Hello Ladies!
It's so exciting, knowing that we are almost there! Just a few more weeks and we will all be Mummies!! OMG, still can't believe it.
At the moment, I am enjoying my NCT classes, but I was a bit disappointed how little is discussed about the actual baby care. Yesterday, we had 4 hour session, which included going through pros and cons of different pain relief, massage, breathing and only 25 minutes of it was baby care. I hope the trainer will cover more during the last session, because that's what all the couples asked for.
It's reassuring to know that I am really in the same boat as lots of other ladies who never changed a nappy in their lives!!
On a more negative note, I am feeling really exhausted now, everything is such an effort. I suppose it's not going to get any easier in those last few weeks. I am really looking forward to the last few days at work, or should I say-I am really looking fwd to finishing work!!
MrsWifey, I know it's easier said than done, but don't worry about the consultant. Mine was such a n ar**, when i had a specialist appointment around 20 weeks (my sister's baby has a heart defect, so they were worried about me too). I felt like he was really looking down on me, but hey, I think it's the men and power thing. Try not to worry too much, I have heard so many stories about ladies who were told they were having monster babies or tiny ones and it not actually being true when they were born. There is nothing wrong with having a petite baby, they come in all shapes and sizes!
Kaths, so sorry about Alfie (btw, he is so cute!). That was way out of order. I think I would ring your local office and complain. Looks like our midwives are similar, I really don't get any substantial info from any of them. last time when I had my hospital appointment (my care is shared between hospital and community midwives), I was hoping to discuss birthplan etc, but she was like...see in at 40 weeks! EEK!!!
Gem, wow, where did you fin the energy from? LOL
Good on you! What do the Braxton Hicks feel like? I have not had them yet!
Lilli, TMI warning but my digestion in awful at the moment. I was prescribed iron tablets so it's constipation all the ay for me, and it's awful. I am going to try buying liquid Spatone iron and see if that makes any difference.Hope you feel better soon. Your NCT experience must have made it so real for you. I am so broody but also anxious at the same time. But mainly excited!
On a different note, what are you birth plans? Is there something specific you are hoping for? My ideal birth would be in water, with gas and air. I don't mind pethidine if it gets too much, but I am petrified of epidurals, I had lumbar puncture when I was little and I have phobia of needles in my spine! I am also hoping to give birth in midwife led unit, not the hospital bit. Fingers crossed...