Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Aw Satine, that's gorgeous! Giraffe blankie might be making it's way to my house in the near future! :)
Just remembered i have a pregnancy massage on sunday. It was a birthday present from my sister. Good job you mentioned yours Satine or i'd have forgotten!
I cant quite believe it, just tried to get hot water and nothing happened... our 6 month old boiler is not working! Can anything else go wrong with this house?! grrrrrr. Just emailed my lovely friendly plumber in the hope he'll be in our area tomorrow. Consequently wide awake from washing my face in cold water. hubby is snoring and i want to punch him! :)
Hi all

I'm starting to feel 'proper pregnant' now, by which I mean grumpy, tired and achey! I love my bump though, it's all in front so I haven't really got much wider and I look like I've stuffed a beach ball up my top!
Getting a bit fed up with my ever reducing wardrobe of wearable clothes though. I bought some maternity vest tops from debenhams last week but I need to take them back cos they fit over my bump ok but the top part is too big, no one really does petite maternity wear! I've got a meeting in London tomorrow though so hoping to have a mini spree while I'm there.
Hey all,
How's things?
MrsW, i got a two pack of vests from Matalan and they are true to size for my original top size just have extra growing space for round your middle, adjustable straps too. Worth checking with your local matalan if they do maternity first though... seem to think the Stevenage one was quite big? If not, it's all on line.
I bought the giraffe blankie! i know, i have a problem! :) but i was going to get him a comforter anyway so why not? :haha: Got it off amazon cos i thought the postage was a bit steep from the other place.
So i have a decorator coming round tonight to give me a quote for the nursery. Had someone round on sunday but he'd either just finished a cigarette or was such a heavy smoker it was in his lungs... made me feel dirty just talking to him! i wanted to cover my nose! Named an outrageous price and was offended when i rang to tell him no.
oh, pregnancy massage, turned into more of a sports massage when she discovered all my knots and lumps! oooh it hurt yesterday! much better today but crikey... cant decide if i should go for more. sort of think "if it'll help in the long run..."?!
Aquanatal tomorrow, should be good :)
Hello Ladies,
MrsWifey, how was your shopping spree in London? I just got a dress from Asos for a wedding I am going to next week and it looks dreadful on me. I got so angry I even posted a thread about it. I am having a fat day! https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/623926-m-having-fat-day.html
Anyway, apart from that I am a bit more chilled out at work although my upper back is killing me. I had chiropractor on Monday and it was lovely. Going again on Friday!
Lilli, so you got your blankie, that's sweet! I have totally fallen in love with one from Mamas and Papas https://www.mamasandpapas.com/product-made-with-love-snuggle-me-unisex/200402200/type-i/ and I think I am going to get it.
On a positive note, nursery furniture is arriving this Saturday, yippeee!
Hi, I had my 4d scan yesterday it was brilliant to see my little man, he was yawning, sticking his tongue out - very sleepy to start with but did wake up towards the end.
Got a bit worried as his cord was near his neck but she said its absolutely nothing to worry about as the cord moves all the time.
He was doing the X Factor pose all the way through :haha:
I got 53 pictures and a 20 minute DVD so was happy with that.

Here he is:

Aw Kaths, how fantastic, what a little cutie! It's so amazing, if i won the lottery i'd buy a 4D scanner and just sit and watch him all day :)
Did it make it feel even more real to see his face? Can you see resemblance to either of you?
Satine, every day is a fat day for me my dear! Dont worry, we are on the homeward straight and it is totally normal to feel big. It still shocks me when i catch my reflection in a mirror/window and when i catch my belly on a cupboard door even though i thought i'd left plenty of space! :) Or get stuck on car wing mirrors because i cant decide which angle is my narrowest... My heart sinks when i go back to my car and someone has parked really close. i'm considering putting a sticky note on my window saying please leave plenty space, wide load needs to get in! :haha:
That dress is gorgeous but you can tell from the material that it would just stick straight out... look for one in a jersey material. it wont cling but it will hang better than stiff cotton/chiffon. I have this one from ASOS https://www.asos.com/Asos/Asos-Mate...200=4&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Black
which is really flattering and makes me feel nice... they only do the short version in black but do it longer in a really nice red. Fitted round the bust then flows over your bump.
Got my afternoon ladies only NCT today. Another short day at work! woohoo
Hello Kaths, your little boy is gorgeous! I wish I saved one private scan for later, but I was so obsessed whether everything is ok with LO that I don’t think I can quite justify it again, especially that we still have quite a few bigger things to buy (car seat, mattress, rocker, glider chair)
I am hoping that at my 36 week scan ( to check if placenta moved out of the way) I will be able to catch another glimpse of her.
Lilli, thanks for the link. You are right with the fabric, it’s not very flattering and I probably need something more fitted. I thought if it’s floaty, it will make me look slimmer, but actually I look 2 sizes bigger! I really like the link you sent, I will definitely consider that one too!
I will have a look in Mamas and Papas this weekend as well (and will probably end up buying more baby stuff-any excuse is good!)
I am looking forward to a long weekend; hope to relax a bit and hopefully, we will put the furniture together for the nursery!
Cute picture kaths. It's so wierd to think that there's a 'proper' baby in there not just a little dot!

I bought 3 tops from new look and 5 from next and I'm keeping 1!! The straps on the vest tops literally fall off my shoulders even in a size 8 and the tops I got from next are so boring i know I won't want to wear them. I'm going to try and order some size 6 maternity tops from new look online and hope they fit better. I tried on some non-maternity swimming costumes too which was an experience, lol! I'm going to stick to my normal bikini but with a vest top over it so it's a bit of a DIY tankini.

It's our first wedding anniversary this weekend so hubby and I are having dinner/bed/breakfast at the place where we got married. It'll be nice to have a little weekend away and to feel spoilt. I hope you all have equally lovely bank hol plans x
yes it does seem very real now, Im so glad i did it as I dithered for ages but It was lovely to see his face and expressions - there was a really cheesy grin pic as well lol i will try and post it but will have to get the picture off the disk.

He looks just like my OH, has his mouth definetly.

You are right about getting in and out of the car Lilli, it is a struggle sometimes..Ive only got a little corsa so its a struggle anyway without getting out of a 2 inch gap with a huge stomach!!!

The asos dress is gorgeous, ive been looking too as Im going to a christening and going to be a godmother in July so going to be the size of a house and im already panicking about what I will look like now in the pictures :wacko:
I know how posh spice felt on the royal wedding day now :haha:

Anyway better go, got my midwife appy at 2pm where ive got to have my Anti D injection (as im negative Blood group), ive already been to the hospital this morning for 2 hours for my glucose test (Diabetes runs in my family), so i will truely feel like a pin cushion by the end of the day!!
hi ladies,
how are you all?
I had a bit of a weird one last night... baby has been breach since at least 24 weeks. Head up, his spine curving down my right, legs across to me to the left. Well i was really uncomfy yesterday afternoon, just didn't feel right... fell asleep on the sofa for an hour. When i woke up it was even worse and i couldn't bare to even touch my tummy it just felt so tight and left me breathless. had to pull my top up so there was nothing touching me! looked down and i have a big bulge on the right! We think that he is now lying down across me with his head on the right and his spine across my tummy. His kicks are more gentle so i think he's kicking my insides now and i just cant feel it as much... i nearly cried last night i just didnt know what to do with myself to get comfy! Made the mistake of rolling one side to the other in bed and had this horrible pulling sensation.
Tried to use my doppler just to make sure i could still hear him and the bleeping battery ran out, caught a quick heart beat before the doppler gave out. Felt better for that.
Made it to my stability ball class this morning but took it a bit easy.
bad baby worrying me like that! i was starting to think about going to the hospital to get checked out but i keep feeling the occasional movement and it doesn't hurt as much. Suppose it's just that my muscles have gone from being stretched up and down to being stretched side to side... Little monkey, at least he's moving in the right direction?!
Hope you are all well?
Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary MrsW! Where did you get married?
oooh look, i'm a squash! is that like a pumpkin?
quite apt seeing as all my innards feel squashed! :)
Hi Lilli, poor you, im sure hes fine in there.. I havent had much movement at all, my little one has been head down from the 20 weeks scan and hasn't moved so im only getting kicks etc.

My insides feels squished too, and im beginning to feel VERY uncomfortable, to turn over in bed I have to push off of my OH, getting up in the morning is very painful though im fine once I get going and my back is vey painful too - eeek how am i going to survive the next 11 weeks!!
I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable too, having occasional back spasms and my back aches in the morning. I just can't work out how to sleep in a comfortable position which doesn't leave me with a stiff back by morning. i asked the midwife about it last week and she just said make sure I lie on my left and if it gets worse go see the doctor - as useful as a chocolate teapot then!! If i'm not too tired I want to start pregnancy yoga this week so I'll ask them about it and hopefully get a more helpful answer. I also asked about what classes the local surestart centres do and she said she can't tell me cos they're not allowed to promote the surestart centres, WTF! Aren't they funded by the government to support families with young children, and yet the NHS can't promote them - am I the only one who fails to see the logic in this!?

On a chirppier note, we ordered our pram (mamas and papas ultima 9 in 1 in mimi) and nursery (mamas and papas fern set) today so very excited and it's good to feel like we're getting somewhere! We've got 2 weeks until it arrives to get the nursery painted so that's mine and hubby's week off planned!! We also got a new bathroom suite from focus cos they've gone into administration for only £200, bargain! Just need to sort out how to fit it now! It's nice to feel like we're making progress with the house, especially since the extension's been delayed to July/Aug.

We got married at Down Hall Country House Hotel. It's a really lovely old building and we had our ceremony and evening reception there last year. It would normally have been out of our price range but we got a late availability deal and planned our whole wedding in 12 weeks!! I've just realised that that's roughly how long it is until baby arrives! Well, if I can plan a wedding in that time I'm sure we can get the house ready for baby in that time too (she says biting her nails nervously!).
Hello Ladies,

Sounds like we are all progressing at full speed now. I also suffer from a bad back pain, which gets worse with the day and by the evening I really struggle to find a comfortable position. Chiropractor seems to have improved it slightly and sciatic pain in my leg is completely gone. I am not sure how I am going to survive the next 11 weeks either!

We have just had our nursery furniture delivered and put the cotbed together today. I still don't know where I want things placed, it's an empty room with lots of bags of baby stuff at the moment, but I am not very good at interior decor.

We went to Mamas and Papas yesterday and got bedding set and cot bumper that was almost 50% off on sale and it all looks so lovely! I suppose I will need to wash it before LO is born?
There is one thing me and my Hubby disagree on, which is where she will be sleeping to begin with. I want to get a moses basket for a bedroom, at least for the first few weeks, when I'll have to get up every 2-3 hours to feed her. Hubby wants her to sleep in her own room from day one. I am not sure if I will be able to fall asleep and also, can't imagine getting up, going to the other room, feeding her, putting her to sleep and going back to my room again. Surely, it would be easier to have her with us?

What are you all ladies planning to do? Any advice?
im glad its not just me all achey and painy then, Im starting to feel like a right moaning minnie and im sure OH is getting fed up of it but my back really is agony sometimes.

I will definetly be having little one in our room for at least 3 months. I just would not sleep at all knowing he was in another room and I think in the state we will be (total lack of sleep) in you need to get them, feed, change and get back to bed. I cant imagine running about to and fro different rooms. Im sure your OH will change his mind once baby is here Satine. Could you compromise and say she will come in for the first few weeks and then see how you get on
hi ladies,
you were up late kaths!
I went to a wedding yesterday and it was really lovely, but i am paying for it today! I didn't even attempt to wear heels which was surprisingly sensible of me, but defo the best decision! I tried to dance a bit but just felt lumpy and off balance... very ungraceful! SPD and PGP hurting today... Met a cousin of the groom who is due on the 5th of August - how many august babies?! And she was saying that they ordered their travel system and there is a 8 week wait!!! So we're going to get ours ordered later today...
Lasted until 11.15pm then had to take my drunken hubby home! :)
I think it's recommended that baby is in with you for the first 6 months... i cant see us doing it for that long, but he'll definitely be in with us for at least the first 2 months... Not just for the feeding, cant believe that's every 2 hours(!) but also because it's meant to be soothing for the baby and something about it hearing you breathing keeps it breathing. I found this article which is more talking about co-sleeping... i don't plan on having baby in our bed, but in a crib right next to my side of the bed. https://www.askdrsears.com/html/7/t071000.asp
got the in laws coming round for dinner later, not really in the mood! Going to be a nice short week though! Got wednesday off so that i can do aquanatal and have a consultants appointment.
Hen do next weekend, not entirely sure how up for it i am right now! hopefully i'll cheer up a bit this week... i'm not uncheered, just feeling a bit lumpy, unattractive and painful! :hugs:
Hi all,

We're going to have baby in our room to start with, especially as I plan on breastfeeding. It'll make it much easier to do night feeds.

My backs been better the last couple of days so I think I've worked out the optimum pillow layout in bed, although by the time I've got myself, bump and pillows arranged it doesn't leave much room for hubby, lol! New symptom of the week for me is breathlessness. It's about 3 flights of stairs from the shopfloor to my office at work and I keep forgeting to take it slowly so by the time I've bounced to the top at my usual pace I have to stop to catch my breath! With this in mind I'm quite impressed at your dancing Lilli!

Has anyone been to a surestart centre yet? Might go and say hello at my local one later.

I worked out that I've got 7 weeks left at work, but that includes this week and next week I'm off on annual leave so actually I've only got 5 working weeks left - yippee!
yeah, when i said dancing, it was more swaying/bobbing... :blush: Hubby was drunk and prancing round like a displaying peacock or something :haha: I just swayed and laughed! :haha:
I get out of breath just going upstairs in my house! 3 flights and i'd have to sit down! scrap that, i'd have to break on each landing :)
Went for a consultants appointment today... all good in that baby is fine and is now head down and getting himself ready :thumbup: Bit upset in that he said I'm not allowed to go to the birthing centre, have to go to the proper labour ward and "definitely wont be allowed anywhere near the water" :nope: I know i'm over reacting and i'm lucky to be having a healthy baby and that some women don't ever even get the option of a water birth, but he was just horrible and really spoke down to me. I was diagnosed with epilepsy 13 years ago and have never had a seizure but because it's on my notes and i take tablets... Waiting for hubby to come home to give me a big cuddle.
Pulling myself together now, i had fun at aquanatal today and met a lady that i met on here. She's really nice. And i had the day off work. And i only have 24 working days left until maternity leave! :happydance:
I love my baby and cant wait to meet him :cloud9:
Lilli, sorry your consultant was a meanie, don't let him get you down. have you tried talking to the birthing centre direct? Or can you hire a pool to have with you in the labour ward?

I went to my first antenatal yoga last night. It was really good and she explained how each thing would help in labour, moves to help the baby be in the right position etc. It was really relaxing and also informative so can't wait to go back next week (although I did think it might have been TMI when she said that 10cm dilated is the size of a dairylea box!).

One more day to get through then a week off!
Ive got one more day at work then a week off too!! cannot wait. Im having such a hard time at work at the moment - did a 12 hour day and had to sack someone today. Hated it!

My feet are sooo swollen - has anyone else got that??
Ive been on my feet alot today and now regretting it - Im in agony :cry:

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