Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

That blanket is gorgeous! I've discovered that a friends mum is very talented at knitting... my subtle hints haven't got anywhere yet!
going to go on ebay and find some trousers for me! Yesterday at work was embarrassing, my maternity trousers hadn't dried from holiday washing and i had on normal ones undone with a belly band. spent half my day making sure i wasnt flashing my pants and rearranging all my layers. Had to get some bigger work polo shirts yesterday too.
Looking forward to seeing some new scan photos today ladies!
Week today until mine. Hope everyone is well,
lil x
:happydance: My sister had her little girl this morning, Chloe Eloise. :happydance:
:pink: Massive baby at 9lb 7 and a half ounces!!!! My sister is only 5'3" and quite petite. :pink:

I really hope mine doesnt get that big! :wacko:
Hello Ladies! The scan was amazing today, but we are not sure which team we are on...it was suggested that it could be a girl, but we are not telling anyone until we are more certain! The bad news is that I was diagnosed with minor placenta previa which I was told not to worry too much about, because it can still move, but I started googling and it scared the wotsit out of me! Having a c section is my idea of hell, because I have a serious phobia of lumbar puncture/injections. I had lumbar puncture when I was little and it was the most horrible experience of my life!
I really glad that our LO is so well, but hope my stupid placenta sorts itself out! Our LO was playing with its feet, it was so cute!!

On another negative note, I had a terrible night with bad pains in my hip, but it's ok now. How is everyone else today?

BTW, I think I am going to book a baby bond scan at 24 weeks to double check the sex-anyone else planning to do it? x
lilli, congrats to your sister, chloe louise is such a pretty name too. I'm also only petite 5'3 and scared my baby will be huge but me and my siblings were all only little 6lbers and so were my two nephews so I'm happy to continue that family tradition!

Satine, i hope that the placenta previa sorts itself out, must have been amazing seeing your LO playing with its feet like that! We're still sticking to team yellow!
Hi Ladies!! I hope that everyone is doing well today. I love the lamazae toys-- so colorful and they last forever.

The scan went really well yesterday! Baby was healthy and kicking away, and there were no worrisome markers that the low PAPP-A is causing any issue yet for baby or placenta. We found out that we're expecting a..................GIRL! Very excited, but I thought we were having another boy, so now I have to get used to the thought!! I can't believe that we'll have 2 of each. :) For now there was only good news, but they will need to see me back at 28 weeks to make sure there is not anything wrong with her or her placenta. Fingers crossed, but I feel very positive about things right now. :)

Can't wait to change my tickers to PINK! Sweet potatoes DO seem much bigger & a better depiction of baby than the onions...LOL. ;)

Satine, were they able to tell you what you're expecting? :) I wasn't 19 weeks yet either, and they had no trouble telling, so I hope they could see easily for you as well.

Kaths, I hope that these 2 weeks pass QUICKLY for you, and that the little one is not too modest!
Hi Ladies,
Satine, i think i've read about that, don't they generally move out of the way as the baby gets bigger? We've still got a long way to go, so plenty of time for it to shift :)
Cant wait until next thursday now. Hubby has now changed his mind and decided that he does want to know what sex the baby is. Ooooh, i don't know what to do, i so wanted to know, then came round to the idea of a surprise so now i'm confused...:wacko:
Just went to tesco to look at baby clothes, i heard there was a big clothes sale on - there is, on everything apart from baby clothes! But looking for clothes that could be for a girl or boy, there is so little choice! I want to get nice things for our baby not just plain white... i know the baby wont care but... :shrug:
but i thought i'd get a couple of things just to get started! So yey, i have bought my first baby items today! Just got 5 short sleeved baby grows, white with green and yellow bits on them and some ickle tiny booties! Love it :happydance:
I'm going to get sensible and organised and start a list so i don't over buy some things and forget others... :thumbup:
really happy today; it's friday, i love my bump, i've got alfie cat giving me a cuddle and hubby should be home soon! :hugs:
Susie, congrats on your baby girl! I hope your placenta sorts itself out too. When I had my scan, the sonographer seemed a bit unsure, so we have just decided to have a babybond scan in a few weeks to confirm the sex!
Lilli, it must be so nice for you to have your sister's LO to spend some time with and get some practice! I can't remember the last time I held a newborn. You must be excited that the baby shopping has well and truly begun!

I have stopped worrying about the placenta position for now, after googling and reading some horror stories on google and not being able to sleep. I then read in 'what to expect' that for 9 out of 10 women the placenta will venture upwards, so I am trying not to think about it at all now.

We had a lovely weekend, didn't buy anything yet but we spent hours in Mamas and Papas and another independent shop with prams and it was so exciting!!
I finally saw some prams in flesh and had a little play with oyster and icandy cherry. I prefer Icandy slightly look-wise, but I don't think I can justify the price of it! Some of the packages came to almost 1000!!
There are so many thing I want to get, I think I need to make a list...:thumbup:
Hi everyone,
I am super tired today, i just dont seem to be sleeping properly. 2 toilet trips a night, crazy dreams and painful pelvis are preventing proper sleep! Anyone else?
I was actually up and dressed at 8.30am on saturday?! i had NO need to be!

Unfortunately Satine my family is 200 miles away :( I'll hopefully get to see Chloe 2 or 3 times before ours comes along though.

It's my scan on thursday... we've decided that we are definitley going to ask what it is, whether or not they'll tell us is another issue entirely! but fingers crossed we'll know by the end of the week! I keep thinking girl but i dont know why... :)

i've started doing buggy research. I like the Quinny, Bugaboo and iCandys but they are all top of the price range. The only thing i am sure of is the MaxiCosi car seat as it has the best reviews. It fits all 3 of those brand buggy bases. There's a shop in St Albans that stocks all 3 so we're going to look on thursday.

So excited to see baby again! :happydance:
Hi Lilli,

I have great days and bad days. today I was in pain at work with hip, it's just this dull ache, as if I was bruised. Last week I couldn't sleep because of that.
Luckily, it doesn't happen every day, but I am scared it will get worse as time goes by!
Good luck tomorrow, I am so curious to find out what you are going to have.

I am a bit paranoid today, because I haven't felt baby moving properly yet and I am over 19 weeks. I had a bit of a flutter here and there, but ages ago and I can't feel it anymore. i am not even sure if that was the baby. I am small, but have anterior placenta, so maybe will have to wait longer? My colleague said she didn't feel anything until 24 weeks. That's a long time to wait!!

How's everyone doing?
Hi, Ive only felt tiny flutters too - no proper kicks yet. Ive been extremely tired this week. Just cant keep my eyes open! Im also struggling with an achy feeling 'down below' I cant describe where it is just that it is there! Its like im bruised but when I actually touch it it doesnt hurt so its inside :nope:

Anyway apart from that all is good, I cant wait until my scan - still 10 days to go. Ive found out my friend is booked in for her c section for her twins that day too so were both on the countdown! :happydance:
my midwife said that they didn't start counting kicks until 26 weeks, by which point you should feel 10 movements a day. She also said not to worry if you feel it then don't for a few days cos if it's facing backwards
Your little one is probably pummelling your placenta Satine :)

Scan tomorrow! my friend had hers yesterday at the same hospital and she says there is a sign on the wall saying "it is our policy not to disclose sex of the baby so please do not ask" so that's that then. Never mind!

Have any of you thought about when to start your maternity leave yet? i know it's still a little way away... I'm thinking of using my annual leave to drop down to 3 day weeks in june and go on proper leave around the 20th of july. Isnt it weird, with the annual leave i'll get whilst i'm off, i wont be going back to wont until after the Olympics!!!

Lovely sunny day here, always makes me feel better :)
hi girls

wow i cant believe how far you all are now - your catching up with me :haha:
glad to see you are all ok and the scans went well - sorry to hear about your placenta satine my friend had that and it had moved by 37 weeks so dont worry about it too much
Lilli they wont tell you the sex in st albans. watford or hemel but they do in qe2 and lister - stupid i know - i went to the veralum clinic in victoria street and had a private scan - also i got my pram from ebay in the end - i went in the baby shop and it was just too expensive mine was £160 and was £500 in the shops

with me not much happening - i'm moving to a house in 2 weeks and then i can start decorating the nursery and i now now have all the babies stuff even down to nail scissors and its currently in my mums house in 9 boxes :haha::blush:
I have ony just felt him start to kick about in the last week thanks to my stupid placenta and i have just started getting braxton hicks oh and i'm leaving work in 12 weeks on friday :happydance:

1 week to scan day -woop woop! We're dtill staying team yellow!

I haven't felt baby move yet either, had a couple of little flutters about a week ago but nothing since.

Angie, sounds like you've got it all sorted! We've got a few bits and pieces but we're having an extension in June and need to sort out the nursery too (currently an office/junkroom) before we properly start getting everything. I've started looking out for offers etc, got some baby wipes at buy 1 get 2 free and some nappies cos I had some vouchers. The next sale in on this weekend but there's hardly any unisex in it so I've only found one outfit but it's quite cute and only £4.

For those who know if they're having girls or boys, whay names have you got or are you going to wait to meet baby?
i got most of babies clothes off ebay apart from a few bits that i got in the asda sale - i also decided to get 1 pack of each supermarkets own nappie to try to see what suits him - there has to be one and it has to be cheaper than pampers - i now have over 200 nappies in sizes 1 to 3 :haha:
We are inbetween Andrew, Alistair and Alexander - Andrew being my dads name

Hi, Im a mango today :happydance:
We were having the name discussion in bed last night we still cant think of any girls names :shrug:
Boys names we like Jacob, Jake or Thomas
When we know what were having we can at least narrow it down and then were going to choose 2 or 3 we like and wait until baby is born to decide!

Im probably going to start my maternity leave mid-end July, im going to try and go as long as possible so I can have most of my leave afterwards! Is anyone else worrying about how they are going to manage when on maternity leave with pay?? :wacko:
Thanks for reassurance Angie. I am hoping that placenta will move in time where it should be! Whoo hoo, you've got a pram already! I can't believe you have all the baby stuff, I am SO behind! (only have a blanket and 1 babygro). I am pushing my husband so that we can start shopping, but it's going to be next month he tells me (he's got it all planned by month, bless!) I am dying to start getting bits and pieces together. I am not moving house, but we may be moving rooms. Our spare bedroom is actually bigger than our bedroom so it makes sense that we swap the bedrooms and arrange for a nursery in the smaller room. Nothing is decorated yet, we moved in October and didn't get round to doing much yet. (not that it needs much)

I had a really bad morning today:cry: I have been having these pains in my hip and groin and this morning it was so bad I almost couldn't move! I had a docs appointment and all is fine (although they suspected UTI), but it's 'just' round ligament pain. OUCH!! I am relieved that LO is fine though. :winkwink:

Kaths, I am exactly the opposite- we have had a name for a girl chosen for years, but no ideas with boys!

I will also be leaving mid July I think, especially that my office gets SO HOT during the summer, I don't think I will be able to stand it for much longer!
Hello Ladies,
lovely to see everyone on here!
So far i have a 5 pack of short sleeve suits, 1 pair of booties and some mitts so baby doesn't scratch itself. All from tesco = £7.50 :thumbup:
Our 'nursery' is still bare plaster, bare floorboards and has hubby's bike in it! i keep prompting him but not getting anywhere! hopefully after he sees little lump tomorrow it'll kick start him into how much we need to do... then i'm going to terrify him in the baby shop :haha: (looking, not buying)
after insisting on Zizi's for lunch of course!
We have our girls name sorted, Amelia. With Rae as a middle name. We have other options, but that's the favorite. Boys, i really like Toby and hubby did too but then he went off it... we both like Joshua but find boys names much much harder!
Sorry to hear you are in so much pain Satine. I hope it settles down for you soon.
Aw, i jinxed it, where've you all gone? :)
Had my scan yesterday and pleased to say everything is fine and in it's place. I totally forgot to look for bits when she was measuring the femur! was so over-awed that i just forgot!!!! madness
Feeling very bruised today. i had cramps all night which can only be as a result of being so violently pushed and prodded! Did any of you who've had your 20 week scans had that? One minute she was scanning by my belly button, next she was down inside my hip bone! was worried it would've hurt baby but s/he's been active all night so must be ok.
At work and really don't want to be here today. Even considered phoning in sick which is very unlike me... looks like it's going to be another beautiful day here though. Hope you've all got sunshine?
Having a lazy morning cos I'm on a late shift - lovely!

I was really grumpy last night, everything I thought about was stressing me out from work to money to baby to the extension, I nearly cried just cos I was so miserable! Felling better today though. Someone at work has just come back from her mat leave and it's getting to me a bit cos I know I'm going to be doing that too, even though it's about a year and a half away! I'm getting uspet about leaving baby and baby hasn't even arried yet, lol!

Lilli. I really like the name Amelia and I picked that but hubby insisted that he'd picked a girls name years ago and wouldn't budge!!
For those who have had their 20 weeks scans, did they fill out your MATB1 form for you?

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