Oh Satine, how upsetting for you. I don't see why she couldn't do it?! When i said i wasn't sure about Watford but would go with it 'for now'. Mine said, no, you need to decide now, or we have to start ALL the paper work again. But it would still be the exact same paperwork just with a different hospital name and address on it?! All sounds a bit suspect to me... unless it is down to it being different counties?! all the same bloomin NHS though! Grrrr, cross for you!
Have you rung the hospital you want yet? Don't be upset, it'll all work out and as you say, at least you had your early scan to see your baby. They'll fit you in for your 12 weeks scan no problems.
So i caved in and let it out today... my friend at work is 20 weeks and a colleague was offering her a spare cot and talking babies and then another (very) preggers lady came in and they were talking about prams and stuff... then someone else blahblahblah... etc etc. We work in near silence so any talk is very easy to over hear. And it was just bubbling up inside me! We got to the kitchen for lunch and suddenly it was just me and her so i just blurted it out, she screamed, i nearly cried, it was all quite funny! But OMG, what a relief! i honestly feel like a weight has been lifted, such a cliche i know, but i truely felt so much more relaxed afterwards.
little bit naughty, i know the bosses should know first but she won't say anything AND for the first time in ages, i left work with a smile on my face and happy rather than counting down the seconds until i can go to bed.
TMI, but my bowels aren't as efficient as they used to be either Satine! So yes, evenings are bloated and uncomfortable until i can urrrm, empty out. On the plus side, i don't often feel sick anymore! And (touch wood/fingers crossed) i haven't got man flu - also known as a common cold from my DH.
Enjoy the telling of the bosses tomorrow ladies, i just cant wait to tell everyone now! Going to try and button it until after my scan now though