Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Oh Kath, that sounds so awful! Wonder if there is a herbal version of Immodium or similar. But then you don't want to go the other way...
I'm still incredibly windy, both ends, but i'm counting myself lucky that that's the extent. Dear hubby doesn't feel so lucky! hahaha

Alfie (very good name) the cat sniffs the air when i go for a wee in the morning. We have underfloor heating in the bathroom so he wont move even when you step over him to get to the toilet. He defo knows somethings different. It's almost like he's guarding me at the moment, gets between me and the door or me and hubby...

Angie, that's so cool that you got to see your baby! i cant wait for my scan! And yes, i am so with you on St A hospital parking. When i went for my blood tests on New Years Eve i was inside all of 5 minutes, i was so mad, would've been madder with a £40 fine though... it's just so stupid that they don't have a short stay option/area. Raking it in!

Enjoy your lie in you lucky girls who are off work! Chin up to those of us who have to get up... Lucozade all the way, i'm telling you, it's magic! :)
Hi Ladies Due in August :happydance:

Lets keep all of our fingers crossed that our little flumps remain safe.

I cannot stop wondering whether I am having a girl or a boy. My DH doesn't want to find out but i think I have changed my mind :blush: i am also loving the names Evie and Eva (although DH isn't as keen) I wonder if he will warm to them

Hubby and I have decided that our nursery is going to have a Beatrix Potter theme. thing is we cannot think too far ahead can we?

I hope hope all of my bump buddies are well :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all

Ooh I'm a little rasberry too :happydance:

Grr, I had a missed call from my midwife yesterday so I just called her back and she sounded very grumpy! She said that the doctors receptionist can't book her appointments so I thought I was seeing her on 20th jan and now it's not until 24th, which is only a few days later but it's still more time to wait and it's a monday which is a busy day at work so I think i'm going to have to tell them soon so that I can go to my appointment. She asked me to fill out my medical notes, bring a urine sample, my weight in kg's, my height in cm's - these are not difficult to do and I don't mind but she was so grumpy that I was tempted to ask her if I'd be taking my own blood test and doing my own scan too!! I understand that they're short staffed and I'd probably be grumpy too in their situation but where I work no matter how short staffed or busy or grumpy you are you still have to smile at the customers! I was looking forward to meeting my midwife, now I'm not so sure!

Sorry to hear you're feeling ill Kaths, I hope it passes soon. I'm not ill at the moment but I do get a queasy feeling when I've eaten, I'm hoping it doesn't develop into MS! Babywisher, glad to hear you're well enough to go back to work. When is everyone telling their work? I think I'm going to have to do it soon because of my appointment.
I'm not sure what to do about work, I want to tell them as then they will know but I also don't want to rush into it! My midwife appointment is 27th so a thursday so should be able to blag that fairly easily. Not sure if I read somewhere that you need to let your employer know by 15 weeks??

Hope everyone is getting on ok at work!
hi all, im not letting work know until I know everything is ok - so after my 12 week scan!!
I still have diarrhea, im not sure if its harmful to baba or not - i hope not. I have woken up this morning and dont feel pregnant at all - Im worried now... no sickness this morning and boobs are fine :wacko:

Im a raspberry today too - im praying everything is ok
dihorea wont hurt bubba, just dehydrates you so keep water levels up.

Dont worry, i woke up yday feeling not preggo AT ALL, and worried.. and now i cant stop feeling nautious again, cant win!

il be a raspberry tomorrow, hehe!
hi girls

i had to tell my work at 5 weeks - not happy but i was temping there and they asked me to permanant so i wanted to be honest - it paid off as i'm now permanant - otherwise i think i would of told them about now - couldnt hold it in much longer :haha:

jax - i think its 15 weeks before bubba is due that legally you have to tell them

wifey - my mw was a bit grumpy but the student mw she had with her was really nice and is actually based at the hospital where i will have bubba which made me feel better

:happydance: to the rasberries

kaths - sorry you are feeling ill my mw said that diarrhea is normal she said some people get constipation and some get diarrhea (its all the hormones) - i had it a bit around 6 or 7 weeks and she said just to make sure i had lots of fluids - not long and you will start feeling better in general :hugs:

babywisher - my male staffie keeps doing that - we must be letting off a smell :haha:

Hey Flump, i really want to know what we're having! hubby isnt so sure, i think the whole labour thing will be enough of a surprise/shock that we don't need the added boy/girl surprise?! As Watford wont tell us the sex i suppose i'll have to fight the battle for a private scan...
There's always the sound of the heartbeat though, now i'm not sure i've got this the right way round, i think that a girls heart beats quicker than a boys... one sounds like a choo-choo train and the other sounds like a galloping horse. My friend had twins, one of each and the midwife bet her it was one of each based on the sound of their hearts...
My sister had a boy first time and is having a girl in march (confirmed on the scan), she said she was sceptical about the train/horse sound but then she heard baby girl and was like, "that's amazing, it is so true!" :thumbup:
I'm going to wait until after my scan to tell my bosses... don't really want to but i'm desperate to tell my friends and my work is a gossip cauldron so i suppose i should inform the bosses before the gossips do?!
You don't have to tell them legally, just best for health and safety reasons i guess. I'm a Fingerprint Expert so occasionally have to go to crime scenes or the mortuary but i wouldn't want to expose myself to that now. Another reason for me to tell them soon...
The 15 weeks before you're due is something to do with your maternity pay...
Crikey MrsWifey, sounds like you are doing her job for her! Will we see the same midwife all the way through or does it change? Maybe she'd been up all night delivering a baby?! no excuse to be grumpy with you though, or she was mad at the receptionist and took it out on you... rubbish! I'm sure she'll be nice when you do meet her.
My MIL is a recently retired midwife and my WORST NIGHTMARE is that she'll turn round and say she'll come out of retirement for me... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :wacko:

wow, i've gone on a bit tonight! :blush:
I think i went on and on a bit then because i cant talk to anyone during the day about baby so you guys are my outlet! good job i've got this site or i'd explode!!!! :)
I think i went on and on a bit then because i cant talk to anyone during the day about baby so you guys are my outlet! good job i've got this site or i'd explode!!!! :)

thats what we are here for

I said to the oh i wanted to know what we are having and that stupid hospital wont tell us so eventually after working on him for a few weeks he is letting me have one :happydance:

haha lilli.. how much do i love to chat chat chat too!!!

i lost 2lbs at fatclub tonight, but had to buy maternity work trousers, so weights staying off and im still growing!! lol x
Hello Ladies,

Sorry I haven't been here for a while, but I feel completely drained of energy. I come from work, get on the sofa, got early to bed and that's it. It's work-eat-sleep (and feel nauseaus in the middle, although that's getting better now). I am looking forward to having some more energy!
I haven't told anyone yet, but I will tell my boss and ask to keep it confidential.

Looking forward to the weekend now!! xx
Hey I know I am a bit late and all but can I join?? I'm 35 and 8weeks gone, due 17th August. I live a long way away too down under in Christchurch NZ (you may have heard of us, we're the ones with all the earthquakes!)
Hi Vivienne, welcome. Is this your first baby? I have some friends who emigrated to Christchurch 2 days before the first big earthquake! They had a rough first few weeks.

Satine, wow, exactly the same. If the computer wasnt a laptop that lives next to the sofa, i would never be on here. i just feel zapped. When do we start feeling normal - or at least less weird? when will my hair shine and my skin glow? i have teenage spots again :(
I think we'll turn into olives tomorrow! :)
Hi all and welcome Vivienne, Im 31 and you have the same due date as me :hugs:

Hows everyone feeling? Im still panicking at my lack of symptoms or more like disppearing symptoms - sickness, nausea until 8 weeks and then bang nothing!! How are you other 8 weekers feeling??? Some are olives tomorrow woop woop! scan date now approaching - were nearly there!! :happydance:
I feel like a total Yo-yo. My moods are all over the place! My biggest problem is the tiredness. I feel a little bit queasy, but not as bad as i have previously... But then ask me tomorrow and you might get a complete different answer!
I just feel a bit pathetic! my dear hubby (jokingly) asked what i was making for dinner (i get home almost 3 hours before him) and i really nearly cried. Poor man has an hour and a half commute each end of the day on 3 different trains to get to the far side of london and all i can do is sit on the sofa and feel sorry for myself! And now i feel guilty and almost tearful again!
Jeez i need to pull myself together! :dohh:
I was going to ask how old everyone is the other day. I'm 29, will be 30 in may - probably going to be my quietist birthday celebration ever! or at least most sober... :winkwink:
Anyone else being a hormonal monster?
I just bought some bump bands from New Look online and some maternity jeans. One of the threads on first tri has a discount code, think it was 20% off and it's free delivery at the moment too.
Ready for a snooze now!
Friday night takeaway for any of you? or is it healthy time?
I feel like a total Yo-yo. My moods are all over the place! My biggest problem is the tiredness. I feel a little bit queasy, but not as bad as i have previously... But then ask me tomorrow and you might get a complete different answer!
I just feel a bit pathetic! my dear hubby (jokingly) asked what i was making for dinner (i get home almost 3 hours before him) and i really nearly cried. Poor man has an hour and a half commute each end of the day on 3 different trains to get to the far side of london and all i can do is sit on the sofa and feel sorry for myself! And now i feel guilty and almost tearful again!
Jeez i need to pull myself together! :dohh:
I was going to ask how old everyone is the other day. I'm 29, will be 30 in may - probably going to be my quietist birthday celebration ever! or at least most sober... :winkwink:
Anyone else being a hormonal monster?
I just bought some bump bands from New Look online and some maternity jeans. One of the threads on first tri has a discount code, think it was 20% off and it's free delivery at the moment too.
Ready for a snooze now!
Friday night takeaway for any of you? or is it healthy time?

healthy time??? :haha: whats that??? Im eating complete rubbish at the mo - Im really trying to eat healthily but its just not happening :shrug:

And no mood swings for me at the mo, which OH is quite pleased about!!
I feel sick permanently :(

I haven't cooked thus evening either, luckily for me hubby ate at lunchtime so wasn't worried. It's awful though as you feel so useless!!

I'm 27, 28 in February

Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Yeah, we were going to get fish and chips last night but the queue was too big so we had chicken roll and chips... TMI but i paid for it later when i had to sit on the toilet for what felt like an hour! :loo: Just glad poor baby cant hear yet, my tummy was making the worst noises!!! After that, chicken rolls are banned from the house.
Hilarious, we just had a guy round to quote for plastering 'the nursery', not that it's really called that out loud. And he's a friend of a friend so a little bit cheeky. I was having problems with my words and he goes "what's up with you? You hungover or something?" To which my husband started chuckling, i blushed and said it was just too early for me... at 10.30am. Probably didn't help that i am slightly green and have massive bags under my eyes...:wacko:
We've had the boiler moved into the loft and it's left a major mess in the box room so it will all be lovely and warm and freshly decorated in time for baby :happydance: I know it's a bit early to plan all that yet. We saying to our friends that we've done it so it's single bed size for when we re-sell!
Oooh, i'm an olive!
Oh, and this morning i have had a letter from my doctor saying that i have to make an appointment to get a flu jab. If i dont want it, i have to sign a form and send it back saying i understand but am going against the doctors advice and not having it! :shrug:
Now i was actually a bit undecided about having it, but that makes it sound a bit sinister, to go against "doctors recommendation"... :nope:
Who's had it? Did it make you feel poorly? There is a thread for this on 1st tri so i might go post on there too.

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