Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

oh wow babywisher what a roller coaster of emotions for you and your partner. Im SO pleased everything is ok! Apart from your horrible stomach bug but at least baby is ok :happydance: I wish I could see my babies heartbeat and put me out of my misery... still 5 weeks to wait for me!

Im not going for an early scan as I would like 4d scan later on as well. There is a long wait between the 20 week scan and giving birth (I understand no more scans inbetween) so I might have a 4d scan at about 7 months..Just to check everything is still ok and confirm the sex of the baby. Both OH and I want to find out! You also get a little dvd from some places to that will be a nice keep sake. See im keeping positive that I WILL get that far!!

MrsWifey, Im not sure how my work are going to react as I work in a tourist place and August is the busiest time of the year where I am needed the most (Im a manager). The 16th my due date is actually our carnival day - THE busiest day of the year! Some might say i planned it that way :winkwink: but of course I didnt but my boss is not going to be pleased!! oh well as you say not alot they can do about it!!

Im not feeling so nauseous anymore - im not sure if thats a good thing..

Anyway wishing you all well and a speedy recovery for babywisher - I hope you get home soon xxxx
Glad to hear everythings ok Babywisher, I'm sure you'll be home soon :hugs:

Kaths, enjoy not being nauseous for as long as it lasts! I seem to have lost my appetite and can only eat small amounts before I get that sicky full feeling! Stomach seems to be behaving better though which is good.

Satine, how did you book your scan and (if you don't mind me asking) how much are you paying? My sister told me about a place thats £70 but when i looked at their website it says £120! Feeling less paranoid so I might save my money for a course of antenatal classes I found online run by the national childbirth trust. My sister said the NHS ones are very basic and impersonal. The NCT ones are more involved, only have 6 couples in who are all due the same time so you get more of a social group and support from each other.

Had my flu jab today, was all over in a blink! I also collected my bounty pack, emmas diary pack and signed up to boots parenting club and sainsbury's little one club! Can't wait for my midwife appointment on the 20th Jan!
This is my first pregnancy and i didn't have any idea what to expect, well, actually i thought it would all be nice and smiley, shiny hair, glowing skin, making clever excuses why you're no longer drinking like a fish and eating whatever's put in front of you before waving a scan photo around and telling everyone your happy news.
In reality, i have more spots than ever, am an interesting pale green most of the time, constant nausea but no actual sickness but with a lump in my throat and big bags under my eyes. I have recently been referring to my desperately wanted baby as my little parasite! how awful is that?!

:rofl: I started calling my bump mogwi because it's got as many rules and restrictions as a gremlin and is causing chaos with my digestive system!!
Aw Babywisher, i am so so pleased that your baby is ok, you must feel so relieved. i got complete goose bumps for you, as Kaths said, total roller-coaster. When will you be able to get home? Are you feeling any better yourself? :hugs:

Satine, after looking at my diary 1000 times i still managed to get my dates wrong - only by two days, but that's a lot at this stage! So yes, now it is correct an we are the same, roll on the 13th of August! :happydance:

As for work, i think mine are going to be thrilled! I work in the public sector and with the amount of budget cuts and potential job losses, they'll love the fact that they wont have to pay me for a while! And love it even more if i only go back part-time. A friend in my department is due first week of june and another is TTC, it's like we're all trying to escape or something?! :thumbup:
Mrs Wifey, i think we are going to do the NCT ones. I've heard such good things about the NCT classes and a lot of people make life long friends at their classes. My sister still sees all her original class 3 years later.

Mogwi is a very cute name for your little bump! Ours is called Sausage more often than my little parasite...

It was very weird last night, i was trying to get to sleep knowing i had to get up early... i was lying there unable to sleep and i was suddenly SO hungry - after being too full half an hour earlier. I started thinking about what i could go and eat and imagining all the lovely food i could magic up (in my empty fridge). I have never been so food focused, obsessed even, ever. Needless to say i couldnt be bothered to get out of bed to go and get food so fell asleep hungry and had weird dreams!
And i've gone off sweet stuff, i used to be such a chocaholic! :dohh:
:flower: Aww, babywisher, so pleased for you!! Take care of yourself and hope you and your little sweet pea feel better soon. :happydance:
MrsWifey, re:scan, I found a private clinic not too far from me and it's going to be £112 (ouch!!). I thought that being such a nervous wreck as I am, it's worth the money to get some more info on how everything is developing. I did get some extra money at work before xmas, so I think it's money well spent:blush:
I do hope everything is going to be ok, please keep your fingers crossed ladies. It's tomorrow afternoon :wacko:

I haven't heard of the NCT classes. How do I find out more about it? Do you know what the prices are?

I have been feeling really strange recently, funny digestive system at the mo! Food smells, makes me feel nauseaus but no sickness, thank god. Also, I had fab apetite at the beginning but I can't get myself to eat now, how strange!
I think it's defo worth the money if it puts your mind at ease. I am so impatient and am thinking of doing the same... because of the epilepsy meds that i am on, i'm getting referred to a consultant obstetrician so kind of hoping i'll get a scan or heart beat check when i get that appointment.
Like Kaths, i've been thinking about the 4d scan. I saw someones pictures and they are amazing, you can see all the features so clearly. Think i'll save for that...
This is the link to the NCT website:
It is quite pricey, but there are discounts available or you can pay by installments. I put my name down for classes in May, then they asked for the money and i thought it was a bit soon to be paying out when it's still such early days. I had a nice email from them saying that if anything was to go wrong and i wouldn't be attending the classes, they give a full refund. Which i suppose you would expect, just feels a bit funny thinking that way.
From talking to my friend who is due in early June, all the classes in Stevenage are already booked for babies due then. I think they're going to have to go out of their area to find a class.
Where abouts do you other ladies live?
Good luck for tomorrow Satine! You'll be able to see if he/she really is the size of a blueberry! :)
Babywisher, so relieved for you - what a scary experiance!

I'm also working in the public sector so the same as you lilli, think my work will be pleased too!

Oooh going to look up those antinatal classes, I feel like I know nothing - still 6 weeks till I see the midwife!

Whoop I'm a sweetpea! :)

Hope your all doing well xxx
they now think its swine flu.. im in iscolation and im going insane!!! food is crap and i want to go home!!!! x
I just posted in first tri, but im so scared today

After my MMC in June I just cant relax, i was ok up until now as I have had symptoms but they are more a less all gone now, Im only 7 weeks - this is too early for sympoms to go isnt it..

Ive got my first appointment with the midwife next Tuesday so Im hoping she will book me in for an early scan - I dont think I can go through all that again.
I wasnt going to have the early scan but im caving in now as im so worried! I keep thinking it isnt long until 12 week scan but it is really - 5 more weeks!!!

What symptoms have you girls got?
Hi Kaths,
I was getting almost constant cramps in week 5 + 6, not really painful but distracting and all the time, now at nearly 8 weeks I'm barely getting any, maybe one or two twinges a day if at all.
My boobs have gone from being the most painful and over sensitive things ever, even the gravity of going up and down stairs hurt! to now being a bit sore but only if i push them. Bit painful if i get up in the night but i think that that is cos i lie on my side and they need more support.
I think it is all just easing off, still feeling a bit nauseous but not as much as at first, my symptons are definately reducing - even the burping! :blush:
Give your midwife a ring, she might they be able to fit you in tomorrow? If they cant see you before tuesday, at least she'll be able to give you more advice.
they now think its swine flu.. im in iscolation and im going insane!!! food is crap and i want to go home!!!! x

I'm sorry to hear you are so poorly babywisher. So sad for you! Have they given you any idea how long you are going to have to stay in? Are you feeling any better at all? Sending get well hugs :hugs:
How did the scan go? Did you get some good pictures? :)
:happydance: Hi Ladies, I ma so relieved! We saw a little heartbeat and my EDD is as I thought, 13th Aug. I am so pleased I saw a little pea and the most perfect little heart :happydance:
Babywisher, i hope everythings ok and you get better soon, I'm thinking of you x

Satine, any pics of your scan, eek, it's so exciting! At the moment I've decided not to pay for an early scan and use the money for the NCT classes instead as I think that'll benefit me more in the long run. I'm not normally a worrier but woke up stressing a few days ago which was why I was thinking about the scan, I feel a bit better now though!

Kaths, I hope your midwife app. goes ok, mine's not until the 20th Jan - feels like ages!

I've not got that many symptoms this week. I seem to have got over my dodgy tummy, I've not got much of an appetite so trying to eat little and often rather than big meals and have had some mild cramps, but so mild they're hardly worth mentioning!
:happydance: Hi Ladies, I ma so relieved! We saw a little heartbeat and my EDD is as I thought, 13th Aug. I am so pleased I saw a little pea and the most perfect little heart :happydance:

yayyyy Im so pleased for you. Do you have any piccies? i would love to see what baba looks like at 7 weeks

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