Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

my mummy had plurisy and pnemonia.. (sp?) .. and is still recovering :o(

Hi Ladies,

Hope everyone is feeling well today :winkwink:
Got my screening report and my risk is low :happydance:
I started feeling really twitchy towards baby shopping and nursery organising. I feel like there is not much time left!!
On a different note, work is really busy at the moment which doesn't help with my tiredness levels.
Anyone is going to be very romantically watching One Born Every Minute tonight? :winkwink:
meee lol.. OH knows valentines or not, there will be a screaming woman on our tell if its a monday night LOL

aparently they feature a lady using hypnobirthing tonight which im VERY excited to see in action as have been using cd's for about a month now!
Crikey babywisher, your poor mum! my step mum had both those too, takes a while to recover.
My hubby refuses to watch one born every minute. i have to record it and watch it tomorrow. He doesn't want to know apparently, where as i want as much prior warning as possible! He's more of a girl than i am! :haha:
Saying that, i had a bit of a moment today... i was at pilates and the guy (who is so sweet and nice - and not bad to look at) was demonstrating what we were going to do next and i just had a mini melt down and my eyes were watering and i was just thinking "i cant do it, i cant do it, i have to leave". felt a bit sick but stuck it out. these hormones are weird!!! :wacko:
I will be watching one born every minute, so will my OH - he seems to be getting right into this birthing lark - I hope he doesnt think hes an expert when it comes to it though :dohh:

Oh dear lilli, not good crying in front of a fittie :haha: Glad you managed to get through it and pull yourself together!!
I had a surge of pregnancy hormones last night - I cried because I showed OH a pram on ebay that I liked and he said I couldnt have it so I burst out crying... I didnt even want it and was just showing him the type of pram I wanted lol... he then felt really bad all night. I dont know what got into me :blush:

I hope you all have been spoilt today. I had some lovely flowers and he had cooked a roast for when I got home from work and made a lovely dessert with meringue, cream strawberries and raspberries in a heart shape - was gorgeous and now Ive had to change into my PJs cos my trousers are too tight haha (not that they werent tight to start with).. MUST get some maternity clothes soon!
OH is the same.. says he will just cope when its actually happening but doesnt want to see other ladies do it. whimp!
oh kaths, what a lovely valentines you had! we said no presents so just did cards then i got some flowers too. :)
I got back in touch with an old school friend last night. I last saw her a year ago at her baby shower and since then have been a bad person and not been in touch. Living 200 miles away makes it difficult - when i go up north, i see family but my old friends get missed out. i haven't even met her beautiful daughter. Thankfully Facebook has let me see pics. So we talked for over an hour and i'm going to visit next weekend :happydance: just don't know why i left it so long?! :shrug: She already started telling me funny breast feeding stories which may have freaked me out slightly... :wacko: Oh well, fore warned is fore armed?!
Lilli, that's so nice for you to meet up with an old friend!
Kaths, awww so sweet that you had such lovely valentine's day...:thumbup:
Babywisher, hope your Mum is better. I am also interested in hypnobirthing and while it looked like the lady in the programme was quite calmed, it freaked me out when she started begging for pethidine :blush: Were you thinking of doing a course, or just getting some books/cds?

It's my first day of feeling officially fat and frumpy! I out on a few pounds since the beginning of pregnancy (no morning sickness!) but I don't look pregnant. My tummy is bigger, but I just look like I've eaten too many pies, LOL! I've always been very slim, so the weight gain really hit me today. Anybody else feeling the same?
I feel like a lump! I was big ish to start with 14/16 but quite proportional... normal clothes are too small, maternity clothes are too big so yes, i feel a bit lumpy!

I thought One Born Every Minute was really funny, that girl in the water pool - it was like they were having to hold her above water some of the time, she went a bit mad. And that girl that was just screaming and screaming... And then i was sad for the girl whose boyfriend was in prison, she seemed to deal with the birth the best. Her friend made me laugh having the gas and air then jumping back when the midwife came in, urrrm, yes, you are being filmed...

Still keep thinking i might be feeling the occasional kick but i am also quite windy at the moment...:blush: unless baby doesn't like my bubbling, gurgling guts and kicks in reaction to that? think i might be kidding myself a bit though. What do you think? I just cant wait for the next stage now, want to see him/her again! :wacko: doing that impatient thing again! :dohh:

late shift again tomorrow = another lovely sleep in :thumbup:
Hmm Lilli, there was a sentence I read in 'What to expect..' Nobody does gas like pregnant woman! :blush: OMG, how true is that! I suppose it's possible that you feel your baby kicking at this stage? But not sure...I don't feel anything at the mo :wacko:
I have a late start tomorrow too...oh sweet lie ins! :sleep:
ooh yay, im a lemon!

Oh yes, man i am gasssy and pwoar, dont i stink. Have to blame it on kids at work LOL
I keep thinking my babies not really in there though, im worried its all gas!

lilli some people do feel very early so maybe, but shouldnt be kicking, more the early fluttering most describe.

I'm thinking it was gas... :blush:
i was listening on the doppler this morning and s/he was near my belly button then a minute later, had moved to near my right hip! it was mad, could hear little thuds and splashy noises, so think i could hear wriggling but not feel it... :thumbup:
just nice to hear the little pow pow pow
Anyone else having some serious mood swings? today i was proper little miss road rage, then got angry over some silly work issue... the biggest thing was my bad language! i very very rarely, if ever, swear at work and today the F word came out about 20 times!!! :shrug: Dunno what that was all about?!
Ready for a nice sleep now, :hugs:
Hello Ladies,

I'm new to BnB, but am glad to have found this thread. :) I am due 8/17 and was starting to feel more energy, but again today find myself wiped out! :sleep:
Hello Ladies,

I'm new to BnB, but am glad to have found this thread. :) I am due 8/17 and was starting to feel more energy, but again today find myself wiped out! :sleep:

:wave: hey Susie, Im glad you found us! I have days like this too sometimes full of energy and others I feel I could lay in bed all day. How have you been otherwise? did you get much sickness? How was your first scan? You have the same expected delivery date as me :happydance: so have you got a date for your second scan - mine is 1st April...
Cant wait!

Lilli, Im getting lots of noises on my doppler now too - its fascinating isnt it. I couldnt find buba this morning then find him/her far over on the right. Obviously had been for a swim lol
I keep getting flutterings still :shrug:
Hi ladies and welcome Susie :flower:
I got my scan date through the post, 24th of march in St Albans this time. :thumbup:
I'm sneezing loads today. Don't want a cold! It's been coming on slowly all week, not happy. :nope:
But i am an orange so it's all ok really :winkwink:
Trying to persuade hubby that he wants to start painting the nursery... not going my way so far, but it will! :happydance:
Hello Ladies,

Welcome Suzie, nice that you've joined the club! Lilli, I also felt a cold coming for a few days, but it's gone. Try resting lot and I found that orange juice was a saviour too!
I am also an orange today, woop woop!
I also wish we started decorating our spare room, but have a real dilema, as I want it to be guest room/nursery combined but have no idea what to do with it (it's a double bedroom). Neutral colours and a futon for guests?
Has anybody else NOT bought anything yet? We literally have nothing! We said we'd start buying after 20 weeks scan, but I am itching to start getting little bits and pieces.
I have decided to treat myself to a yummy mummy changing bag though :thumbup: It's a bit pricey, but I had my eyes on it for months!!
Thank you for the nice welcome everyone! :). I did have an initial scan at 9 weeks and all looked fine. I had my NT and sequential screening at 12 weeks and although the scan looked fine, my blood tested for low PAPP-A (.22). Now they are sending me for a level 2 at the hospital at 16 weeks on March 2nd. I was scared to death at first, but in my heart I just know that my baby is ok. Apparently they check for markers indicating Trisomy 18. I have seen so many similar stories with normal outcomes, so I am trying not to worry. At least I have my energy back today!! :thumbup:

How is everyone else feeling?
Lilli, sometimes I get very sneezy myself. My dr. Actually said that our sinuses can act up a lot more while pregnant. Isn't that something? Hormones I suppose...
Hi Satine,
We haven't bought a thing, not a bib, not a baby wipe, nothing! I too am wanting to get going! think we need to get the baby room decorated and ready to put things in before we start buying...
I've seen those changing bags too. i actually stopped to look at one hung on someones buggy the other day. Never thought i'd say that! :)
Susie, i dont know what any of those things are you mentioned. Is it all the standard tests? Fingers crossed everything is ok.
I've stopped sneezing for the moment but just feel so headache-y and grumpy! told hubby off at least 5 times today and he hasn't really done anything naughty... haha
Hi Lilli,
Those blood tests are part of something the OB called a "sequential screening", but it's the first time it's been offered to me... Maybe it's standard for moms over 30? My last baby was at 29... Sometimes all of these new testing techniques end up making moms-to-be worry for nothing!

Hope those headaches are getting better! :)

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