Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Wow! getting to that 'anytime' time :)
Have you got a hospital bag ready? I'm doing mine for next weekend when we go to a wedding which is a little way away...
Builders have finally finished inside! :happydance: and i've had the carpets cleaned :thumbup: now 'we' just need to shift some furniture and it'll be all good :)
might actually get to sleep in my nice big comfy bed tonight!!! :happydance:
How is everyone? All a bit quiet on here... anymore scans or tests going on? Any last minute dirty weekends away? haha, yeah right! :haha:
Hope all is well :hugs:
Any last minute dirty weekends away? haha, yeah right! :haha:

*snort* :rofl:

My hospital bag is pretty much all done! Just need an outfit for myself to come home in, which i'll pack a little nearer the time. Got all baby's clothes ready, all my pyjamas, more cotton wool balls than you could ever need etc!

I went to the maternity unit 'tour' today. It was alright, although theres not exactly much they can show you. We went into one of the rooms, and its such a surreal feeling to know that i'll be there sometime this month! (hopefully this month, anyway! :haha:) We weren't allowed to see the birthing pool as it was being used, so when we walked past the pool room i was thinking 'omg theres a baby being born in there!'. There was a lady lying on a bed with a tiny baby on her lap aswell and it made me all :cloud9:

4 more weeks:happydance::happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well! xx
No theres not alot going on at the moment is there, we are just all waiting!

As for dirty weekends away - umm no! :haha:

Its my birthday tomorrow so OH is taking me to Norwich shopping. Im going to buy the last bits for my hospital bag and were going out for dinner/cinema. I have started to get my bits ready for my bag but havent actually packed it yet. Ive got a feeling im taking far too many baby clothes :blush: ive got about 4 different outfits plus cardi/mitts/booties/socks but also im going to pack some clothes in a bigger size. hmm might have to rethink - think I might have gone a bit overbaord!

Glad the builders are finished Lilli :happydance: bet youre so happy and I hope you enjoy sleeping in your bed tonight..
Gem, im still in 2 minds about my tour, I see what you mean about how much they can actually show you! A room is a room I guess? Must be wierd thinking in a few weeks youre going to be there!! :wacko:

Hey Ladies,

Good to hear everything is going well and full steam ahead! I'll be 33 weeks this thursday, so exciting! How are you all coping in the warm weather?

We've just finished our NCT classes and have to say I really enjoyed them! Did make me giggle when the men were holding plastic babies in a breastfeeding position!

My bump feels so tight now most of the time I can't believe I have 7 and a half more weeks!

take care xxx
I actually cried i was so happy to have my big squishy bed back! i just lay there and said "i'm so happy i could cry..." and the tears started! :haha: Poor hubby was like 'here we go...' It didnt last too long though :)

Baby clothes in my hospital bag: hat, scratch mitts, socks, booties, 2 short sleeved no legs vests, 1 full length arms/legs sleep suit, 1 short sleeved knee length romper suit, 1 very cute little hoody with a bunny on it! :hugs: 1 blanket. Most of it is newborn, some Upto 1 Month. But this is to take with me this weekend so he'd be tiny if i get over excited at the wedding and he pops out in Northampton. :haha: Might rethink for nearer the time and going to Watford.

Kath, is it your birthday today? or tomorrow? i think you must be a bit of a night owl judging by some of your posts. If it's today, Happy Birthday!

Only 2 hours left at work tonight and then only 5 more days! whoop whoop! :happydance:
jax, what scares me slightly is that by your due date, i will pretty much definitley have had my baby! :wacko: Cant wait to meet him though :cloud9:

I found the hospital tour helpful purely so i know where we are going on the day and because there is the option of the Birthing Centre (midwives only) or the proper labour ward and they are on different floors. But yeah, i'm sure i'd have coped without going at all! :)
thank you - yes its my birthday today (well actually yesterday now :haha:) the 4th..

I am a night owl, I work mainly nights at the moment so dont get home until after midnight and the first thing I do is come on baby and bump and go to bed about 2am - i have terrible sleep patterns at the mo!

Maybe my baby bag doesnt seem too OTT then - you have roughly the same as me Lilli, I just dont want to be caught short if we are in for a few days and really dont want to rely on OH bringing the right stuff lol
Hello Ladies, I am back! My Mum's visit is over and I am back at work now. Phew, 2 more weeks to go! I've got quite a lot to do still and doubt I'll manage to do it all, but who cares! I've tried my best :winkwink:

Happy Birthday Kaths for yesterday :cake: Did you get any nice pressies? :flower:

I have had my 1st NCT class yesterday and after initial awkwardness I have to say it was very nice. We have a special 'ladies only' session this Friday. I expect it's all going to be about our lady bits and stuff :blush: Is anyone keeping in touch with ladies from their antenatal group, or planning to?

My hospital bag is almost ready, but not quite. I still have baby clothes to pack, food snacks and entertainment but that's about it I think. Oh, and my hair straighteners, lol! :thumbup:
Happy slightly belated Birthday Kaths!!! :happydance:Hope you had a fab day!

I have had my 1st NCT class yesterday and after initial awkwardness I have to say it was very nice. We have a special 'ladies only' session this Friday. I expect it's all going to be about our lady bits and stuff :blush: Is anyone keeping in touch with ladies from their antenatal group, or planning to?

I've been to one antenatal class and the hospital tour which both had several other couples attending and at both events, everyone seemed terrified to talk to each other!

I tried to initiate some sort of conversation - we're all in the same boat and there for the same reason for goodness sake - but the more i spoke, the more frightened they became! :dohh: I'm hoping to join a local families and children centre when baby is born. It holds sessions and has lovely family rooms where you can just got grab a cuppa and watch tele whenever you want (and its free!). I'm very hopeful that i will meet some other mums there when i go and make a few friends. I hope people just chat with me and realise i'm not going to hurt them or something! :haha:

Hi all

I feel like I haven't been on here for ages! had a busy week at work last week and then in-laws were over at the weekend tiling the bathroom so haven't stopped for a while! I've only got this week and next left at work and I can't wait, especially if the weather stays nice like it is now!

Wishing you a happy birthday Kaths, I hope you had a lovely day.

it seems so wierd that in a few weeks we'll be meeting our babies, I can't wait to be a mum but I think I'll miss my bump a bit too. It's such a huge lifestyle change, I just can't imagine what it's going to be like once baby is here!
Yey, nice to see everyone on here! :hugs:
Kath, i think our sleep patterns are going to become non-existant! I dont remember the last time i saw after midnight (apart from on a toilet trip :haha:) so you'll probably be far better off than me! :)
So i only have 4 more days at work :happydance: two 7-3.30pm and two 11.30-8pm shifts... oh it makes me so happy! :thumbup:
It's funny, my hubby said he was going to miss my bump after baby comes out! i think what i miss the most about not having a baby in my belly is being able to sleep on my front! and being able to make it through the night without 3 toilet stops... but at the same time i love having him in there and feeling him hiccup, kick and punch all the time. Still, think i am just about ready to meet him now. :cloud9:
We've got our last NCT class tonight, we've had one group lunch and all the ladies that have finished work are meeting for lunch together next monday, which reminds me i'm meant to be making a preggers friendly cheese cake! Think i'll keep in touch with most of them...

It's funny how standoffish some people are, as you say, we're all in the same boat, at our ward tour there was a lot of wide eyed staring, but a couple from my NCT were there and another lady i know so i had plenty of people to talk to :)

Oh it feels like friday but it's only tuesday... at least i've taken tomorrow off! Picking up my new car tomorrow!!! It was a bit of a quick decision but i've bought a Kia Sportage. Sort of feel a little rushed into it but think it'll be all good! :thumbup: Then aquanatal at lunch time. Perfect day :thumbup:
Hi girls, ive just had my midwife appt and everthing was ok - Im so glad everytime I come out. They also said my my iron levels were really good which I cant believe as im eating terribly at the moment :wacko:

annnnnnnd baby is 3/5ths engaged so hes heading in the right direction!! :happydance:
Kaths, glad your appt. went so well!
I was quite disappointed with my last one...I thought we would be discussing birth plans or pain relief options, but was just told to come for a visit on my due date ( a day before actually) and that's it. Plus my iron levels a still lower than they would like. Oh well...
When are we all finishing work? I have 4 working days left, yippee!! Only next Mon to Thursday, which is great because I am really shattered.

I am so looking forward to staying at home and sorting things out. I still have bits and bobs to get, like the moses basket, baby monitor, rocker/bouncer and steriliser! I also don't know whether to get more blankets, only have 2 at the mo!

Is everyone else ready?
Morning ladies :)
I was told to think about my birth plan for my 36 week appointment and that we'd go through it then... but then i see a different midwife every time so who knows what'll happen! :shrug:
Sorry for the TMI but i've got really bad guts and tummy ache today. I seem to be one way or the other with no normal anymore. Any one else had this? Baby turned sideways in the middle of the night so i don't know if it's just a result of him trampling my intestines? :shrug: He's gone back length ways, just hoping he's head down again... But my tummy is making some really bad noises. Think i better stay near a loo today! :(
I'm off work today, monday and next friday, so only have tues, weds, thurs to get through, then i'm done! :happydance:
I only have two blankets as well Satine. I'm going to wait and see what work get me and then buy my last few bits... might be some vouchers chucked in there! My sister is meant to be visiting in 2 weeks and bringing me a moses basket and loads of clothes. Want to get a bouncy chair, but that's the kind of thing work might get me.
Oh, at our last NCT on tuesday, we were waiting for 2 couples who were a little late and one couple turned up with their newborn baby!!!! She'd had her at 36+3 and she was just so miniature and cute. Weighed 6lbs i think. So they just popped in to say hi and see us all. After they left we were all in a bit of shock that it could happen to us very soon! :)
Hope you are all well, :hugs:
Wow! That must have been so lovely to see the tiny baby, Lilli! :cloud9:

Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit crappy! My guts haven't been normal for weeks now, i'm not suffering too bad when it comes to actually going to the loo :blush: but i get awful indigestion & trapped wind and it can be so painful!

I only have a few blankets too. I bought some cellular ones, 3 of them and a fleece one too. I don't think i'll get anymore just yet, i'll see how we get on using those ones for now, especially in the hot weather.

I had my 36 week appointment on Weds and theres been no mention of discussing a birth plan. :shrug: I didn't really expect there would be as my midwife doesn't tend to bother with the whole giving help and information thing. :haha: As far as birth plans go, i've decided not to bother writing mine down. I did have it all laid out, because i do know exactly what i want (basically refuse everything haha, so that'll totally annoy the midwives :haha:) but after reading so many people say that no one looked at their birth plan at all, i just figure i'll tell them what i want, and i've made sure that Joe knows my wishes too so he can jump in at the right moment if they come along with those scissors or something :haha:

I had a bloody horrible night last night! My birthing ball came yesterday and i was so excited as i've been wanting to get one for agess. I sat on it at my computer for most of yesterday and it was lots of fun bouncing around. It forced me to sit up straight which is great, but my back isn't used to it, so when i'd stand it felt like i had a board strapped to my back! Anyway, when i finally went to bed, i was ridiculously restless. You know when you get off a treadmill and your feet just wanna keep walking? Yeah, it was like that! My bum had been bouncing around all day and it was extremely difficult to lay still in bed! I couldn't get comfy and kept stretching my arms and legs out trying to make them settle. Got up to go to the toilet and did some stretches...that didn't help. Then i got dreadful heartburn & acid reflux about 2 hours after we'd actually gone to bed, so i just lay there thinking 'FINE! I won't even TRY to sleep!'. Joe was really restless too last night and kept shifting around in bed, which kept pulling the covers off of me. So i just lay there, despairing :haha:

Managed to catch up on my sleep this morning though! Slept in til 12pm :rofl: - but i think i'll make a point to not go on the ball at all after 8pm! :dohh:

Hope you're all doing really well! :hugs: x
Apologies but stressy rant coming:

I (finally) had my consultants appt at the hospital yesterday which turned out to be quite stressful. First i saw a midwife who did the usual checks, bump was 2cm below the no. of weeks but that's what it was 3 weeks ago so didn't seem too bad. Then we went for the scan. That was strange cos last time baby was a lot smaller and you could see most of it in one go but cos its bigger they can only look at one bit of it at a time! Saw baby sticking it's tongue in and out which was amazing. I had agreed to let hubby find out the sex (with multiple death threats if I even get a hint of it) but was very pleased to see baby listens to mummy as the placenta was right between the legs and there was no way to tell - that made me laugh! They took some measurements, said legs were a bit short and told us baby weighs 3 1/2 lbs and checked the placenta, so far so good. We then went in to see the consultant who explained that baby is small for dates and it might just be that it's genetically small (I'm petite, hubbys not tall either and we were both small baby's) or it might be that somethings wrong and baby's not getting everything it needs. He asked me twice if I smoke (not for 3 years!) and gave a very bad explanation about how the body grows! It's a good thing I read a lot and understood the point he was trying to make or I would have probably got a bit freaked out!
Proper explanation: The body is designed to protect the head as the most important bit so any energy/nutrients etc will go to the head first. The head measurements were fine but the leg and tummy measurements were small which suggests there might be a problem.
His weird explanation: You know when you see starving children? The have normal size heads and skinny bodies, and when you put on weight your head doesn't get any fatter because the weight goes on and off from your body not your head! - WTF!
So now doc has told me to stop work and rest (I'm allowed to get up to go to the toilet and make cups of tea!). I did have 1 week left but today is now my last day, just to hand over keys and alarm codes etc. Luckily my maternity cover started 2 days ago. Just have to wait and see what happens in 2 weeks!

Well done if you've read this far!
Jeez, what an arse! Not wanting to be sexist, but men!!! i hated my consultant, he was very patronising.
They say at this point that babies put on an average 1/2lb a week, so that'll make your baby about 6 and a half if s/he's on time and as you say, you're petite and your husband isnt a tall man. Try not to worry hun and just enjoy getting your feet up :) Do you have another consultant appointment in 2 weeks then? or midwife? If your fundal height is growing proportionally that's good. I think they all just think on the negative side of everything, drama queens!
better go get ready for this wedding, at least i dont have to ponder my outfit... i have no choice! :haha:
Oh dear MrsWifey - rant away thats what we are here for!! Sometimes these doctors / consultants are really rubbish explaining things arent they!! :nope:

So what does your baba measure length ways? I know you had a scan which is different but at my midwife appt they measure from the outside and im positive this is not at all accurate, she also said he was about 5lbs but how do they know :shrug: they cant see how fat he is etc. I take it slightly with a pinch of salt!! Im glad your Oh didnt find out the sex - clever baby covering his/her bits!!

Lilli, My guts are either one or the other, im constipated for a few days and then my guts go and thats it im on the toilet loads.. I heard if you are going to the toilet loads though that you are 'clearing out' and getting ready for baby.. either way its not nice! How lovely of the couple to bring their baby in.. I would love a little one but I think mine will be a 9lb er :wacko: as both me and my Oh were big babies (and still big now). Im just worried none of my newborn clothes will fit!
Hope you enjoy the wedding Lilli :flower:

Gem take it easy on the birthing ball :haha: it does sound terrible, I had a similar night last night - I got in late from work and went straight to bed but somehow managed to pull my back. I was in absolute agony and couldnt turn or anything. Plus I had terrible acid so could only lay in 1 position all night. My feet are getting more and more swollen - Im usually a size 6.5 but when my work shoes fell apart the other day and I went to buy some more I had to get a size 9!!! I cant even get flip flops on :blush:

My midwife is similar Gem - she hasnt told me anything informative, just does the checks and says goodbye, though I decided not to go to classes so I suppose its my own fault but I wont be doing a birth plan either - just gonna go with the flow!

Satine, Im still going to be at work for a few weeks yet, my boss is on holiday for 2 weeks so really I need to cover that. Im struggling now though! so will see how I get on.
I think im ready, ive pretty much got everything. Just had my last few bits delivered - moses basket mattress, sheets etc. Just waiting for my pram to be delivered on the 17th and I will be there!! :happydance:

Speaking of deliveries I think i had my first major hormonal moment the other day. The postman rang the door bell and then came through our gate (our house is all enclosed). My OH and I were still in bed after working nights but we were awake as we had let our dog out for a wee. When the doorbell rang I leant out of the bedroom window to say I would be down to sign the parcels (if you dont they knock and run by the time we get downstairs) so as I got downstairs the postman was kicking my dog :cry::cry::cry: Yes the dog was barking at him but no way being aggressive and because the postman was kicking him it was just making him worse. I got really upset and told him to stop kicking the dog and he just sniped back at me saying he wasnt going to deliver our parcels anymore -I picked up the dog and burst out crying. I was so upset as I have a jack russell and he is the soppiest thing ever and I have been working really hard with him the last year as I know Jack russells have a habit of being a bit barky / snappy and didnt want that around my baby so we have bought him up really well and he really is a soppy little thing.. since the incident the other day he has become really withdrawn :cry: I dunno i just felt like slapping the postman.

heres my little Alfie dog

Gosh that was a long post!!
WTF! He had NO right to kick your dog, omg i would have been so upset!! :growlmad: Thats so awful, i really do hope little Alfie is back to his usual self soon! So uncalled for! :hugs:

I was a big baby myself (8lbs 10oz), but my husband was a premie born at 32 weeks, so i don't know what to make of that! I'm predicting that if i go to 40 weeks with little babe then she will weigh 8lbs 2oz! My family are guessing around the 7lbs mark, but i'm thinking bigger :shrug:

In other news (tmi lolol) me and my husband had sex for the first time in agessss (months!!!) this afternoon. I know you all totally wanted to know tehe :blush: but just thought i'd share as i've been getting really strong braxton hicks type contractions all evening. I had a bath and my belly was constantly going rock hard and there was alot of pressure down in my lower abdomen! I was only saying earlier how i'd not had braxton hicks in weeks! :haha: It made me happy to think that'll be what its like when i actually go into labour! (Just with more pain! :haha:).

Babys kicking around loads now and its such a wonderful feeling :cloud9: I'm so ready to meet her and hold her in my arms but i know i'll miss these feelings in my belly somedays!

Hope you're all having a fab weekend! :hugs: x
Hello Ladies!

It's so exciting, knowing that we are almost there! Just a few more weeks and we will all be Mummies!! OMG, still can't believe it. :cloud9:
At the moment, I am enjoying my NCT classes, but I was a bit disappointed how little is discussed about the actual baby care. Yesterday, we had 4 hour session, which included going through pros and cons of different pain relief, massage, breathing and only 25 minutes of it was baby care. I hope the trainer will cover more during the last session, because that's what all the couples asked for.
It's reassuring to know that I am really in the same boat as lots of other ladies who never changed a nappy in their lives!! :dohh:

On a more negative note, I am feeling really exhausted now, everything is such an effort. I suppose it's not going to get any easier in those last few weeks. I am really looking forward to the last few days at work, or should I say-I am really looking fwd to finishing work!! :winkwink:

MrsWifey, I know it's easier said than done, but don't worry about the consultant. Mine was such a n ar**, when i had a specialist appointment around 20 weeks (my sister's baby has a heart defect, so they were worried about me too). I felt like he was really looking down on me, but hey, I think it's the men and power thing. Try not to worry too much, I have heard so many stories about ladies who were told they were having monster babies or tiny ones and it not actually being true when they were born. There is nothing wrong with having a petite baby, they come in all shapes and sizes!

Kaths, so sorry about Alfie (btw, he is so cute!). That was way out of order. I think I would ring your local office and complain. Looks like our midwives are similar, I really don't get any substantial info from any of them. last time when I had my hospital appointment (my care is shared between hospital and community midwives), I was hoping to discuss birthplan etc, but she was like...see in at 40 weeks! EEK!!! :dohh::dohh:

Gem, wow, where did you fin the energy from? LOL :winkwink: Good on you! What do the Braxton Hicks feel like? I have not had them yet!

Lilli, TMI warning but my digestion in awful at the moment. I was prescribed iron tablets so it's constipation all the ay for me, and it's awful. I am going to try buying liquid Spatone iron and see if that makes any difference.Hope you feel better soon. Your NCT experience must have made it so real for you. I am so broody but also anxious at the same time. But mainly excited!

On a different note, what are you birth plans? Is there something specific you are hoping for? My ideal birth would be in water, with gas and air. I don't mind pethidine if it gets too much, but I am petrified of epidurals, I had lumbar puncture when I was little and I have phobia of needles in my spine! I am also hoping to give birth in midwife led unit, not the hospital bit. Fingers crossed...
Gem, wow, where did you fin the energy from? LOL :winkwink: Good on you! What do the Braxton Hicks feel like? I have not had them yet!

On a different note, what are you birth plans? Is there something specific you are hoping for? My ideal birth would be in water, with gas and air. I don't mind pethidine if it gets too much, but I am petrified of epidurals, I had lumbar puncture when I was little and I have phobia of needles in my spine! I am also hoping to give birth in midwife led unit, not the hospital bit. Fingers crossed...

Ahaha, i'm just on a real high at the moment which has come from lack of sleep due to being up several times a night making toilet trips. :haha: I lie in bed thinking 'Oh whats the point in falling alseep, i'll be up again in an hour' :haha: I guess its all good practice for when baby is here!

I've had Braxton Hicks since around week 20. Before, it'd be my belly going hard and round, but they weren't hugely uncomfortable. Now, it almost feels like my uterus actually shrinks around shape of baby in my belly. If you imagine vaccum forming around baby! :haha: Its incredibly uncomfortable now, and the pressure down below hurts! I was getting them again this morning and i had to wiggle around lots just to get comfy!

As far as my birthing plan goes, i want to try as natural as possible. I've done more reasearch into all of the different pain reliefs/positions/procedures than is acutally neccasery, but the thought of being in labour and not knowing what to expect or what they're going to do with that pair of scissors really scares me!! :haha:

I'm 100% not having an epidural, simply because i've really heard one too many disaster stories about them on BnB since being in the third tri! Whether it be they haven't worked on one side, that they couldn't get the needle in properly (the picture one lady put up of 20 little holes in her back completely put me off!) or that it was just totally inaffective - i've just decided to go without. I don't want pethedine because anyone whos had it has told me they were just vomiting everywhere and it did nothing in the way of pain relief :shrug: I definitely don't want that injection in your thigh to expel the placenta. I hate the idea of them squishing my tummy and the risk of the placenta breaking in my belly because of it just makes me feel sick! :sick: I doubt it'll be much fun needing to push it out naturally after childbirth itself, but the yucky risks associated with the injection just totally turned me off the idea. I don't want them to cut me at all, because of it causing an unnatural tear to the skin & muscle - its not like i wish to tear naturally either, but with episiotomys taking a longer time to heal and causing more pain in the aftemath, i really would rather take my chances without the use of scissors. :shrug:

Thats so full of 'I don't wants!' :haha: I just want to go in with a clear head of how i want my labour to go, and hope that all goes somewhat to plan.

I'm hoping to birth on all fours or kneeling up on the bed. I really don't want to lie on my back, i can't do that now without being in agony, so i dont know how i would when i'm in labour!! I'm waiting for the cord to stop pulstating before cutting it, so i'm expecting baby will be plonked on my tummy straight away :cloud9:

Whats everyones plans on feeding baby? I've had more bloomin horror stories than you'd believe about breastfeeding from my family. I've tried to really mentally prepare myself for it and whilst i do expect that it may be a struggle at first, i hope to stick at it as i'm so passionate about it :cloud9:

Oh! and also - FULL TERM TODAY! :happydance::happydance:


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