Angie, it only just hit me that you wont be taking much in the way of pain killers either?! poor you! Are you signed off work for a decent amount of time?
Crikey, i'd be properly wallowing in self pity! I am a bit pathetic though!
I have a Consultants appointment at St Albans next weds and then proper 12 week scan on the 31st in Hemel... shame we have to tour West Herts Hospitals!!!
Kaths, i have the angelsounds one without a display. I managed to find my own heart(!) which made me jump cos i had it turned up too loud! haha

And i found a pulse in my tummy below and right of my tummy button, must by mine cos it's too slow to be the baby... i heard some swishy noises but nothing regular. It says on the bit of paper that 12 weeks would be early to hear it and more likely 14-16 weeks. I'm going to have to learn some patience!!!!

not going to stop me trying every day though
I'm going to find that link i posted the other day and read it properly...