Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Wow Kath, how scary for your work friend. Glad everything is ok! It is amazing that if they were born now they'd be ok :) 5lb is a good size for 33 weeks
I had been saying that I would wait until after the builders had finished to wash all baby's clothes and bedding but then i will be 36+ weeks. Think i need to get it all done sooner? just in case?
So ladies, what is going in your hospital bag for you?
I dont know what to put in the bag, im terrible for always taking too much! I went away for 3 days the other week and had a massive suitcase :blush:

Im going to start thinking about it and washing things. There is a good thread on third tri at the top on what to pack so I will trawl through that and make my own list..

I have had an awful day - so upset :cry: so are you ready for my long rant - sit down and get a drink.
It started last night when I was looking for my paper driving licence - I had been caught on a speed camera doing 36 in a 30 (naughty me :blush:) so I was invited to attend a 4 hour speed safety course this morning instead of points so I took that option only I had to have my driving licence, I THOUGHT I knew exactly where it was but when I looked it wasnt there so spent 4 hours until 2am this morning looking for it!! Couldnt find it and the email said I wouldnt get my £84 back if I didnt produce both documents so got really worked up but eventually went to bed.
I set my alarm for 6am to have another look before I had to leave. and guess what I went straight to it! It had managed to get stuck in a birthday card - what are the odds!!! So a very tired me went to my course. It was actually ok (and several people were there without both parts of the driving licence and they let them in no problems!!!! grrrr) but anyway when i was there I got a text from my best friend who has twin babies and she said one of them has meningitis :cry::cry::cry: hes only 11 weeks old and its the worst type - Bacterial Meningitis and she said he is REALLY poorly so hes been on my mind all day and I havent heard anything from her since. I hope no news is good news!
On the way home my car overheated but with an overtired and emotional me it seemed worse than it was... pregnancy hormones..
JUST got home and was going to go for a nap when my OH rang - he had broken down!! :dohh: SO thats both our cars broken and lots of £££ that we are trying to save for my maternity leave..

BAD DAY :growlmad::nope::cry:
Aw hun, i'm so sorry you've had such a crappy day! :hugs:
I'd be in tears if i'd only had 4 hours sleep! typical that you cant find it then it just pops out in front of you... i wouldn't know where to start if i had to find my paper bit!
I hope your friend baby is ok. How cruel that such a innocent little baby can get such an illness :(
Sending lots of :hugs:. Hope your weekend only gets better, x
Big hugs, Kaths :hugs:
Sorry to hear you've had a crappy time, hope you're feeling better soon and i really hope your friends little one makes a speedy recovery!! Do let us know how he gets on!

Hope everyone is well :hugs: xx
:dohh:(I'll try that again!)

Kaths, I hope today was a better day for you. :hugs: I really feel myself getting flustered and agitated at the smallest things so to have so much in one day must have been quite overwhelming.

Thank you everyone for you comments about scans, I've chilled out a bit about it now, seems it happens to lots of us! I'm not going to find out if it's a girl or boy but hubby is desperate to. Originaly I said that we'd keep this one a surprise and find out with the next baby but now we've got a new deal. He can find out but if anyone else knows or I get even a hint then with the next one we don't find out at all!

I've got some bits ready to go into hospital bag but still need a few like maternity pads, muslins etc. Are you packing some snacks and drinks too? on the Lister tour they said to pack 2 bags cos after labour you move to the ward and not to bring all your stuff into the labour room, just what you need. So I need stuff for me during labour, stuff for baby, stuff for me after labour and I was also thinking maybe a t-shirt and a few bits for hubby in case we're in there for ages.
Hi All,
MrsW, will your hubby really be able to know himself and not tell you? :)
I went shopping for hospital bag stuff and it was so hard to find a front opening nightie or pajama top! Unless you want to look like an old granny! :haha:
Cant believe how expensive nursing bras are either...
Got our ward tour next sunday. Maybe they'll tell us about our baggage allowance?! :haha: But yes, one of my lists suggested a few toilettries for hubby and a clean t-shirt or two. I might end up taking my wheelie suitcase at this rate! :)
Has anyone got the free changing bag from Boots? I've bought me a Yummy Mummy one but thought i'd get the Boots one for if hubby is ever taking baby somewhere on his own, dont think pale green with cupcakes is his thing! haha :haha:
Got a lovely short 3 day week this week :happydance:
I washed all my baby clothes this weekend :cloud9: it was so cute to see it all on the line :hangwashing: I've even ironed all the light wash, more to make sure everything was properly dry than cos i wanted to iron miniature clothing :)
Hope everyone is well?
Hello Ladies,

Long time no see :blush: Suddenly, the thread got much busier, which is lovely!

Lilli, I also have a yummy mummy bag- it was a treat for myself for eventually getting pregnant after long time trying. I got the grey one with bows!
( I am rubbish with attaching pics, hope this works). It would be cute to meet up with our oyster prams and yummy mummy bags! :winkwink:
You are well ahead, I haven't started washing baby clothes yet. I am leaving it for after my Mum and sister's visit, which will be over at the beginning of July.

Kaths, hope you are better now, it seems like you had a very unlucky day :hugs::hugs:
Gem, how are you doing?
MrsWifey, it's very exciting about your scan even though you are worried, but I don't think you should. Unless it's always the same midwife measuring you (even that is not that accurate), I think that the fundal height is quite difficult to measure correctly. I have had 2 measurements below average and one which would suggest she is big for her age! I don't know how are able to resist the temptation of finding out the sex of your LO. I am one of those people who open their birthday presents or cards before the day when I can. I am certainly not patient!

On the hospital bag subject... I have started packing mine (that includes 2 not very sexy but comfy primark nighties with buttons on the front, but there is still a lot to pack. I have made a list and put it on the top so if something happens, hubby will know what put in it still! I am thinking of packing another, small rucksack for hubby's clothes, food, drink etc. Is anybody taking a baby blanket with them? I read so many birth stories on this forum and babies are often wrapped in blankets on the photos...are they provided by hospital? :shrug::shrug:

Hope everyone is well. I am totally mad busy at work, especially that I am on A/L next week. I don't think I've told you, but they have actually hired 1.5 people for my maternity cover! One full time lady and one who will be doing another part of my job part time! Shame I wasn't getting 1.5 salary for the amount of work that I was doing!!:growlmad:


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aww i love both of your yummy mummy bags - I might have to invest!!

My friends little boy is much the same, though when I spoke to her tonight he had showed a little improvement so thats encouraging!!

I now have a cold, im literally blowing my nose every minute. I have virtually sailed through pregnancy so far but i have a feeling the next few weeks will be tough - I feel so run down. Does anyone know of anything I can take? I read Paracetemol is ok and I have been having hot honey and lemon.

Satine, Im mega hectic at work too and I have had to take on 3 people to do my job so i know how you feel - Im still training them so starting to panic abit as im running out of time! I bet when I go back I wont get the equivilent of the 3 peoples wages either!!

I going to start washing my baby clothes this week too and start to pack my bags, another of my friends has just had her baby 4 weeks early!! so really need to get a shift on, if something happened and it was left to OH, I dread to think what he would pack!! probably a can of coke, some biscuits and a t-shirt :haha:

On the subject of time - are you counting 37 weeks as full term or are you basing your how many weeks left up to 40 weeks? Im a bit confused.

Anyway i Hope everyone is ok. :hugs:
Yes Satine, there is a baby blanket on my list... I was shopping today in an indoor centre and there were ladies with babies in buggies and they had the fluffy foot muffs on! i was really surprised! Thought it was way too hot for that! And then i saw another lady with a baby wrapped in blankets... I was there in linen trousers, flip flops and a thin cotton short sleeved shirt over heating! :wacko:
Kath, i am counting down to 40 weeks... i know 37 is full term and we can expect them anytime from then, but i'm not really expecting him until mid august.
i love it that both of your work are taking on extra extra people to do your roles! My friend Jen is on maternity leave till next June and i am until next august... we sit 5 meters apart, both Fingerprint Experts... we are not being replaced! :haha: Such is the state of your police service in the UK!
It's hubby's birthday on thursday and we are going to Old Hunstanton in Norfolk... just wondering if i should be taking a hospital bag?! :shrug: what do you reckon? We would be very unlucky but you just never know... not much point taking nappies or baby clothes cos they wouldn't fit him yet! Defo take my notes... What do you think?
Right, best go, got NCT class... hope it's a good one
Lilli, you wont be far from me in Hunstanton! Im just along the coast in Cromer. Hope you have a nice time.

Maybe pack a few bits and take your notes, but I wouldnt be too worried as the hospital will have everything you need if something did happen!

How was the NCT class?
i also see babies wrapped up in zillions of blankets, id be more worried about keeping mine cool than warm but that might change when we have them :haha: I am kinda glad im having a summer baby and not have to worry too much about going out in the wind and snow when they are newborn!

Hope the rest of you ladies are ok? babywisher seems to have abandoned us - I hope shes ok :hugs:
Aw, i did wonder if that would be anywhere near you as i remember you saying you were on the coast :)
NCT was quite informative this week, we did about the Vitamin K injection/supplement. I'm thinking i'll opt for giving baby the 3 oral doses rather than letting them inject him straight after birth... give him a little bit at a time. Interestingly there was this post on here this morning: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/650333-vitamin-k.html
And then we discussed episiotomy (sp), ventouse and forceps... dont want ANY of those please!?! Obviously if baby gets stuck and it has to happen then yeah, go for it but with forceps their faces can be bruised for months! poor little babies.
I've been thinking about my birth plan and having a natural 3rd stage, so the placenta delivers naturally and the baby can stay connected for a bit longer to allow for maximum goodness. Or, they cut the cord immediatley and inject you with something to make you deliver the placenta more quickly, i think they even pull it using the cord(!). But this thread caught my eye, very interesting:
So much to think about!
I had reflexology this morning, SOOOO nice and relaxing! it was a free taster session, if it had been any longer i might've fallen asleep :) Totally recommend it if you have achey/puffy feet?
very quiet in here - is everyone ok?

My little one is being very quiet today - scares me when hes like that! I am getting movements- just not as strong..

Thanks to the link on Vitamin K Lilli - I had a read through the thread, very interesting. Im decided what im going to do at the mo.

When is your scan MrsW? have you had it yet?

Hi ladies, been busy at work and getting new bathroom fitted at home so not had time to be on here much for the last week. Only 3 more weeks at work, I can't wait!

I've gone from 'slightly panicy' to ' lost interest' with the whole scan thing! The midwife said she'd let me know when my appt was on the monday, I had to call and chase it to find out it was on the 1st but she only text me the day not the time, eventually on weds she text me the time which was 2pm but I'm going to london to see Take That on that day so I wanted to make it an earlier time. On thu I called the clinic and found out that it's not a scan, it's an appt with a consultant who will then decide if he thinks I need a scan or not, which to me means I could be hanging around for ages! So I tried to change the appt and this consultant only has clinic on fri from 1.30pm and now that I have been assigned to him I can't change to anyone else, even though I've never actually met him! At this point I was getting quite bored and fed up with the whole process and so I made an appt for the following week instead which would have been my next midwife appt anyway which to me makes the whole referral thing a bit pointless! Baby is definately growing cos in the last few days everyone keeps telling me how much bigger bump is, my belly button is disappearing and it wriggles all the time! I figure that if the midwife was that worried it wouldn't have taken her so long to sort out the appt in the first place.

I'm also hoping that I don't need a scan cos then hubby can't find out the sex!

I read somewhere that you should plan to do something on your due date so that you don't spend the day sitting around twiddling your thumbs, so I was thinking of planning a 'ladies lunch' with friends, that way I'll be distracted and not just sitting at home waiting for baby!
very quiet in here - is everyone ok?

My little one is being very quiet today - scares me when hes like that! I am getting movements- just not as strong..

Thanks to the link on Vitamin K Lilli - I had a read through the thread, very interesting. Im decided what im going to do at the mo.

When is your scan MrsW? have you had it yet?


:hi: Heyy, all is well here!
My belly dropped over this past week (ouch!) and babys not been wriggling around as much - the movements are less frequent, and stronger. Its strange getting used to the fact shes much bigger now and can't quite kick in the same way - when she moves its a shifting feeling, really heavy and strong. I'm ACHING like mad and haven't been sleeping too well these past few nights. Turning over in bed is getting ridiculously impossible now and i'm up half the night on the loo :haha:

35 weeks today and i'm really happy - past few weeks have flown and its 2 weeks until baby is full term so its all really exciting :happydance:

Hope everyone is well! :hugs: x
hey ladies,
I'm struggling with the heat today but generally all ok. Not sure what baby is up to, definitely less movement and more pushing rolling moves than kicks and punches. Guess he is running out of space! i felt like i was actually going to split open yesterday and i've had afternoon naps friday, saturday and today!?!?! unheard of for me to sleep in the day time :)
So our builders start tomorrow and we are now living out of our spare bedroom... bed shoved up to the wall and things piled high on two sides of us... lovely decorated and carpeted nursery is unrecognisable because it is full of our bedroom furniture... dining room; you can open the door but you cant get in there! feel a bit sorry for hubby cos he's had to do all the shifting himself...
We went on a ward tour this morning. It was all ok. I'm really hoping i am allowed in the birthing centre, wouldn't be allowed an epidural there but it's the nicest bit. It's so funny, there is a private ward which we walked through to have a look, wallpaper instead of paint, laminate wood floor, menu for your meals... £480 PER NIGHT!!! and that's 'room only'. If a proper private patient comes in and they have paid for the full private delivery etc, and all the other rooms are full, the room only patient gets chucked out back onto the normal ward. How awful is that?!
So, busy week ahead, hoping the builders are finished inside by the end of the week so we can get some normality back... or at least sit on a sofa instead of the bed :)
MrsW the scan sounds like a right palava!! Just what you dont need!! Hopefully you wont have the scan then, if you are seeing the midwife the same week it does seem a bit pointless!! Let us know how you get on..
The planning something on the birth day sounds a good idea, its a day we all look forward to for ages and I imagine it is a bit like sitting round waiting for things to happen (if it hasnt happened before of course!)

Gem, my bump is feeling heavy too but I dont think hes dropped. 2 weeks until full term :thumbup: Ive got 4 weeks which is very frightening!! I havent been sleeping at all well either - not because ive been uncomfortable but just ive been wide awake!! Not feeling tired at all which is very wierd. I go to bed about 2am lay there for an hour and get up about 8am so im not getting much sleep at all but feel fine - very odd :shrug:

Lilli, £480 per night!! eeek that is shocking - who would pay that? Thats more than a 5 star hotel :haha: I hope you get in the place you want too. How did you arrange a tour? I would like a tour of my hospital but dont know how to go about getting it. Do I ask the midwife? Its good your building works have started, it might seem chaos at the moment but just think about when its all done - will be well worth it in the long run!

Ive got my 34 week appt next week - and I just noticed im a Melon!! woop woop got so fed up of being a squash!!

Not long now for us girls, take care xx
Oh, i hadn't even noticed that we'd changed fruits!
i think you can tour any maternity ward... my hubby rang a number that was on the website specifically for ward tours. Google your hospital and there should be a number. :thumbup:
So i had a VERY traumatic spider experience last night. I was quietly reading my book in bed with just a tiny light and i saw movement out of the corner of my eye... a massive spider came up between the mattress and head board about 10 cm from my face!!! And it was huge, one of those big harvester, big body, long legs and it went under my pillow!! needless to say i moved quicker than i have in ages! hubby had been asleep for a while but woke up sharpish when i was going "spider, spider" My hubby is as much of a girl about spiders as i am but i made him get some kitchen roll and grab it. Then he dropped it and we couldn't see it on the wooden floor!!! Finally he got it and took it away. OMG my heart was going and then i started hysterically laughing and crying at the same time! :cry::haha: Could not stop! :cry:
It was so weird. I've been bad about spiders since i was a little kid and i am much better than i used to be or i'd have insisted on changing the bedding before i went back to bed (not that we can get to the sheets cupboard cos there is furniture piled up in front of it). i think it was just knowing that if i'd turned off my light when i was first going to it could've been on my face! :cry: So then i could not sleep at all and baby was going nuts. Woken up this morning and feel like i've pulled my stomach muscles! :wacko: Yuuuk, dirty nasty spider! :growlmad:
Oh dear Lilli! I hate hate hate it when creepy crawlies get onto the bed - i had it happen to me once when i was young, a spider was running up the duvert towards me, so in terror i kicked it into the air and then got absolutely no sleep all night because i'd no idea where it had gone :rofl: Our bedroom is full of bloomin' moths are the moment. I don't mind them so much because they tend to just sleep all day and all night - i don't like to catch them & throw them out because they're so delicate and i always managed to pull their wings off accidentally or something :blush: So i just leave them be!

Kaths - My Midwife didn't bother telling me about any parentcraft sessions or the hospital tour, so last time i saw her, i asked her how i go about booking them. She said the parentcraft sessions were likely to be booked up by my stage of pregnancy so theres no point (well thanks alot for telling me) and its probably too late for the tour. I just phoned the hospital i'm due to give birth in and asked about the tour. The lady on the phone said "Ooh Er, let me see if i can fit you in" :haha: when i told her i was 34 weeks, but thankfully she was able to get me in early this month (this sunday :happydance:) so i'm really looking forward to that. I think its just a case of showing you facilities like the birthing pool and such (which im not going for) but i'm interested in seeing where my baby will be born :happydance: She said its only about 20 mins long.

I just got back from a doctors checkup. I missed my midwife appointment last week due to illness and i couldn't get in til next wednesday - and by then i won't have been seen for 6 weeks - so i wanted to just get blood pressure & such looked at. All was clear and fine yay! My fundal height measured 34 and baby is still head down :happydance: This makes me soo happy because i'd been worrying that she might have shifted into transverse position - the way my belly goes almost square because the sides stick out so much! Ouch it bloody hurt when he was feeling for the head in my lower belly. He put his hands almost on each side of the head (i could visualise him poking baby in the eye or something :haha:) and wiggled it to see if it moved, which it did. He was saying "This is the head here" and i was winching thinking "Okay thank you please take your hands away now thats PAINFUL" :rofl:

Hope you are all really well!
I'm so so so happy its July! I know i'm due right at the end, but i'm ecstatic that this month is finally here. Feels like i've been waiting for it to come around for soo long :happydance:


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