Budget Meal planning

Tonight- cheesey pasta broc bake
wed- soup
Thursday- left over soup ! haha
Friday - shep pie
Saturday- egg fried rice and chicken
sunday- roast
Monday- fish fingers and something ( ain't got that far yet)

I am having my shopping delivered on Thursday for next week and it came to 28.30 with the delivery cost (too pregnant to waddle round tesco now haha)

Will be more the following week because next week I will add fabric conditioner/powder/toilet roll to it etc, so will be around 40 so I would say I can do two weeks of the month for under 30 and 2 weeks for 40.

dog food and cat food is a month cost also, but we buy this once a month; about 30 i think for the dog food and about 10-15 for the cat

Edit: this is two adults and a 5 year old
Tonight- cheesey pasta broc bake
wed- soup
Thursday- left over soup ! haha
Friday - shep pie
Saturday- egg fried rice and chicken
sunday- roast
Monday- fish fingers and something ( ain't got that far yet)

I am having my shopping delivered on Thursday for next week and it came to 28.30 with the delivery cost (too pregnant to waddle round tesco now haha)

Will be more the following week because next week I will add fabric conditioner/powder/toilet roll to it etc, so will be around 40 so I would say I can do two weeks of the month for under 30 and 2 weeks for 40.

dog food and cat food is a month cost also, but we buy this once a month; about 30 i think for the dog food and about 10-15 for the cat

Edit: this is two adults and a 5 year old

Im curious to know how you get it so cheap? I also shop at tesco mostly.
No idea I just put it in the basket lol. I don't buy extras... we don't drink pop or eat meat (quorn alt) and the lunchbox supplies are always chosen based on what is on special... so my shopping changes weekly... I don't buy anything unless it's reduced/on special. And all my dinners are fresh ingredients.
Im curious to know how you ladies meal plan. Do you re use plan or make a new one? How do you store them? Binder, notebook, on the laptop? I do a whole new one every week, have never re used one because i always forget. Im trying to find a smarter, more organised way to do this.
We spend £50 a week on food including meat and veg. As january is a long month I'm having to make the £50 stretch to cover 8 days' meals. I get my veg from the market as its cheaper and most of the meat I get is either frozen or from supermarket value range. I bulk things out with vegetables wherever possible too, for example last night we had thai green curry last night and I only used one chicken breast fillet between all of us because I bulked out the rest with a whole green pepper and some French beans.

I do a meal plan every week and only buy the things I need to make those meals. This week we're having:

Wed- thai green chicken curry
Thu- salmon fishcakes with stir fry veg and sweet chilli sauce
Fri- tomato and bacon pasta bake
Sat- lamb chops, baby potatoes and broccoli
Sun- sausage casserole, followed by warm Bakewell tart and ice cream (tart was on offer for £1.50 in tesco so I treated us :) )
Mon- chicken kievs with potatoes and sweetcorn
Tue - jacket potatoes with beans
Wed- halloumi and cous cous stuffed peppers
I think I should start meal planning, I go to Tesco shopping and sort of aimlessly wander around and pick up random things. I waste quite a lot, and I'm trying to be better with my money.
I think I should start meal planning, I go to Tesco shopping and sort of aimlessly wander around and pick up random things. I waste quite a lot, and I'm trying to be better with my money.

That's what I used to do and I'd find not only that I would spend lots but also I'd get home only to find that I only had bits and pieces of meals so I'd end up buying more stuff during the week to go with the stuff I'd already bought! :haha:

Meal planning is definitely the way forward :) x
We used to walk atound and just huy stuff used to cost us £90 a week on the " main shop" plus extras in the week because we didnt actually buy enough to make a meal. And we used to have take aways atleast twice in the week. We didnt have a LO at the time, we used to eat lunch at work. So i have no idea what we spent £90 on.

Since having LO we managed to get it doen to about £50ish not including products, nappies, fruit or veg.

I find the local fruit and veg shops so much cheaper than the supermarkets. I buy a 5kg bag of spuds every 2 weeks or so for £2.50. You get twice the amount for less than/ the same as supermarkets. Its just a bit of a hassle having to pick your own, especially when i have no idea how to pick fruit and veg. And they dont deliver so i usually ask my mum to get it when she gets hers.

So worth checking out if you have somewhere close by.
I used to be terrible, I'd just buy whatever I saw and shove it in the trolley. Now I do meal plan each week apart from on the weekends because I don't have LO's and I tend to eat out or get a take-away :lol: It definitely stops me buying stuff we don't need or stuff that might get shoved to the back of the cupboard and forgotten about!

I'll be going food shopping Monday so I'll do another one Sunday night but this was this weeks..

Monday - Chicken wrapped in parma ham with wedges & some veg
Tuesday - Pasta dish (ended up having a ham, cheese & tomato pasta bake)
Wednesday -Roast dinner
Thursday - Casserole
Friday - Curry with rice and naan
Stalking, some of these tips and meal plans are fantastic! :flower:
Next weeks plan. We always have jacket spuds on mondays. Its one of the few meals LO eats happily. And we are having burgers again on thursday but they were a hit with LO so might add a little extra on the side.

Mon: jacket spuds with cheese and beans and home made garlic bread And salad.
Tues: tacos with h/m tortilla shells. Not sure what to with it. Feel free to suggest something.
Wed: pork chops fryed in apple sauce with spuds veg gravey and yorkies.
Thurs: burgers with sweet potato and normal potato wedges ( forgot to make wedges last week so will be something for LO and OH to try. )
Fri: h/m garlic chicken with h/m wedges for OH and LO and cheesey chips for me, beans, gravey and chicken bites. OH was going for a h/m kfc
Sat: sausage casserole with dumplings
Sun: ham and cheese filled pasta sheets. With garlic bread.

Some of them dont have a side so feel free to suggest anything. It gets a little boring because i have 2 fussy eaters to feed. Theres only so many h/m wedges i can eat.

Lunches will be ham salad cobs/ wraps/ sandwiches, hummous and breadsticks, cheese on toast, tortilla pizza and h/m lunchables ( i dont know what they are called but a hm version of the shop brought ones. So cracker, ham, cheese, ill sneak some tomatos on aswell ).
Im curious to know how you ladies meal plan. Do you re use plan or make a new one? How do you store them? Binder, notebook, on the laptop? I do a whole new one every week, have never re used one because i always forget. Im trying to find a smarter, more organised way to do this.

I store mine on the computer. I just do it in Word: I'll list the meals I'm going to make and under that list I have a shopping list, with all the ingredients I'll need. I save the plan to a folder (start Jan 2014, end Jan 2014, start Fed 2014 etc). It makes planning a lot quicker as a)I can copy and paste my list onto the shopping list function of the website I use (I do online shopping) and b)I can look back at lists from a few weeks ago and choose meals from there, so I'm not racking my brains for ages thinking of meals to make, and I have a list of ingredients I'll need (I'd forget something otherwise).
Our meals for this week -

Spag bol & garlic bread
Roast chicken
Cajun chicken
Chicken pie
Sausage casserole
Chicken stir fry
Bbq chicken

All served with veggies

Im curious to know how you ladies meal plan. Do you re use plan or make a new one? How do you store them? Binder, notebook, on the laptop? I do a whole new one every week, have never re used one because i always forget. Im trying to find a smarter, more organised way to do this.

I store mine on the computer. I just do it in Word: I'll list the meals I'm going to make and under that list I have a shopping list, with all the ingredients I'll need. I save the plan to a folder (start Jan 2014, end Jan 2014, start Fed 2014 etc). It makes planning a lot quicker as a)I can copy and paste my list onto the shopping list function of the website I use (I do online shopping) and b)I can look back at lists from a few weeks ago and choose meals from there, so I'm not racking my brains for ages thinking of meals to make, and I have a list of ingredients I'll need (I'd forget something otherwise).

I think i need to do this. Knowing me though ill over complicate it. At the minute my memorys rubbish, so having a list of ingrediants sounds good.

I might try putting them all on the laptop , maybe a folder for meal plans with lists underneath then a seperate folder with all the usual meals we have and their ingrediants. Im a real list person.
Our meals for this week -

Spag bol & garlic bread
Roast chicken
Cajun chicken
Chicken pie
Sausage casserole
Chicken stir fry
Bbq chicken

All served with veggies


Are these homemade? X
I used to use recipes online but it was time consuming and i often found things didn't turn out well. I still use allrecipes.com because there's thousands of reviews on recipes so you know if it's going to turn out well, but i most buying cook books from The Book People. This helps massively, we exprimented with food until we discovered what types of food we liked and what flavours that go together and went from there.

The way i do my shopping is linked to how i meal plan so i'll try and explain. Apart from when it's cold and we want warming food, or in summer and we want to eat light, i generally go through my cook books and look for recipes i think we will like, recipes that include the main things we eat i.e different meat, pasta/rices dishes, veg dish and then i make a list of all the things i need to make each dish.

I then look at how much meat etc is needed for the meal and compare it to the weight of the packet at the supermarket, then i know i have to use xgrams of chicken/beef etc so that gives me more of a starting point to go look for other recipes that i can use the leftover meat.

Same goes if a recipe will need something i don't have,or something i don't usually buy, like a soy sauce/fish sauce or a specific cheese or continental meat, i will always have enough recipes for those meals.

It takes organising and it means you'll have to be perpared to eat the same food in the week so it doesn't end up in the bin, but most things are fine for 3 days or so days in the fridge. So if i use half a pack of chicken on monday, i'll cook something different tues and wed and cook the rest on thurs in a completely different style meal so it doesn't feel repetative. We rarely eat the same meal twice in a month.

I don't meal plan week by week, but write a list of all the meals i can make with what i will buy for those main recipes i picked from the cook books and pair things that use the same main items together so i know to put them in the same week (because we freeze all our meat and defrost to use it). I generally gather 6-8 recipes then for the rest of the month i kind of wing it, because after i've bought loads of in season veg, other meat and staples, i know what i can do with them. It took work in the beginning but doing that helped me learn how much of each thing i needed and means i don't have to plan the whole month because i know the basics of enough recipes that i can buy other things without looking it up and know i can look for a recipe later iykwim?

I write them down on a scrap of paper because honestly with all the planning and recipe hunting i can't be bothered to keep a spreadsheet. Also, on the back of the paper i list the expiration dates of dairy and any opened stuff in the fridge so it gets eaten before it goes off. This way we rarely throw anything away. Having a long list also gives us the freedom to change our mind on the exact meal we might have.

I buy food online and this helps, and i add all my recipes first so if i have to take off an item if it goes over my budget i'm not left with half a recipes worth of things i can't do anything with. So i will take of the whole recipes. Then i add all the staples, pastas, rices, noddles, potatoes, wraps, then extra meat, veg, dairy and so on. I mostly cook from scratch apart from a few things i chuck in the freezer for a lazy day, we don't eat much junk food or fizzy pop and don't often buy alcohol so that reduces our bills loads. Don't get me wrong, i will still make homemade pizza, fried chicken, fried rice and bake muffins, cakes and cheesecakes etc but it's much cheaper than buying.

Also things that keep our cost down are making things like spice mixes, marinades and salad dressing. There's loads on the net and i don't usually need anything extra for them because i have a well stocked 'stock cupboard' but they cost less and usually make much more than if i bought a spice mix or salad dressing etc.

It really depends on how much time you have and what you like to eat. Me and DH love pasta/rice dishes so we eat a lot of Italian and Mexican, so when i do the shopping i know will always add the basics of what will make an italian meal and with those specific types things like peppers, chilis, tomatoes, herbs and oils i can use easily without looking for specific recipes so i don't need to list recipes for the entire month.

At the end of the month when i do my next shopping i check all the cupboards and don't buy things i don't need, again it means i don't have loads of the same stuff.

sorry that was long!
Next weeks plan. We always have jacket spuds on mondays. Its one of the few meals LO eats happily. And we are having burgers again on thursday but they were a hit with LO so might add a little extra on the side.

Mon: jacket spuds with cheese and beans and home made garlic bread And salad.
Tues: tacos with h/m tortilla shells. Not sure what to with it. Feel free to suggest something.
Wed: pork chops fryed in apple sauce with spuds veg gravey and yorkies.
Thurs: burgers with sweet potato and normal potato wedges ( forgot to make wedges last week so will be something for LO and OH to try. )
Fri: h/m garlic chicken with h/m wedges for OH and LO and cheesey chips for me, beans, gravey and chicken bites. OH was going for a h/m kfc
Sat: sausage casserole with dumplings
Sun: ham and cheese filled pasta sheets. With garlic bread.

Some of them dont have a side so feel free to suggest anything. It gets a little boring because i have 2 fussy eaters to feed. Theres only so many h/m wedges i can eat.

Lunches will be ham salad cobs/ wraps/ sandwiches, hummous and breadsticks, cheese on toast, tortilla pizza and h/m lunchables ( i dont know what they are called but a hm version of the shop brought ones. So cracker, ham, cheese, ill sneak some tomatos on aswell ).

Oh where are you from? I'm originally from Leicester and I say cob but no one else ever knows what one is xx

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