Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

@Lilli - Those cramps definitely sound promising!! :happydance:Do keep us updated, i wonder if you'll be the first to be meeting your little one!

@Satine - I've luckily not had any swelling at all this pregnancy. I wear a size 6 shoe and was pleasantly surprised to find that i fitted my sister's size 5 shoes the other day! I think my feet are doing the opposite and shrinking! :haha:

That baby swing is so gorgeous! I love it!

@Mrswifey - Glad to hear your scan was okay, even though the sonographer wasn't exactly great :haha: Sounds like you had a fantastic babyshower, and it must be lovely to be so surrounded by babies and baby talk!!

I had some awful false labour contractions once again this morning - and Joe is actually getting more frustrated than me! :haha: He doesn't like not knowing if he'll be in work the next day, so each time my belly starts playing up, he gets his hopes up that he'll have these next two weeks off :haha: I had the most painful contractions by far this morning, i couldn't actually move or shift into a comfy position and felt 'locked' into the intense pain for about a minute at a time - but i eventually fell asleep and felt a little better when i woke! I'm in a very chirpy mood today and can't quite get my head around the fact that theres less than a week until the date i've been waiting for for sooo long!

My tummy is a little crampy at the moment, which is new as i've not been suffering too badly in the daytime - my aches and pains tend to come at night time! I'm so ready for baby now, i'm willing my waters to just pop already :haha::winkwink:

Oooh, Gem, sounds like you are very close!
My symptoms from the weekend have gone away :shrug: very disappointing! Maybe it was having my sister here and the stress of keeping a constant eye on Cameron that set me off?! maybe i should get him back... No chance, little monster! :haha: Gorgeous little monster, but still HIGH MAINTENANCE and not to be trusted around the baby. Quite interesting to watch the jealousy... I think if/when we go for a 2nd baby, a less than 3 years age difference would be better.
Anyone got a camcorder? we're thinking of getting one, no not to record the birth! :haha: Just cos my family is so far away and for memories.
MrsW, you appointment does sound a bit confusing, i hope you do get the other sonographer next time! shocking the difference you get between trained professionals!
Your baby shower sounds lovely! Nice that everyone made such an effort to see you. I'm so excited to have my baby now. Getting seriously impatient! Had loads of chilli last night, taking my RLT supplements, walked further than usual the last few days... :wacko:
So 4 of my NCT group have now had their babies! and according to predicted due dates, NONE should've been born yet! So on thursday, i am planning on holding a newborn for a few hours in the hope it'll make mine come out! :haha:
Going to go get some sunshine now :hugs:
Satine, forgot to say, yes i'm very swollen - hands and feet. Very stiff fingers and wrists and if i try to lift something heavy i get sharp pains... it's carpal tunnel syndrome. The midwife suggested putting my hands in hot water then cold water a few times in the mornings, gets the blood flowing and opens all the channels.
Looking forward to not having excess fluid all the time!
i'm trying to sit leaning forward to bring baby round and down but doing that and raising my feet isnt easy!!!! :haha: I'm currently balanced on a yoga ball with my legs on a foot stool... not sure how safe i am :)
I 'borrowed' my nephew yesterday and had a look at the local childrens/surestart centre, it was really good. They were doing an arts and crafts morning and had so much for toddlers to do, toys, games, play-dough, all sorts. I'll definately be going back with baby to do the breastfeeding support sessions and the baby rhyme time group, it's nearly all free and it'll be nie to meet other mums with little babies. It was very tiring though, I spent mon afternoon and tues morning with my 3 year old nephew and by tues afternoon I was shattered!
Where do 3 year olds get all their energy from? We took Cameron to https://www.willowsfarmvillage.com/ on saturday. He loved it! bit of a sensory overload for him, we were there for about 4 hours but you really could do all day. Not that far for you MrsW. A1 down to J3 (Hatfield Tunnel), A414 across to St A, then 2 mins towards M25. It is quite expensive but our local morrisons do 'kids free vouchers'. I have some that are valid until 14/10/11. I'll happily post you 1 or 2 if you like?
Satine, have you got the part for your chair now?
I built the baby bouncer that work got us yesterday, it's so cute! https://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=132001&e=detail&selcat=bgb&pid=53161 And guess what? it has a giraffe on it! :haha:
Seeing as i got myself the Yummy Mummy nappy bag, i went and got the free one from Boots Parenting Club for my hubby. He is so happy with his 'man bag'. I meant to do it for fathers day but didn't get organised quickly enough. I've stocked it up for him with nappies, nappy bags, hand sanitiser, tissues, cotton wool (bags and pleats), a bib, a feeding cloth, wipes (only for if it's a very messy one) and a toy. It's so sweet, he's actually paid attention to what has gone in it! :thumbup:
Well, of my NCT group of 8, 4 have their babies, 1 is being induced today and another had her waters break yesterday! I'm just off to meet the remaining other bump for aquanatal... She wont be allowed to go over due because she's a older mum (not that you'd guess it to look at her), so she'll be having hers this weekend!
Think i might get them to pile all the newborns on me tomorrow! :haha:
Hope you are all well?
Wooo! Been having lots and lots of random painless tightenings/braxton hicks today. Feeling lots of pressure down below and i'm really hopeful that baby is making her way down!!! Trying not to get too excited as i'm sure by morning these weird tightenings will have completely stopped lol, but this is definitely the most promising sign i've had so far!!! x
Fingers crossed Gem! Keep us updated if you can!
I had to take my wedding ring off unfortunately, because it was becoming too tight. I am mega uncomfortable now-just wondering how on earth I am going to survive the next 2 (or 4?!) weeks.
My worst fear now is not the birth itself but getting really overdue and being induced. I so don't want to be induced!!! I have been more active recently, spending more time on the ball and walking in hope it would start things, but so far no good. I have a midwife apt tomorrow, I hope she'd say that LO's head is not floating anymore.
How's everyone else doing?
Hi all, Happy Due Date Day Gem :happydance:
Hope its not too much longer for you..

Ive had some wierd crampy feelings today, but i dont know whether its just because ive eaten too much :blush:
I picked up a new car today, not new new but new to me, its only a corsa but im pleased with it - the pram fits in the boot, thats all I was worried about :haha:
I had contraction / stretching feeling all the way home which took about an hour while trying to work out a new car - it wasn't very nice. The minute I got home it stopped but it started again this evening so I don't know what's going on.
I scared my OH though as he was following me in his car just to make sure I was ok and I pulled over about 10 minutes into the journey cos I wanted to adjust the seat - I think he thought I was in labour as I told him I was feeling things :haha:
Does anyone elses OH get a panic stricken face whenever you mention tightenings, cramps etc. God knows what he will be like when the real thing happens!!

Ive got the midwife this week too - I feel as if baby has dropped some more, I have quite a lot of pain down below. I also have a health vsiitor visiting on Friday so a busy week AND Im finishing work this week - just cant do anymore! At last :thumbup:

Hope you are all well. We are all doing well, lets hope we are not all overdue! At least we can whinge together though! xx
Hi Ladies,
I'm feeling a bit :growlmad: but dont really have good reason to be, just a bit fed up now!
6 of my 8 NCT have now had their babies and the last one has used our baby name! :nope: Obviously not their fault just total coincidence but it took me and hubby SO long to agree on a name... dunno what we're gonna call baby now?! :shrug:
We can't just call ours it anyway because it's the couple who we've known as a couple for 5 years and hubby's known him for 20 years!
I had a midwife appointment last thursday and she said that baby is facing the wrong way. At least he's head down, just facing left instead of right. So i've been sitting on my yoga ball and leaning forwards ALL the time... not turned him so far!
We went for a walk last night and i had a massive 'tightening' or something. It really really hurt and i had to sit down on a bench! Got very over excited that something was actually happening but it went away... been having little cramps all night and next to no sleep... just want him here now! :thumbup: Hubby was actually really good and didnt freak out at all. i was quite surprised :haha:
Anyone else noticed a reduction in movement? These last couple of days he's definitely quieter. Maybe it's just that's he's out of space? or because i'm leaning forward all the time to try make him turn? :wacko:
Is anyone having a 39 week midwife appointment? At my 38 week app, she said see you in 2 weeks, i was just a bit surprised...
Hope it all starts moving for you soon Gem!
:happydance::baby:Happy baby month everyone!!!:baby::happydance:
I was in such a grumpy mood yesterday, for no reason at all! Luckily I woke up this morning much cheerier and I'm excited that we'll be meeting baby THIS MONTH!!

Kaths, well done for lasting this long at work, time to chill a bit before baby arrives.

Lilli, what was the name you picked, can't you use it anyway? Seems a shame to change it just cos they got there first. Is it cos you think they'd not like it or just cos you didn't want a name that someone else has got? Are there other versions of the name you could use?

I've not seen the community midwife for ages because of the scans I've been having at the hospital. Have you discussed birth plans with your midwife or just done it yourselves? I've got another scan this fri but I wasn't sure if the midwife at the hospital would go through birth plans or not.
aw Lilli, if you really like it I would still use the name. Could you just explain to the couple that you had picked the same name and say hope they dont mind but you picked it ages ago and would still like to use it?
I have the same name picked as someone at work but we're not changing - plus it is the ONLY name we can agree on so have no other options..
My baby is facing the wrong way as well Lilli, Ive also been bouncing around on my ball but I guess what will be will be now :shrug:
I am still having movement but all mine is in the evening. Its so painful but does feel different - maybe because baby is lower and as you say not as much space. Sometimes I feel like he is going to explode out of my stomach.

yay MrsWifey - its August!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Ive got a midwife appt on Thursday 38 week then another at 40 weeks so pretty sure they dont do a 39 week. My midwife hasnt discussed anthing about the birth - not asked about birth plan or anything, hasnt even asked if i want a home birth, water birth etc etc :wacko:
I havent done a birth plan anyway - Just gonna go with the flow!
oh ladies, i feel so horrible having made a fuss about the name thing. Poor little lad has been taken to Great Ormond Street Hospital because of a bowel defect and had an operation at 1 day old! His mum is stuck in another hospital due to having had an emergency c-section. :cry: She's had a high risk difficult pregnancy all through but no one could've predicted that.
We've found another name which we both quite like and you never know, he might pop out (rapidly and painlessly) and look like something completely different?!

I briefly discussed my birth plan at my 36 week appointment but only because i brought it up... If you want a home birth then they need to do a home visit and risk assessment, then all your midwife appointments are at home. But i think they should've called your chosen hospital and told them you want to go there and your due date. (She did that at my 36 week).
There is a page in your maternity note book which asks the main birth plan questions, think it's about pg 35. I ended up typing one out and she just read it and stapled it in. I had said i didn't want pethidine or morphine based drugs at all, but she told me not to be narrow minded and that if they give you it early enough, it wont affect the baby at all. i suppose the side effects we read about are worse case scenario?!
I've kept mine quite open and said i'd like to go in the birth pool if one is available, i'd like to try without epidural but if i'm struggling then give me one, please delay cord clamping (as long as he is ok), please don't inject him with vit K, i want him to have drops and i'd like to try to have a natural 3rd stage (deliver placenta) so don't inject me to force it out (unless i've had a hard time in labour). I'd prefer not to have an episiotomy unless totally necessary.
I read some good advice somewhere saying not to be too demanding and not to say I DO NOT WANT or DO NOT GIVE ME etc because if emergency intervention is required, it might slow the hospital down because they have to be so careful not to go against your wishes etc.

Cant believe in a maximum of 3 weeks i'll have my baby! :happydance: I dont want him to stay in another 3 weeks because sleeping is impossible... i cant wait to meet him! :cloud9:
Maybe another walk is required tonight... :haha:
I pretty much know what I want my birth plan to be, basically try to keep it as natural as possible but see how it goes. I just thought that they discussed it at one of the appts. I'll ask the midwife at the hospital on fri about it.
Hi Ladies,

I've not posted for some time, but have enjoyed catching up with everyone's posts over the past few weeks. :). It's so nice to see everyone hanging in and doing well as they wait for their babies to arrive! :)

Sleeping has been awful for me as well-- I think it just goes along with the last several weeks. I think it must help us to prepare for the upcoming months of little or interrupted sleep. :) All worth it though, and I can't wait to read the first posts of arrivals. Hang in there ladies!
Things which make it difficult to sleep but I kind of expect:
The heat
The bump
My teeny tiny bladder

Things that make it even more difficult to sleep:
Stoopid drunk neighbours in the middle of the night who nicked someone elses garden furniture then decided to throw it around the street in front of our house!! Grrrr!
MrsW, wow, i'd have been mad! i was ready to punch someone last night anyway i was so frustrated and couldn't sleep. I'd call the police on 'em if they do it again! anti social behaviour!
I ended up getting out of bed at 2am and coming downstairs, opening the patio doors and sleeping on the sofa!!! it was 27 degrees in my bedroom and i was just beside myself! :wacko:
When hubby went to work i went back upstairs and managed 3 straight hours of sleep! :happydance:
Been for lunch with my NCT ladies today. Only me and one other bump left... Went at 12.45, didn't leave until 4pm! No cuddling of newborns today though, it was far too hot for all involved!
Bit of good news regarding my friend and her baby in hospital, she's been discharged from hospital after the caesarean and so has now been able to cuddle her baby! :happydance: Hopefully he will be allowed home from hospital this weekend but will need a couple more operations over the coming year. Good news though. :thumbup:
26 degrees in my sitting room... NEVER thought i'd say this, but bring back the clouds! :haha:
The heat is terrible isnt it, We had a fan blowing all night last night and it was the first proper nights sleep I have had for ages. Still had a few wee breaks but I felt like I actually slept :happydance:

Its my last day of work tomorrow - cant wait to finish!!

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