Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Oh yes, puffy feet over here! i can just about only wear flip flops and when i take them off you can see where the straps have indented!!! my feet are all red and when you press it goes white, like sunburn! gross!
I'm going to Nottingham on a Hen Do very shortly and really don't feel like it... Got a day of watching activities, dinner and then i'll slope off back down the M1. She rang me the other day and was really sweet about not wanting me to feel like i have to go etc etc. and i of course insisted that i was fine and of course i was going to go. Hmmmph, i'm sure i'll be fine once i get there... Think it's the thought of driving home after dinner that's bugging me. Got NCT breastfeeding session 10am-1pm tomorrow but could stay over and leave very early if i have to...
Baby has hiccups and now he is head down they are right down in my groin. Very funny feeling! :haha:
He's having a good old wriggle right now and there are feet/elbows/hands sticking out all over my belly! i love it when i push them in and he pushes back! :cloud9:
really not that long until we meet our little people! :happydance:
aw Lilli, I hope the hen do goes ok - its one of those things you agree to and then wish you hadnt. Hopefully it will be ok once you get there. I keep thinking I should really get out and enjoy myself while I can but I just dont feel like it - especially with my HUGE feet - all I want to do is come home, put my feet up and eat :haha:

Im glad you have swollen feet too - Its not nice youve got it but it is kind of nice to know im not the only one and nothing to worry about!

Its not long at all now, I have had very strange stomach twinges the last few days, they actually hurt and I was worried I hadnt felt baby so much but tonight he's been a right wriggler which is good. I think I have generally a lazy baby as I can go hours without feeling him then all of a sudden a burst of energy and then quiet again, this has been his pattern all along. I love my little man so much already.
Is anyone really thinking about the birth yet? Im starting to but just the nice bit at the end lol x
I know what you mean about saying you'll go to something then not being sure. I've been invited to a baby shower in acouple of weeks but it's 2 hours away and I'll be going on my own. I do want to go but I'm just a bit worried about how tired I'll be after! I can't decide whether to just do it in a day or ask to stay over at a friends which is 30 mins from the baby shower. It'll mean less driving in one day and it'll be lovely to see that friend too but will it be more tiring spreading it over 2 days? Hmm, can't decide.

Went for a really nice family meal yesterday for mine and hubby's joint 30th's. The waitress made me laugh when hubby asked her to guess what birthdays we were celebrating and she guessed me at 24 and him at 32, ha ha! We're off to see Wicked today, can't wait!
Hiya, MrsW, i would say definitely stay at your friends if you are going to the baby shower! I've been in so much pain yesterday and still today... I did stand/walk for most of saturday day, then had a bit of a walk to the restaurant etc but i think it was the 2 hours each way in the car that really did it (all in a 12 hour period)... My whole back and pelvis hurt. Lying in bed and trying to roll over is terrible, had to get hubby to roll me last night and i was in tears trying to get up to the loo! :( If you'll be able to get comfy and sleep at a friends, do it! And have breaks when you're driving... coming back down the M1 at 10.30pm i wasn't stopping for anything! still didnt get to bed till 12.30am though! I was really swollen yesterday and still today which i think is as a result too.
Been wearing my pelvic support but baby hates it and kicks loads so i've taken it off. think it must've been squashing his head space!
Love the age guesses from the waitress :)
Hope you have more lovely birthday celebrations today. :hugs:
Had our NCT breastfeeding class yesterday which was interesting but very pro, she was a bit dismissive of a lady who was asking about weaning onto formula after a couple of months. I'll post more later, at work now so better do something! :)
We've reached the big 3-0!! No not my birthday, I mean baby is 30 weeks - woohoo!

I think baby might have moved cos I seem to be having more moments of discomfort, especially if I have to walk anywhere! My bump is quite firm and compact though so i can't tell which way round baby is, even the midwife at my last appt could only tell me baby was lying across but couldn't tell which side the head was cos it's so curled up! I think it may have moved to one side a bit more, I'll have to ask again at next weeks appt.

We got our first NCT class on sat and then going to do a tour of the maternity ward in the afternoon, can't wait!

Nursery is in the process of being decorated this week, the walls have been stripped and should be ready to paint tomorrow. So exciting to think that baby will have an actual room in the house and I can start to make it all cosy and sort out all the baby stuff that's currently sitting in the corner of the kitchen! I want to wash all the baby clothes I've bought but I'm scared I'll do something stupid like dye them all pink or something! Some of them are white with red piping so it's not as if I can seperate it. I' think I'm just going to have to go for it on a very low temp and keep my eyes shut as I empty the washing machine!!
ooh, it's so exciting. Just got home and the decorator has finished the baby's room! :happydance: It's so nice and clean and cream and white. :thumbup: All very neutral for when we sell the house but just so nice and fresh for him. Aw, makes me feel a little bit emotional! :happydance:
Now i just need to find a carpet fitter...
I'm desperate to wash all his tiny clothes but hubby is making me wait until the builders have been in (27th of june) and all the dust has settled and been cleaned...
Only 19 more days at work! I cant wait to escape :)
Day off tomorrow, bit of aquanatal and maybe car shopping if i can be bothered... I can't risk my back going whilst leaning into the back of my 3 door with a baby in my hands.
oooh, little question for you ladies, are you getting a baby sleeping bag? or using a sheet/blanket? Will baby be sleeping in a long sleeved, long legged suit? i'm worrying about getting his temperature right...
Hello All,

How exiting that our nurseries are almost ready. Ours is now painted and furniture has been put together, but I haven't yet made it all nice and tidy. I still need to get curtains, nappy bin and probably some shelves + any decor. I would love a gliding chair as well, but my mum is coming to stay with me last week of june so have to wait until she leaves otherwise there won't be a place to put it.
Have you bought rockers/bouncers yet? We can't decide which one to get! I saw some lovely ones in Mamas and Papas but they were not very lightweight. I think I need 2, the one I like and a portable, light one to carry around the house...

I am also desperate to wash baby's clothes, but I think I will leave it until maternity leave. Lilli, so jealous that you only have 19 days to go! I am leaving on the 14/15 July.

We have 2 sleeping bags, one very lightweight (1 tog) and 1 for winter, 2.5 tog. Did you know that you can't put a small baby in the sleping bag to start with? I bought 0-6 bag from mamas and papas but it says on the packet that the minimum weight should be 4.5 kgs/10 pounds. So to start with, I will probably use cellular blanket and a long sleeve sleepsuit,unless it's really hot and I will just use short sleeve vest instead.
Hubby is now ok with moses basket in our room btw! :)
Satine, I'm glad you convinced hubby about baby being in your room. Hubby's are strange sometimes, mine is being a bit wierd about the whole breastfeeding thing and insists i won't be doing it in public - as if I'm going to go out and start flashing my boobs everywhere!

I've got one sleeping bag so far but everyone keeps telling me I won't need any bedding in august, just a sleepsuit. I was thinking of getting a swaddling blanket to use when baby is newborn. I found this guide in the mamas and papas catalogue which might help:

temp in celcius
24 sheet only
21 sheet and 1 blanket
18 sheet and 2 blankets
16 sheet and 3 blankets

This assumes baby is wearing a nappy, vest and sleepsuit.
Hey ladies,

Seems like ages again since i've been on here! Kaths what a gorgeous boy you have - the 4d scan was just amazing wasn't it? So glad I decided to have one. Will try and attach a picture.

Exciting to hear all the nursery news, we hired a rug doctor last week so all our carpets are now done and the baby's room smells clean and fresh, its the room in the background of my avatar - so a light green colour with green curtains.

I think my mil is buying us a baby sleeping bag, which is kind of her but I had planned to use sheets and cellular blankets to start with - although I might be very greatful in the winter! Also she has knitted 7 cardigans already!!

hope your all well xx


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Hi All,
Jax, what a lovely clear photo! Who does your baby look like?
Thanks for that guide MrsW, i really am so clueless! :)
Satine, i finish on the 14th of July, it's just that i've taken 1 or 2 days annual leave each week until then! :happydance:
Been to aquanatal today. I love it! the pool is so warm and nice and just bobbing about is great :) Baby got very involved today! it usually sends him to sleep but he was going nuts kicking. :kiss: My whole belly is literally rolling from side to side at the moment! wonder what he is doing in there?!
Hubby went for 'one drink' after work... bets on when he'll get home? hmmm. Suppose i shouldn't begrudge him a very bevvies now, come august/september he wont have the energy to socialise!
Can you believe that in about 10 weeks we'll all be mummies! Can't wait!

Hubby got his birthday pressie today - a tattoo! I was a bit unsure at first but I actually really like it. Was also quite amusing seeing his face while he had it done, the tattooist was on my side that labour would be worse!!

I'm liking my week off at home, it's going to be really hard going back to work on monday, especially as I know I've only got 5 weeks to get through before mat leave!
Thanks Lilli, he actually looks like my brother so think he has strong genes from my side!

Think i'm going to have to print out a what blanket at what temp guide and put it next to my glo-egg! How do you remember all this!!

Quick question, do any of you have a bump-support band? My backache is really getting me down and i'm keen to try something!!

Aquanatal sounds good, i'm not sure if my local pool does a class - might give them a call! Did you have to buy a maternity swim suit?

Yes, i got a maternity swimsuit on sale from Matalan... just looked though and they don't have my one anymore and what they do have is out of stock :wacko: This is from Next, not the most attractive but £15, don't know if you'd find one cheaper... https://www.next.co.uk/g5924s1#107816g59

I dont have a bump support band but i saw some in mothercare earlier.
MrsW, what is your hubbys tattoo of? I got one on my back when i was 19, just remember my foot shaking when they went over my spine!

Well, i had a horrendous morning! All ok now, but i went to my midwife appointment, had my blood pressure taken 4 times on 2 different machines and it was way high so they were like, you have to go to Watford for Day Assessment because we don't know what is going on... :cry: They listened to baby and felt him and he seemed ok but i am a bit swollen hands and feet. urine is fine though. So then i had a little cry with shock because it felt like they weren't saying something and they said i had to go straight away! :cry: So i cried all the way home (only 2 minutes in the car) pulled myself together long enough to call hubby, didn't know if he needed to come with or not because i didn't know what could be wrong?! so gave him the choice and he got on a train straight to watford. Rang work and cried at my manager! :cry: So i drove there with occasional tears cos i kept thinking what if something is really wrong and they want to deliver him right now?! :shrug: we aren't ready, we don't have all our 'stuff'. So got there and the car park is on a hill! nice man gave me his parking ticket then it was a proper uphill trek to the maternity ward! was thinking how much good that would be doing my blood pressure! Hubby arrived a few minutes later, we went in, they were lovely. Did another urine sample, fine. Blood pressure, normal. Waited 20 mins, blood pressure normal... weird! So all that stress and it was fine, just a blip?! :shrug: Seeing as we were in Watford we went to Mothercare and Babies R Us and got a few more bits. :thumbup:
Feeling a crappy now but i think it's as a result of crying and being generally a bit stressed... and it's quite humid.
We bought our baby car seat and isofix base the other day and i missed delivery today, no worries though, i've told work i'm not going in tomorrow and will get that delivered instead :)
baby is kicking and wriggling lots so i guess he's ok but by 'eck, what a day! At least i know where watford hospital is now! :wacko:
Hope you are all ok :hugs:
oh dear lilli that sounds very stressful but im glad everything turned out ok. I dont really look forward to my midwife appts now at this stage as I worry that something could be wrong. Ive got to go next week for my Gestational Diabetes results.

So will you have another BP check up soon just to see if everythings ok?

I also have been shopping today - we got our pram and carseat. We went for the mamas and papas glide which comes with carrycot, changing bag, parasol and then we got the maxi cosi car seat from toys r us which fits onto the pram as well so im really pleased :happydance:
Weve got the carseat but the pram wont be delivered until July 17th so hope baby doesnt arrive early!
Havent got alot more to get now :happydance:
Lilli, I am glad you are ok, but that sounds like a scary story! Hope you can relax today at home. You should definitely put your feet up! What did you get in ToysRUs and Mothercare?

Kaths, glide looks lovely! I am sure it will arrive on time! We have just had a phone call yesterday that our pram is ready for pick up. I also have maxi cosi car seat, so almost there now!
I still have baby monitor, bouncer and glider chair for nursery to buy. Everything else is more or less ready I think... Oh, the moses basket! I am hoping to get it as a leaving present from work though :) (I was asked what I'd like to get). Thank goodness only 4 working weeks left, I am knackered!
Just wrote a bigish message and pressed back instead of send!!! Grrr!

Lilli, sorry to hear about your horrible day, glad you and baby are both ok x

Hubby's tattoo is a tribal wolf on his left arm, it looks really good and I'm actually quite surprised at how much I like it.

We got 'the call' from mamas and papas yesterday and my lovely new pram is now in my house, yeay! Can't wait to put my gorgeous little baby in it! The nursery furniture is waiting patiently in the in-laws garage until we finish the nursery.

What kind of baby monitor is everyone getting? I was just going to get a standard audio one but wondered if the motion sensor or video ones were worth the extra money?
Oh dear MrsW I have done that before after writing a huge message :dohh:
Must be baby brain!!

Which M&P prams did you get Satine and MrsWifey? I loved a lot of them in there but the Glide fell into budget and had everything i wanted. It was also lovely to push round the shop - did everyone else do that? I just needed a baby in it as felt a bit silly.

Ive got the angelsounds sound and movement monitor - got it from Amazon but again that was a present from my very generous in laws. I just wanted the piece of mind that if baby did stop breathing the monitor would pick up on it., I just know I would not sleep a wink because cot death (along with everyone else probably) is one of my biggest fears. And for the extra ££s I think the piece of mind is worth it.
Just go with what you feel comfortable with.

My week off is nearly over! Not good - ive enjoyed relaxing and my puffy feet returning to normal size!
Hi Ladies,
All ok today, feeling quite calm about it all and hoping it was just a blip... sounds silly but thinking about it, i was a bit nervous cos it was the horrible midwife and i'd forgotten to do a urine sample! managed to squeeze one out at the surgery before my appointment but i wondered if that was it?
She was actually quite nice, i think she just has a 'no nonsense' manner which comes across quite abrupt... I'm seeing her again next thursday so i'll be almost 32 weeks.
We're going to get the Oyster buggy but are holding off ordering it until the builders have been in. Found a couple of places with it in stock.
We just got a changing mat to fit on top of the drawers in Mothercare (it has a giraffe on it) and then the crib bedding set and some plain crib sheets from Babies R Us, coincidentally, it has giraffes on it! :haha:
Our car seat and isofix base were delivered today! The maxi cosi cabriofix in 'coloured snow'. My sister said how hot her black one gets. We got it from this website:
It's SOOOOOO last season :haha: but on offer and the base is on offer too. So got the car seat and isofix base for just under £200. Really good service, next day delivery and you get emailed with a time slot. :thumbup:
Enjoying not being a work but feel a bit of a fraud on the sofa! I think from monday i'll only have 18 working days left! :happydance:
We got the mamas and papas ultima 9 in 1 in mimi - it does everything and looks pretty and hubby's very generous grandparents bought it for us. Baby is being spoilt already!
Hi girls :coffee: Would i be able to join? I'm due July 31st, but i guess its likely that i'll having my baby in August as she is my first :haha:

I'm Gem, nice to meet you all :happydance:!


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