Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Aw Kath, poor little Alfie! He's so cute :hugs: i hope he's back to normal soon :hugs:
The wedding was really nice but i'm wiped out today. Too much time on my fat feet! Kath, i cant believe how your shoe size has changed! Wow! luckily i had stretchy ballet pumps for yesterday and my flip flops are life savers. I find Tescos own flip flops have quite generous straps and are only £2 or £3 for the foam ones... :thumbup:
It's funny having the isofix base in the back of the car, we put it in on friday cos we were away yesterday, i kept turning round and looking at it earlier, not long till there's a baby there! :happydance:
And our buggy etc is being delivered tomorrow. Very exciting :thumbup:
As for a birth plan... there is a page in your maternity notes book which has a basic lay out, i want to say page 36 but i might've just made that up! presuming that we all have the same NHS ones and they arent different for the different regions...
- I'm hoping to have a water birth, but still waiting to find out if i'll be allowed on the midwife led unit.
- I dont want to be offered pethidine (purely cos it effects baby and the effects can last for days)
- I'll consider an epidural if i am struggling with the pain but want to try to manage with gas/air (and water pool hopefully)
- I dont want the cord cutting until it has stopped pulsating. (i've read that when baby is squeezed out, up to 40% of it's blood etc gets pushed back into the placenta, not cutting the cord straight away allows this to balance out again and for them to keep getting oxygen)
- I dont want the injection to deliver the placenta, i will try for a natural '3rd stage'.
- i want to try to breast feed (getting baby to feed ASAP helps make the placenta deliver)
- i dont want baby to have the vitamin k injection, i want him to have the 3 oral doses over a month.
So yes, a lot of "i don't want" but it seems that if you don't specify what you don't want, they sort of go on auto pilot, whip the baby out, clamp and cut the cord, inject you, inject baby. :wacko:
oooh, time for a nap on the sofa me thinks :)
hope everyone is well? not long till our aches and pain and fat hands/feet will be a distant memory and we'll have cute little babies instead :hugs:
My first day of not being at work!:happydance:

It's a very strange feeling, it still seems like I'm just having a week off and I'll be back there soon! My boss was on hol last week so I've yet to tell him that I had to start my leave a week early, I've left a message on his phone and he's usually quite good at calling back.

I got a top tip for birth plans from my NCT teacher last week. She said to be careful how you word it cos if you put 'I do not want a c-section/epidual/forceps etc' in writing it makes it really hard for them to do it if there is documented evidence that you are refusing it which in an emergency can cause delays, instead write it as a list of preferences ie. I would prefer not to have a c-section/epidural/forceps etc. unless it's absolutely neccessary.

I'm hoping to go with water/active labour and gas and air if possible. I don't like the idea of an epidural (but it may be more appealling during a long labour!) and I'd rather have a natural stage 3 too. Stressing about baby over the weekend has made me realise though that if I got told that intervention was best for baby I'd do it straight away. As much as I'd want to have a natural birth, ultimately as long as baby is ok I don't care how it comes out!

I spoke to my mw this morning who has helped reassure me about baby. She said that if the placenta blood flow was ok and they're happy to wait 2 weeks to see me again then it indicates it's more that baby is just small sized. She also said that just cos it's small doesn't mean it's behind development wise which I was worried about too. She said that they can't tell that much from one scan so when they've done another one they can compare them and see that baby is actually growing. If there is a problem with the placenta they might decide to induce labour, but that was showing up ok at my scan last week. I'm ignoring all the email updates and my ticker that says 'baby is now 5lbs'!
Hey Ladies,
How was day 2 of maternity leave MrsW?
Good point about the Birth Plan, i'm going to put in a bit saying "providing that baby is ok and does not need any special attention, I would like..." etc. Or, "I approve any emergency procedures that are in the best interest of my baby and appreciate that a birth plan is best case scenario" type thing.
I've just been and bought my Raspberry Leaf Tea capsules. Holland and Barrett are doing "buy one, get one half price" at the moment so i got some Arnica tablets too.
So after i posted on sunday, i experienced my first Braxton Hicks (we think). It started raining and i jumped (tried to) up from the sofa and felt something give, not in a good way. Then i had this stabbing pain that came and went... said to hubby "i'm going to have a bath cos i've got this pain, like a muscle spasm" and he goes "muscle spasm? like a muscle contraction? like a contraction?!" and i was like "yeah, it comes and goes... hurts but doesnt really hurt..." :haha: So i waddled off for a nice bath and it eased a bit but then it was about every 8-10 minutes for 20-30 secs until midnight when i fell asleep! Got to be Braxtons right? :shrug: Considered ringing the hospital but decided it was nothing. Becoming increasingly aware of every little niggle now though.
Cant wait for baby to arrive! Hope he's early, but not this early. :)
My buggy is gorgeous, i love it!
Hope all is well with you guys, :hugs:
Sounds like braxton hicks to me Lilli, but then I'm probably not the best one to state an opinion as I don't think I've had any yet! What do the arnica tablets do?

I went to bumps and babies group today. It was nice to meet other mums but I was the only 'bump' there and the youngest baby was 5 months. It was interesting hearing everyone talk about their babies though. Hopefully some other bumps will join soon.

What snacks are you packing in your hospital bags?
Arnica is to help bring out bruising to make it heal quicker. You can get extra strength ones for after child birth... just read this and found out you can take it in the run up too:
and then found this thread in 2nd tri:
Haven't really thought about snacks... probably cereal bars i guess :shrug: what about you? :hugs:
My antenatal teacher and maternity notes say to have high carb, easily digestible things so I bought some lunch box type flapjacks and they also recommend things like rich tea biscuits and white bread sandwiches so I'll get some biscuits and get hubby to pack some sarnies when labour starts.

My friend had her baby last night, I just saw the pic on facebook and nearly cried! I have a strange feeling baby is going to come early even though everyone keeps telling me it'll be late.
Im so jealous of those of you now on leave - starting to struggle a little now. I will probably pack some cereal bars and just snacky things - biscuits, fruit. If im in for a long time I will send OH to the shop to get sandwiches etc :thumbup: the cafe is really nice at my hospital.. though im hoping it will all be over so quickly I wont need anything (wishful thinking lol)..

I wonder who will be first to pop between us all. I guess gem is a good bet but I also feel like im going to be early (though that is probably wishful thinking too!!)

My friend at work who had their baby at 33 weeks bought him home yesterday - sooo cute 5.5 lbs, its so hard to imagine that something that big is inside us!! :wacko:
Kath, is Alfie ok now? nasty postman :growlmad:

Aw, i quite want to have my baby soon! i have my mum down this weekend, my sister (with husband, 3 year old and 4 month old) down the following weekend and then i'd like a few days of sleeping and then for him to arrive... Soooo, when i'm 38 weeks, yep, that'll do. :thumbup:
Just had my 36 week midwife appointment. She rang the birthing centre and they've agreed to accept me even with my medical history, so very good news! :thumbup: He's still head down, but not engaged yet. He's being a right little wriggle bum today :cloud9: Love him so much :kiss:

Very last day at work tomorrow :happydance: I feel like i could carry on a bit longer really but it's definitely getting harder. I think if i didn't start at 7am i would've kept going a bit...

Had a real craving for cheesy mustard mash and as hubby is out, that is what i'll have! :) With a piece of salmon for some fish oils... yum yum
Alfie is ok now thank you - curled up next to me as I type :flower:
The postman has been quite a bit since - Ive been ordering loads of baby things :blush: but he just throws the parcels over the gate now. Good job I havent ordered anything breakable!! The thing is he chucks the parcels over the gate and THEN rings the doorbell - which then sets the dog off :dohh:
But alfie is fine and we just make sure that he isnt in the garden round about the same time as the postman comes (still dont like him though).

Great news about the birthing centre Lilli :thumbup:. My Midwife still hasnt discussed where I want to give birth. My little boy is being a right wiggle bum too, i love the feeling - some woman say they dont like it but I can sit her all night and watch my tummy wobbling about :haha: Mine was engaged last time I went but I heard they can unengage themselves so im not getting too excited!!
I wonder who will be first to pop between us all. I guess gem is a good bet but I also feel like im going to be early (though that is probably wishful thinking too!!)

I'm just wanting to have my baby now. I thought to myself 'I won't spend the last 3 weeks just wishing baby out asap' but now its here and i'm being teased by signs, i just feel like i'm sitting around waiting for labour to get started. I guess i'm not expecting much in these weeks leading up to my due date, but since i've been losing my plug (with blood in it :happydance:) its hard not to get excited.

I had a night full of contractions on Tues and i thought it may be the start of something, but they stopped by morning. Any twinge i get in my belly, i get excited - only to feel a bit let down when it just stops!

It's so strange to think that soon we won't be bump buddies anymore, we'll be mummy buddies!:baby::cloud9:

I'm nervously washing baby's clothes and bedding today. Some of it has red bits on so I've put 3 sheets of colour catcher in the machine and I'm just hoping I don't dye it all pink! can't wait to see it all hanging out on the washing line though!:hangwashing:

Kaths, did you make a complaint about your postie? Have they done anything about him?

It still feels like ages until Baby Day, at the moment I'm counting down to my next scan on 22nd, hopefully baby will have grown a bit and everything will be ok.
Hurrah, managed to not dye all baby's clothes pink :happydance:

And somehow it all looks even cuter now that it's washed!
Oh, it was my last day of work today! how very very strange!
got lots of presents from work... a playtime bouncer chair (with a giraffe on it), a cuddle towel (with a giraffe on it), a cute dungaree set, a teddy comforter, a giraffe music box!!!! https://www.beandrops.co.uk/product-300/Trousselier-Giraffe-Music-Box.html a rattle, a vibrating giraffe pram toy, an orchid... my friends know me so well! :happydance:
And then a friend gave me some gorgeous little leather slippers and a helium balloon.
And another friend gave me a load of clothes from her little boy, some hardly worn and all really nice, Ted Baker, John Lewis, Next, Debenhams. Much more than i'd spend on baby clothes so he's a lucky little boy! :cloud9:
It feels so strange to not be going back to work for a year! I feel like i left in a real rush, i was chatting away and suddenly there were people waiting to carry all my stuff for me! Managed to put an 'out of office' on but then my computer wouldn't log off! Got loads saved on my desktop which i should've put on the main drive... oh well, never mind! I'm sure i wont even know what i've lost by the time i go back! :shrug:
So i have my mum coming down tomorrow, i feel stressed already! think she's staying 4 nights... she keeps changing her mind on the days and how long she's staying. :dohh:
Got a physio appointment tomorrow to get some wrist supports. Anyone else got the carpal tunnel pain? My hands/wrists just feel really stiff and swollen and lifting anything heavy(ish) gives me a sharp pain. Vaguely got it in my feet too but i don't think they can do anything about that. It's not really bad but i think it has potential. A friend of mine had it and she used to end up smashing things cos she lost feeling in her hands... Hopefully mine wont get any worse and now i'm off i can keep my feet up more. :happydance:
I did my usual "i'm going to cry now..." before :cry: Held it together until i got in my car and was about to drive away though :haha:
oo Gem hopefully not too long now, im trying not to wish my pregnancy away either but it is tempting as we get closer isnt it :haha:

MrsW yes I did write a letter about the postie, probably wont get any response though!!

Im glad all your clothes didnt come out pink..Ive been washing baby clothes too - i love it!! You can get so many in the washing machine, and ironing them is sooo easy lol - one brush over and they are done - so teeny!! Some stuff probably doesnt need ironing and once baby is born I probably wont iron so much but I have washed and ironed EVERYTHING, I love the smell too :cloud9: - at least it will all look nice at least once :haha: I have soooo many clothes. i already have a wardrobe full and a chest of drawers full.

Aww Lilli you lucky thing!! sounds like your work collegues have been very generous with their pressies - I porbbaly wont get anything from mine as I tend to be the one to buy the pressies usually for birthdays etc :dohh:
I cant wait to leave - im very jealous but have at least 2 weeks left to go.
I havent had carpel tunnel but I have had some wierd things. I wake up with numb hands and I have a terrible pain in my back - realllly hurts :cry:

Do any of you girls find yourself whinging so much to your Oh? I know thats what they are there for but Im going to try and stop cos im always ahhhing and ohhing in pain and thrashing about in bed - its hard not to moan though, and ive been going to bed and then having to get up to be sick because of heart burn... yuck
Ah well saying all that I am still LOVING being pregnant - getting really excited now :happydance:
Hello Lovelies!

Lilly, it was also my last day at work today! It felt so surreal, but very exciting-I got lots of lovely gifts too, including gorgeous moses basket (yippee, nursery complete!), cute outfits, mamas and papas gift card, some toys.... I am so happy! I will write more tomorrow, I feel a bit high from all the excitement! (hope I won't go into labour just yet from all this adrenaline! LOL!) xx
Sounds like lots of us are off work now. I didn't get anything cos I left a week early but we're having a work meal on 30th July and someone hinted already that I wasn't leaving empty handed.

Are you having baby showers? I've got mine a week sunday, we're going for afternoon tea which I love, there's just something about little sandwiches, cakes and endless cups of tea and girly chatter, can't wait!

It's been a strange week, took ages to get to tuesday and then suddenly it's friday! It'll be nice to spend the weekend with hubby after a couple of days on my own and hopefully the bathroom will be finished this weekend too.
hi everyone,
Got my mum staying at the moment and i am ready to scream!Jeez, i'm pregnant not ill!!! :growlmad: I know she means well but i've ended up snapping quite a few times already... Guess that's the problem of living so far away, you don't see someone for ages then have an over load! :shrug: Trying to be patient. Lunch with her and my MIL tomorrow which is bound to be interesting... :wacko:
Satine, have you got your Oyster yet? i love mine! just like wheeling it round, be nice when i have a little person to put in it! :haha:
I bought a 'swaddleme' swaddle wrap today. Anyone else going to try this? they get some good reviews on amazon. I've been looking for a reasonably priced baby sleeping bag but haven't found any i like. this was £6 in tkmaxx so i thought i'd try it.
Kath, i hope your work do get you some leaving gifts! I'm sure they will. i was nervous i wouldn't get anything as i usually organise, or prompt someone else to do it.
I wore my wrist support things that the physio gave me for carpal tunnel and was in soooooo much pain as a result the next day! couldn't believe how bad it made it. Much worse than without so i didn't bother last night and was far better. :shrug:
On the plus side (of having my mum here) she brought two boxes of clothes from my sister for the baby and a moses basket on a rocker! I've washed most of it already and mum has ironed it all for me! My sister had already washed it all but i felt like i wanted it doing with my washing powder so i know that everything has all been done the same if he does have some kind of skin reaction... So now i have more newborn and 0-3 months clothes than i think he'll be able to wear! all good if for some reason i'm not very mobile as hubby and the washing machine dont know each other... :haha: Such cute little dungarees! Awwww :cloud9:
Hope you are all well?
I have a busy week ahead with my mum still here till tuesday (i think) then aquanatal and lunch with NCT ladies on wednesday, visiting the NCT lady who had her baby already on thursday and then seeing my friend with her little boy who was born not long before ours were all conceived, on friday! :winkwink: Strange to think that he's trying to walk but will be in the same school year as mine who isn't even born!
Hi all, Oh dear Lilli, stay calm not long now. i dont think I could cope with my mum staying with me - well she only lives over the road but I could scream sometimes too!!

Yes ive got 2 swaddle blankets and I think they are called miracle blankets.I was going to buy sleeping bags too but apparantly they cant use them for 6 weeks or so, so I think i might just buy one then. If baby is sleeping ok anyway then it might not be needed.

My pram should be delivered tomorrow - cant wait :happydance::happydance:

Has anyone got a TENS machine? I bought one as I read really good things about them. People not needing pain relief until 7/8cm etc so thought it would be worth a go! I had a practice run on my arm :haha: and it really is powerful. Ive just got to remember to put it on when labour starts!

I just realised im on the last bit of my baby ticker!! when did that change. scary...baby is being a bit quieter these days. Im still getting movements so im not worried but not so jabby and painful. Things must definetly be getting squashed in there!!
Morning all :coffee:!

Just popping in to say one of my BnB friends who i've followed since TTC (she got her BFP a week before me in November) had her baby this morning! :happydance: I've not seen piccys yet, but got a message last night about her waters having gone and now theres loads of congrats messages on her facebook wall! I'm so ridiculously happy & hyped for her, and this has really made me realise just how imminent labour really is!

She was 9 days ahead of me, so the lucky bugger popped just before her due date! I'm so so excited, and although i've seen so many birth announcements on BnB recently - hers has really hit home because we've been cooking our babies together every step of the way!!

Oh, and in other news, our car has broken down (for the 8th time this year) and we just can't afford to put any more money into it. Its so so old and we've been longing to get rid for some time now. Theres a problem with the ignition and last time it cost £200 to fix. Thats about 4 times what the car itself is worth - so we just can't put that sort of money into it anymore!

So wippee, we're stuck without a car for the time being, poor Joe had to walk to the station this morning after trying in vain to fix it!

If baby decides to come anytime soon - looks like i'll be waddling to hospital!! :haha:

Hope everyone is well!! :hugs: xx

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