Buddy wanted!

Welcome to the group EM. I'm sorry to hear about your MC. You said you had old blood the day before AF-- does that mean AF came?

Froggie and Lilly--

I'm going a little crazy and need some one to talk me down.

So when I went to the doctors and found out I wasn't PG (which I suspected because I was bleeding heavily), they drew my blood then gave me a sono and said they didn't see anything and then the DR came in and said that the sono tech didn't think I was PG but that my blood work should come back in 3-4 days and they'd call me to confirm. I was bleeding heavily so I just... thought it was a period. Well two days later I got a call from a nurse saying that they were confirming my appointment for a sono for Monday (which was the orginal date planned before I started bleeding and they brought me in early). I told her I'd come in two days ago and she just said okay and got off the phone. Then I never got a call with my blood test results and I'm a new patient so I sort of feel as though they forgot about me.

AF lasted four days, light spotting day 1, heavy bleeding days 2 & 3, and then back to light spotting. I assumed it was due to it being my first AF since Mirena however I've never had such a light flow nor so short.

So we went back to TTC with BD'ing and my head was in suuuuuch a better place. No more symptom spotting. I continued to have the same symptoms but just assumed it was my body reacting to mirena.

Then three days ago I had such intense pain (especially when I stood) in my ribs, down the side of my abdomin and then around my low low belly. Had it yesterday too along with the usual morning sickness. So last night I was laying in bed and I FOUND MY FIRST STRETCH MARK. I was obviouslu pretty shocked. I don't mean to brag or anything but I am a fitness instructor for a living, I eat impeciably and I work out ALL the time. I know I'm not growing or gaining weight. I thought my eyes must be deceiving me so I started yelling to OH who came in, laughed and confirmed. I kept asking if he was sure it wasnt there before and he said he knows my body inside and out and it's new.

So this morning I woke up with the usual nasea, boob pain, and heart burn and I keep staring at that stretch mark. Ladies, I'm freaking out here. What the F is going on??! Can either of you shed some light so I calm down?
Don't mean to read and run (I'm actually going for a run now lol) but have you taken a hpt? If you do and it's negative then the symptoms are either the stress you're going through or something unrelated which you need to see someone about.

let me know whether you do a test!!!!
I have not done a test yet because IF I did get AF (which all signs point to) then AF shouldn't come for another week and a half. As you know, I tested early last month a ton and drove myself crazy with BFNs. This time around I'd rathet wait until AF is a week late and THEN test. I'm much more calm now, just pissed that I have stretch marks and am not even PG!!!

I was hoping you'd just sayvit's definetly a reaction to mirena however I know that you, of course, can't say that for sure. CHANES are that it's mirena and I don't want to stress myself out again so I'm not going to over think it.

Have fun on your run!!
New to this site, but feeling a little anxious. Hubby and I are TTC #1. Had "old blood" the day before my period, which only lasted 3 days. Normally, I don't have"old blood" at all, my periods last between 4-5 days and my last day was very light, which is unlike the usual. My husband and I have already gone through 1 MC about a year ago. We are hoping to be one of the lucky ones soon.

Welcome to the site and to our little group! Have you recently gotten off any type of birth control or have you and your DH been TTC for a while? I only ask about the BC b/c I noticed that my periods were lighter and shorter than I recall them being before I started using BC.

I'm so sorry to hear about your previous miscarriage. Please let us know where you are in your cycle and anything else you wish to share. We're all here to support one another through this (sometimes frustrating) process!
Yes welcome EM! When was the last time you took a HPT?

Back from my run now and can just about walk!

Zumba - It might not be a stretch mark!! If you do all the stuff you do I can't see how you could get one, escpecially if you haven't put on weight?
Zumba, I'd recommend calling back the doctors office and seeing if they've gotten your results back from the blood test. Kind of weird that they wouldn't call you back once their received the results, but you never know...

The fact that you are still having the same symptoms seems odd to me, if you are indeed not pregnant. I guess it could be due to Mirena. I was on the pill and didn't really have any symptoms during the months that followed, but I'm sure there are plenty of differences between the 2 BC options that might explain the symptoms (or lack there of) during the transition period.

I know they say it's rare, but you can get your period while pregnant. I would wait on the HPT until after you hear back about your results. If the tech only said you weren't pregnant based on the sonogram, there's still a tiny chance. And as Lilly said, if the blood results come back negative, I'd talk to your doctor about all of the symptoms that you are having so you can find out what might be causing them.
I've decided to take the conservative route and say that I'm currently 6 DPO. Since my mechanisms for pinpointing ovulation were over the place this month, I decided it's probably best to just go with the date I typically O. That way I'm not expecting AF earlier than normal, thus getting my hopes up b/c my calculations were a few days off.

This morning I had a .5 degree temp spike compared to my "normal" temps (97.99, while I normally hover around 97.5). At this point I'm not getting my hopes up, since we got a new kitten last weekend and he decided to stay in the bed and wake me up to play every time he woke up - so I didn't have a consistent sleep pattern. Plus it seems to me its slightly too early (assuming 6 dpo) to have a rise in temperature. At this point I'm just waiting to see what tomorrow brings before trying to read too much into it.

Other than the temperature, I'm having no symptoms. Well, unless you count muscle soreness and lower back tightness - but I think that has more to do with yesterday's workout than with anything related to a possible pregnancy.
That's cute that you got a new kitten!

i know you don't want to get your hopes up and I'm the same in the TWW, but try to remain positive!

Do you do OPKs too or just bbt'ing?
zumbaloverr - AF did show up but only lasted for 3 days. Normally, 4-5 days with old blood at the end as well, which has never happened before.

Froggie - I have not been on any BC for almost 10 years now. DH and I have been trying for a few months. I'm on CD 10, O should be here on day 19.

Lilly - I haven't taken one in months since my periods have been regular.
Thought I'd check in this morning. I need someone to make me stop symptom spotting! I was so good about not doing it last month and I've tried so hard to ignore everything that's been going on this month because I don't want to be even more disappointed when AF shows. The thing is, the things I've been noticing aren't in my head, they've been going on for days now and I can't exactly ignore them.

The major things that stick out to me are:
  • 5-8 DPO I had light pink colored CM, sometimes with small blood spots. It's not abnormal for this to happen during my cycle for 2 days around 5 DPO, but it's random and and doesn't appear at each CM check for 4 days. I'm awful about over-checking my CM (I probably check like 5x a day - hey, it could become fertile :winkwink:). Plus, 6 DPO after DH and I DTD, there was copious amounts of light blood. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so I'm not sure I can attribute the blood to the sex.
  • While DTD on 6 DPO, my left nipple was super sensitive and I told DH that he had to avoid touching it. The right one was sensitive, but not nearly as much. The sensitivity hung around the next day, but has since become non-existent.
  • The last 3 nights I've had trouble falling asleep. 6 DPO was the worst (took 4 hours for me to finally fall asleep), despite having an exhaustive day. 7 and 8 DPO, it's taken me a minimum of an 1.5 hours to fall asleep. compared with me typically passing out within 10-15 of my head hitting the pillow.
  • 7 DPO through this morning I've had mild cramping and bloating. I normally don't get much of this until the day of AF showing.

So, I'm currently 9 DPO and my app shows that AF should show on Saturday. I'm not expecting her until the PM, since that seems to be the norm, which is going to make for an excruciating next 5 days! I'm even gotten to the point where I'm seriously contemplating taking an HPT early. But I'm one of those that absolutely doesn't want to test before AF is due.

Can I really be making all of this stuff up? Logically I suppose a lot of it could be pre-AF symptoms and I just don't want to believe it!
Zumba, have you heard back about your blood test yet?
Thought I'd check in this morning. I need someone to make me stop symptom spotting! I was so good about not doing it last month and I've tried so hard to ignore everything that's been going on this month because I don't want to be even more disappointed when AF shows. The thing is, the things I've been noticing aren't in my head, they've been going on for days now and I can't exactly ignore them.

The major things that stick out to me are:
  • 5-8 DPO I had light pink colored CM, sometimes with small blood spots. It's not abnormal for this to happen during my cycle for 2 days around 5 DPO, but it's random and and doesn't appear at each CM check for 4 days. I'm awful about over-checking my CM (I probably check like 5x a day - hey, it could become fertile :winkwink:). Plus, 6 DPO after DH and I DTD, there was copious amounts of light blood. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so I'm not sure I can attribute the blood to the sex.
  • While DTD on 6 DPO, my left nipple was super sensitive and I told DH that he had to avoid touching it. The right one was sensitive, but not nearly as much. The sensitivity hung around the next day, but has since become non-existent.
  • The last 3 nights I've had trouble falling asleep. 6 DPO was the worst (took 4 hours for me to finally fall asleep), despite having an exhaustive day. 7 and 8 DPO, it's taken me a minimum of an 1.5 hours to fall asleep. compared with me typically passing out within 10-15 of my head hitting the pillow.
  • 7 DPO through this morning I've had mild cramping and bloating. I normally don't get much of this until the day of AF showing.

So, I'm currently 9 DPO and my app shows that AF should show on Saturday. I'm not expecting her until the PM, since that seems to be the norm, which is going to make for an excruciating next 5 days! I'm even gotten to the point where I'm seriously contemplating taking an HPT early. But I'm one of those that absolutely doesn't want to test before AF is due.

Can I really be making all of this stuff up? Logically I suppose a lot of it could be pre-AF symptoms and I just don't want to believe it!

Ok, so the sleeping thing could well be down to stress of TTC, a couple of months ago when I was SS and thought I might be PG, I was waking up super early and tired all the time etc but obviously I got a BFN that month.

Re the sore nips, that could well be a symptom!

The light blood after DTD is a positive sign in that it could be IB, but if you get a BFN this month I would definitely go to the doctors about that as it could be something more serious?

I really hope this is your month and I know it's so hard not to SS but you have to try and keep strong until Saturday (or order some ICs and test when they get there!).

I'm CD11 today, DH goes away Thursday so I'm hoping to O soon.......

FX'd for you Froggie!

x x
So, I caved and went to the dollar tree tonight. Left with 4 HPTs. Going to test tomorrow morning. I figure I need to get it out of my system. After almost 2 full months of barely checking this forum (outside of this thread), I got absolutely no work done today b/c I was too busy reading every thread I could mouse click on!

Morning update: Tested this morning with FMU. All I got was a lot of empty white space staring back at me. I figured it'd be too early anyways, but I've at least got the testing out of my system, so I feel much better! Hopefully it'll hold me over until Sunday!

I've had 2 consecutive days of temperature decreases (with nothing out of the ordinary sleep-wise). I've been holding at ~97.5 post-O this cycle, but yesterday was 97.21 and today was 97.06. I typically don't have a temperature drop until the morning after AF arrives, so hopefully this drop is a positive thing and my temps are back on the rise tomorrow.
So, are you testing yet?? Let me know what happens!! FX'd for you!

So, are you testing yet?? Let me know what happens!! FX'd for you!


Guess my earlier "a lot of empty white space staring back at me" was kind of confusing. DH thought so too when I told him the same thing this morning. He asked if I meant it was a false positive.

I did test this morning and got a BFN. Not even the hint of an evap line. But that's okay, I'm still feeling very positive that this is our month. I'm going to do my best to hold out on any more tests until Sunday morning. We'll see how that goes :winkwink:
Ugh, should have known! If you'll recall, I was all screwed up this month b/c I had 4 days of EWCM, temps showed a slightly later O date in comparison with my EWCM, and from CD 11-15 (b/c I forgot on CD 10), I got neg OPKs when I typically get a positive on CD 14.

I've been cramping like mad all day today, but looked at it as potential implantation and I was perfectly fine with it. Then I went to the restroom after lunch and it turns out the :witch: had made her appearance. Grrrrr! So I guess I O'ed 3 days earlier than I expected to. I'm also going to have to put more stock in what my CM is telling me vs. waiting around for a positive OPK. Final thing to note: the last time I tested early, AF came that afternoon. I'm starting to notice a trend here... No more early testing for me!

On the plus side, I'm 3 days closer to my next fertile period than I would have been had I O'ed on my normal cycle date.
Lilly, how are you doing now that DH is away? Did you O before he left? And when does he get back?

Zumba and EMC, any updates?

Yeah, miss him but hopefully he'll come back to some good news! I O'd on Friday and the last time we BD'd was last Wednesday morning so I'm hoping there's still a good chance as his little swimmers can survive for 5-7 days!

It was weird, on Friday night i had some bleeding and then I did an OPK and it was positive and then all day Saturday I had pains on my right side really low. Never had O bleeding before but apparently it's when the follicle ruptures and the egg is released. Though I thought that when you get a positive OPK you O after that and not before/during? What do you think?

Anyway, will test on the 3rd...... AF is due 4th!

Sorry to hear AF showed. We did without the OPKs this month (other than Friday) as the last couple of months I think we've been BD'ing too late and waiting for the positive OPK. What day are you on now?
P.s sorry, he went on Thursday morning and is back on the 3rd!

Is it Maryland you live in? I did Race Across America in 2011 and we finished in Anapolis!
I've always understood it as you O after the OPK. Most things say 12-48 hours after the positive. I feel like I may O the same day that I get a positive OPK based on temps (and Fertility Friend typically agrees with this logic), so perhaps I'm always catching the end of my surge. Are you sure that you O'ed Friday and not Saturday? Fx'ed for you either way. It would be AMAZING if your hubby came back to a positive HPT!

I do live in Maryland, about 30 miles west of Baltimore. I'm on CD 6 today.

I can't believe that I didn't know until this cycle that CD 1 is based on when in the day AF starts (if it starts before noon, CD 1 = day of AF; if it starts after noon, CD 1 = next day). AF typically starts for me after 2:00 pm, but I've always thought that the day AF shows is CD 1, no matter what time it is. Not that any of this really matters that much for me - it only pushes everything forward 1 day when I look back on old charts and stuff.

I feel like I'm rambling about nothing, but the reason that I bring this up is that DH and I are going to try following the Sperm Meets Egg Plan this month as close as possible, which suggests DTD every other day starting on CD 8. So I guess it's good to know when CD 8 actually is. My calendar shows I should O on July 4th, so hopefully that's the case. Unfortunately we won't be following SMEP precisely b/c I'll be heading OOT for the weekend on the evening of July 4th, so we'll miss DTD on the third consecutive day post +OPK, but should catch the last day of the plan when I get back on Sunday.

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