Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Wow Kath, i cant believe you have managed to work for so long! Very well done to you hun! :thumbup:
So happy last day to you :flower:
Crikey i am being so emotional today! had an email from my friend whose little boy is in Great Ormond Street, i knew the story but still started blubbing! But it all sounds very positive and like he's going to be fine.
Then i am watching some stupid search and rescue programme and started crying because they found him and he was on the phone to his wife telling her he loved her and would be home soon. So a happy ending, why am i crying?! :shrug:
loosing my mind, i was just about to tell you about my yesterday lunch again...
Hope you are all well?
I'm about to go get some wine bottle coolers to stick on my fat feet! :blush:
Lilli, good to hear your friends doing ok and is on the mend x

Last night i went to bed with one of those picnic ices packs wrapped in a tea towel - the opposite to a hot water bottle I suppose!! It's much cooler today though which is lovely, I've got more motivation to do stuff around the house.

I've just repacked my hospital bag AGAIN! I didn't actually change much, it's just the worry of not knowing exactly what clothes I'm going to want to wear etc so I keep making little changes.

Has anyone been measured for a nursing bra yet? I don't think baby has dropped yet but I don't want to leave it too late and not have one. I think I'll wait until after the weekend then go whether it's dropped or not.
haha, i went through my hospital bag again this morning too! :)
My sisters top tip was to sleep with one of your baby blankets or a soft toy that you are going to give baby so that it smells of you and will be comforting to baby when he/she is in their cot/crib/moses basket. I was doing it until the last few nights when i've been too sweaty! :haha:
I havent been measure for a bra, just bought some bigger ones... mamas and papas are currently doing 3 for £15 on some of their nursing bras! Even bras that cost £40 are included. Might be worth going to get measured then buying some from there?
If you click on any of the nursing bras, then scroll down to bottom right, you can choose your 3 far more easily than adding to bag etc.
One of my NCT ladies went up 2 cup sizes over night when her baby was born, then another 2 when her milk came in!!!
These have been recommended to me too:
They grow with you and are apparently very very comfy as there are no seams.
I also got one of these on ebay:
thinking about getting one of the seamless bra ones, quite expensive but apparently worth it...
I just had a whole red jalapeno on my lunch, burnt my mouth off, made my eyes and nose run and now i have back ache and period cramps... could it really be that fast acting?! :haha:
:flower: hello All!
I have neglected this forum yet again, but hope I have a good excuse, it was my bday yesterday! :happydance:
Hubby was amazing with organising surprises for me, the best one was that he took a day off to be with me, which I didn't think he would. he also made a photo book and a video of my life so far and both made my cry, gosh I am so emotional. I also got an IPad, hurrah!! :happydance::happydance:
I am pleased that the weather got much cooler and don't even mind that it's raining. I had quite a lot of visitors over the last few days and it's really getting tiring now. I have decided to turn into a hermit from next week and just chill out on my own, because I am getting really grumpy. I had some shooting pains last night, which was probably my LO pressing on a nerve, but it's all gone now.
I am also repacking my hospital bag, also keep folding and unfolding all baby's clothes, like a maniac :haha:
thanks for the links with nursing bras, I got two from H&M, but they are not that comfortable. How's everyone today? :hugs::hugs:
Happy Birthday Satine! Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your hubby. :).

The midwife checked me this week and says my cervix is VERY soft and that I'm 2cm dilated now. Hopefully it's soon... I wish I could sleep, but I'm up every hour or so at night. :(
I cant believe none of us have popped yet - though Gem is quiet? Hope shes ok!!
Glad you had a lovely birthday Satine and you were spoilt :thumbup:

I had a lovely last day at work, im so glad ive left now - just in time I was really starting to struggle. i couldnt even lift my leg to get into the car this afternoon :nope:

I had my midwife appt this morning and baby is still back to back - come on baby not long to turn...I have to lean over my ball and walk round on all fours!!! yes easier said than done!! :wacko: She also said when I get to the hospital to not let them lay me on my back so I will have to remember that.

Ive got 3 nursing bras, they are not particulary comfortable though I will take a look at your links Lilli - seems a really good deal!
Were not only all bump buddies but also bra buddies :haha:
That's such a good deal from M&P! Thanks Lilli. Do you know if the sizes come up big/small?

Gem posted in 3rd tri yesterday, sounded like things were happening... very exciting!

Happy Birthday Satine! :flower: Sounds like you had a lovely day. My Oh is rubbish at the whole birthdays thing, he refuses to buy cards even though i very sternly told him to! I can't complain too much cos he is lovely at lots of random times, he'll get me a bunch of flowers or last year he gave me a watch a month before christmas cos I'd been getting so grumpy about not being pg etc, he just doesn't like doing it just cos he's 'meant' to on birthdays and stuff!
Happy Birthday for yesterday Satine! :flower: Sounds like you had a lovely day :)
I too am very pleased that we've had some cool rain. Cant believe i am wishing the sun away but it is just too much at the moment! :wacko:

Kath, if you can bare to, i'd try putting ice packs (or something to make tummy cold - towel soaked in cold water?) evenly down the right side of your bump and lying on your left side, keeping your left side warm with a duvet or pillow... baby will move away from the cold to the warm. Think it has worked with my little monster, he was shoulders to my back and bum on the right, now i'm getting kicked on the right so i'm pretty sure he's turned round... I didn't use cold packs, just when i was on the sofa with the patio doors open at 3am, let right side get cold, kept left warm.
People make the top of their bumps cold when babies are breach as they move their heads away from the cold.
Might be worth giving it a go? :shrug:

Oh, i am so tired today. Was up at least every 2 hours in the night. i get shooting pains if i try to ignore the need to wee :( Come on baby, time to come out!
That's such a good deal from M&P! Thanks Lilli. Do you know if the sizes come up big/small?

the pink mesh bra is really nice and comfy and i bought my normal chest size (from before pregnant) and larger cup sizes. I have gone up to a 36D in the last couple of month, so bought a 36E and a 38DD. Wearing the 36E now (very comfy) and the cups are a little big, plenty of room to grow :) And i got the 38 because i do have the 36 on the largest hooks, but i am told our ribcages will go back down once our organs go back to where they are supposed to?! :thumbup:
I also go the luxury champagne one, which looks lovely but i couldnt even do the 36 up! Swapped it for a 38 and it fits fine...
I suppose it's also to do with the materials, the pink mesh is more t-shirt material lining with lacey over the top, where as the champagne is silky material with no stretch at all.
Such a bargain though if you can find the size you want :happydance:
Thank you for your wishes Ladies! Gosh, I am so grumpy now as you probably saw in a post on 3rd trimester today. I can't believe how quickly my mood changed from being elated to super grumpy and fed up! i am having upset tummy today, which doesn't help either.
i will have a look at those bras to keep myself occupied! i have just cleaned the whole house again, maybe I'll start reorgsnising the shed? :dohh:
Hi everyone!
Well, i'm still here lol! :haha:

Happy Birthday for the other day Satine! :happydance:
I'm totally with you on the tired of visitors thing. Each time i go round my parents, which recently has been twice a week, all of my old neighbours decide to 'pop round' and i get the same old, same old. Its funny how people want to talk to you when you're about to pop a baby out! :dohh: "Oh you must be suffering" (No, i'm fine...) "Oh you still haven't had baby?" (No shit, sherlock!)

I bought a couple of nursing bras and sleeping bras the other week. I didn't bother getting measured, i just bought two sizes up from my pre pregnancy measurements. Throughout the pregnancy i've been wearing a cup size bigger than my pre preg, but thats getting too small and i figured i'd need room for the breast pads, so i just went one cup higher again :thumbup:

I had my midwife appointment on Weds. I was extremely happy to find out that baby was 2/5 engaged (she went from 5/5 to 2/5 in the space of a week :happydance:) and my cervix was 'Soft, Central & 2cm Dilated' :happydance:

I had a sweep done (which was completely painless), and since then i have had a bloody show and lost chunks of my plug! :happydance: I've done lots of walking and bouncing on my ball. Last night we had sex last night for the first time in ages, and it gave me contractions all through the night. I was getting them every ten minutes from 10.30pm until this morning - managing to get a little sleep in between. They were painful and they were really intense in my back. I was really hopeful that it was the start, but i didn't want to get my hopes up too much as i have had similar (just not so painful) contractions at night time before.

Woke this morning, still getting them quite frequently, but they weren't getting any stronger or closer together, so i knew they'd fizzle out :nope: Had a surreal day, husbandstayed home with me as we'd both had a rough night, and we've manged to get a good sleep.

The three friends (one in real life, 2 from BnB) that i'd followed through pregnancy - we were all due in the same fortnight - have had their babies now! Two boys and one girl! My irl friend was booked for induction yesterday at 41+5 but she actually went into labour naturally overnight! :happydance:

Come on little babe, we are so ready now! :happydance: I'm just willing my waters to go or something!! I am booked in for induction on the 10th (which is too early, but they had no slots at all for that following weekend) so if baby hasn't arrived by then, we'll head to hospital and see what they offer. I think we will be offered a second sweep and sent home, i don't think they'll be keen to induce so early.

Oh well, we'll see!
Hope you're all doing fantastically and Lilli, thanks for your kind words over the past few days when i was feeling crappy :hugs:

Its all getting so exciting now!! :happydance::happydance:
OOo Gem at least you have a date to aim for - the 10th isnt far at all!!

thanks for the advice on getting baby to turn Lilli, I will give it a go, though mine sounds similar position to yours? Head down bum and back curled round the left and feet to the right - Im getting loads of kicks on my right side.

I ordered my M&P bras today - hope they are comfy cos the ones I have at the mo are soo uncomfortable!! I have rather big boobs so everything is uncomfortable at the moment - especially laying on my ball which I was adviced to do but can only manage 10 minutes...

- i cant win!!

Im really irritable today as well, first day of maternity leave and I had to get up early as I had the health visitor coming - it seemed a bit pointless - she was here an hour, then I did some housework (even though its already done)
I then watched a zoo programme and a gorilla died, it was really sad and I cried my eyes out as her partner of 15 years just sat there and whined - maybe I was being a little over emotional but then I have an excuse :winkwink:

and then I went to bed for a little nap at 2pm and managed to get to sleep straight away with alfie dog cuddled up beside me only to be woken a little while later by OH family suddenly turning up :nope: grrrrr
I wonder why it is in some areas that you get a health visitor before baby is born?! You'd think it'd be a national thing? :shrug:
I hate it when people turn up unannounced!
We have some lovely neighbours across the road, but at the moment she is sending over onion bhajis and other home made indian snacks every evening... She's sent complete curries with rice before. it's very kind but she sends her son over with them at about 9pm, but which point i am usually in bed and we've always eaten. Worst thing is, i cant stand even the smell of indian food. Corriander makes me physically sick if i accidentally eat it, i just dont want it in the house, but how can i say no now without causing serious offence? Hubby loves it but it just makes me feel :sick:
I think really that baby should come out today. I'm getting a bit bored of all this waiting around... Got people coming over to watch the England vs Wales rugby, hopefully it'll be SO exciting my waters will go and i'll go into labour! :happydance:
Wont hold my breath though :)
Hope you are all well,
I dont like curry either Lilli, that is a bit late to be coming over - is she just being helpful or thinking the hot curry will start your labour off??
Its hard to say no as its a kind gesture but I can see how it gets a bit much esp if you dont even like it :wacko:

The health visitor apparantly comes to introduce heself so that I know her when the baby is here, though the first thing she said to me was im leaving in a few weeks so you wont see me after the birth :dohh: - oh well whats the point then. It was a little patronising too - dont shake the baby, remember to change its nappy etc etc :nope:
I guess not eveyone knows what to do though and she also gave a red book that I have to take to the hospital, that is the only intetesting bit - gives you lots of info on immunisations and the differemt stages. She said to take it when I go into labour as they do a hearing test on the baby and that part needs to be filled in in the book.
Has anyone else got their book - its called babies health record or something like that!

Hope the rubgy set you off Lilli :haha:

Lilli, your neighbour is quite sweet with all the curries, but I don't like them either! If your hubby likes them though, maybe you could freeze some for later?
Kaths, I am not seeing my health visitor until after birth. I am a bit worried about it because I heard that they can be nosey and patronising! I am not sure when I am going to be given the red book, maybe in the hospital?
Still no sign of anything happening for me...maybe I need to get more active, although it's easier said than done. I have this strong feeling that LO doesn't want to come out and I will be induced in the end. I hope I am wrong!!!
How are you doing Gem?
When we had our hospital tour they said that we get the red book then, I suppose it's different everywhere.

We had our third and final growth scan on fri. It confirmed that the lady who did the 2nd scan did make a mistake on the leg measurement which made the estimated weight completely wrong! We had a nice scanner this time who actually paid attention to what she was doing and checked it properly. Baby is growing fine, currently approx 5 1/2 lbs so still on the smaller side but big enough that it should'nt need special care. Baby's engaged now too, they didn't say how much by but it's engaged and in the right position so just need to get going now!

I've decided that the doctors are having bets on who can mention the most obscure problems to their patients! We saw a different consultant to last time who said all the usual stuff about baby being small and monitoring movements etc and than said that one thing that might make it a small baby is if it has dwarfism!!!! WTF!!! I'm sure they think they're not doing their job if they say everythings ok, lol!

I thought that the midwife comes to see you at home after baby's born for up to about 20 days and then the health visitor takes over?
I think in Herts we get the midwife for a few visits and then the Health Visitor takes over... I dont have a red book?! presume we will get given it at the hospital... :shrug:
Yes, our neighbour is making the curries etc increasingly hot in an effort to help bring on labour! :haha: I might start freezing them for OH, good plan Satine. She is just being nice, i just don't have the energy...
I was so tired yesterday that i cried twice! But, i slept more than i have in months last night! only 2 toilet trips instead of the usual 4 or 5!!! It was more painful standing up for the 2 trips but worth it for the :sleep:
MrsW, a lady from my NCT had her baby at 38+3 and Amber weighed under 6lb and is perfect, just a petite baby.
On the other end of the scale, another NCT lady was told what a massive baby she was going to have, how he'd have huge shoulders and she might struggle to deliver him naturally. They were talking elective c-sections and inducing him early. In the end she had him at 39 weeks naturally with just gas and air, he weighed 8lbs exactly. She said that once they said, 'the head's out, now for the shoulders...' she was really scared and totally tensed up but it was fine, he is totally proportionate! Said that with her next she wont listen to them! That's in West Herts.
And another friend had her baby on tuesday at 40+5... she'd been told all along how huge her baby was, how she probably wouldn't get past 38 weeks, again they talked early induction or elective c-section. He weight 7lb13oz, so only just above average. She said 'midwives know nothing!' That's in North Yorkshire.
Both of them had extra growth scans.
Just trying to say, don't worry, the estimates they give are generally wrong, they seem to want to see the extremes! And also, my hubby was only just over 6lbs when he was born, he's now 6ft1 and played rugby until a couple of years ago when golf took over!
So i feel a bit crampy today and hope it is the start of 'things' :thumbup:
Hope you are all well?
Not long now ladies :hugs:
What hospital are you going to Lilli?

I'm heading to Watford when my time finally arrives! :)
QE2 at Welwyn was meant to have shut by now so i was only offered Watford or Stevenage... not much in it but Watford is closer and I don't know how to get to Stevenage without going on the A1. At least with Watford we know the way M1 or main roads...
You're going to Stevenage aren't you? They're meant to have spent millions on the new maternity unit! :thumbup:

So I'm feeling 'different'. My pelvis is really achey as is my back... i've been having period type cramps but nothing regular or really painful. Feel like a hot water bottle might be required... I thought my waters had gone earlier but i think i just shifted on the toilet and it was some trapped wee. Sorry :blush:
And i'm really restless with no appetite! Totally unusual for me! Had to force some lunch down for the sake of the baby - i'm sure he could've missed a meal but hey :haha:
But, i ordered some of those wall stickers for our baby room and they came this morning! I shall attach some photos of what i did today :happydance:

Hope you are all ok? Anyone got any symptoms?


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What hospital are you going to Lilli?

I'm heading to Watford when my time finally arrives! :)
QE2 at Welwyn was meant to have shut by now so i was only offered Watford or Stevenage... not much in it but Watford is closer and I don't know how to get to Stevenage without going on the A1. At least with Watford we know the way M1 or main roads...
You're going to Stevenage aren't you? They're meant to have spent millions on the new maternity unit! :thumbup:

So I'm feeling 'different'. My pelvis is really achey as is my back... i've been having period type cramps but nothing regular or really painful. Feel like a hot water bottle might be required... I thought my waters had gone earlier but i think i just shifted on the toilet and it was some trapped wee. Sorry :blush:
And i'm really restless with no appetite! Totally unusual for me! Had to force some lunch down for the sake of the baby - i'm sure he could've missed a meal but hey :haha:
But, i ordered some of those wall stickers for our baby room and they came this morning! I shall attach some photos of what i did today :happydance:

Hope you are all ok? Anyone got any symptoms?

Wow the wall stickers are lovely Lilli - looks great!! :thumbup:
My pelvis is hurting too and I do have cramps but i'm not sure what it is, its more like pressure down below.
I cant say my appetite has gone!! :haha: I wish it had - Im eating like a horse.
Im sleeping terribly still, I had such terrible heartburn last night I slept downstairs upright on the sofa. I actually slept really well sitting up!!

Not long for us all now!! Were into single figures woop woop - still have a feeling im going to go overdue and need to be induced though :nope:

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