Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

lol^ this made me laff! cant wiat to be second tri soon! x
Hi :flower:

I've finally had my proper scan (including combined test) at the hospital today! Our little one didn't want to turn properly, lying upside down is his/her favourite thing now :winkwink:
I've attached a photo from a week ago, that was at 12+2
I will upload the ones from today later on. It still doesn't seem real though! We told both of our families now and are in process of telling closest friends-it's fun! I had my first belly rub as well...(didn't like that one!!)

Lilli, sorry about your cat. OMG, how expensive was the bill?!!

MrsWifey, I also started lurking on 2nd trimester, but you are so right-feel much more comfortable giving advice to the newbies on the 1st tri forum! Good luck for tomorrow, share some pics!!

Angie, I haven't joined all the clubs yet, but got another bounty pack today with more freebies. I love freebies, keep them coming!! :happydance:

Kaths, your hubby has a funny idea about getting ready with the shopping, mind you mine isn't much better! He thinks we can buy everything in the last month! I want to be prepared.

Has anyone watched One Born Every Minute yesterday? One lady was really panicky, I hope I will keep calm in labour but knowing myself, I will hyperventilate and panic for sure. I am not that much scared of the pain at the moment, more about not being in control...

Hugs to all :hugs:
Kaths, I have the opposite problem to you. Just came home and hubby informed me that he's bought a highchair from a guy at work - WTF!!! He showed me it online and luckily it is a good one Mamas and Papas Prima highchair in black. Was a bit peed off that I didn't even get asked though! His friend also has a mamas and papas ultima travel system he'll sell us for £100 and they never used it cos it got bought for them. Not sure exactly which version it is but they look pretty fancy!

On a more chirpy note his sister is pregnant, yeay! I so pleased for her, just hope it sticks and all goes well.

Lovely pic Satine. I haven't watched one born yet, saving it for my lie in tomorrow morning before the scan! I'll be posting (or attempting to) my pic tomorrow x
Lovely photo Satine!

A friend of mine from work was due to have twins in April... Well, the waters broke on one of the twins a week yesterday and she's been in hospital since... Both were delivered yesterday at 30 weeks, Emily and William. They're ok but in special care. Poor girl was just like "i haven't even got to that chapter of my book yet!" Fingers crossed they get big and strong quickly!

Enjoy your scan tomorrow MrsWifey! looking forward to seeing your pics! :)
Lovely pic satine!! :hugs: I love looking at scan pics. OH doesnt get it "they all look the same" but to me they dont :hugs:
I watched one born every minute - LOVE that programme, the women was very panicky wasnt she and some of the facial expressions were funny but she ended up giving birth back o back which apparantly very painful - so she can be forgiven for the faces. i dont want to even think what I will be like :blush: I would like to think i will be calm, quiet and in control but I guess everyone goes in thinking that!

MrsWifey looking forward to seeing yours tomorrow its so exciting.. Ive also gone over ot second tri, well im going between the two now. i find 1st tri seems to be mostly newbies now so I tend to post my worries on second tri now, I guess the same people will be following us over. Its so strange seeing people in 1st tri having babies in sept/oct soon be nov and dec - scary... I remember when we were the newbies!!

Lilli, my friend is about to meet her twins too, she is 30 weeks and has started to have a few problems so she thinks she has a maximum of 3 weeks to go.
Loads of best wishes to your friend and her babies, i hope they keep growing big and strong and are able to come home soon xx
Had the scan and baby is healthy and wriggly! The nuchal measurement was small so still waiting for blood test results but it's looking like low risk for downs which is good.
I wasn't sure how to add a pic into the message bit so I've put it into my ticker. They dated me at 13+1 so have moved forward 4 days and now due on 16th August.
Had the scan and baby is healthy and wriggly! The nuchal measurement was small so still waiting for blood test results but it's looking like low risk for downs which is good.
I wasn't sure how to add a pic into the message bit so I've put it into my ticker. They dated me at 13+1 so have moved forward 4 days and now due on 16th August.

aww brilliant news, your pic looks great - very clear. You are 1 day ahead of me now, we are now peaches :happydance:

I had some good news today too, I had my letter for overall result for the downs screening and came back low risk 1 in 65,382 so thats fab - really happy with that considering the odds for my age is 1 in 900. :thumbup:
Yey, good news all round! :) Very clear pic MrsW
I'm still waiting for my letter with our risk factor but i would've heard by now if it was bad. They did three nuchal measurements and the largest was 1.5mm so i'm not worried.
And big old wow for all the peaches! :happydance:

So yesterday i had a phone call from Occupational Health wanting to do a work station assessment to make sure i'm sitting properly. My lovely dear friend shouted across the office to me who it was... people's ears pricked up. Then a friend who's been off sick for a week came in, i'd texted her over the weekend and she screeched 'congratulations' thinking that everyone already knew... lots of meerkat impressions going on over the desk barriers. So it all started to come out yesterday and then i bit the bullet today and made sure my whole office knew. Then i emailed a few people throughout the building and the news travelled, fast! I dont know what i was so nervous about, everyone is being lovely... :shrug:

So pleased to be home on the sofa with a grumpy cat on my knee, really need an early night!

Have we all had our scans now then? Next i have a consultant appointment on the 23rd of feb, 16 week midwife appointment on the 28th of feb then hopefully a 20 week scan appointment will come through!!! how mad is that?! :happydance: I remember when i signed up to this site and was 4 weeks preggers... this all seemed SO far away!

Does anyone have any symptoms? My belly is growing and i'm tired but nothing much else going on...
:happydance: Glad your news went down well at work Lilli, I guess it has spread like wildfire now!! Mine hasnt yet but im counting down the hours until everyone knows, I really dont mind now though - its just nice to be able to talk about it. I dont know why we worry so much about telling people, i was a nervous wreck telling my mum and boss but they were both so pleased.

I have no symptoms apart from the constant weeing!! It drives me mad, i had to get up 3 times before I even fell asleep last night and then twice again in the night :dohh:
I have got no sickness (have got off very lightly with that) but I was sick the other night after pizza and chips, my stomach doesnt seem to be handling greasy food very well, which isnt a bad thing as I am eating healthier at the moment.
No cravings at all, I feel very un pregnant - well apart from my ever tightening clothes!! :happydance:
yeah, i definitely cant eat as much as i used to!!! Even tonight i gave myself a smaller portion for dinner but i still feel overly full... but i still crave ice cream! :)
Hubby has gone out for a golf lesson (yawn) and i'm hoping he comes home with some Ben and Jerrys...
i'm getting up twice in the night most nights! When my alarm goes off at 6am and i put it on snooze, it's generally only the need to wee that gets me out of bed and therefore to work. Counting down the weeks until maternity leave! haha
Not that we'll be getting much sleep then... hmmmm
Kaths, that's a really low risk factor - yeay!

I put my scan pic on facebook yesterday so the jungle drums have already been in overdrive so work should be fun today!

I've not had any cravings but just trying to eat healthier and make sure I get my 5 portions of fruit/veg a day! I've got a little bump starting to show, not enough that my clotyhes don't fit but enough so some people have noticed!
Oh i'm so sad today, my friends' IVF hasn't worked. She's understandably gutted. :cry: we all are for her :cry: It's just so unfair!
And my friend who had the twins at 30 weeks... one has been taken to Great Ormond Street because she's so poorly!
First friend should be newly pregnant and second friend should still be pregnant for at least another 6 weeks! :cry:
Sorry to bring the mood down ladies, just feeling really useless with so little i can say or do to help... Cried about 4 times today.
Right, got to go take cat to the vet for a check up. Grump grump grump. :wacko:
AWW Im so sorry to hear that Lilli, we have all been lucky so far havent we but these things do bring you down with a big bump, babyboyles thread on second tri is just heartbreaking!
Im sorry for your friend - will she try again? It must be devestating as it must seem like her last chance :cry:

I really hope baby girl gets well soon, Im also on tenderhooks because my best friend is pregnant with twins too and they will be sooo small when they are born, im praying they will be ok!

Keeping my fingers crossed for the little one. Hope you are ok Lilli, it sometimes helps to have a good cry xxx
Fingers crossed to both your friends Lilli and Kaths, i hope everything turns out ok for their little ones. Lilli is your friend going to try IVF again? x
Oh i know, babyboyles story is so sad. I remember her posting a few weeks ago when she found out the baby had Turners syndrome and how she didn't care, she'd love her and look after her whatever and now the poor little baby has died. :cry:
Jeez, we are so so lucky!

I dont know if my friend will be offered another round of IVF, their ages and hormone levels mean that they were lucky to get this chance on the NHS. She says she's ok, but she really isn't. :nope:

Kaths, will your friends' twins definitely be coming early? what a worry, even with time to get grips with the fact it's going to happen... I hope they manage to stay in a few extra weeks! I think once they get to 30+ weeks literally every day makes a difference.

On a happier note, tomorrow, i am going to visit my friend who had twins nearly a year ago now! Haven't seen them since their christening nearly 6 months ago. Looking forward to a cuddle or two if they'll keep still for long enough :)
Im a peach! YAY! madness, i feel like i was a poppy seed yesterday!
Oh i know, babyboyles story is so sad. I remember her posting a few weeks ago when she found out the baby had Turners syndrome and how she didn't care, she'd love her and look after her whatever and now the poor little baby has died. :cry:
Jeez, we are so so lucky!

I dont know if my friend will be offered another round of IVF, their ages and hormone levels mean that they were lucky to get this chance on the NHS. She says she's ok, but she really isn't. :nope:

Kaths, will your friends' twins definitely be coming early? what a worry, even with time to get grips with the fact it's going to happen... I hope they manage to stay in a few extra weeks! I think once they get to 30+ weeks literally every day makes a difference.

On a happier note, tomorrow, i am going to visit my friend who had twins nearly a year ago now! Haven't seen them since their christening nearly 6 months ago. Looking forward to a cuddle or two if they'll keep still for long enough :)

Yes she thinks they will be early at her scan last week the fluid was the lowest it can be so they said another week. Have fun playing with the twins :thumbup: though sometimes looking after other peoples children makes me think twice :haha: (too late now) it is sooo tiring - I looked after a 3 yr old for a few hours the other day and was shattered!! lol..

Babywisher how are you feeling? Welcome to the peach club :thumbup:
Aw, the twins are sooooo gorgeous, just what i needed to cheer me up! So lovely, biggest blue eyes ever and just so cuddly!!! :hugs: played for nearly 3 hours and yes, i am tired! :) They were staying awake better than i was! it was only when nappy changing was mentioned that i made my escape. haha
And then i got home and have my letter for the nuchal screening... our risk factor is low at 1:100000! :happydance:
We had take away last night and now we are heading to a friends for more take away... these maternity jeans may fit me sooner than anticipated! :wacko:
think i am going to be a lemon tomorrow, never thought i'd say that! :haha:

have a nice weekend everyone, :hugs:

and little update on my friends premature twins; the little girl had to have an operation on her oesophagus but apparently both are doing well and were over 3lbs when born, which is good for 30 weeks! fingers crossed they keep getting bigger and stronger.
Kaths, things getting slowly better. had day off last thurs as i was poorly again but in general its picking up.

However im finding i know exactly when an hour as passed, as i get sudden waves of strong nausia and if i dont eat somthing within a good 5-10 mins.. it gets unbearable. ... i could set my watch by it. So having to be very prepared food wise, esp at work. but im managing it OK. Hoping as time progresses this will get less and less and i can begin to feel better.

Very sorry for your friends failed IVF lilli, its ever so difficult to know what to do in those situations. Unfortunatly really there is nothing, because its a heartache that no one can fix but a baby.. so you just have to be there for her.. i know you will be though. You sound like a fabulous friend to have.

Hope the rest of you are feeling well! x
Eeeek, i just realised 6 (calendar) months today i could potentially be having my baby! :)
Now, i am SURE that i felt a kick last night :happydance: but i did pop off a little fart shortly after... :blush: i thought maybe it was the baby being cross with my noisy, bubbly guts... Anyone else felt something and thought it might be baby?
Babywisher, i am so sorry that you are still being poorly :hugs:. Just not fair! Was your mum poorly with flu as well? is she ok now?
So far i think i've been quite lucky sickness wise. My back has gone a bit rubbish... i had a lot of problems a few years ago from years horse riding and playing hockey, plus a genetic thing which makes me extra flexible... pilates made it much better but now it's back! was hoping i'd last a bit longer than this before going wonkey donkey again... :wacko:
Anyone subscribe to Brandalley? They actually did some maternity clothes the other week and i got some really nice bras from Emily B maternity. Actually look attractive as well!
Right, going to brave town, got to be done!

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