Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Hi Gem :wave:

Of course you can join us, the more the merrier!! You never know you might have a july baby - I guess any of us could!
You said 'she' so I assume you know you are having a girl. :pink:
How are you feeling? Time is going so fast now isnt it.

Are you all ready? - done all of your shopping?
Hope you stay with us
Kath xx
Hi Gem :wave:

Of course you can join us, the more the merrier!! You never know you might have a july baby - I guess any of us could!
You said 'she' so I assume you know you are having a girl. :pink:
How are you feeling? Time is going so fast now isnt it.

Are you all ready? - done all of your shopping?
Hope you stay with us
Kath xx

Hii :flower:
I am expecting a girl :happydance:Now that my due date is getting closer, i'm getting more and more anxious that my baby is actually a boy :haha: I've had the thought ever since my 20 week scan - we were able to see clearly between baby's legs (and there really was nothing there :haha:) but now we've gone out and brought everything pink & girly, named her etc, i can't help but wonder!! Without 100% confrimation, i'm almost too afraid to get TOO attached to baby being a little girl - just in case i do hear those words 'congrats, its a boy' in a few weeks time :rofl:

I'm feeling brill at the moment, in a months time i'll be full term and if June is anything like April & May, then it'll be gone in no time at all! Its going so fast now! :happydance:

I did join a group on here a while back, but all of the other ladies were so much further ahead in their pregnancies than me, so i got a little left behind - and all the birth announcements had me moping that i still had soooo long to go! Its really nice to have a group of ladies due the same time as me, i deffo plan on sticking around :thumbup: Thank you for letting me join! xxx
Hi Gem :hi:
I'm having a boy :happydance: He doesn't have a name yet though... :)

It is all coming round so quickly now, i was just working out with my sister if i could get up to yorkshire again before baby is born and basically i would be 37 weeks next time we'd get a chance and i am not sitting in a car for 3 hours when i am 37 weeks preggers! that would just be foolish! :haha:

She's just told me that her 11 week old baby girl weighs the same now as her son did when he was 20 weeks old!!!! :wacko: Chloe is a giant baby! growing out of size 3-6 month baby clothes and she isn't even 3 months yet. Hope i don't grow babies as big as my sis! Cameron was 9lb 4, Chloe was 9lb 7...

Totally over heated today. I love the sun but i had to go have a cool shower and lie on the bed with the curtains drawn and the fan on :)
Hello All and welcome in summer bumps club Gem! :hugs:
Lilli, I am also having an oyster pram/buggy! Btw, did you know that you have to buy adaptors for maxi cosi car seats to fit on an oyster pram? They didn't come in my 'package' so we had to buy them seperately (£20 for 2 pieces of plastic!, eek!) But I am very pleased with our choice anyway, and I love all the colours (we got grape colour pack with it as well).
Gem, I am also having a little girl but recently started having similar thoughts...what if she turns out to be a boy? :dohh: I am buying more neutral clothes, but couldn't resist a few dresses already.
Sorry if I asked this before, but how many different sizes are you getting? I have a few pieces for newborn, most of it for 0-3 and a few for 3-6. I have mostly practical things like sleepsuits and vests, do you think it's worth buying more outfits now, or wait until LO is born?

Mrs Wifey, I love anything Mamas and Papas branded (re:your pram), if I could I would get EVERYTHING in M&P but some things are soo expensive. Btw, I don't know if anyone noticed, but sizing seems to be a bit on the small size. I got a sleepsuit 0-3 in M&P which is not much bigger than mothercare newborn!
Hi Gem, welcome to our group. Whereabouts are you from?

I've not bought a lot of clothes, but that's also cos we don't know if we're blue or pink and I figured once baby arrives all the cute unisex stuff won't seem as cute as all the pink/blue stuff and will be wasted. I've got a couple of outfits in newborn but mostly got 0-3 months. I'll probably take an outfit of each size into hospital with me.

I did the Lister hospital maternity unit tour yesterday, it was really good to do it but made everything seem very real! Hubby was a bit 'it's a hospital ward, what else do you need to know', but having seen it and knowing exactly where I'll be in labour has helped a lot. The labour rooms are only a few months old and much bigger than I thought they'd be, I was really impressed. The post-natal ward is older but was much quieter and calmer than I expected. I nearly cried when we were in the labour room, I was standing there thinking 'this is where we're going to meet baby!'. I would def recommend a tour if your hospital does it.

Also had first NCT antenatal class yesterday. It was really good, they explained things really well and it was nice to meet other ladies who are expecting around the same time.

Anyone else have a freaky weather moment on fri eve? We were at the in-laws and got home about 11pm to find the garden covered in hailstones! It looked like the middle of winter not the middle of June!
In Newborn size:
- 7 short sleeved, no legs suits
- 1 pair booties (I'm sure he wont ever wear these but they were the first thing i bought when we found out!)
In 0-1 month:
- 1 long leg, long sleeve sleep suit
In 0-3 month:
- 2 short sleeved, short leg suits
- 2 zipped hooded jackets (only thin)
- 2 trousers with feet (jersey stretchy)
- 1 proper little boy trousers! :)
- 1 short sleeve, mid length leg
- 1 short sleeve, no leg suit.

2 pairs socks (need more)
2 hats (thin, dont know if i really need 'em?)
2 pairs scratch mitts
7 bibs
1 hooded towel and wash mitt

I'm sort of waiting to see what we are given really. I think i have enough basics to get us going and my sister has a load of stuff to give us (just need to co-ordinate a yorks-herts transfer). I think that's everything... another suit may have snuck in there! :) Most of it is quite unisex but there are a couple of proper boy things! So cute! I'm desperate to get it all washed but will wait until after the builders are finished...

Satine, we are getting the Tomato colour pack for bubs. Thought red is quite unisex for if we have another baby in a year or two...
MrsW, friday evening i was snoring away by 9pm so i didn't see any weird weather :)
Hi Gem :hi:
I'm having a boy :happydance: He doesn't have a name yet though... :)

Hello All and welcome in summer bumps club Gem! :hugs:

Hi Gem, welcome to our group. Whereabouts are you from?

Hello all :happydance: Thank you for the kind welcomes!

MrsWifey, i'm from the west midlands (uk)!

I think i have wayy too many baby clothes, i bought several ebay bundles of baby vests & sleepsuits and i've ended up with bags full :haha: I already have quite a few 3-6 months, and family have - for some reason - been buying 9-12 month clothes. :dohh:I have packed my hospital bag with newborn & 0-3 months as i'm really unsure how big to expect baby to be! :shrug:

33 weeks today :happydance:!
Mrs Wifey, we also went on a tour of the hospital, but very early and although reassuring, it didn't seem real at all. We are planning to go again in 3 weeks time to check it again, this time I will be paying more attention.
I wish my NCT classes started sooner, I will be 34 weeks when they start. I hope I won't be the most advanced of the group, LOL!
Lilli, nice list you've got there! I also have 2 thin hats. I was told that you should put a hat on when you are out with the baby, because they lose heat through the head mostly. I am not sure if this is true? I may get a few more things, but probably somewhere like tesco or sainsbury. I am not sure if we will be getting many outfits as gifts, but you never know! I will definitely get a nice dress for her when she arrives in M&P, but it's probably best to wait how big she is first.
This is my list:

7 sleeveless vests (with poppers in crotch)
2 short sleeve vests (short, no poppers)
2 sleepsuits (long sleeves and legs)
1 cardigan
2 trousers with legs

0-3 months
3 sleeveless vests
7 short sleeve vests
2 long sleeve vests
9 sleepsuits
1 cardigan
1 outfit (leggins and cute long sleeve tshirt)
2 hats
1 snowsuit (it was on sale!)
10 pairs of socks

That's probably enough for now? I am worried that she arrives huge and will not even fit into newborn clothes! Well, we will see.
Gem , is your hospital bag ready or have you still got things left to pack? I haven't washed any baby clothes yet, so only packed things for myself and some nappies. I made a list of what to take, so planning to complete it after my mum's visit. Is anybody taking their hairdryers/straighteners? I know that this may be a bit vain, but I don't go out without my hair straightened! Would I be allowed to use them in hospital?

How's everyone feeling today? I am feeling huge and sleepy. I think I am going to start having midday naps whenever I can! I have tidied the nursery, I am so pleased with it! It still needs accessorising, I need to buy curtains and I desperately want one of those gliding chairs as well. Plus pictures or vinyl stickers on walls, more storage...
Is anyone putting up shelves? I was thinking shelves for books, but when she gets bigger, she won't be able to reach them so maybe it's better to put something on the floor?
decisions, decisions...
Satine - I never even thought about hair straighteners! I recently chopped my hair really short and as its naturally curly/wavy, it looks quite horrific unstraightened :dohh: Oh man, last thing i will want to be doing once baby has arrived is straighten my hair, but no way am i leaving hospital looking like a frizzball :dohh: I guess they'll be going in my hospital bag then!! I'm totally unsure whether you'd be allowed to use them in hospital - if not, i'll take a paper bag for my head. :haha:

I'm pretty much packed for the hospital, the only things left to get are the very essential things, like cotton wool and maternity pads! We still need to do some serious nappy shopping, we only have 2 packs at the moment! :haha:

I'm feeling sleepy sleepy sleepy today - even though i had a long lie in this morning! I've got a couple of longgg boring weeks ahead, as my husband is working lates, so i'll be home with not much to do! Ergh.

I havent counted what Ive got baby wise, though I think its a lot :blush:
I bought a few bundles off ebay and have loads of newborn stuff - Im really expecting to have a big baby and none of it fit :dohh:
I really need to sort it all out and make sure I have got enough bigger stuff.

I havent even thought of packing my hospital bag yet. I keep thinking im quite prepared but I dont think I am. Well baby might be ready but I havent got anything for me yet..
Maternity pads
New Pjs
Knickers etc etc

I was going to buy a breast pump but I think I will wait until hes arrived, just to make sure that hes ok breastfeeding etc.

Im also drastically running out of clothes that fit!! My work clothes I have 2 pairs of trousers and a few tops and im only going to get bigger!

I have slept so much this week as I have been off work I think im going to struggle when I go back tomorrow - really not looking forward to it :cry:
Hi all,
The majority of my baby clothes have come from Sainsburys, Tesco and Matalan. One thing from Babies R Us - it has a giraffe on it :haha: (Gem, i have a bit of a giraffe 'thing').
I've decided that i'm going to refuse to wear my uniform anymore... basically we have black polo shirts, no womens cut ones and no maternity ones so i just have to have bigger and bigger ones... i was in Small pre-pregnancy and i was a 14-16UK, gone up to a medium to fit the bump and the sleeves come down to my elbows, it is mid thigh and getting tight on my tum... i look ridiculous (not that bothered cos i only ever see my colleagues)! but wearing a black thick polo shirt?! no thanks, not gonna do it! i have some hilarious work issue maternity trousers which nearly come up to my boobs and just have a big semi circle of t-shirt material at the front. Surprisingly comfy!
I've had 5 days off (AL, sick, weekend) and am not looking forward to the alarm at 6am :(
Very funny in the middle of the night last night, i'd obviously thrown off the duvet cos i get SO hot, hubby must've collected it and had it clamped under his arms... think it was about 4am. So i was scrabbling about trying to find a corner to pull at and suddenly he just goes "say please", scared me cos i thought he was fast asleep! :haha: and then, i actually said 'please can i have some duvet' :shrug: He was lucky he didnt get a slap! haha, he steals my duvet then expects me to ask nicely to get it back?! :haha: Eeeee, made me chuckle when i remembered.
I did a really big loud sneeze earlier and baby jumped! very funny :haha:
Satine, how many NCT classes are you having? Mine is a course of 8 classes so 34 weeks would have been way too late for me to start. As it is I'm the first one due, a couple of ladies were due around 26th aug and the other 3 were sept I think.

I haven't done anything about my hospital bag yet. I was going to sort it out on the first week of my mat leave but now I'm thinking I need to do it sooner! A customer was telling me today that her baby was 4 weeks early and she didn't have her bag ready! I still have a few bits to get so will probably do it in a couple of weeks once the nursery is finished, then everything can wait in there until needed.
I think I am having about 5 or 6 sessions, each a few hours long. The last one finishes during my first week of mat leave so I am hoping I will manage to attend them all!
Had a bit of an argument about money with hubby last night. The credit card bill is higher than I thought (we are using it only for big purchases together) but I was planning to have another spending spree whilst on maternity leave...I may need to do without. A bit gutted because I so wanted a glider chair for the nursery, but I don't think it's going to happen now. (unless I ask for it for my birthday?). Or maybe have a hunt on ebay. I am so rubbish at bargain hunting, are you ladies any good at 2nd hand and bargain spotting?
Local midwife appt today, hope all is ok. I am sure I measure big for my dates, everyone comments recently how big I am (gee, thanks!)
Hope you are all well!
Aw, Satine, i keep being told how massive i am!
My fundal height was measuring 34 weeks at 31 weeks but i don't really put too much faith in that.
NCT went on until 10pm last night, meant to finish at 9.30pm. I'm so tired. We were doing about pain relief though, so worth staying for.
Hands and feet are swollen today after having gone down a bit recently...
But, good stuff, my 'nursery' is now freshly decorated and new carpet is laid!!!! :happydance: I'm so pleased. We can finally start to get the house sorted out!
Builders start a week on monday so the nursery will be housing some extra furniture for a week or so... but at least we are getting there.
My Alfie cat is being very clingy today. He's been a bit standoffish recently but today he cant get enough of me. Strange!
So, tonight, 9pm Sky Watch, Extraordinary Breastfeeding... Some women keep going until the child is seven years old!!!
Got Aquanatal today, lovely bobbing about to be had! :)
Count down to finishing work! Less than one calendar month until i finish work... 2 calendar months and i might have a baby on my knee instead of a cat! :happydance:
Hope you are all well,
Aww, i looked to join an aquanatal class at 26 weeks, but i kept putting it off as i was constantly having to make other plans on a Monday (when its on). I bought a gorgeous swimming costume and i was really excited to wear it, but in the past few weeks i've not been so enthusiastic about going, because i'm not so confident i'll enjoy it due to the people there! :nope: My past few midwife appointments have been spent in a waiting room full of mum's giving me the suspicious eye (yes really, i'm an obviously pregnant woman and yet they glare at me like i'm eying up their children or something :shrug:) - and at at antenatal meeting i had a couple of weeks back, we were sat round a table with the most unfriendly, miserable lot of couples! :dohh: It upset me, because i'm such a chatty person, haha, and there were four couples, all of us same stage of pregnancy, and yet everyone was all huddled to themselves, absolutely terrified to make eye contact! :dohh: Anyway, i told my hubby i wasn't so up for going to aquanatal after this, as i'd expect the same thing from the women there. I know it sounds so daft, but i really don't want to go and feel like i'm somehow frightening everyone away from me!

Hope you're all doing well! Hows time moving for all of you? It seems to be going pretty speedily right now, its picked up again! :happydance:

That's a shame Gems. I'd say give it a go, you never know! :)
Ours is lovely, it's run my a midwife so you can ask any questions and it is friendly. some of us stayed on for lunch afterwards. You might find if it's a class like aqua, other women are turning up alone too, not like at antenatal where they had their partners to hide behind, so everyone feels a bit shy... It is the weirdest thing putting on a swim suit and walking out there... :)
I really enjoy it though, baby joins in kicking and bobbing about, very relaxing :happydance:
Got baby's furniture in his room! It's amazing but the room is SO small... Think we need to rearrange it a bit to find the optimum space saving lay out. :thumbup: I have my chair in there but not the foot stool at the moment.
Aw, cant wait! i've just been looking at all his gorgeous tiny clothes :cloud9:
Bought myself a Yummy Mummy nappy bag today with some vouchers i got for my 30th. It's gorgeous. :happydance:
Midwife appointment tomorrow, lets hope it doesnt got the same way as last thursdays... :wacko:


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Hey ladies,
me again :)
So i had another midwife appointment today after my high blood pressure scare last thursday, good to know that all is normal! :happydance:
So she said she'd see my in 2 weeks and to start thinking about my birth plan... Baring in mind that this is the midwife who i've been referring to as mean and evil for the last 6 months. I told her about the horrible consultant saying that i wouldn't be allowed at the birthing centre and that i definitely would not be allowed anywhere near any water. So she looked at my notes from my last appointment with him and said "well, he hasnt bothered to make a note of that, so..." and has said that at my next appointment, she will ring the birthing centre and ask them if they would be willing to take me and we'll just pretend i've forgotten my conversation with the Consultant...
At the end of the day, the birthing centre is the floor above the proper labour ward (or vice versa) so if something was to happen, i'm only moments away from consultants anyway. So that really cheered me up today :happydance: Maybe i'll get my water birth after all?! Not getting my hopes up too much, they might say no but she didnt think giving my medical history that it would be a problem :happydance: I feel bad i've been worrying about seeing her for all these months now! how daft am i?! :haha:
:happydance: Only 3 hours of todays shift left, then 14 working days to go! :happydance:
Hope you are all well?
Anyone else suffering from carpal tunnel pain (wrist and finger joints)?
Glad to hear your appt went well Lilli. I've also found that the midwifes seems to be getting friendlier and making more conversation with me as we go.

I saw mine today and she said bump is measuring a bit small so refered me for another scan. I'm sure everything will be ok and she said it's just a precaution rather than waiting another 3 weeks until my next midwife appt to check the growth but it's still a worry. I was 27cm at 28 weeks and now 29cm at 31 weeks so baby is growing but a bit slowly. Hubby is coming with me and has already started trying to convince me to find out if we're having a boy or girl. I've been pretty adament about not finding out but now we've only got a few weeks to go I am getting a bit more impatient to know!

With being refered for another scan and only having 4 weeks left at work it is all getting quite real now. I'm also worried that if baby isn't growing right and there's a problem will they want to get it out asap? Should I get some bits together just in case or am I over-thinking it?
Hey MrsW,
I'd really try not to worry, i know it's easier said than done but i think the whole fundal height measurement is so open to error... one day then might hold it lower on your pubic symphasis and not high enough on your uterus, the next it might be the other way round... Has it been the same midwife each time? It also depends how baby is lying, when my LO was breach, he was measuring bigger because his fat little bottom couldnt fit as low in my pelvis so his head was pushing right into the top of my uterus making it seem taller. Now he's turned round and his head is lower, i'm still measuring bigger but not as much proportionally because he isnt stretching my uterus. Does that make sense?
Concentrate on getting your scan and how fab it is that you'll be seeing your baby again before you have him/her in your arms! :happydance: Maybe you're just having a petite little girl and her head is right down in your pelvis? I certainly wouldn't worry about buying anything tiny at this stage, wait for your scan and see what they say afterwards. As you said, baby is growing proportionally and they want them to stay in as long as possible. If your blood pressure and urine and everything else is fine and normal, relax, they're just being extra careful and you get a bonus viewing! :hugs:
Hiya, sounds like weve all had our midwife appointments.

Dont worry MrsW - as Lilli said it is probably just precautenary which is brilliant that they are looking after you and you get to see your baba again.
Lilli im glad yours was ok after your scare last time!

Mine was measuring 31cm and she said it was ok - but thats the first time she has measured me. My BP and everything was ok and i dont have Gestational diabetes which I have been panicking about for the last few weeks!! She just had to take more blood from me today to check my iron levels. My blood squirted everywhere and all over my work shirt that was new on as I was about to go to work :dohh:
I must say i do have lovely midwifes - I never have the same one though, I have had 4 different ones so far.

I did panic today as a work mate who has been pregnant all along with me (shes 2 weeks ahead), her waters broke at 2am this morning and she has had her little boy at 33 weeks. It really scared me as its made me realise we can have our babies at any time now - and im not ready!! She has had the erfect pregnancy so far so there was no reason for it.
I havent got a bag packed or anything. I might get it done now. I always took the mick out of her because she was Sooo organised - had bag packed for weeks, nursery done, everything bought etc - now im glad she did. She had to go in ambulance as our hospital is about an hour away and when they got there they had no room for a prem baby so they had to transfer her to Colchester which is a few hours away. I feel so sorry for her. But anyway at 5pm tonight she had her lovely little boy weighing 5lbs 1 oz - so not a bad size at all and is breathing on his own and everything. Just made me realise we do not have long at all. So ladies we better get our bags packed just in case!!

Take care Kath xx

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