Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

LOL! I've got some vouchers for go karting days that I need to exchange for something else so went to google, typed in 'virgin experience' and then realised what I'd put and was too scared to open my eyes to see what it came up with! Luckily it found the right site but I was a bit worried.....

haha :haha: that made me laugh!
When is your birthday? i'm 30 next wednesday (11th)! :thumbup:
Kaths, this is who we had the scan with https://www.4d-ultrasoundscan.co.uk/ they were very good and professional and did all the proper growth measurements too then plotted them onto the curves. All of ours fell within the normal ranges, so just another point of reassurance. Just wish i'd drunk a pint of fresh orange to make him wake up! lazy baby! Wont be saying that once he's born :)
Thanks for saying he's cute ladies, i think so but am bound to be biased! :cloud9:
Got a semi arsey email from HR today... apparently i should've given written notice of when i want to start maternity leave 15 weeks before i want to... the email pointed out that my baby was due in 14 weeks so i clearly should've sent the form in by now... ooops, haha. I rang and played the baby brain card and they were fine about it, just told me to send it pronto. :dohh:
I do pilates every week. It's not pregnancy pilates but they are all trained in dealing with pregnant people... i find it's good just to make me do a bit of exercise. Started doing a stability ball (yoga ball) class on a saturday too. Not specifically for preggers ladies but i like just rolling around on it! :)
And i had my first NCT class last tuesday night. It was really good actually, nice load of people, think we'll get a lot out of it including some new friends, hopefully! :thumbup:
I'm feeling really happy and positive today. Cant wait to meet my little man! :hugs:
Eeek, just gone a little nuts and bought an electric breast pump and bottle set (half price), a microwave steriliser (reduced) and a swinging crib (half price) all from Babies R Us!
We were looking at swinging cribs in John Lewis today and decided to get one for while baby is tiny and in with us - better ventilation than a moses basket, especially if it is warm in august... and this one would've been double what we were going to spend, reduced to same price. Love a bargain :)
And feel better for having bought a few more bits!
Walked through M&S today and fell in love with so many cute little baby boy clothes. Hubby had to drag me away...
Hope you are all well?
I'm really so so acidic at the moment, need to get some gaviscon or something!
Aww Lilli your little boy is so cute! I had a 4D preview at babybond gender scan, but she kept putting hands in front of her face, so we didn't see much! I saw her moving her mouth though, as if she was telling us something , LOL!
We also started buying things and I am planning to empty the nursery today and start geting it ready. Maybe I'll pick up some paint samples from homebase today as well!
We are thinking of putting a tree decal on one of the walls and I saw some gorgeous ones on Etsy:



Is anyone else getting decals?
I really like the wall decals, especially the first one. There's lots on ebay cheaper than the etsy ones so check them out too. I really like a quote one I've seen 'We made a wish....and you came true'.

Happy Birthday for wednesday Lilli, I'm 30 on the 26th may. What have you got planned for yours? Everyone keeps asking me what I want for my birthday but we got married last year, moved to lovely house, having an extension done, baby on the way.... I can't actually think of anything that I want! We're going to have a party later in the summer once the house is sorted out but I feel like we should do something for our actual birthdays too (hubby is 30 2 weeks after me).
Hiya, i really like the first one too. Not sure what to do with our nursery cos we are wanting to move in the not to distant future... but if they were peel off ones... might go for a jungle/animal one.
I'm finding it really hard to come up with suggestions for what people can get me for my birthday. Hubby was going to get me an eternity ring for 30th and as a 'push present' (haha, love it) but my fingers have expanded so i don't want to buy one now and not be able to wear it...
Baby is so active now, i've got a big wooly jumper on and the force of his kicks is making it move! Love my baby :)
Looks like we are all similar age! I am 30 on the 3rd of August :happydance:
I have no idea what I'd like for my birthday. I think I'd like something to treat myself AFTER our LO is born, like vouchers for clothes or something like that. I'd really like an Ipad2, but it's quite pricey and with all the baby expenses I don't really mind as long as we have everything for the baby!! :thumbup:

I will have a look on ebay for decals as well, thanks for the tip MrsWifey! I saw that quote as well, it's so sweet but it makes me cry! :cry: (oh, the hormones) We have chosen the paint for the nursery today and I have more or less sorted the room out (nesting instinct kicked in big time!!) :hangwashing: Well, obviously it's just the beginning, but at least it's not full of cr*p, just bags of baby things :thumbup:
Can't be bothered to go to work tomorrow, it's getting harder and harder and I have so much to do before I leave.
Btw Lilli, I am also very acidic-Rennie seems to help temporarily...
I saw that quote on one born every minute and cried!! lol xx

You all sounds well on the way to being prepared! Hopefully the few bits I ordered from M&P will turn up today. I have my 24 weeks midwife appointment today, not sure what this one will be about! Baby kicked pretty much all day on Saturday which was really nice and then yesterday and today he's been really quiet! I guess he needed to rest after all his activity!

Have good mondays xx
Aw, Satine, you're an august baby as yours will be! growing up did you like having a summer holiday birthday? did you feel funny being (one of) the youngest in your school year?
When we started off trying to get pregnant i was all like, right, so we wont try between here and here cos i dont want baby being born when its hot and blahblahblah... then as time went on, it was just, lets have a baby! Didnt try in october as my friends wedding is 9th of july and i wouldnt want to miss it! Then get preggers in Nov, maybe the month off from stressing over the 2ww helped?! :)
Just had a funny experience, there was a foot (i'm guessing) pushing against my tummy making a lump stick out, so i pushed it and it pushed back! So i pushed again and he kicked me! And then again! :happydance: It was so surreal. It's just so bizarre that my little person in my tummy just made the concious decision to push me back and where to kick me... he's thinking?! :cloud9:
Love it!
Anyone washed their baby clothes yet? what washing powder are you going to use? i get confused with the non-biological hypo-allergenic etc etc.
Hi Lilli,

Funnily enough, mu Hubby is also an August baby. There will be 3 Leos in the house! I went to school abroad where rules where different so the youngest kids were born in December. What i didn't like that much was that at school you got to bring sweets for the whole class and kids would sign Happy Birthday but I never got that. Generally it is fun, because the weather is almost guaranteed to be great on my birthday so that's really cool!! :thumbup:
My DH regrets not being able to have his driving test done sooner (he was the last in his year), but nothing apart from that really.
We didn't plan the timing, because we were TTC for ages (I have PCOS) so I am just grateful that I got pregnant in the end!! (and I am having a clomid baby :baby:)
I like the fact I was born in August :happydance:
oh yeah, when i was mentally planning timing, that was before i had come off the injection and before i realised that getting pregnant isn't as easy as it is on the telly... :shrug: Until you start trying you have no idea... i'm totally besotted with this little wriggler and so so grateful he is with me :cloud9:
Hi all, My birthday is in July and my sister in August and we never had probs with summer birthdays. you need to be organised with birthday parties, letting people know etc but it was great - I had a lot of garden parties as the weather was always good. Im happy my baby is being born in August though it wasnt planned as we tried for 6 months, i do also worry that he will be one of the youngest though but hey ..

Lilli I bought a bottle set from toys are us too half price to £59.99 is that what you got? I think its closer to nature range. Looks fab!
Ive also got a swinging crib for our room - I had the same idea as you that he maybe wont get so hot and will get used to bars for when he goes into his cot - I also dont have room for the cot in our room so that was the main reason! I do have a moses basket as well incase he doesnt like it.
hiya, i got the Closer to Nature Tommy Tippee stuff too. The electric breast pump came with some storage pots and bottles, it was about £47. Then the microwave steriliser which came with a bottle and dummy, think that was £16... I looked at the electric steriliser and bottle set but decided the microwave one would do the job.
Think i have enough bottles and storage pots to get me started. I really want to breast feed but want to express as well so that hubby can do some feeding, more for their bonding than making him work! And i'm not sure how comfortable i will be BF'ing in public...
Oh so much to learn!
And the swinging crib, yes, i thought cooler and more ventilation than a moses basket. It will fit in our room, a cot wouldn't and my sister is giving me her moses basket so i will have that downstairs for day time naps... And our 'nursery' is so small that we are going to hold off on buying a complete nursery set until we decide if/when we are moving house etc etc.
Feel like things are coming together :happydance:
So it seems most of us will be having a sober birthday this year then! We didn't really think about when we wanted baby to be born, we just wanted one! Took us a whole year though! I'm glad it's not too near christmas cos my mums birthday is in december and you have to wait a whole year to get pressies then no one can think of what to get!

We are so not prepared for baby! I told hubby that in about a months time I'll probably start getting stressed about getting everything ready for the baby and that was before we got this bit of news... Our extension which we were hoping to get done in June has been delayed because for the council being picky over the paperwork so it might not happen until July now or maybe even August!! Forget the nursery, I might not even have a habitable house, ahh! We are lucky that hubby's parents have a massive house so if it comes to it we might have to stay there for a couple of weeks while builder does the messy bits but it's still not the same as bringing baby home.
Oh Wifey, i can totally empathise! We've been waiting to get our subsidence fixed, it's been dragging on for nearly two years now! We finally got the approved builder round at the beginning of April, all seemed fine except he wanted to make a proviso for new patio and balcony doors in case the current ones broke when they are taken out (the corners are no longer at right angles). Minor thing we thought... month later, numerous phone calls and emails they want to send someone else out to look! But they'll call back in a few days to make the appointment. I just went into melt down, poor hubby had me wailing down the phone, half my office stared in horror as i ran out then about 3 people came into the toilets to check on me... these hormones do lead to over reactions! Just so frustrating! I just want my house to be nice and clean and not falling down when baby arrives. I dont want builders in there when i'm on maternity leave and i dont want paint fumes in my lungs!
then i went to physio for my pelvis (which is feeling ok, touch wood) and got her to try and fix what i thought was a trapped nerve in my shoulder, to be told it is tendonitis. So i'm all strapped up like a parcel to hold my shoulder back.
NCT last night, lots of labour talk, slightly scared by the pictures (drawings, not photos)! just hoping that i am totally oblivious by that point and obviously i wont see him emerging. Just bizarre how the head comes out then your body miraculously rotates the baby so that the shoulders can come out! and that is why you need to do your pelvic floor exercises, to help turn the baby when it's half out!
sorry, rambling a bit! Birthday today and now i'm 30 and have baby brain it's not good! :)
Have a good one..Are you doing anything today?

It all sounds very stressful MrsWifey and Lilli, I would hate to come home to builders too!!I never knew that about your body rotating the baby so thanks for the tip on pelvic floor..

I am only starting to stress about one thing after the birth and that is that every year my town has a carnival - stalls, red arrows, floats etc - goes on for 2 weeks. And for the second week my sister and bro in law brings my 2 nieces up and this happens to be the week im due!! I dont want her to not bring my nieces as they love it so much and its like a holiday for them as I live by the seaside and they really love the carnival but i really dont want them staying here when I bring the baby home.. its really stressing me out and dont know what to do. My OH only has 1 week off too so I want to spend that week with just the 3 of us and not have them here for the whole week. argggh they could stay with my mum and this will probably happen but I know they will be at my house more as I live over the road from my mum. Of course i want them all to meet him and pop over for a few hours but I know im not really going to be up for loads of choas that week and just want a nice chilled week with the 3 of us.
Am i stressing over nothing??? Maybe I will be 2 weeks late and they will have gone home by then.. :shrug:
Anyway that was a nice vent!!! I think its maybe just our pregnancy hormones going crazy!
Happy Birthday Lilli! Hope you have a lovely day :flower:

I'd be the same Kaths, have a chat to them i'm sure they'll understand. It's going to be such a special time I think we can all get away with being a bit selfish xx
thanks ladies! been a very long day full of cakes and sweets! hopefully going out for dinner tonight, just waiting to see how tired hubby is when he gets home from london... :thumbup:
Kaths, i agree with Jax, just say exactly how you feel and that it is worrying you already. Even if baby is late, you still wont be up for a carnival, just a gentle reminder that you wont be joining in much/at all this year should do the trick. They probably haven't even thought about it yet. Dont let it stress you out hun! Or get your mum to say it to your sister in a "well, of course you'll be staying with me this year... they'll need some peace and quiet to get into a routine..." type thing? :shrug:
Eeee, dont know about hubby, but i am WELL tired now! Maybe dinner out can wait until next week... :)
Happy Birthday Lilli!! :wohoo:
Enjoy the day, hope you feel spoiled and pampered! :flower:

Sorry to hear about your building situations Lilli and Wifey. Sounds like a right nightmare, hugs :hugs: We were thinking of having an attic conversion done before LO is born, but abandoned the idea mainly due to lack of time and money. I can only imagine how stressful this must be, we only need to paint the nursery and I am stressing out already, but then I am really overly sensitive recently.
Kaths, definitely talk to your family. I hate the way they just assume things sometimes. I am sure they will understand you may not be as eager or mobile and will need some peace and quiet to rest :hugs:
I am having a bad day, just had a rant on the forum and it made me feel a bit better
Hey Ladies,
How you feeling today Satine? Work sucks hey? how long until you escape? :)
I posted in 3rd tri this morning! Had a bit of a weird one and thought it'd be ladies that were further ahead of us who would have the answer for me.
The midwife was horrible. I should've posted on here first and not even bothered ringing my doctors and waiting for a call back! I feel happier now that it probably was hiccups, poor little fella, it went on for ages! All i wanted was for the medical professional to say that to me though. Thankfully the 3rd tri ladies answered in record time and made me feel much much better :)
Definitley feel like moving into that section now. 2nd tri just seems to have got a bit repetitive and i dont find myself getting as involved with threads as i used to...
In quite a bit of back, hip and pubic symphasis pain today. think baby must be having another growth spurt. thankfully i have tomorrow off for a sleep in and generally lazy day! How're you all doing?
Hi Lilli,

I have 46 working days left until I am gone, approximately.(not that I am counting, LOL!)
I can’t decide whether to start maternity leave on the 11th or the 18th of July! I have so much to do, it’s probably wise to start later, but I will see how I feel...
They haven’t found my replacement yet. When is everyone else going? I’ve got a feeling that we talked about this before, but I have a bad case of baby brain, LOL!
Lilli, glad that you have your answer and it’s just hiccups! What would we do without this forum, huh? I am definitely ready to move over to 3rd, I may do it a day early (tomorrow!)
Apart from that, I have a funny nerve pain in my bum/thigh area. Hope it goes away!

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