Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

is anyone else showing? i seem to have gotten quite a noticeable bump!

squeeee.. im an olive! x
Oh yeah, i feel like a total lump! :)
It's more that i just cant suck my belly in anymore, if you know what i mean :blush:
My hubby thinks it's hilarious and just goes "breath in, go on, suck it in" i find it amusing for a little bit, then get grumpy! i don't mind really, nice to know there's something going on in there.
My belt would only go on the 4th hole today (usually 5th) and my trousers spend more time undone, than done haha

Nice olive! :happydance:
Hello all,
well I got my doppler today, i bought the angelsounds one, I had a little try and didnt find anything but I didnt try too hard and for long enough - Im going to look again at 10 weeks :happydance:

I have had a terrible headache the last 2 days, accompanied by ear ache and a a blood shot eye - I look delightful!!! :growlmad:

I feel a lump too and my trousers are tight, i think its just bloating but VERY uncomfortable!! xx
JAN2011 012.jpg

:O this is mine!!!! all day every day.. no smaller in morn than eve, and all hard. . so i dont think its bloat anymore! crazy.. never expected this.
Nice bump :thumbup:

maybe its twins :haha: i just read another thread and apparantly its normal to show at 9 weeks so that makes me feel better.. At least its baby bump and not fatty bloaty bump!!
Aw, what a lovely bump! I wont scare you all with a picture of my belly yet, i just look flabby!:headspin:
Ooh, just seen that i am prune today :thumbup:
I bought an angelsounds doppler last night, hope it arrives soon and hope i can hear baby! How exciting, good luck finding yours Kath :)

just saw this on another thread: https://www.howtodothings.com/family-relationships/how-to-use-a-fetal-doppler
Hello girls, I got my scan date through today - 4th feb! so I i will be 12+2 - perfect! :happydance:
yey! nice one, something to close to count down to. :happydance:
I'll be 12+2 on mine as well. Hope we get some good pics! Do you have to pay £5 for yours?

Little whinge:
I am just so tired. i can barely bother to get out of bed at the weekend! I'm constantly thirsty, so constantly going to the loo! And have a headache which just wont go...
Dear hubby has "man flu" and you'd think he was dying! I'm trying to get him to keep away from me cos at least he can take drugs when he's ill, but the inevitable waking up in the middle of the night with him breathing on me keeps occurring - eeeek, makes me angry at the moment and the poor man is just trying to sleep! I'm now very short tempered :devil:
At least i can laugh at myself...
Hi ladies, so exciting to see olives, and a prune! Who knew fruit and veg could be so interesting!

Ok, so i have a confession to make..... I ate brie!!! I was at a work conference this week and it was awful! At luch I thought I'd be clever and avoid the meat/fish table (ham and smoked salmon etc.) and just go for the veggie options so what do I put on my plate? A brie baguette ans a goats cheese sandwich, ahh! No one knows I'm pg so I had to eat them, once should hurt though! In the evening everyone thought I was a bit wierd cos I wasn't drinking, I just told them I was going to a party the following night and so didn't want to get drunk that night. I found out that the date of the new store has moved to the end of aug so I won't be there to open it (very upset about that) and then to top it off in the evening my manager told me that a little birdie (my old manager) had told him that I am very clever and very smart and so this year he has big plans for me and they'll be no more sitting back keeping quiet! Normally this would be fantastic news but it just made me feel really down and then on friday I just sat and cried about work, money and just life in general! Felt much better after my cry though!

I figured that all I can do is my job to the best of my ability and show them how amazing i am before my mat leave starts!

On a more positive note, I am now feeling better, looking forwards to my midwife app in a week, feeling a bit pregnant again (the crying!), phoned lister about my scan who put my mind at rest that I wouldn't have to wait for weeks after my midwife app, and hoping that my manager is coming to visit me this week so i can bite the bullet and tell him about baby!

Babywisher, your bump looks fab, I've got a tiny bit of bloat but nothing out of the ordinary and all my clothes still fit the same as ever.

Has anyopne signed up for NCT antenatal classes? I've got a pack from them which says so apply I have to fill out a form that will be emailed to be but the only email I've got says that they've sent me a pack so i'm a bit confused as to haow to actually apply!
Yes, i'm about to book my classes. NCT should've sent you an email with a link to complete your booking once they check the class you've asked for has space. Just email and ask the question, they've been very helpful and friendly when i've emailed (i let the first booking lapse and they had to renew it etc).
I wouldn't worry about the Brie, isn't it only if it makes you ill at the time? i had to eat smoked salmon at my in-laws... some websites in england say it's safe but i think other countries say no.
I've been wearing maternity jeans all weekend and i LOVE them! They are too big and i need a belt to hold them up but they're so comfy! :)
:wave: Mrs Wifey, I havent seen you for ages - glad you are ok, dont worry about the brie, ive had a few naughties too i.e runny eggs etc but I think a little of what you fancy wont hurt and if its only once or twice..

Im sorry you wont be there to open the new store - that must be really disappointing for you but just think of what you will be doing at that time - it will be worth missing out on! I keep having panics about work too but hey it will all work out im sure. Are you planning on going back to work? as they have to keep your position for you so if you do go back - do as you say and do fab before you leave and they wont forget that.

I have applied for NCT classes yet - i havent had any info on it yet?

Lilli, it didnt say anything about how much I have to pay for piccies, i think i remember last time it said to take £1 coins..
If it makes you feel better im shattered too - I have been to work today but didnt get up until 9am and got home at 5pm so not bad but i have been on my feet all day serving in the cafe - its quite hard work - carrying all the trays, bending over washing up all day etc but im just trying to be careful as no-one knows im pregnant yet! but my feet are killing me and my back hurts :cry: I have also had a really bad headache still, and a very bloodshot eye but actually have no pregnancy symptoms :wacko: which im really worried about.
No sickness, nausea nothing... is anyone else being sick??

Anyway my whinge over too - were allowed to whinge this is what this thread is for!!

Really hoping your hubbie doesnt breathe his man flu all over you lilli :nope: not good!!

Keep well all xx
Hello Ladies,

Got my 1st midwife appointment tomorrow, a bit nervous! (don't know why!) I am feeling a bit less tired than a week ago, but (WARNING TMI) my digestive system is not working great. Feeling really bloated and uncomfortable after meals, especially in the evening. Has anyone else got this?
Kaths101, I am not feeling sick either, I can't stand the smell of cooked meat though. When are you planning to tell people at work? I was planning to tell my boss straight away but keep it secret with everyone else. Unfortunately, my boss has been off for ages, I am dying to tell somebody!!
Ooh exciting that your going to see the midwife tomorrow satine! Let us know how it goes!

I feel like the youngest in the group, still being a raspberry! Congrats to all you olives and prunes :)

Impressive baby bump babywisher!! I just look normal as I was already overweight - not sure I'll show for many many weeks yet!

I had a rough night yesterday, about 9:30 I was sat on the sofa watching tv then I started to get really painful abdominal pain, nothing I did would stop it. Not cramps it was consistent and I had it for over 3 hours. I was really upset not knowing what it was. I finally went to sleep and when I woke up I was ok again. Today I have felt ok but nervous as to what it could be :(

Have decided to tell my boss this Friday as I have a review anyway, feel bad not being up front when planning workload etc.

Hope you all have a lovely week! Xx
My manager is coming to visit me tomorrow so going to tell him about being pregnant. I'm a bit nervous but kind of just want to get it over and done with now. He's really nice and I'm sure he'll be fine about it, just me worrying about the new store etc.

Satine, let us know how your midwife appt goes, mine is next monday and I can't wait.

Kaths, I haven't had any symptoms for ages either apart from being very down on thu and tearful fri, but I've got over that now. Hubbies mum looked at me in disbelief when I was stressing about no symptoms! She just said that I'm lucky and to enjoy it, I think I'll start to enjoy it more now that things are happening (telling manager, see midwife then have scan all in next few weeks!).

Fx'd telling manager tomorrow goes ok! :flow:
Hello Ladies,

My 1st midwife appointment was very disappointing! Firstly, I was told by my GP surgery that the 1st midwife appt is usually at 10 weeks (long awaited!). Fine. I was really looking fwd to it! anyway, I met the midwife, who was all right and started filling some forms for me. With the corner of my eye, I noticed that it had a name of the hospital that I am NOT having my baby in. (I live on the verge of 3 counties, so the one I chose is not much further than the one obviously 'recommended' by my surgery). When I said that I don't want to give birth in that hospital, she said: "oh well, there is no point in me filling the paperwork then". She said I had to phone my chosen hospital quickly (because as she said"I am already 10 weeks" and make an appointment there, because she can't do it. She wasn't nasty about it or anything, but it came as a total shock to me. She didn't check my weight or height, blood pressure, nothing! I was given some booklets and sent home.
The reason why I am so upset is had I known about the procedure, I would have booked the appointment myself at the hospital ages ago! Nobody told me about it though, I was told I can't see the midwife earlier and it's my 1st baby-how was I supposed to know? Also, how can you know so early which hospital you decide to give birth in? I am now worried that by the time the hospital responds, it's going to be ages before I see anybody or have my scan. I have to say, I am very pleased that I had a private scan so early, otherwise, I would know nothing about the health of the baby or myself :cry:

Sorry Ladies, maybe I am exaggerating but it really upset me. On a different note, Mrs Wifey I am also planning to tell my boss tomorrow. I am a bit scared!! She is lovely and I am sure it will be fine, but I am such a coward :wacko:

Anyway, hope everyone is feeling well and sorry about me moaning!
Oh Satine, how upsetting for you. I don't see why she couldn't do it?! When i said i wasn't sure about Watford but would go with it 'for now'. Mine said, no, you need to decide now, or we have to start ALL the paper work again. But it would still be the exact same paperwork just with a different hospital name and address on it?! All sounds a bit suspect to me... unless it is down to it being different counties?! all the same bloomin NHS though! Grrrr, cross for you!
Have you rung the hospital you want yet? Don't be upset, it'll all work out and as you say, at least you had your early scan to see your baby. They'll fit you in for your 12 weeks scan no problems. :thumbup:

So i caved in and let it out today... my friend at work is 20 weeks and a colleague was offering her a spare cot and talking babies and then another (very) preggers lady came in and they were talking about prams and stuff... then someone else blahblahblah... etc etc. We work in near silence so any talk is very easy to over hear. And it was just bubbling up inside me! We got to the kitchen for lunch and suddenly it was just me and her so i just blurted it out, she screamed, i nearly cried, it was all quite funny! But OMG, what a relief! i honestly feel like a weight has been lifted, such a cliche i know, but i truely felt so much more relaxed afterwards. :winkwink:

little bit naughty, i know the bosses should know first but she won't say anything AND for the first time in ages, i left work with a smile on my face and happy rather than counting down the seconds until i can go to bed.

TMI, but my bowels aren't as efficient as they used to be either Satine! So yes, evenings are bloated and uncomfortable until i can urrrm, empty out. On the plus side, i don't often feel sick anymore! And (touch wood/fingers crossed) i haven't got man flu - also known as a common cold from my DH.

Enjoy the telling of the bosses tomorrow ladies, i just cant wait to tell everyone now! Going to try and button it until after my scan now though :)
Good Luck with the boss telling ladies!! ooo exciting..Im sure my boss knows - he keeps dropping subtle hints but I wont say anything until 12 weeks just in case!

Satine - how disappointing for you, just try and ring the hospital and get it sorted im sure it will be fine. Surprised she didnt get your weight, height blood pressure etc though.. Oh well least you know baba is ok. Hope you get it sorted soon xx
So, told my boss today. i was so worried about it that I had dreams about it all night and woke up with a headache! All ok though, he said congratulations and when I asked about coming back (was a bit worried that cos it'll be a new store that they wouldn't let me back) he said that of course it's my store etc. When i told him I was disappointed to be missing out on the launch he joked that he didn't think the baby was going to wait to let me do that before arriving! Was so relieved after I told him, I nearly went and told everyone else in the store too!

I hope your boss was ok about it too satine.
Hiya, i thought about telling my boss today but then got scared and chickened out!:wacko:
So i should've had a consultants appointment through because of my medical history and i hadn't heard anything... i chased it on the 5th of jan and she said my notes had been sent away for processing and i'd hear the following week. Didn't hear. Rang today and they got in a bit of a flap. So overly helpful and apologetic. Apparently "the slip of paper must've fallen off your notes". Hmmm good system! :thumbup: So i now have a consultant appointment next wednesday! Hopefully i'll get at least a heart beat check. I keep thinking, what if i'm not pregnant and i've just imagined it all? Nearly convinced myself to buy a pregnancy test today... Our dog had a phantom pregnancy years ago and i just keep thinking of that... :dohh:
I know, i'm being silly, i am joking really :haha:

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