Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Well ladies, it has finally started! :happydance:
I went to bed and felt a warm trickle at about 10pm. Went to the loo and my sleep shorts were soaked, couple of little bits of blood clots in there. Had a wipe and loads of yellowy mucus and a little bit of blood. So i rang the hospital and they said because i wasn't having contractions they wanted to see me for a check up of me and baby.
I told them i'd been having back ache and little cramps for a while, but nothing proper. So on the drive to the hospital the contractions started, not unbearable but takes your breath away for a bit...
Got there, did a urine sample, got hooked up on a monitor for babys heartbeat and uterus activity and sat back. We were there for an hour in total. She checked that my waters had actually broken and took a swab. (one of those things like when you have a smear test) but didn't do a cervix examination because then i wouldn't be allowed home.
So yeah, sent me away and told me to come back when my contractions were regular and 4 in 10 minutes!!!!!! which sounds like leaving it a little bit late to me?! we shall see.
So at the minute they are between 3-6 minutes apart and last up to a minute but are very irregular. Baby is kicking, lots!
Cant believe that i am probably going to meet him today or tomorrow!!!
Hubby is sleeping now. i tried but really, there is no way i could sleep through them. So i'm sitting and timing for the moment... Hopefully i'll sleep a little at some point! :thumbup:
Will update you when i can :hugs:
Oooooooooo just saw this - good luck lilli
I couldn't fault Watford in the end - hope you get to meet lo soon

WOOOHOOOO GO LILLI :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

You might be the first!! Keep updating when you can, Im so glad one of us are on our way.. You are finally getting to meet your little man!
Wishing you all the best and loads of luck... be brave xxxx
ooo Angie, I've just seen you've had your baby boy - How did we miss that!!
Congratulations - he looks gorgeous xx
Wow - hope everything goes well Lilli!! So exciting!

Congrats on your little boy too Angie xx
I was in agrump about the news on TV/downstairs TV playing up and found a hole in my new nursing top but then came on here and saw the much more exciting news of babies being born :happydance:

Congratulations Angie on your little boy and woohoo Lilli for Lo being on his way!

I think baby might have dropped abit further in the last day or so cos I'm feeling more movements lower down and I'm waddling like a duck! I hoping that it means my turn is imminent but we shall see!
Congrats Lilli! It looks like it all happened for you? Fingers crossed that all is well and you will meet your Little One soon, if you haven't already.
i started yesterday at 2am, similarly to you with a trickle from my waters and...I gave birth to our gorgeous daughter Amelie this morning At 04.15, after quite a long labour, but natural in midwife led unit.
She was weighing 7 pounds 14 and is amazing.more detailed birth story to follow!
Congrats Lilli! It looks like it all happened for you? Fingers crossed that all is well and you will meet your Little One soon, if you haven't already.
i started yesterday at 2am, similarly to you with a trickle from my waters and...I gave birth to our gorgeous daughter Amelie this morning At 04.15, after quite a long labour, but natural in midwife led unit.
She was weighing 7 pounds 14 and is amazing.more detailed birth story to follow!

oh WOW - CONGRATULATIONS Satine - this is so exciting... its all happening now! Cant wait to see a picture of your gorgeous little girl. I hope we all stay in touch. Looking forward to reading the birth stories too..

MrsWifey please stay with me in the still pregnant club :haha:
Huge huge huge congrats satine! ↲I had my little lady monday evening, she was also 7 14! Will update when we're home! Ended in a csec but it went fantastically! ↲Good luck lilli!! Best of luck all speak very soon x
Congrats to you too Gem! Hope you and little one can go home soon xx

No action at all here, think I'll be still waiting in September, by which time he'll be over 10lbs!

Congratulations Satine, can't wait to see some pics x

Kaths, don't worry, I'm still pregnant, lol! I REALLY REALLY want it to be my turn now though!! Everyone seems to have gone at about 39+3/4 so FX we do the same!
Is this thread going to move again into the baby forum once we've all had our LO's?
Congratualtions Gem - great news, Im glad everything is well with you...
I had wondered if you had had her :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

So its just me, MrsWifey and Jaxblackmore now? ... WOW, Ive had a bit of cramping this morning but nothing too drastic so not feeling anything is going to happen any time soon! 39 weeks today so im hoping if the trend continues 3-4 days.. youve all given me hope (though knowing me I will be the one to go 2 weeks over!!)

You need to get some piccies on ladies when youve got a minute :cloud9:
Whats it like being mummies??? Bet its all a bit surreal?

Im not sure if it will be moved MrsW? If not - I will start a new one. Im not sure if there is a section for buddies with babies! Will go and have a look.
Take care everyone :flower:
Wow, congrats Ladies with babies! How exciting! Had Adrian at 4.34am today after starting Monday night. I've updated the thread I started on Monday night with my birth story. He's 8lb8oz. I love him so much! Have to stay in hospital over night - bit of meconium in my waters but hope to get some photos up tomorrow. haven't slept since I woke up on Monday morning, not sure what I'm running on at the moment. Using an iPad which takes forever so I'll stop now. big love to the bumps and the babies, xxx
Hi Ladies!
Yey, we are home!
All a bit crazy so far :) Just trying to work out what he wants and when... seems that he mostly wants to feed... bit painful, just hoping that when my milk comes in it becomes easier. The hospital and all the midwives, doctors and support workers were fabulous. (Only complaint is that they didn't believe i was in labour on tuesday! :))
B&B wont let me upload photos right now... i'll try again tomorrow.
Big hugs, xxx
ooo Angie, I've just seen you've had your baby boy - How did we miss that!!
Congratulations - he looks gorgeous xx

thanks hun he came 2 days early - i cant believe he is 2 weeks old already

Hi Ladies!
Yey, we are home!
All a bit crazy so far :) Just trying to work out what he wants and when... seems that he mostly wants to feed... bit painful, just hoping that when my milk comes in it becomes easier. The hospital and all the midwives, doctors and support workers were fabulous. (Only complaint is that they didn't believe i was in labour on tuesday! :))
B&B wont let me upload photos right now... i'll try again tomorrow.
Big hugs, xxx

after all people said about that hospital i thought they were fab - they also didnt believe i was in labour either

congrats hun

Got a lovely text from Hubby this morning:

Dear Little L
It's about time for you to come out.
Ur mum and I are looking forward to meeting you.
P.S. I have cookies...
P.P.S. don't tell ur mum.
Love you Buba

Let's see if baby listens to Daddy or not!!
I had a midwife appt yesterday, no signs of baby coming yet but she did say I could have a sweep on my next appt (40+2) if baby's not here by then.

Big :hugs: to all the mummies and their gorgeous babies, and labour dust :dust: for kaths!
Thank you MrsWifey, I need all the dust I can get!! Still nothing, not a twinge, niggle absolutely nothing and i'm actually feeling great - arggh I shouldln't be feeling good lol
Im also on a time limit as my sister and nieces are coming up a week on wednesday so he needs to be here by then.. my youngest niece who is 7 says he HAS to be as she has to fill a diary in to take back to school of everything that happened in the school holidays and needs to say she has a new baby cousin!!
Ooooo the pressure :haha:
You are all seem to have come early or on time - pleeease pray for me - 5 days until due date!!

Lilli, I always wondered what do you do until your milk comes in? just carry on breast feeding?? or do you have to top up with formula?

Satine - Hope you and your little girl are ok - I bet its all pretty hectic at the moment..

Angie - 2 weeks old already!! :cloud9:

Glad you are still with me MrsWifey!! :coffee:

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