Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Aww Lilli, thats not a nice midwife encounter - how are you supposed to know, its all new! Sounds like the 3rd tri ladies know what they are talking about!

My last working day is July 26th - i so can't wait, it can't come quick enough! The back pain and tiredness is quite draining.

I hope you had a lovely birthday Lilli, did you do anything special to celebrate the big 3-0?

It's now been confirmed that the 8 weeks it takes the council to approve our planning permission starts from now so extension will be happening July/Aug! It's not worth delaying it cos once baby arrives there won't ever be a good time to do it so I figure may as well get on with it and get it over with as soon as possible and try to keep my legs crossed as long as I can! I might just have to force myself to spend my pre-baby maternity leave at the in-laws house lounging in their swimming pool (always a silver lining somewhere, lol!).

My last day at work in 15th July but I'm taking 4 weeks holiday so my actual mat leave doesn't start until 15 Aug, the day before baby is due.
Wow, can i come and lounge by your in-laws pool with you? :) Lovely.
We went out for really nice dinner on my birthday, unfortunately hubby was a bit distracted by 3 Saracens Rugby players that came in for dinner! Kept saying to me "can you see? are they drinking? they've got a big match this sunday!" hmmph, then he said something about me being heavily pregnant, i was just like "what? i'm not heavily pregnant! i'll accept 'obviously' pregnant, but not heavily!" Silly hubby!
my last day at work will be the 14th of july! i cant wait! taking a bit of annual leave so official maternity leave starts on the 25th of july. Has today off, just cos i can and it's been lovely. Long lie in, long bath, lazy wander round the shops... All good!
Going to yorkshire again this weekend, not really in the mood to be honest but don't know how many more times i'll make it up before baby arrives!
hope you all have a lovely weekend,
woooo ive just realised im (and most of us) are in double digits!! time is flyin so fast!!!

Im still not sure when im going on maternity leave, I want to leave it as long as possible so I get longer afterwards. I might try to go to the first week of August :wacko:
Does anyone know - I have 5 weeks of holiday to take then my 6 weeks at 90% will I have to take my 5 weeks first then go onto maternity pay?

Does the maternity pay start automatically once the baby is born and I lose my holiday weeks?? I have to use my holiday by January and hopefully I wont be back at work by January so want to make sure I get my full holiday entitlement.

Sorry that prob doesnt make any sense at all! :dohh:

Take care ladies x
Hi Kaths,
You would have to check with your HR department... Here they let you carry a chunk over to next year, so a lot of people add it on to the end of their maternity leave, but then you'll get another years worth in january... they might not let you carry 5 weeks worth... It's also the case here that as soon as your baby is born or if you are off sick in the last month before you are due to go off, you go onto maternity leave/pay - i think this is more to do with if baby comes early. You could always finish at the beginning of Aug, have 2 weeks AL (take you to baby due date) and ask if they'll let you carry 3 weeks worth? I dont think i would last at work until 38 weeks... my back/pelvis problems seems to be on a plateau at the moment so are bareable but i've developed tendonitis in my shoulder and today have proper fat feet!
I dont have anymore 5 day weeks now until i finish. You could always do that and take a day or two off per week if they wont let you carry it over...
I'm going to aquanatal this wednesday, quite exciting! Wouldnt be able to if i wasnt off work though as it is at lunchtime so it might only be very preggers ladies who are already on ML...
Hope you are all well? :hugs:
This might help?
Says you have to tell them 15 weeks before you go on ML... I thought it was just my HR being snotty cos i hadnt told them! :)
Ladies, we dont have 15 weeks left! in 15 weeks we'll be holding our babies!!! :cloud9:
Just said to hubby this morning that by this weekend, we'll have somewhere for our baby to sleep and have our furniture for his room. Makes it all more real! :happydance:
ooo eeek Lilli thanks for all that, I havent told them yet when im going!! Its just our 'HR' is quite rubbish so dont want them to move the goalposts at the last minute. I will probably end up taking my 5 weeks before then, because they have already said we cant carry holiday into next year. i doubt i would be able to carry on either - probably being too optimistic to work up until 38 weeks, or do as you said and use a few days each week in the run up to me leaving...

AND I have booked my 4D scan today - I ummed and ahhhed for so long and in the end OH said he is going to buy it for my birthday :happydance:
I really dont want to regret not doing it - so its all booked for May 24th, I will be 27+6 then.. Cant wait and hope I get some decent pictures. I also get a DVD :thumbup:
Kaths, my work don't let you carry over holiday from one year to the next but if you haven't used it all up at the end of the year cos of maternity leave then you get paid the equivilant. I've decided to use all mine before baby comes though so my actual mat leave doesn't start until day before due date, but I have 4 weeks off as holiday before that. I think once baby arrives it has to be mat leave but I would get your MATB1 form into your HR asap or they might not start paying your maternity on time.
Hi all, sounds like not only my HR dept is a bit rubbish. I have told them ages ago and gave them MATB1, but because my holiday is calculated from apr to march next year, I wanted to know how many days I'll get pro rata. I thought I'd just be able to say in a letter : this is the date I am leaving, from that day onwards I want to use whatever Annual leave I have and when it ends, to start my maternity. But it turns out I will have to officially book A/L, get it approved, then send them another letter advising of a different maternity start date... The worst thing is, that I have to give them 28 days notice if I want to change my maternity start date. What if I feel like I can't really cope at work and won't be able to get 28 days notice? I will just have to grit my teeth and survive I think!
Work is really bringing me down at the moment. I feel like because I am leaving my boss wants all these things done before I go (because nobody else knows how to do them) but all I want to do is to concentrate on finishing off things I've started, now starting new projects! I actually got so upset today I had a little cry at work.
I requested for a one to one with my boss to explain how little time I have left and list things that I will not have time to do before I go. Hope it helps...

I am quite stressed recently generally, but it could also be hormones. I was in tears when I got an email from Mamas and Papas to say that my furniture range is out of stock. What? But I want it, and I want it now! I have placed an order already, hope they have it back in stock soon.

Sorry for moans, just having a bit of a bad day today.
Hi ladies,

I've not heard anything in ages from my HR either, I can only assume all is in hand, at least I hope so!

Kaths, I also booked a 4d scan yesterday! How exciting! what a wonderful gift from your oh. looking forward to seeing some pics!! ours is booked on the 2nd June and i'll be 28 weeks.

Ah Satine, i ordered stuff from mamas and papas and they also said it was out of stock after I ordered - so frustrating! It did however come through a few weeks later.

so are all of you third tri now? how are you finding it? still a few weeks for me!!

Sounds like you're having a bit of a rubbish week satine :hugs:
My understandinmg is that you have to give 28 days notice to change your nat start day where practically possible so if you're finding it hard to cope then you should be able to change it cos you don't know how you'll be at the end of your pregnancy until you get there. Or as a plan B, if you have a day off sick in the last 4 weeks before you're due then your mat leave starts automatically so if you want to finish a bit earlier than planned then just call in sick on the day you want it to start.
Hi Ladies,
How is everyone today?
I was in such a bad mood yesterday but don't know why... weird! :)
I went to aquanatal today and really enjoyed it. Loved the bobbing about in the warm pool and baby boy joined in with lots of kicks! It's run by a midwife who works in the hospital i should be having baby in, i just hope she's on duty the day i go in because she is lovely!! Got mean old midwife for 28 week check up tomorrow and then 28 week growth scan on friday.
Yey, Jax, 4D scan, very cool! Jax and Kaths, i recommend taking some ice cold orange juice or whatever gets your baby going with you. Ours was sleepy and would not move so we haven't seen his face straight on...
Sounds like you're having a bit of a rubbish week satine :hugs:
My understandinmg is that you have to give 28 days notice to change your nat start day where practically possible so if you're finding it hard to cope then you should be able to change it cos you don't know how you'll be at the end of your pregnancy until you get there. Or as a plan B, if you have a day off sick in the last 4 weeks before you're due then your mat leave starts automatically so if you want to finish a bit earlier than planned then just call in sick on the day you want it to start.
Thanks Wifey, Sorry I ama bit of a moaner, but I am having a rubbish week indeed. I am going to chiropractor on Monday, hope she will help with my back cos it's really sore :wacko: I didn't know about the 'off sick' option, I had images of me in absolute agony struggling to get up but still going to work... I am sure it's not going to be as bad, I am just having a rough patch!
Exciting news about your scan ladies! I wish I had another one, but with 3 private scans earlier on, I don't think Hubby would agree. :blush:
Lilli, don't tell me about bad mood, I am such a grump recently!!
I also have a preferred midwife. My community one is such a mean cow, but fortunately she doesn't work in the hospital where I am having my baby. I am also having a 28 week check (no scan) on Friday in hospital, so hope to see the nice midwife again. Mind you, so far touch wood all hospital midwives have been lovely to me.
I just remembered, I am going to have another scan! It's going to be at 36 weeks to establish if my low placenta moved up so I can have normal delivery:dohh:
yeah, i'm only getting a 28 week scan because of the medication that i take. It's to check that all his measurements are track. The lady did them all at the 4D scan and he just above or below the average curve for all measurements so i'm not worried.
Same for us regarding the sick policy in the last month before you go on maternity leave. Just ring in sick if you need to and it'll automatically be processed.
Satine, have you asked your GP for a physio referral? the lady i have been seeing at our local hospital unit has been really good. the bump belt she gave me helps... Swimming might help you too :)
Have Mamas and Papas said when your items will come back in stock? how annoying for you!
We had the builder and the insurance people round again earlier... they said it might be 11 weeks yet! i freaked out slightly and said i didnt want my baby in a building site! They're flagging it as 'urgent' to get it processed more quickly... really, only NOW they are flagging it as urgent? trying not to be stroppy but i wanted to smack the nasty little insurance man! Grrrrr
Morning All,
How is everyone?
So i had my 28 week midwife appointment yesterday, it wasnt the evil one, it was the nice one :) Baby is still breach, naughty boy! But plenty of time for him to head downwards... :thumbup:
Then i have just been for my 28 week growth scan. Everything looks ok, just above or below the average curve for everything and is in proportion to the 20 week measurements.
But, i saw him yawning! Then he scratched his head! Then he spread out his fingers and was 'looking' at his hand! When the sonographer was looking at his legs his started kicking like mad. :kiss: Awww, i love him! :cloud9:
Cant wait to meet him :happydance:
Just went into Matalan because i was really early for my late shift and they have some very cute baby clothes. Think i might've mentioned before, but i have a bit of a thing for giraffes and there were blue clothes with giraffes on! So so cute. Restrained myself cos i wanted size 0-3 months and they only had newborn or tiny baby. And there were lovely comforters and blankets... Aw! i'm such a softy! :flower:
Hope you are all well, :hugs:
ahhh wow lilli! glad it all went well, i'm so looking forward to seeing our little boy again!

Will have to go into matalan at some point and have a look, i've been really good with baby clothes - mostly they have been gifts so far!!

The backache is doing my nut!! i spend all evening and night trying to feel better then 20 mins at my desk and bang its back, I guess it'll only get worse too. never mind its all worth it :)

Glad your scan went well Lilli, sounds brilliant - Cant wait for my 4D to hopefully see some of these things too :happydance:

Sometimes I kinda forget there is a baby in there, and its wierd to think they sleep, yawn and do all that isnt it (or maybe im just wierd :haha:) will be great to see it!!

I love Giraffes too! i also love penguins, I have a few penguin bits, I have happy feet booties and an all in one suit for the winter like a penguin - it has a beak on the hood and orange feet and everthing - poor child LOL, but i think its really cute.

I havent got a matalan near me, well not that I know of - i will do a search.

Jax, I have a really bad back too, my symptims come and go though which is good in a way as at least i get some relief!

Only 4 days until my 4D scan - soooo excited
this is what i fell in love with, so cute!
they had it in long sleeve, long leg too but can't see that online...
hubby asked me the other day if i only wanted a baby as an excuse to buy more giraffes! :haha: I got all my soft toy giraffes and put them through the wash, apart from the 3 foot squishy one, i dont think he'd fit! :blush:
For backache have you tried anything like these?
Helped me in the past. If you're suffering during the day might be good? Mine gets stiff at night so i have my hot electric blanket thing that i lie on. Can get them quite cheaply from argos...
It is very strange to think of baby doing stuff in there! Sometimes when i see myself in the mirror i get a little surprise, mainly when i'm getting in and out of the shower. It's a bit like i've forgotten... But yes, to think that he had a thought process of "i'm going to lift my arm and scratch my head" if that is what he was doing, certainly what it looked like, is just amazing. Then that he's yawning! i thought we yawned to make us take a deep breath to get more oxygen... but he's only getting amniotic fluid?! Very bizarre but very cool :happydance:
Hello Ladies,

I have been to my 28 midwife appt and everything looks great. She was friendly, but not as talkative as the first one :winkwink: so the visit was very quick! Funnily enough, I was the only person there. Usually there are lots of pregnant ladies with partners.
My back is killing me too Jax, but not the lower, but the upper part! Sitting at my desk is agony. I have lumbar support and cushions, it makes it a tad better...I am looking forward to some massage on Monday (at least I am hoping that's what I am going to get and not just bone cracking).

How lovely for your scan Lilli. I wish I could see my LO more often. I found scans very addictive. It's amazing to think that they are having their little lives in our bumps, complete with yawns, hiccups naps and playtime!
I saw this link and thought of you https://www.cuddlesboutique.co.uk/search.asp?cat=1&types=Treetop+Giraffe

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