Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

hi guys, sorry i havnt been on in a few days..
I got to work thursday, and puked twice, .. took the boys i nanny to playgroup and puked twice there, thought i ought to call it a day, phoned the parents and dropped them home. Puked in the car (plastic bad thank god) on way home, barely made it through door, and puked twice again. Got in bed and was subsequently sick over and over..

my mums been admitted to hospital with swine flu and pneumonia so of course im desperatly worried about her.. OH has been working away and got home late last night, and bessi has postnatal d. and flu too.. so iv been on my own completly. I had to resort to telling two family friends i wasnt really ready too yet, so that i could have some help.. house was a mess, couldnt look after myself and needed to eat... and with all teh flu going on no one would visit if they thought i was infectious. :(

iv gotten up today and i feel better, delicate, but better. Had to ahve friday off work too which i just cant afford but boss being very understanding.

.. i too am a hormonal monstor, crying and yelling at OH most days, then sobbing my sorrys at him!!

Hey - well done to the girls turning into a olive today :happydance:
Im at work but my boss is away today so im on my own in the office today - hence catching up with a bit of b&b. Im feeling horrendously sick at the mo, not helped by me oversleeping this morning - didnt wake up until 9.30 (the time im meant to be at work) and the place should be open - woops, but meant I leapt out of bed, fed the rabbits and the dog and rushed to work without breakfast or even a drink - Im so paying for it now!! All that rushing about is not good first thing in the morning!!

Im undecided about the flu jab too, ive heard such mixed reports. I think i will have it but not until later on in my pregnancy (after 12-15 weeks). Ive heard too many miscarriage reports which are scaring me and dont want anything to risk losing baby in the early stages. I think the flu isnt really harmful to baby until the later stages anyway as it can cause prem labour and theres all these awful stories in the papers at the mo about mums dying once they have given birth :cry::cry::cry::cry: how awful!!!
Anyway there is sooo many mixed reports which is very confusing but I think I have decided to have it once im in 2nd tri xx

Sorry your feeling so rough babywisher - you are having such a bad time of it arent you. I hope things calm down for you soon and you get the help you need, the most important thing is keep hydrated.

Lilli thats great your planning your nursery, we have a spare room but as we moved in Septmeber it is still full of boxes - we really must sort it out :blush:

anyway take care - were another day forward towards our scans :happydance: xx
.. ooo im thinking about our nursery today. . il update you with what we decide and pics!
Aw babywisher, sorry to hear you are poorly and your mum! As if MS wasn't enough, now you have something extra. Flu or a tummy bug? :(

As for the 'nursery', I love giraffes... i feel a cream/beige giraffe theme coming on!
My sister got a massive wall hanging from ikea (i think), all cartoon people and animals. Suppose i should keep ours quite neutral as we want to move probably not long after baby is born. And sadly, not everyone shares my giraffe passion! :blush:

I just forced myself to go watch my old hockey team play, well actually hubby started to gently remind me that some exercise would do me good. It's a bit of a walk to the pitch. Anyway, it was BLOOMIN FREEZING out there! I've been back an hour and my bum is still cold! I'd forgotten how violent hockey is, good job i retired me thinks :)

But my walk and fresh air has zapped me, :sleep: time i think.
When do we stop feeling exhausted? :shrug:
Hi ladies. So much to catch up with on here over the last few days!

Kaths, my symptoms have dropped right down over the last week, appetite is returning, less nauseous, less tearful but a few more 'am I really pg?' thoughts so it's not just you feeling like that!

Babywisher, sorry to hear you're feeling so rubbish, I hope it passes soon so you can start to enjoy your pregnancy.

A friend of mine lent me her pregnancy and baby books (about 6 of them) so my desire for pregnancy info has been satisfied! One of the is 'Your pregnancy week by week' which stated the very reassuring snippet that at 8 weeks the risk of miscarriage is down to only 3% and at 12 weeks its 1% so I feel like we've all hit a little milestone! Yeay raspberries!

Lilli, i hit the big 30 in may too! It goes 1st wedding anniversary, my 30th, then hubbys 30th all in two weeks! Hopefully going to have a bit of a garden party at home.

I had my flu jab on the weds before new years and had horrible cold symptoms on 1st jan (sat), but lots of people at work have been ill so not sure if it was the jab or just a cold. I think the danger with flu is the fever, as fever can cause miscarriages. I also have asthma too so if I didn't get flu it would be even more of a risk. My understanding is that the flu jab is an inactive form of the virus so it's safe, whereas some vaccines are active forms of whatever virus and those ones you can't have while pregnant. I'm not going to say anyone should or should not have it, just thought I'd share my experience.

As for nurseries and decorating, we are planning to do a full two storey extension to our house this spring! We moved in in August and still have boxes of books, dvd's and clothes everywhere cos we've got no storage to unpack it all to and there's no point putting up shelves etc until the extension is done so it's all a bit of a state at the moment! Will be great when it's all finished though.

I was thinking of maybe a 'charlie and lola' theme for the nursery. I want something bright and colourful but will need to be unisex as we won't be finding out the sex of the baby until it arrives.

I told my assistant manager at work that I'm pregnant and she was really pleased for us. I was worried that she'd be stressed about it cos of the new store openning in July but her love of babies won through! Just need to tell my Area manager now, and then everyone else at work can wait until I've had my scan. I have to go do a work training thing next week and in the evening they have a big party for all the managers so I was hoping to tell him before then in case I felt sick during the day, but didn't want to tell him there or on the phone. Been feeling ok though so I'll just have to wait until his next store visit which will probably be the week after.

I've just been summoned to a lovely dinner cooked by hubby and I think I've chatted on enough for now!
iv decided not to have the flu jab! its seems im risking getting it if i dont, risking the unknown if i do. if i change my mind maybe after 12weeks.

sickness is easing but not much. will have to resort to anti sickness tablets i was prescribed by hosp. i didnt really want too, as i cant stomach enough food for my pregnecare which i feel incredibly guilty about, so to take antisickness i was reluctant but il have to, iv got toget through work tomorrow!
Hello everyone, hows it going?

Whos going to watch one born every minute tonight at 9pm. I loved that programme last time!! though im not so sure now lol - eeek

Anyone got any scan dates yet?? xx
Hello Ladies!

Kaths, I haven't got the scan date yet, but hopefully after next Monday it will get sorted (My 1st midwife appointment! :happydance:)

Re Midwife appt, does anyone know what to expect and how long they last for?

PS whoo hoo!! I am an olive!
Hey Ladies,
How's everyone doing?
I feel a bit funny, sort of like "what if i'm not pregnant?" I'm getting so tempted to go and have an early scan... hmmmm, even if i could hear the heart beat or something might make it a bit more real? anyone else feel like that? 3 more weeks till my scan. So impatient!
Saying that my trousers fit in the morning and are too tight in the afternoon!

Satine, re midwife: At my first one, she came to my house - i think only cos it wasn't her day at my surgery and she wanted to fit me in before christmas. She was here for about half an hour just asked me hundreds of generic questions about medical history (mine and hubby's), if immediate family had any medical problems. Takes your blood pressure. Where you want to have the baby, your dates... I think some midwives take your blood samples then, but mine sent me to the hospital with a form. And i think sometimes they see if they can hear a heat beat? i probably wasn't far enough along then for her to try. Remember not to have a wee before hand! Or maybe pick up a sample pot and take one in fresh that morning? i don't know what they test the sample for but i haven't had it cos i couldn't do it! :blush:
Congrats on your olive! :thumbup:

I was a bit scared to watch that programme last night, think i saw a bit last year and it was horrible then! i'm thinking blissful ignorance... until NTC classes.

I'm thinking of buying a doppler to see if i can hear baby. Anyone else going to get one? Might stop me whinging about waiting for the scan! :winkwink:
Hello Lilli,

Congrats on YOUR olive :winkwink:
Thanks for the midwife info, that helps! I hope I get a nice lady, I really don't like my GP!
I can only say from my experience, having had a scan at 7+5 (because I was paranoid!) that it only made it real and made me feel pregnant for about a week! I am back to square one, to 'am I pregnant?/am I not pregnant?' thoughts. Yes, I know it's crazy, after seeing a tiny heartbeat, I still can't believe it's true. Now that the nausea is not that bad anymore, there are days when I completely don't feel pregnant (like today!!) I am hoping it will hit me when I get a visible pregnancy sign (BUMP!!).
Another issue with scans is that once you had one, you want another, and another....I am already planning when to have an extra one again. By the time August 13th comes, I may be addicted to scans and bankrupt :dohh:
BTW Just saw a bit of one born every minute (new series). I don't find it scary at the mo, but I can't watch it because I just end up crying my eyes out!! It's so amazing!
I loved one born every minute last night - I just find it fascinating watching births :blush: soooo emotional!!

At my midwife appointment she filled out a ton of paperwork, mine and Oh medical history etc, weighed me- worked out my BMI, gave me the forms for my blood tests, gives you a pack and a book etc - its quite good - I was in for about 45 minutes!

My symptoms are gone again today!! I was going to have a scan but then I thought well something bad can happen after the scan anyway and i will still worry so Im just going to wait until 12 weeks though its agonising!!!!
Im hoping for my scan the first week in Feb as OH and I have a week off work, will save us booking a day off work and trying to find an excuse. I still havent told anyone!!

Im going to be an olive tomorrow - woohoo another milestone :happydance:
Loved one born every minute!! ..mind you cor that woman did half make a fuss! not that i under-estimate the pain of birth but crikey.

lost 1.5lbs this week, maybe i shouldnt slate morning sickness! lol x
babywisher - I wish I could lose weight but the fact im eating everything in sight doesnt help - Im just soooo hungry all the time!

Im an olive today :happydance:
I know the feeling, at this rate i'll be having a 12lb baby! :) I am eating everything in sight and feel like it must be so obvious at work that i am constantly munching away... I'm being quite good in that a lot of it is fruit and i seem to be a bit off chocolate at the moment, but that means crisps... mmmm, salt and vinegar!
Does anyone else have their clothes fitting in the morning then too tight in the evening? I've just finished a late shift with my trousers unbuttoned for the last 2 hours!!!:blush:
yes lilli, i just had to sit in an indian restaurant with my buttons undone :blush: not good and its sooo uncomfortable...

Im loving salt and vinegar too - especially salt and vinegar snack a jacks yummm, im also off chocolate and sweet things which is very unlike me but might help my weight a little!
Hey Ladies, hope your all well!

I'm definitly suffering with that bloated feeling, I looked enormous last night when I looked in the mirror!

Quick question, are any of you taking a pregnancy multivitamin? When I went to see my doctor before xmas he told me just to continue with the folic acid until 12 weeks and eat a healthy varied diet. I explained that i'm vegetarian and do not eat fish and he wasn't worried at all. Now though i'm beginning to wonder if I should take a multivit? it's still 2 weeks today till I see the midwife!!

aside from that i'm so relieved the sickness has subsided for a while and that i'm a raspberry - yay!

Hi Jax,
I took Pregnacare multi-vitamins for a month and have just bought a months supply of Sanatogen Mum to Be with Omega3 fish oil. https://www.sanatogenpregnancy.co.uk/
the way i see it, it cant hurt to take extra vitamins even though i'm trying to eat well as well. My sister is in her 3rd trimester and was going on about eating mackerel to help the baby grow brains... i think i'll stick to the capsules! :thumbup: Really not a fan of oily fish!
Quite expensive but i think i heard somewhere that Boots have them on offer at the moment? I got mine at Tesco where they are doing 3 for 2 at the moment.

Kaths, i love Snack a Jacks! My drawers at work are full. Someone actually commented on the amount of food in my drawer last week :blush:
Hey Ladies, hope your all well!

I'm definitly suffering with that bloated feeling, I looked enormous last night when I looked in the mirror!

Quick question, are any of you taking a pregnancy multivitamin? When I went to see my doctor before xmas he told me just to continue with the folic acid until 12 weeks and eat a healthy varied diet. I explained that i'm vegetarian and do not eat fish and he wasn't worried at all. Now though i'm beginning to wonder if I should take a multivit? it's still 2 weeks today till I see the midwife!!

aside from that i'm so relieved the sickness has subsided for a while and that i'm a raspberry - yay!


Hi, Im taking pregnacare - the one with the omega 3 capsule in and the vitamin including folic acid and vitamins. Dont take a general multi vitamin tablet because it contains Vitamin A which you are not meant to take when you are pregnant. The pregnacare normal capsule without the Omega 3 has everything in it you need. i would def stick to tablets that are intended for pregnancy just to be on the safe side xx

Well done on becoming a raspberry :happydance:
Hey Ladies,
How is everyone? Looking forward to your weekend?
I feel quite good today, well apart from being SO IMPATIENT!!!! :wacko: i nearly blurted it out about 3 times yesterday and 5 times today... i just want to tell people! oooooh it's so annoying! :)
I am so looking forward to having a lie in tomorrow and sunday.
What are your plans?

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