OMG I laughed so hard at that. Like the little sperm are headed to war. Too funny!
So I'm officially on to cycle #5. AF was kind enough to show up late yesterday afternoon, saving me the trouble of continuing to symptom search and speculate for another night. To say I'm disappointed is putting it mildly. I was so sure this was our month, but I guess DH was right. Nothing to do now but put positive efforts into this cycle. I do wonder what the heck was making me feel random bouts of nauseousness, though. Some of my other symptoms I suppose I could contribute to AF preparing, but nausea has never been a pre-AF symptom for me.

At least I've learned some things from this cycle that I didn't know before. Like I now know that my temps likely won't start to drop until the day before/day of AF showing up (I looked at so many charts that had a drop in temps 2-3 days before). And I pick up on so many pre-AF symptoms when I'm actually looking for them - they are something I'd never truly paid attention to before in terms of when they occur prior to AF. I'd also wish I could say that I've learned not to over-read the symptoms or to get my hopes up, but I know that's not gonna happen :winkwink:

Now I'm off to buy some pre-seed so that there will be a sperm-friendly environment while BDing during this month's fertile period!!
Sorry to hear that. I did that last month, felt sickness at random times and then AF showed up :-(

I've just posted a thread on the opk forum - https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/o...vulate-opinions-test-please.html#post27008199

Could someone have a look to tell me what it means? I'm on CD14 and no sign of O coming! There is a second line on the OPK but its no where near as dark as the control line :-(
I explained to OH that although it COULD take months to get pregnant, it could happen immediately (if we're lucky). To which he didn't have a response so I said "you know what, I'll put mirena back in until you feel more ready. Let's wait until the future" and he was very quick to say no no no don't do that. He keeps telling me he feels nervous about having a baby but then when I offer to wait he says no, it's what I want, he'll have nine months to prepare etc. etc. I think it's a confusing time for the poor guy. But hey, he doesn't want me back on BC and he wants to keep trying so... I'll take it!

I'm sorry to hear about AF showing up :/ There's always next cycle. I am currently where you were a few days/weeks ago. I'm listening to my body sooo much. I need to stop. ALTHOUGH since I hadn't stopped by any of the forums for a day or two, I wasn't really thinking about the pregnancy thing at all and then yesterday morning I felt so amazingly sick. OH kept saying something about the sounds my stomach was making and I could FEEL the throw up coming but it never happened. That only lasted for an hour or two. This morning, I feel fine although my boobs feel sore. Not in pain just.. sore. Like that were flopping around a lot or something (hehe!).

Lilly-- I think OPK's can be misleading (especially if they're the cheaper ones). Glad to hear that your DH is a bit more "on top" of things (haha!). Just to make sure you have all your bases covered, I would BD at least every other day. If you're doing that, it doesn't really matter WHEN you O because you'll be covered, right?
I explained to OH that although it COULD take months to get pregnant, it could happen immediately (if we're lucky). To which he didn't have a response so I said "you know what, I'll put mirena back in until you feel more ready. Let's wait until the future" and he was very quick to say no no no don't do that. He keeps telling me he feels nervous about having a baby but then when I offer to wait he says no, it's what I want, he'll have nine months to prepare etc. etc. I think it's a confusing time for the poor guy. But hey, he doesn't want me back on BC and he wants to keep trying so... I'll take it!

I'm sorry to hear about AF showing up :/ There's always next cycle. I am currently where you were a few days/weeks ago. I'm listening to my body sooo much. I need to stop. ALTHOUGH since I hadn't stopped by any of the forums for a day or two, I wasn't really thinking about the pregnancy thing at all and then yesterday morning I felt so amazingly sick. OH kept saying something about the sounds my stomach was making and I could FEEL the throw up coming but it never happened. That only lasted for an hour or two. This morning, I feel fine although my boobs feel sore. Not in pain just.. sore. Like that were flopping around a lot or something (hehe!).

Lilly-- I think OPK's can be misleading (especially if they're the cheaper ones). Glad to hear that your DH is a bit more "on top" of things (haha!). Just to make sure you have all your bases covered, I would BD at least every other day. If you're doing that, it doesn't really matter WHEN you O because you'll be covered, right?

well that's what I'm hoping! He said he'll keep my levels "topped up" (disgusting) so I can't see why not. I truly have learnt to despise OPKs I have to say x x
Sorry to hear that. I did that last month, felt sickness at random times and then AF showed up :-(

I've just posted a thread on the opk forum - https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/o...vulate-opinions-test-please.html#post27008199

Could someone have a look to tell me what it means? I'm on CD14 and no sign of O coming! There is a second line on the OPK but its no where near as dark as the control line :-(

Wish I could be of more help, but OPK's confuse the heck out of me. It's the sole reason I opted for the digital version. They may be more expensive, but they have a clear result.

Keeping my fingers crossed that your O is just around the corner! In the mean time, as ZumbaLover said, keep up with the BDing every couple of days and you should be good regardless of what those silly OPKs say (or don't)!

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