Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Has anyone else seen these travel hoodies? https://morrck.com/department/baby_hoodie/
They look gorgeous, i want one for myself
Oops, didnt mean to post then. fat fingers, wrong buttons!

Mrs W, how was the dentist? i have a serious phobia! i had to have two fillings last october after 4 years without a visit. I was hyperventilating, shaking, hysterically crying. It was very very embarrassing! the dentist was so sweet and lovely, but she must've thought i was nuts. She had to keep stopping and sitting me up cos i was sobbing so much i couldnt breath. i knew it was irrational, i just could not stop!!! :shrug: Haven't got my free dental certificate yet... if i get it, i'll have to go!
And how was the heart beat check? exciting? Did you think it sounded like a choo-choo train or a galloping horse? Mine sounds different on the doppler every time! :) I'll check which way round it is with my sister but she reckons girl sounds like one, boy like the other.

Susie, i'm definately having stretching pains - is that round ligament? i ran for the phone earlier and something properly twinged, been hurting ever since.

But, i am pretty sure i felt proper baby movement today!!! :happydance: It wasnt wind or internal bowel movements :blush: It was gentle little tickle-y nudges... like really gently drumming your fingers on the back of your hand, like that but in my tummy! :thumbup:
hey girls ive had a really chotic few days. I had to go to the doctor with yucky discharge (sorry TMI) and what I thought was a water infection - I got prescribed Antibiotics but was really shocked she didnt actually check me for anything!! SO I double checked with my midwife today after ringing 3 times and she was really shocked too that I didnt get swabbed and urine tested so I had to rush in today and get it done and not take the antibiotics until I know the results!! At least the prescription was free - its now £7.20 - another perk to being pregnant :happydance:
Im glad you are all ok, What pains are you getting? I thought my pain was associated with my infection but im starting to think now that it might just be ligament pain - Im getting a stretching/stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. Not cramping so im not too worried!
Ive booked my 16 week Midwife appt for next Thurs so will get the results from my tests then.
I also cant believe baby is the size of an Orange - grows so quickly!!
Has anyone else seen these travel hoodies? https://morrck.com/department/baby_hoodie/
They look gorgeous, i want one for myself

Lilli, Those are adorable! I have never seen them before, but they look very cozy and handy, and with the baby still so young as the winter approaches, I'm sure you'd get plenty of use from one. :):baby:
Hi Kaths, Sorry to hear you're poorly! how long do you have to wait for the results? :hugs:
I have the stretching stabbing today too. Just been round town in my lunch break and i feel exhausted! i got a proper sweat on and had to stop halfway up the stairs to the carpark. Not normal! i should've waited for the lift...

I read that in the next 3 weeks, our babies will double in size! that is a whole lot of growing! no wonder we are stretching so much inside. :wacko:

think i'll be getting a morrck hoodie for my little one :)

Off to yorkshire to visit family this weekend. i havent seen them since we told them about the baby and my sisters baby is due in 3 weeks!
Have a nice weekend,
Hi Lilli, Kaths and Ladies!

Yes, I am definitely feeling the stretching pains too. :( I notice it most when I am sleeping at night and turn over from one side to the other-- ouch! :wacko:

I am used to the feeling from my other pregnancies, but it is scary when you're not sure what is going on, or when you feel it mostly on 1 side (my R side this time!) :)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Have a lovely time visiting family Lilli.
Grr, I now know why I have avoided to dentist for so long! She looked at my teeth and did x-rays and then told me I've got infections in 2 teeth which is quite deep so she wants to pull them out. I said fine, I assume you'll then put something in the gap and she said no they won't be able to do that! She said she could (reluctantly) try to save them but it would be unlikely but it would be quicker/better if i went private. So then I said 'don't they do the treatment to save them on the NHS?' her reply 'Well yes we can?!' -WTF! Then she said 'look look surprised at that' So I said yes, I've had no tooth ache at all and you're telling me you want to pull out two teeth and leave me with gaps!!!!

Got more annoyed and grumpy as the day went on and I thought about it so I called a friend of hubby's who is a manager at a dental practice and even though they don't do NHS he's going to get me in for a free consultion so I can get a second opinion!

Lilli, I didn't have a seperate free dental certificate, i just used my NHS prescription exemption card and they were fine with that.

On a more positive note, baby's heartbeat was a healthy 144, but didn't sound like a train or a horse! Also today got the results for downs and the risk is 1 in 66000 - Yeay! I think I've started having a few stretching pains, when I turn over in bed I can feel it in my stomach a bit so have to remember to not suddenly throw my body round onto the other side!

How're everyones bumps coming along, my belly is definately rounder but still only a little bump and all my jeans etc still fit.
I too dread the dentist! :(

This is my 4th child. so my belly was practically there as soon as the test was positive... ;)
I'm still able to wear my jeans, but can't button them anymore and need to use the bella band!
Ugh-- anyone else still dealing with occasional NAUSEA or Morning (afternoon, and night) sickness? ;)

Having a rough morning, and have already gotten sick twice! Took some Zofran, but I really hate to take medicine when pregnant! :(
Hi Susie, i was very sick this morning, i felt fine when I woke up but OH and I were naughty last night and didnt wash up so when I came downstairs and saw a lumpy bit of lasagne I was sick straight away :nope:
I had to get OH to remove it before I could leave the bathroom.

Lilli I get my results on Thursday at my 16 week appt
Hello Ladies,

Sorry about the nausea and sickness, I thought that 2nd trimester was supposed to be a breeze?
I am feeling fine, apart from being breathless and feeling dizzy quite a lot :wacko:
I am having a consultant appointment in hospital today, hope it goes well. I am dying to get a date for my 20 week scan as well :nope:
I seem to have stopped growing completely, I probably look the same as 2 weeks ago! A bit worried and impatient to get a bump, not just what looks like a tyre of fat around my tummy!!
Hi Ladies,

Hi Kaths101-- I had to chuckle about the lasagne. The same thing happened to me when my husband was cooking eggs. I had to have every kitchen window open before I could come back, and it's freezing out! :) I hope you feel better!!

Satine51, the same to you! :) I am no longer having the dizzy feeling, thankfully, but do get out of breath at times. Maybe it's as Lilli was writing earlier-- we're all at that time where babies grow 3x bigger. Makes sense that the hormones go a bit out of whack again... ;)
Satine, i know what you mean about wanting a bump, I still don't look pg, just a bit bloated! It seems that something exciting happens ie last week we heard the heartbeat, but then by the end of the week I'm back to feeling not very pregnant again. Having said that hubby did inform me yesterday that although he understands that I am being quite emotional recently I still need to be reasonable (we're trying to pick a 'family' car!). You can guess how well that went down!!!!
hi ladies!
After my 500 miles round trip to yorks and back i was sufficiently exhausted yesterday, so therefore today too! Had another ridiculous crying episode yesterday... combination of things but mainly because i had eaten too much!!! :wacko:

I had my 16 week midwife appointment this morning. It was very quick, just a little heartbeat check, blood pressure, urine check, come back in 8 weeks.

I'm only feeling sick these days when i eat too much... cant get used to this less food, more often thing. Pub lunch with my dad yesterday, yummy but oh so full! :dohh:

Sorry to hear everyone isnt feeling 100%. I'm certainly not glowing or blooming or any of that! My belly hasnt really grown much recently, after the initial bloat i am now back in normal jeans for work (top button undone).

:happydance: Sooooo looking forward to going on holiday this friday! Sunshine!!! :happydance:
guess what?? I have 5 new stretchmarks :nope: I got one a few weeks ago but now 5!! All on my lower stomach - it must be baby as ive never had stretchmarks on my stomach before (have got elsewhere though)...
ohhh eeeek this is the start of it - Ive bought a big bottle of bio oil but I know theres not a lot I can do about it.
Oh Kaths, that's rubbish :( boooo hisss to the stretch marks!
I bought some rescue oil (cheap version of Bio Oil) the other week but hate feeling greasy, it says you can put it in the bath too though so i've done that a few times... And then my MIL sent me some posh Sanctuary Stretch Mark oil. Not tried that one yet. Hmmm, think i have a few new ones on my boobs but none on my belly... yet. Oh well, shows what's meant to be growing is i suppose :)
Hi everyone, still trying to figure my way around this place. I'd love to have bump buddies!! I am due 8/26, although my little one is measuring big for his age, but NP didn't want to change the due date. This is my fiance and my first baby! I'm so excited, but really want some friends to talk to. Boys just don't understand!!
No stretch marks (yet) but I have been suffering from baby brain! I don't feel unusully tired by I keep having stupid moments when I feel like my thoughts are having to push their way through mud to make sense!

I realised today that I need to submit my MATB1 form (or whatever it's called) to my HR dept by 25 weeks but I don't see my midwife again until then so it'll be late! Do I need to make another app with her just to get the form? She gave me the form on my first appt with her but said she's not allowed to fill it in until 20 weeks but not sure how that's meant to happen when I don't see her again until 25 weeks - I'm confused!

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