Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad Babywisher. Really hope you start feeling better soon.
This is my first pregnancy and i didn't have any idea what to expect, well, actually i thought it would all be nice and smiley, shiny hair, glowing skin, making clever excuses why you're no longer drinking like a fish and eating whatever's put in front of you before waving a scan photo around and telling everyone your happy news.
In reality, i have more spots than ever, am an interesting pale green most of the time, constant nausea but no actual sickness but with a lump in my throat and big bags under my eyes. I have recently been referring to my desperately wanted baby as my little parasite! how awful is that?! It is just taking all my energy. Just on a count down to the scan now.
We've been in Yorkshire for Christmas with my family and the effort of getting up and dressed and talking to people, not to mention entertaining a 2 and a half year old for every moment of his waking day = exhausting. Oh, and we didn't tell my parents as they'll only worry because i have epilepsy, so i couldn't even explain my poor communication!
Dont know how i am going to get up at 6am tomorrow to get into work...
I considered getting an early scan, just cos i want to see that there is actually something in there!

But i don't think my boobs and belly would feel like this if they weren't getting ready for a baby... and then i found out that Watford wont tell you the sex of the baby, so i'm saving my pennies to get a private scan after 20 weeks to find out what it is... just need to persuade hubby about that one!
Do you all want to know the sex?
Good luck if you're in work for the rest of this week, think i'll be asleep under my desk by 10am!