Buddy wanted!

Thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing.

Tomorrow is CD10 for me, so I'll be starting back with the OPKs tomorrow afternoon. I find that the pre-ovulation wait is much calmer for me than the post-ovulation wait. If nothing else, I'm enjoying my sanity for as long as it's willing to stick around :)
VTFroggie-- I've been awesome. I calculate that I'm abbboooouuuttt 11 dpo give or take a few and I have had literally every single symptom of pregnancy. I have extremely high hopes. I did test Saturday however it was (of course) too early. I got a BFN (used an FRER). I'll be waiting until Wednesday and then testing again and if I get another BFN, I will wait until the following Monday. The wait is killlllling me! When do you O?

On 7DPO today - not feeling anything but wouldn't really expect to right now. Am trying not to get my hopes up for this one but it's making me totally miserable. I already feel out this month and just want AF to show her face so that I can get on with the next cycle.

Sounds good zumbaloverr, let us know what it says! What are your pregnancy symptoms so far?

Let's see... so far I've had:

extreme tiredness at weird times (I'll go to bed super early and still want to take a nap-- I never used to nap)
I had really bad cramps last week. Thought I was getting Af. Got a teeennnyyy tiny amount of blood. Like MAYBE a drop, bright red. I can hope that was implantation bleeding. It happened at what I'm guess would be about 8 dpo.
I've been super sensitive to some smells. Bacon makes me want to hurl no matter what time of the day it is.
Sore boobs on and off.
My stomach has been making some really weird grumbly sounds at all times.
I've been super emotional... for no reason. I cried because a clients change total came to $9.11 and it made me think of September 11th... I didn't even cry when 9/11 actually HAPPENED but for whatever reason it just made me so sad.
I've been sick pretty much every single morning (other than yesterday, yesterday I didn't get sick until later in the day).
Random dizzy spells.
I can't work out anymore. I tried to go running and got a horrible cramp so I decided to just walk, even that gave me a pinching feeling where I would normally get AF cramps and I now get out of breath from doing NOTHING. Literally. Walking to my car. I am (or was at least) in amazing shape. And now if I walk to my car too quickly, I feel out of breath.
My back has been hurting badly at random times.
I've gotten a few headaches. Not sure if this is really a sign/symptom however for my entire life, I've never had head aches and now all of a sudden they're coming.
Normally, I HATE fast food but lately, it's the only thing I want to eat (IF I want to eat, I haven't really wanted to eat much lately)

That's all I can think of ATM. I really have been getting a lot of symptoms. I know I shouldn't do it but I feel pretty confident that I'm PG. We'll see though! I am starting to feel like maybe even Wednesday might be too early to test.

Lilly, why do you feel like you're out for the month? :nope:
Jesus, if you're not pregnant you need to go to the doctors!

I think I feel out partly due to no symptoms at all but also bevause I can be very negative!

I've been driving myself mad the past two days. My back is currently very slightly hurting. Me and DH just went for a run and I had to stop as my back hurt but I did some box moving yesterday as we've just moved into a new house. So it could be that. I'm not having any sickness etc but tbh I wouldn't really expect to have too many symptoms as implantation might not even have happened!
Everyone is different. You COULD be PG and just not have enough hormones to get any symptoms yet. Not that you SHOULD be negative about it but maybe it's better to not get all excited because this way, if AF does show up, you won't be so sad and if you get a BFP, you'll be OVER THE MOON!!

And yes, I feel very excited to test on Wednesday it feels like it's so far away. I've just been trying to concentrate on my business and other stuff but it's so hard.

When I saw that the girl on the other thread you (lilly) and I follow got a BFP, it made me cry. I can't believe how crazy all these symptoms are. OH keeps saying that the baby must hate me with all the things it's been doing to me. Hopefully there IS a baby!! CAAANNN'TTT WAIIITTT!!!!!!!
I know, I got a bit upset too but it was mainly jealousy :blush:

Yeah I know, I need to calm it down but it's on my mind like 96% of the time.

Why is it just so hard? If something new is happening to our bodies, why don't we know right away? Like as soon as the egg is fertilised lol
Hahahaha I agree very much.

Right now is SUPER hard for me because with all these symptoms, I feel as though my body might be playing some horrible trick on me. But at the same time, there's no way I'm getting morning sickness every.single.day and am not PG... right?!! Grrrr-- can't wait until Wednesday.
Ah, Zumbaloverr, all of your symptoms sound so very promising. I can't wait to find out what tomorrow's pregancny test holds for you.

I agree Lilly, when something like fertilization occurs we should know right away! All of this waiting around for 2 weeks or more to get confirmation is just not right! Definitely don't go counting yourself out yet. Implantation probably hasn't occurred yet (but it should *hopefully* be right around the corner), so it's okay that you don't have any symptoms yet. I definitely agree with Zumba, much better to consider yourself not PG only to be surprised with a BFP, rather than get your hopes up when AF shows up!

If everything goes according to plan, I should O on Saturday. Negative OPKs the past couple of days, but you can be sure I'm jumping DH the minute that thing shows up positive :laugh2: After last cycle, DH now knows I'm not playing around anymore - my uterus needs to be put to good use! I'm also not taking any chances that we may miss our window (where as last cycle we were only able to BD once during my fertile window and that was the day of O). So far we've been BD-ing every 2-3 days since AF finished up and I want to keep it that way!

On a side note, DH's 31st birthday was yesterday. Focusing on him and his day was a great repreive - getting out of my head and thinking about something other than getting pregnant. I only kind of wish it had been during my TWW since I'll need the repreive even more then!
Ah, Zumbaloverr, all of your symptoms sound so very promising. I can't wait to find out what tomorrow's pregancny test holds for you.

I agree Lilly, when something like fertilization occurs we should know right away! All of this waiting around for 2 weeks or more to get confirmation is just not right! Definitely don't go counting yourself out yet. Implantation probably hasn't occurred yet (but it should *hopefully* be right around the corner), so it's okay that you don't have any symptoms yet. I definitely agree with Zumba, much better to consider yourself not PG only to be surprised with a BFP, rather than get your hopes up when AF shows up!

If everything goes according to plan, I should O on Saturday. Negative OPKs the past couple of days, but you can be sure I'm jumping DH the minute that thing shows up positive :laugh2: After last cycle, DH now knows I'm not playing around anymore - my uterus needs to be put to good use! I'm also not taking any chances that we may miss our window (where as last cycle we were only able to BD once during my fertile window and that was the day of O). So far we've been BD-ing every 2-3 days since AF finished up and I want to keep it that way!

On a side note, DH's 31st birthday was yesterday. Focusing on him and his day was a great repreive - getting out of my head and thinking about something other than getting pregnant. I only kind of wish it had been during my TWW since I'll need the repreive even more then!

Well I'm feeling literally zilch so I know just want AF to come so that we can start a new cycle :cry:

Can't wait to hear Zumbaloverr's results!

I'm sure your DH doesn't mind you jumping on him :winkwink:

Got a BFN!!!!!! Called my doctor to request a blood test and she said I had to wait until four weeks after having mirena removed. I asked if there's ANYTHING I can do right now (Hcg tests... just anything) and she said nope. Just wait. Do nothing. Grrrr.

Getting sick wouldn't matter if I was PG. But getting sick and not knowing is driving me insane. And I keep crying. So annoying!

I drank a chai latte today by accident. Wasn't even considering the caffiiene. Do you think if I am PG, that would harm the little guy/girl?

Honestly... the TWW was hard but I got through it. But a four week wait... this is excruciating.
Any updates Zumbalover? I can't imagine what having to wait an additional 2 weeks for an answer. Hopefully the HPT's will turn up positive long before that!

As far as caffeine goes, I've read that you can consume up to (I think) 300 mg/day during pregnancy without ill effects on the baby, so I don't think 1 chai latte did any harm.
Just checking in. I recall reading on another thread that Zumba had taken a few days break from BnB. Any updates for us?

Lilly, how are you faring?
Had a few BFNs and then AF showed her face on Tuesday evening unfortunately :cry: - how are you doing? x
Hi Froggie-- I did decide to take a break from Bnb because I was getting too emotional.

I'm still getting all those symptoms. Actually I get more every day. I thought I was getting AF on Tuesday night because I was getting cramps however... no AF. That made me feel both anxious and happy. My boobs are sore, I'm getting sick every morning, I'm so tired, I've been crying about everything... but still BFN's. I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's just withdrawl symptoms from mirena however of everyone I've found online who has had mirena, no one has had all of these symptoms and NOT been PG. I can't wait until the 23rd so I can go and see my doctor.

How are you doing Froggie?
Had a few BFNs and then AF showed her face on Tuesday evening unfortunately :cry: - how are you doing? x

Sorry to hear that AF showed up for you :hugs: So disappointing when the witch shows, but at least you can move on to being hopeful for this cycle!

Hi Froggie-- I did decide to take a break from Bnb because I was getting too emotional.

I'm still getting all those symptoms. Actually I get more every day. I thought I was getting AF on Tuesday night because I was getting cramps however... no AF. That made me feel both anxious and happy. My boobs are sore, I'm getting sick every morning, I'm so tired, I've been crying about everything... but still BFN's. I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's just withdrawl symptoms from mirena however of everyone I've found online who has had mirena, no one has had all of these symptoms and NOT been PG. I can't wait until the 23rd so I can go and see my doctor.

How are you doing Froggie?

I figured you were taking a break for a reason similar to that. I've notice that I'm only showing up to check the forum for brief periods during my current TWW. Between that and having stuff to do I feel a lot calmer than I did during the last TWW and I'm not symptom spotting, which is good for my sanity!

Sorry to hear that you are still getting BFNs. It seems like it may be good news that all of these symptoms are continuing on despite the BFNs. I know you must be looking forward to the Doc's thoughts. Only a few more days, then hopefully you'll be returning to update us with some amazing, happy news!

I'm currently playing the TWW game. Today is 8 DPO for me. I haven't really had any symptoms (other than some blood spotted CM on 4 and 5 dpo, which my records indicate I also had last month - so maybe this is normal for my cycle) and my chart temps are pretty inline with where they were last month. So for now I'm just trucking along. No sense in worrying for a few more days, I suppose. At this point I'm just happy to know that we DTD multiple times leading up to (and after) day of O, so there's a higher chance of a BFP this time compared to last time!

I had some cramps that started off as cramps but then became a pulling sort of feeling last night. I think its a great sign!!!
I must say, I've had a break from the boards for the last week or so as I was getting myself stressed. When AF showed I realised I just needed to chill out and take a break!

Am CD7 now and hoping to O this time next week! Have been taking folic acid and evening primrose oil to help with EWCM!

If we don't catch this cycle, then we're out for next month as DH is away when I O and there's no chance of it! So it'll be July (when we're running one of our businesses in France!) that we can next try again!

DH is just so excited and feels like he's letting me down when AF arrived. Poor love.

It's good you're not symptom spotting too much Froggie, it can drive even the most sane woman absolutely nuts!
I started to read what to expect and it has me nervoua. Based on what my HCG levels should be... there no reason I shouldnt be getting a BFP if I am PG. Granted... I havent tested with a not cheap test since last thursday. I'm going to test again tomorrow but I have a feeling if I am PG... something is wrong.
Hopefully you and your DH are successful this cycle, Lilly! Fx'ed that that's the case so that you don't have to miss a month.

Really hoping that all of your signs are actually the result of a pregnancy and that you are one of those unlucky few that doesn't get a BFP on a HPT until later into the pregnancy, Zumba. Everything seems to be in good order (other than the BFNs), based on what you've described to date. Tomorrow's the big day - do you have an appointment or is that when you're able to make the appt to go in and get some answers?

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