Oops, didnt mean to post then. fat fingers, wrong buttons!
Mrs W, how was the dentist? i have a serious phobia! i had to have two fillings last october after 4 years without a visit. I was hyperventilating, shaking, hysterically crying. It was very very embarrassing! the dentist was so sweet and lovely, but she must've thought i was nuts. She had to keep stopping and sitting me up cos i was sobbing so much i couldnt breath. i knew it was irrational, i just could not stop!!!
Haven't got my free dental certificate yet... if i get it, i'll have to go!
And how was the heart beat check? exciting? Did you think it sounded like a choo-choo train or a galloping horse? Mine sounds different on the doppler every time!
I'll check which way round it is with my sister but she reckons girl sounds like one, boy like the other.
Susie, i'm definately having stretching pains - is that round ligament? i ran for the phone earlier and something properly twinged, been hurting ever since.
But, i am pretty sure i felt proper baby movement today!!!
It wasnt wind or internal bowel movements
It was gentle little tickle-y nudges... like really gently drumming your fingers on the back of your hand, like that but in my tummy!