Hello Ladies
It does seem that August is a popular month
I am 6 weeks + 1 according to my Doctor but I am pretty sure that we conceived the week of the 21st November (which means I am only 4 weeks). Do you still go by what the Doctor says ??? She told me that my due date is the 17/08/11 and the date of the first day of my last period was the 10th November.
I am feeling fine, slightly nauseous today but not enough to physically be sick, I thought I would of by now, should I be worried?. Strange ovulation feeling in my right side and back ache but other than that

How is everyone else?
When will I hear from the hospital / midwife, my doctor sent a form off. I have no patience and we are counting the days until my 12 week scan, just hope my little Flump is ok. When we first did the test i was 1-2 weeks on a digital tester. I got paranoid this week and used the 2nd digital test and this said 3+ so i am presuming little Flump is progressing well right ?
I will be around all over Christmas, hope you ladies are too
Wish everyone luck