Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Ahhh Lilli i had that when i had my scan and my hip bone killed the next day - dont worry about the cramps i get them everyday anyway it may have been a coincidence that it happened after the scan - when i told my midwife last week that i was having cramps on and off she said oh how long have you been having braxton hicks :dohh: so you may find you get it more as time goes on hun.

Glad your feeling better mrswifey - Your midwife has to sign your matb1 form and you are meant to get it done at your 24 week appointment but i booked in to see the midwife at 21 weeks to get it done as my work were asking for it

I've got an appointment booked with the midwife for 24 weeks and will get the MATB1 then too.
I have just sat out in the sunshine for an hour and it was gorgeous, however, I wear a black uniform for work and i am now slightly sweaty! :haha: Finally, that 'glow' people talk about!
Any of you got the 'pregnant glow' and perfect skin and shiny hair? really hasnt happened for me!

I think I like the name Amelia from those Naughty Amelia Jane books that were around in the early 80's. About toys that came to life... :)

still struggling for boys names though! Alfie cat might be getting renamed at this rate :haha:
Hi girls, Im so glad your scan was ok Lilli, mine is one week today and counting!! I hope the cramps are easing now.
Poor Alfie cat, were still threatening our dog with the name change too! he doesnt answer to his name anyway lol so it wont matter :haha:
Ive had no pregnancy glow - though I feel no different, my hair and skin are the same as usual so i suppose thats ok .. at least I havent broken out in acne or something!

Mrswifey, I have days of stressing too - I hate the thought of going back to work too and I still havent left yet!! I cant imagine leaving my baby. Are you having the whole 39 weeks off? I panic on how we will pay the rent etc etc :nope: I really want to be a stay at home mum but cant afford it.
Will baby go into Nursery/ Childminder?
Scary isnt it - maybe we will win the lottery or even the 117 million tonight on the euromillions - that would be nice wouldnt it!!

Hope everyone else is ok - Havent heard from Babywisher for a while xx
Did you win euromillions? :)
yes cramps have gone but i do actually have a couple of little bruises!?! Baby is fine and wiggling though so not to worry.
I'm trying not to think about going back to work... i am lucky in that i'll only be going back part time. Not really thought about childcare etc. My family live at the other end of the country and DHs parents are both in their 70's so not sure they'll be up for much babysitting, let alone on a regular basis... got a while to think about it... the way the police force is going they might try to loose my job. I'm only guaranteed same grade, not necessarily my job - it would be unlikely for me to be put elsewhere, but in theory they could send me to the other end of the county in a random office. Wouldn't put it past 'em to make life difficult so i'd leave...
Angie surely it's very early for Braxton Hicks?! i thought that that was just in the last few weeks? :wacko:
i've just started making my list of what we need to get... slightly over whelming to say the least!
Did you win euromillions? :)
yes cramps have gone but i do actually have a couple of little bruises!?! Baby is fine and wiggling though so not to worry.
I'm trying not to think about going back to work... i am lucky in that i'll only be going back part time. Not really thought about childcare etc. My family live at the other end of the country and DHs parents are both in their 70's so not sure they'll be up for much babysitting, let alone on a regular basis... got a while to think about it... the way the police force is going they might try to loose my job. I'm only guaranteed same grade, not necessarily my job - it would be unlikely for me to be put elsewhere, but in theory they could send me to the other end of the county in a random office. Wouldn't put it past 'em to make life difficult so i'd leave...
Angie surely it's very early for Braxton Hicks?! i thought that that was just in the last few weeks? :wacko:
i've just started making my list of what we need to get... slightly over whelming to say the least!

You should have seen my list it was massive :haha: but half i probably dont need

my midwife said braxton hicks can start from 19 to 20 weeks :flower:

The plan is that my sister will have baby on mon/tue, I always have weds off, either my mum or nursery for thu/fri, hubby will have baby while I work on sat and family day on sun! So hubby and I each get a day with baby ourselves and a day together.

I'm off work today cos I've pulled a muscle in my chest - don't know how!! Got a bit worried when i went to docs this morning. I saw a nurse first and she was a bit concerened cos I can move my arms ok without any pain so she said worst case scenario it might be a clot so had to have ecg, blood pressure, oxygen levels etc all checked but all ok, so then went in to see doc and she said it's probably a deep pulled muscle and not to lift anything or twist around. That's easier said than done though as I had to twist to reverse my car out of the parking space and wanted to do washing at home which involves lifting so feeling a bit useless right now! Don't know how I'd cope if baby was already here! The nurse couldn't believe it when I said I was 20 weeks pg though and asked me where I was hiding the baby, lol! You can see a bump if you know I'm pg but I don't think anyone who didn't know would tell that I was!

2 days to scan!
Aw Wifey, poor you! I wonder how you managed that? Defo think you can't risk lifting a vacuum for the next 5 months! :)
No hiding my bump now... i have had to remove my belly bar because i could see the skin starting to stretch! i've had it pierced for nearly 14 years so it was about time to loose it. Hubby asked me if i would take my tongue stud out as well (i was a rebellious teenager), you cant see it when i talk and it doesn't affect my speech but he thinks it isn't fitting for a mummy! haha he's so old fashioned sometimes :haha:
Got physio tomorrow for my painful pelvis - i could do with a nice massage! :) dont think a nice massage will be part of their plan though... :wacko:
Yeay I'm a cantaloupe! Now that a proper sized piece of fruit I can be proud of! Although I may actually go and buy a cantaloupe to stick up my jumper just so people can tell I'm pg!

Hating that I need to take paracetamol at the moment but loving that I don't wince every time I move now! I'm justifying it that I need to heal or won't be able to lift and cuddle baby when it arrives!

Someone at work has chicken pox - ahh! they were going to come back to work tomorrow but I have banned them! Someone else told me alovely story of how someone they knew got chicken pox while pg and their baby's mouth was on the side of their face not the front so had to have lots of ops to put it right! First of all -WTF! Second of all - why tell me that! And finally - I phoned the NHS and they said that if i've had chicken pox then the baby should be proteced under my immunity and it's one of the things they check for in your bloods so I just need to call the midwife and she can tell me if I'm immune or not - easy squeasy! Don't you just love the scaremongers!!
I've just spotted from other peoples tickers that baby is a papaya for weeks 22, 23 and 24! Do they stop growing for 3 weeks?!
I've just spotted from other peoples tickers that baby is a papaya for weeks 22, 23 and 24! Do they stop growing for 3 weeks?!

I hope not - they probably ran out of fruits :haha:
I hope youre taking it easy MrsWifey a pulled chest muscle sounds very painful!! the scaremongering is terrible isnt it - just what you want to hear when you are panicking about everything anyway :nope:

Im a cantaloupe tomorrow :happydance: thats a nice sized fruit, can you remember when we were bluberries and raspberries - doesnt seem long ago at all.

and no Lilli, I didnt win the euromillions :dohh:
Oooh, MrsW, scan today? how was it? did you see any boy/girl bits? any photos? :thumbup: How's the chest muscle?

I cant believe those people at your work said all that about the chicken pox! sounds a bit unbelievable to me... By now our babies have everything and it's all where it should be, just needs to get bigger! I saw my baby's lips last thursday, awww. To have it's mouth in the wrong place must've been something very early on and seriously worse than chicken pox?! hmmmph, some people. :growlmad:

Had physio yesterday and have officially been told i am wonky! the right side of my pelvis is higher than the left and the joint at the back (sacro-iliac) doesnt move as it should... so she spent 30 minutes making it move! oooowwwwwwwww :cry: Got up in the middle of the night and nearly fell over with the pain. Was thinking i'd end up ringing in sick today, but it's ok... bit achey from being manipulated...

I remember when we were raspberries, wow how we've grown :)
The kicks and punches are about 15-20cm apart so that is how much s/he's grown!
So had the 2nd scan today, baby is doing well and all measurement were as they should be and we are team.........YELLOW!! Hubby tried very hard to sneak a peek but no chance! He has 'decided' that it's a boy though! I just laughed and said the more he talks about it being a boy the funnier it'll be when his daughter pops out!!

Have you all seen this weeks one born? I watched it this morning and cried through the whole thing, from the triplets woman saying how you don't ever expect to not be able to have kids (made me think of SIL) to that lovely couple who had to bring their baby back in - OMG such an emotional one!
yeay, good stuff MrsW! Isn't it lovely to see the little wrigglers? :)

yes, i watched One Born Every Minute and cried through most of it! Cant stop crying these days! I'm such a softie...
Ah, tell me about it! I watched it too and sobbed, but nowadays almost anything sets me off. I could feel my LO moving at night for the first time, not I am waiting for more!
That bloomin placenta gets in the way:cry:
Ive got my scan today and Im finding out if im carrying a pink or a blue :happydance:

Really nervous!
yey! Congratulations! Do you have boys names ready? Did you get some more photos?
yes heres our photos of our little fatty..lol

was a great scan, saw everything! even if we didnt want to know the sex you couldnt have missed it!!! - OH was very pleased with himself :haha:
What is it with men and willys :dohh: lol

We also saw his little feet, arms and leg bones - he had his legs crossed - he looked very relaxed in there!! bless.
No names yet apart from Jack - we are really struggling! we would like 2 or 3 names to chose from on the day!
Oh Kaths, your Little boy is gorgeous! Congratulations!! :hugs:

Hip hip hurrah for banana day today! :happydance: :happydance:

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