Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

i must admit i dont think that these tickers are correct! LOL
Hows everyone feeling? I still cant believe there is a baby in there!!
Anyone felt any kicks yet??
And whos finding out girl or boy at next scan? I am - cant wait!
Hows everyone feeling? I still cant believe there is a baby in there!!
Anyone felt any kicks yet??
And whos finding out girl or boy at next scan? I am - cant wait!

Hi Kaths!

I'm finding out the sex for my next scan! I wanna know who is growing inside of me!

I was terribly nauseous for first 10 weeks, then I was better for about 2 weeks, and now I'm sick again in the morning. Doc offered "zofran" but I'd rather not do any meds unless I have to.

I did have my first "odd" craving : peanut butter on top of fresh apple slices! And I have felt movement the past few nights around 11 pm. But it's not gas, definitely a baby! :) Can't wait for more. I never thought I'd be so happy with random discomfort :)
Hows everyone feeling? I still cant believe there is a baby in there!!
Anyone felt any kicks yet??
And whos finding out girl or boy at next scan? I am - cant wait!

Hi Kaths101,

Yes!! I've been feeling those little kicks and flutters as well. :) I will find out the baby's sex at our next visit on Wednesday. Can't wait either!

BTW, anyone else having achy legs and a feeling of weight and pressure in the... er, "nether-regions" ??:shrug: It's not excruciating by any means, but it's a constant dull ache... Weird!
Hi Girlies,

I am definitely finding our the sex of the baby! We are both so impatient! I haven't got my 20 week scan date yet, which really annoys me. I keep phoning the hospital, but they tell me to wait, because they've requested more 'slots' and I am on the waiting list... Makes me feel uncomfortable about how many ladies are going to be giving birth in the same hospital at the same time. Will I even get a room? EEK!!

I thought I felt a bit of a flutter twice, but ages ago and nothing since.
Susie, I have a strange pulling/achy sensation down below too. Is it the uterus stretching and growing?

Is anybody going to watch 23 week babies programme tonight on bbc at 9 pm? I am a bit apprehensive, but curious. I think it could be upsetting though...
Hows everyone feeling? I still cant believe there is a baby in there!!
Anyone felt any kicks yet??
And whos finding out girl or boy at next scan? I am - cant wait!

BTW, anyone else having achy legs and a feeling of weight and pressure in the... er, "nether-regions" ??:shrug: It's not excruciating by any means, but it's a constant dull ache... Weird!

Hey Susie!

I AM having dull aches but not really an ache, just a weird pressure feeling on my left hip but more on my lymphnode area. The doc said it's most likely from wearing pants that might be a little too tight and sitting for too long, not letting circulation go through. And at the same time the vessels are started to increase in diameter. I get kind of pins and needles feeling a little and on the bottom of my feet. Supposedly it's all "normal" but it feels funny and its hard to fall asleep with (mostly because I'm thinking about it too much, I'm sure)

glad others are having similar symptoms.
yes ive had a dull ache down below too. Ive felt so much more these last few days - like little pops and digs, im thinking it must be baby as its all day long.

Satine - I would be really panicky if i didnt have my scan date, poor you. Luckily I got my date at my 12 weeks scan - Hope it comes through soon. Its nice to have a little count down to it.

I did watch the 23 weeks babies - very very sad :cry: The poor families who spend months and months in hospital (or most of the time dont get that far). Only 1% survive at that age with no disabilities - not great odds. The odds really increase dramatically each week after though.

Hope you are all ell, I have terrible heartburn today :nope:
Hi Lovelies,

I have just experienced a baby meltdown panic. We went to an NCT nearly new sale and afterwards I just had a little cry and broke down. I think that the vision of all these experienced mothers who knew what they were doing made me feel very inadequate. Some of the equipment I didn't even knew what it was for!

Anyway, the whole sale thing was very disappointing. I don't want to sound snobbish, but I thought that most of the 2nd hand things I saw looked very tatty. Especially some of the baby clothes, were so faded and tired looking. It may be that I wasn't there early enough and when we got there, all the best bits were gone. I am not a good bargain hunter :cry:

On a different note, I pestered the hospital for my scan date and I got one, yipee!! 22nd of March, I won't be quite 20 weeks then, but close enough, I suppose!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Satine, well done on your scan date, I often find a little nagging goes a long way (especially with husbands, lol!)

Everyone sounds like they're doing pretty well. It feels like ages since I saw my midwife and I've got 3 weeks until my scan so fells like everthings going really slowly at the moment. I have a funny feeling that it'll all speed up pretty quick nin about 2 weeks though cos by then I should be feeling baby, have a bump, nearly at my scan and it's sale time at work so I think I'm in the 'calm before the storm' so shouldn't complain too much!

Had some bad news, sister-in-laws pg didn't take
(Opps, was going to put in a sad face and pressed post instead!)

She had a 7 week scan and she had 2 eggs, one was empty and the other had a yolk but no heartbeat but because she's had IVF and is on drugs to make them stick her body still thinks she's pg and she's got MS and bloating. She wasn't expecting it at all, I feel so sad for her. And in a moment of tragic comedy her niece (she's 5 and knew that auntie was waiting to see if her eggs had hatched) said ' Don't worry about me Auntie, I'll still have Uncle's baby to play with!' I feel so lucky to have my little baby growing inside and 12 months of TTC seems like nothing compared to what some have to go through, I just wish I really could share some babydust with her :(
Oh MrsWifey, that's so sad! I feel blessed every day for finally being pregnant, but as a long PCOS sufferer, I had a long journey conceiving. I was closed to going through IVF, but thankfully got pregnan before that.. Your poor SIL! xx
Hello Ladies,

It's very quiet here recently-is everyone doing ok? I am beginning to feel a bit fat and frumpy in my clothes. Still fit into some, but could do with a maternity pair of work trousers!
Also, had to buy a bigger bra, which was a bonus, as I was always a small 32B. Got 34C and it's still too tight. Maybe it's time for no underwired?...
Hope your LOs are doing well.
Hey Ladies!
I'm back from my holidays and i missed you all lots! felt so weird not to have this website at my fingertips when i had strange tummy pains to ask you all about... All ok, think its just extreme growth!
So a lot has changed with my body in the last 2 weeks. there really is no doubt that i am preggers now :) The first night of my holiday, i wore some new 3/4 length maternity trousers and they were too big and falling down all night, wore them on the last night and i didn't have to pull them up once! Grown so much in just over a week! (i have been making the most of the fabulous buffet too).
And, baby is kicking quite a bit now. MOST amazing thing happened, me and hubby were just lying on the bed before going to dinner and he had his arm over my tummy and the baby was going nuts kicking at him, i told him to keep his arm there and i held my breath so i wasn't moving and he felt the baby!!!!! only the really gentle tap tap but still. Very emotional moment :happydance:
Holiday was lovely, but it is nice to be home.
So i have my 20 week scan a week on thursday. Hubby has decided that if they decide they'll tell us the sex then we can find out... Think i might have changed my mind about wanting to know now!!! :) I think i only want to know now so that we can sort out the name... having real struggles with boys names... I posted on another thread earlier, hubby asked if we could re-name Alfie (the cat) so that we can call the baby Alfie if it's a boy! i dont think he's totally joking either... :haha:

MrsWifey, sorry to hear about your sister in law, especially that she's having to suffer the symptoms. It's just so unfair :(

i still havent bought anything but i am about to head down to sainsburys so a few little bibs, vests and grows might find their way into the trolley just to get us started...

Hope you are all well? i feel like i've been away for ages! :hugs:
Hi Lilli, Im glad you have had a fab time!
I had to LOL at your hubbys suggestion at renaming the cat as we have had exactly the same conversation about Alfie our dog :haha: Boys names are sooo difficult arent they and so far there is not one we both agree on, apart from Alfie - well there is one other thats top so far but im still not totally 100% on it.
I have started to feel baby more lately, i thought it was wind to start with but I keep getting the little flutters and prods - mainly in the evening.
Cannot wait for our scan.. I am also debating whether to find out the sex.. all along I have REALLY wanted to know and was adament we would find out and now im :wacko: about it as I would like a surprise. Ithink because we are almost halfway there now and it doesnt seem so long to wait!

Mrs Wifey so sorry to hear about your sister in law, she must be devestated :cry:

Satine, it is quiet in here - i think because we are all at the stage where not alot is happening - wait until 3rd tri - we will all be here panicking and moaning :haha:
I just ordered some maternity trousers as mine are getting really uncomfortable now - oh and ive won quite a few things on ebay for baby.

Ive also ordered this
Everyone raves about it and has great reviews and very reasonably priced too! I actually ordered 3 as 2 of my friends are having a babies aswell. A nice cheap present that you could put in with a little clothes set.

Anyway thats all my news for now.. Keep well everyone xx
Hi Ladies! :)

I hope that everyone is feeling well and had a lovely weekend.

MrsWifey, so sorry about your sister-in-law's loss. :( I hope she will keep faith and become a mom herself soon!! :hugs:

I'm getting excited for my scan this week! It was supposed to be on Wednesday, but they called me to reschedule *again* (2nd time!) and it's now on Thursday. Only a day later, so I guess I can wait... :) I'll now have a 2 hour drive into the city though, which I'm not too keen about, and I'll have to go without my hubby, as he will need to take the day off from work and watch the LO's! :)

I'm still pretty achy in the legs these days, and my little ones have a tummy bug. I keep thinking I feel it coming on, but am willing it away!! :(

Keep well everyone! I can't wait until Thursday so I can begin my baby shopping in earnest. :)
Hi all

SIL went in for an op yesterday so pg is all done with now, at least she can start looking forwards now a prep for the next attempt, FX 3rd time lucky for her.

Welcome back Lilli, so exciting that you can feel the baby moving! Hubby thought he felt something the other day but nothing since so we're not sure.

My bump is starting to show slowly, I wore a waist belt to work today and normally it nips in my waist and my top hangs straight down below it but there was no nipping happening today, lol!

And I was just going to comment on bra size when I read your post satine. I'm normal a 32B but about a year ago I accidently bought some 32c bras (they were on the wrong hanger) so I've been wearing them but I think I might still be growing a bit!
hmmm, boobs. I didn't realise quite how much mine had grown until i put on one of my bikinis on holiday and decided it was too indecent to wear!!! :haha: i've gone up two bra sizes in the last 2 years after coming off the depo provera injection and then getting pregnant so am now a 36D, never ever thought i'd say that! So obviously i knew my bikinis might be a bit smaller, but they were fine in Lanzarote last october...
No, i'm not the Queen of holidays, just been lucky this last year :)
Kaths, i love that you've had the Alfie conversation too. made me chuckle. just told hubby and he nodded and was like "there you go, see"
Dreading trying to get into some work trousers tomorrow, not sure how that's going to go! i know everyone is going to be saying "OMG you got massive" when i go in tomorrow. suppose it's only going to get bigger!
My sister is due on thursday, i saw her a couple of weeks ago and she was gigantic, would like to see her now. i'll have to get her to take a photo. Might have to get her to talk me through it this time, or do i not want to know?!
Hi Lilli, glad to have you back! It looks like you had lovely time! So jealous that you can feel the baby. I think I can sometimes feel him or her, but it's not strong enough to be absolutely sure. It feels more like gas :blush: It must be so nice that you and your sister will have babies so close in age to one another.

Kaths, I love that butterfly toy. I was looking at some lamaze bits and I think they are lovely. Bright, without being too much in your face and not too plasticky like some of the fisher price can be (although I also keep my eye on fisher price bits!) I got my 1st baby item (although we promised we would wait until the scan...) https://www.mamasandpapas.com/product-striped-knitted-blanket-gingerbread/786009400/type-i/ I couldn't resist!

I had a phone call from the hospital yesterday and it turned out that they want to change the date of my scan. From next Tuesday to...this Thursday! I can't believe it! I am really pleased although I was also a bit concerned that I am not going to be even 19 weeks yet. Apparently, that's fine. Susie, we will be having the scan on the same day!! Woop Woop!! I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby :baby:

MrsWifey, hope your SIL recovers and gets a BFP soon. I really feel for her.

Bring on Thursday!! x
Awww how exciting Susie and Satine, loads of luck and uncrossing legs vibes for you both. Im jealous, I still have over 2 weeks to go!

I think my boobs are getting bigger but they are HUGE anyway 38DD, I might have to go and get measured as they are starting to get a bit tight.
I also got some maternity jeans this morning that I won on ebay, they are from mothercare and new and they are fabulous. I tried them on and they are so comfy. they have an elasticated band at the top so no squeezing in and the top digging in, so they should expand with me!

Im a sweet potato today - better than an onion :happydance:
Yeay satine, a baby purchase! That blankets really cute, I like the colours. My mum is knitting baby a patchwork blanket, it looks really good. I'll post a pic once shes done.

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