Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Aww, so exiting that everyone is feeling well, babies are getting bigger and more wriggly.
I am also counting my days to maternity leave, but still unsure when I should start. I am probably going to go on the 17th of July, which leaves me a few weeks to get settled and put my feet up before the baby arrives.
I am back at work this week after last week's illness and have SO much to do. I am also struggling to concentrate big time, has anyone else got the same problem?

I am having a bit of a down day today, because of my family. It's a really long story, but basically, my mum is very controlling and very old fashioned and she always had unrealistic expectations when it comes to me. Somehow, my 2 sisters escaped that! It comes down to her not being happy with my decisions and criticising me whatever I do. Fortunately, she lives in a different country and although I make the effort to keep in touch on a weekly basis, it's really tiring me know. I bought her tickets to come and visit me for a week in June, but she was unhappy, because she wanted to come for the baby's christening... (I don't think I am going to be able to fund her plane tickets when the baby arrives!!). Now, I've heard from my dad that she was unhappy that I didn't invite him over for Easter, apparently. I got really cross about this! He's just been over for 4 days at Christmas-again, I bought him train tickets, fed him, entertained him...
I think they are such an ungrateful bunch. I helped them out financially on a number of occasions as well ( they are very irresponsible financially).
Phew, feels better now I got it out of my system.
Hi all. Lots of wriggly babies it seems! Not had any really huge kicks yet but lots of smaller ones and lots of wriggles, feels like hiccups in my tummy! Hubby loves feeling baby move, I think it makes it more real for him and something he can experience with me.

Satine, sorry you're having a hard time with your family. I'm lucky enough to be quite close to my mum (good job as she lives around the corner) and hubby's family are lovely too but I do know that its the ones closest to you that can upset you the most too (not seen my dad or any of his side since I was 18). Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it and know that you are making a wonderful new family with baby x

My house is such a mess and I'm hosting a pampered chef party tonight! We're decorating our room so thats in chaos and we're sleeping in the spare room so thats in chaos too! Oh well, I think i'll just make downstairs lookall lovely and tidy and shut the doors to the bedrooms!! Got a couple of people coming over who haven't been here before so I've got a horrible feeling that they're going to want a 'tour' of the house!

I was planning on starting my mat leave on my due date and taking the last two weeks before that as annual leave but hubby has put doubts in my mind now and I'm not sure what to do. I have 2 more weeks of annual leave I can use which i was saving cos I'll get 'paid' it in april if I don't use it but now I'm wondering if i should add it to the start of my mat leave. It's not often I'll get the chance to book a chunk of time off like that and maybe it'll be nice to have some time before baby arrives, especially if the weathers nice. I don't know if I'll get bored though. What happens if the baby comes early during my annual leave? Does that then become mat leave and I still have my annual leave to take? Might have to speak to HR about it.
Has anyone else been getting cramps in their feet/legs? The other day i got cramp in my foot at work and last night I got it in my right foot and my left calf and when I move in bad at night my muscles spasm as if I'm about to get cramp, I'm thinking that this is a pregnancy symptom I'm not going to avoid. Maybe it's my pennance for not having any morning sickness, lol! :sad2:
Hey MrsW, yes, i have been getting cramps in my calves too but only during the night. Banana before bed might help? or during the day for your day ones...
If baby was to come early whilst you were on AL, they change it to maternity leave and i guess your AL would be banked for when you return?

Sorry you're having an annoying time with your parents Satine. Do you think they take for granted that you'll help them out so forget to be thankful? Family hey? i'm sort of not talking to my mum at the moment but am meant to be staying with her at easter... all just a bit to annoying! All my family is 200 miles away. I miss my sister and havent met my neice yet :cry: but the thought of driving to yorkshire makes my back hurt even more. Going to brave it in a couple of weeks though...

My friend who is 10 weeks ahead of us is doing NCT classes at the moment and all of those ladies are shocked that she's working up to 37 weeks... i think a lot of them commute into london though. I'm just so fed up of this place... 46 working days to go :happydance:
Hi Ladies,
Glad to hear that babies are all doing so well! Maternity leave is a huge piece of the pregnancy process when you're working outside of the home. I am fortunate that my hubby and I own our own business and so I can work from home. :). When I had my 1st child I went out on maternity leave from a corporate job and then never went back!

Yes, I have been getting the crampy legs as well, mostly at night. They are terrible and sometimes feel like you can't get the muscle to stop spasming! :(. I will have to try the bananas...

It's interesting to see the shared stories about families-- we can't pick them can we? :). I have not spoken to my parents since I was 22, but my in-laws are lovely. At least they try! Sometimes they are bossy or get easily offended if we don't follow their parenting advice (like giving a little whiskey to a teething baby-- ack!), but they mean well and do try. :). I guess my biggest family annoyance right now is certain family being negative about baby names we like. Anyone else having this same experience? Seems no matter what we say we're thinking of, a few of them have something rude to say about the name itself or even how the initials look! One of my pet peeves I guess... :)

Hang in there ladies!
Hi Ladies, Im sorry to hear some of you are having family problems. I m very lucky in that I get on well with my mum and dad and they live just over the road from me (very handy for babysitting :winkwink:) and my OHs family are lovely and very generous and seem to be offering to buy things for us left right and centre which is lovely - so far so good. It must be so difficult at a time like this to have family fall outs but Satine yours do sound very ungrateful considering you are paying for their tickets :growlmad:

Im not getting the cramping, Im wondering whether I have a hint of SPD, I get terrible pain in my lady bits at times and also if im sitting a long time, my tail bone is absolutely agony..

Despite all that, I still sometimes think im not pregnant, especially in the morning when I wake up, I dont feel so bloated and baby doesnt move so much in the mornings (lazy like his daddy) and I generally feel really well, im sleeping well, not getting up in the night so much and dont feel so bloated - by the evening Im feling pretty blurgh but im making the most of this pregnancy lark and really enjoying it at the moment.... wonder how long it will last :haha:??
oh i had such a traumatic moment yesterday... I've had really bad stretching pains the last three days, really stinging the vertical length of my tummy... anyway, this brought on a bit of a dodgy gasey tummy with lots of toilet trips. So i was on late shift last night, only about 5 people left in the building... i went to the kitchen to wash my cup, checked the coast was clear and let out a rumbling fart! :blush: but then i properly wet my pants!!! :blush: Oh it was so bad! i hadnt even thought i needed a wee?! :shrug:
Considered hand washing and drying my knickers under the blowers but figured it'd be just my luck that the one other female in the building would come in... Oh the wonderful side effects of pregnancy!
I used to blush a lot when i was a teenager but managed to get it under control in my 20's, now though, blushing everyday!

Count down to my 4D scan on may 1st! :happydance:

Anyone else dreaming about their baby's? Last nights dream was a boy, involved breast feeding and me dropping the baby (i was very upset).
Thanks for all the support ladies. I am feeling better about the whole situation today, just trying to concentrate on my new family unit that I am creating! Having said that; hope you don't mind if I ever need to vent again on the same subject! Thank god my OH's family is lovely. :flower:

MrsWifey, so nice that your hubby can feel the baby move. Mine felt it just twice so far, my little kicker needs to get a bit stronger (or it could be something to do with my anterior placenta?) How did the party go, did anyone notice the mess upstairs? :blush: I haven't had any cramps touch wood, but it could be something to do with the fact I am currently addicted to bananas! I've heard they help a lot.

Susie, we have decided that we are not going to share our name ideas with anybody, until the baby is born. I know my controlling mum too well. She would start giving me her 'ideas' on what we should name OUR baby. People seem very opinionated when you are pregnant, have you noticed? Like it's not your life and choices and your baby but some kind of collective responsibility. I find it infuriating!

Kaths, I also feel less bloated and less pregnant in the mornings, but only until I catch the reflection in bathroom mirror. Booby Mama that's my new name! :haha: A bit scared about my suddenly expanding physique and feeling constantly hungry, which doesn't help. I try eat little but very often, but try tell the baby :wacko:

Lilli, I know I shouldn't laugh but I almost peed my pants when I heard your story :rofl::rofl:

I am having very, very vivid dreams but weird ones as well. I don't generally dream about my baby, but often about not getting to hospital on time, other people's babies, etc. :dohh:

I had another hormonal rant at my Hubby yesterday, for being too relaxed about kitting out nursery. We haven't bought anything major yet! I also was upset because I failed to be the highest bidder on ebay for a lovely moses basket. We may be getting a new one now, LOL!

On a different note, has anyone been to Babies R' Us? I got their catalogue yesterday and some of the furniture looks lovely, seems cheaper than mothercare but not sure about the quality?
Hiya, we haven't bought anything major yet either! we have some baby clothes but only basics... We're going to Babies'r'us tomorrow (or at least plan to) there's also a Mothercare and Mamas and Papas in the same shopping estate.
Just been for physio and she doesn't want to see me for 4 weeks now... basically said there isn't a great deal more she can do for me. Got two different bump belts to wear and a few exercises to do...
taken a half day cos i couldn't face going back to work. might go do a bit of gardening instead. :)
We aren't sharing names either. I have on here but don't want my family or friends judging...
Feeling a little bit down today but not entirely sure why. Ho hum, i'll snap out of it :)
Happy friday everyone!
Hi, party went well on weds, everyone seemed to enjoy it and they all apend enough for me to get some host freebies so all round a successful evening!

I've now decided that I want to use all my holiday allowance to have 4 weeks leave before baby arrives, just need to talk to my manager about it now. I'm sure he'll be ok but it would make my last day at work the first day of sale (I work at next) which is one of the busiest days of the year! I figured that I'll have someone covering me and that by assistant manager has done tons of sales anyway so I'm sure they'll cope!

Satine, don't worry we haven't bought anything major either and probably won't for at least another month until we've got a bit further with our decorating. Having said that i went to boots to buy some luch today and couldn't resist looking at the baby clothes, they're doing 3 for 2 on all baby products and if you join the parenting club you get 10 points (10p) for every £1 you spend on baby stuff too so got some cute outfits.

Generally feeling quite good pregnancy wise. I wake up about 3am every night to go to the loo but as it's only once per night I think that's not too bad really. Felt lots of movement today, baby kicked/moved every time I sat down!
Hi Ladies,
I am feeling positively GIGANTIC today! bending over hurts my tummy :( We went to Mothercare, Mamas and Papas and Babies'r'us today. All a bit exhausting.
In Mothercare we were looking at the Bugaboos but then i spotted the Babystyle Oyster, which in my opinion is a cheaper version of the Bugaboo, but has a better pushchair seat as it is angle adjustable etc. Think i want it...
In M&P's we saw some gorgeous cots, expensive but so nice and sturdy. To be honest Babies'r'us was a bit of a disappointment, it was only a small section of Toy'r'us i guess but everything on display was a bit grubby and jammed in so you couldn't see them properly. A few buggys but on really high stands so you couldn't get to them... Had some cute clothes there though.
My in laws want to buy us the buggy or the cot which is very kind of them, not sure which to let them get us... :)
We bought an Angelcare baby monitor with sensor for under the mattress. I got it for my sister 3 years ago and it's still working with no complaints, so we got the updated version.
So so tired, we went out for dinner last night and didn't get to bed till midnight... might have to go to bed now!
Oh and sadly i have had to remove my wedding rings :( they were just starting to feel tight and i didnt want to get to the point of having them cut off so took them off before that happened! feels weird not having them...
Hello Ladies,

I've had my sexing scan yesterday at babybond and.............................................we are having a GIRL!!!:happydance::happydance:
We are both over the moon. She is a very stubborn young lady, she definitely wanted to keep us guessing. I had to roll on the table from left to right, then was asked to do a few jumps so that she moves, because her legs were crossed!
Just imagine me with my belly exposed, all covered in jelly, jumping up and down to the amusement of my darling Husband :haha:
I was then told to go for a walk and have something sweet to eat, which sometimes helps apparently. I went to have a bottle of coke and some chococate biscuits. It helped just enough to get a quick potty shot. We are both just over the moon. I had an incling after my NHS scan that it's a girl, but the sonographer was very non-commital and we just wanted to double check.

I AM SO HAPPY!!! :happydance:

Similarly to you Lilli, we also went to babies r us, after getting a lovely catalogue, but all their bedding looked tatty. It could be that the shop itself wasn't very well laid out, it was all a bit grotty. Mamas & Papas was a completely different story though... we didn't buy anything, but I've got my eyes set on nursery furniture from mothercare and some other pieces from Ms&Ps!
I had my eyes on Oyster for a long time and I think that's what we are going to go for. We are pram shopping with MIL next Saturday, how exciting! They aslo very kindly offered to offer to buy our pram and cot. I had my eyes on Icandy peach as well, but I don't think I can justify spending almost a grand on a pram?
Yippee, can't wait to start getting things! :happydance::happydance:
Congratulations on your girl Satine :) Very exciting. Have you got some names? Less than 2 weeks until we find out what we are having. I cant wait now!
Really fed up at work now, told one of my managers how fed up i was and he started talking to me about "finding a little project for me to do", urm, no thanks! leave me alone in my corner, dont talk to me and dont invent something for me to do! He asked if i wanted any training. Really? what's the point?!?!?! grrrrrrr
Sorry, needed to get that out. :)
At least it's going to be sunny this week, always makes me feel better!
congrats on your little girl Satine thats fantastic!!

We looked at prams/buggies over the weekend and although we loved the bugaboo we have settled on the Uppababy vista which seems to do most of the same. Also when we order it next week we'll get a maxi-cosy cabrio car seat free, which makes it better value. My mum and dad have offered to buy our cot, matress and bedding so we are really lucky too. I went into Boots and so nearly bought baby clothes but I restrained!!

I could moan all day about my work, its just so dull! I spend most of my day looking at baby stuff on the web or staring out my window.

Hope your all well xx
love the mama and papas stuff, we're going with a woodland theme in our nursery so might get some of the hodge podge range bits! xx
Hey girls, we are slacking!!! this thread is dropping down the page so I thought I had better post :haha:

Well not much to report here, baby has been very quiet the last few days, Im trying not to panic but ive hardly felt anything. Ive been using my doppler and baby is there so I guess he is just being lazy or maybe turned round so I cant feel the kicks so much.

I hope you are all well. ive started a list of everything i need, its growing all the time! Luckily my Oh grandparents are buying the pram and carseat, my mum and dad will buy something big. OH dad has bought us the angelcare movement and sound monitor and my sister has a cot so thats most of the big stuff sorted. I have LOADS of clothes but now need to get baby baths and things like that sorted out.
My friend had twin boys 3 weeks ago which is very handy as im getting her moses basket and probably alot of other hand me downs!! :happydance:
Hi All, it is quite quiet in here indeed. I am excited about my V day tomorrow yay!! Apart from that, I have been really busy at work so really pleased I'll have a lovely long break now (we are coming back to work on the 3rd of May).:coffee:
Any plans for Easter ladies? I am really hoping we will get some shopping done, I am growing ever so impatient with my Hubby.:growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad:
We have decided to swap bedrooms, so someone has to move the furniture around. I wish he was more enthusiastic about getting the nursery ready!
We are going pram shopping with MIL next Saturday, but I want to order car seat and nursery furniture already!!
We have chosen maxi-cosi pebble and addington set from mothercare.

If I don't get to but the big stuff, I am definitely going shopping without hubby next week to get some stuff myself. Otherwise, we will never going to get there (yes, I am hormonal and over reacting!!, LOL)

If I don't speak to you before, have a lovely Easter, to you and your LOs!! :hugs:xx
Hi Ladies,
I had my 24 week midwife appointment today... my uterus is measuring 26 weeks! :wacko: Eeeek! i asked if it was cos i'm a bit over weight and she said no, it could be because the baby is sitting breech - bum down, head up arms and legs across me, so making my uterus higher than if baby was lying across me...
Plenty of time for baby to tip the other way up though, so i'm not worried about the upside down factor, just hope it doesn't mean baby is HUGE?!
I worry when baby goes quiet for a few days, it seems to have crazy wiggle days then nothing for ages. I'm finding it harder and harder to find a heart beat on the doppler too. i find it for seconds then it's gone but i can hear all the swishing and movement and s/he kicks the doppler so its ok. :thumbup:
But now i have 11 days off work!!! soooooo nice :happydance: Weekend here then yorkshire on monday.
Looking forward to lots of sleeping in these next few days!
I spoke to my manger about starting my leave a bit earlier and he was fine with it so my last day is now 15th July. As we're practically at the end of April, that's only 2 1/2 months away - eek!

Starting to look and feel like a proper preggo now, having to hold onto things to bend down to the floor and I keep catching myself walking around with my hand on my bump!

I know what you mean about lots of wriggles then nothing for ages. They other day I woke up up 4am and then suddenly started stressing that i hadn't felt baby move much that day and what if somethings wrong and should I call the midwife in the morning but what if someting is wrong and I'd never forgive myself for not doing anything about it so should I go to A&E now.......!!!! I was lying in bed prodding my belly and hubby woke up and wondered what on earth i was doing, as soon as he put he had on my tummy baby kicked! Much relieved, I finally went back to sleep!

I was thinking abour getting one of these
It's my V day ladies! :cloud9:
I have been SOOOOOOOO hot today... i sat with my feet in a bucket of cold water for a while then hubby surprised me with a kiddies paddling pool! haha :thumbup: love it!

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