Hi Kaths,
I was getting almost constant cramps in week 5 + 6, not really painful but distracting and all the time, now at nearly 8 weeks I'm barely getting any, maybe one or two twinges a day if at all.
My boobs have gone from being the most painful and over sensitive things ever, even the gravity of going up and down stairs hurt! to now being a bit sore but only if i push them. Bit painful if i get up in the night but i think that that is cos i lie on my side and they need more support.
I think it is all just easing off, still feeling a bit nauseous but not as much as at first, my symptons are definately reducing - even the burping!
Give your midwife a ring, she might they be able to fit you in tomorrow? If they cant see you before tuesday, at least she'll be able to give you more advice.
Hi Lilli, thanks for that, im glad you are the same, a few people say the symptoms come in waves, so we may get another bout of it yet - more burping for you maybe

My midwife only comes on Tuesdays, so im glad i managed to get in next week as I half expected it to be the week after. Theres nothing really anyone can say until I have the scan but it is good for reassurance x