Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

Deffo think the heat could affect their eating habits. Heidi has had such a whingy past few days, i'm shattered. Every minute shes awake and not at the bottle, shes whimging - and she seems to have gone off the idea of sleep completely. I'm sitting here feeding her at half midnight and i'm sweating just sitting here, ergh. Xx
yes, he's definitely changed feeding with the weather. Or at least i have for him... he's mainly been in just a nappy these last few days and i feed him as soon as he asks. I usually make him go back to the same boob until i know it's empty but this week i've given him the other boob each feed so he's getting all the fore milk in case he's thirsty. it is just so difficult to know what they want! :shrug:
At least we wont have to warm the room for bath time tonight! :thumbup:
not been on here for a while - the heat effected Alex like yours he was moany and i stripped him and let him lay on the bed on his tummy and he just slept

Lilli i live right by the alban way we use it all the time and the cinema sounds good - may have to try it.

We went to baby massage today and he loved it and was shouting the whole way through :haha:

Off to yarmouth on monday :happydance: cant wait

hope everyone is ok

Hey Angie! Have a fab time in yarmouth! I can't wait to go away with Heidi, probably won't this side of christmas because of moving house, but its definitely something to look forward to in the new year!

Heidi had her first two injections on Weds. She was as good as gold (well, spewed all over herself in the clinic) and only cried when the needles went in. Afterwards i took her to the park and carried her round which sent her to sleep, then we went for a full english breakfast and she just sat and watched us! She was such a good girl. Yesterday was a different story altogether! I spent the day at my parents and she was awake all day as she just won't settle in the moses basket (shes been in her cot since about 4 weeks as she hated her basket - kept pushing her face up the side and distressing herself). She was extremely grouchy and wouldn't feed properly, it wasn't nice to see her upset, she clearly wanted to sleep, but i didn't know what to do!

She is 2 months old tomorrow!! Wow! :wacko:

Hope you and your little ones are all doing great :thumbup: xx
Hi Ladies,
Baby boy is happier with the cooler weather! We've had to buy him a cot bed this week. He's grown out of his crib... he is now 14lb 8oz!!! the crib was meant to last until he was 4 months but he is the same weight as a 4 month old on the 50th percentile... His head is on the 99.6th percentile... it's amazing i didn't have more urm, damage when he came out! :wacko:
Now then, question for you all; how many naps during the day do your babies have? how long do you think they sleep for in total?
We've been keeping Adrian up in the evening with us until 9pm ish but the other night (after i read a very interesting article) we bathed him at about 7pm and put him to bed just after 8pm. He slept until 1.30am, little feed and back to sleep until 6am. Another little feed and back to sleep until 8.30am! Then he slept a lot during the day as well. Last night we didnt bath him and put him to bed about 7.30pm when he started to display 'tired signs'. He slept until 11.30pm, little feed, then 4.15am, then 7am. He's just had a little nap as well.
I think we've been misinterpreting his signals...
Why tired signs are overlooked

If a baby was tired she would just fall asleep, right? Not necessarily!
Not all babies or children KNOW when they are tired.
Some babies experience trouble 'winding down' in order to relax and fall asleep.
Many babies learn to depend on parents help to fall asleep, and therefore also rely on parents to identify when they are tired.
Children often don't want to 'miss out' on anything. Many will ignore their own signs of tiredness and keep going.
The way in which we display tiredness changes as we age. Babies DON'T show the same signs of tiredness as a child, and a child will not show the same signs of tiredness as an adult. Babies' tired signs are FREQUENTLY overlooked or mistaken as a sign of...
wind or gas
pain or discomfort
Below describes a RANGE of different behaviors, children of varying age groups display when tired. Each child may show signs of tiredness in slightly different ways.
Birth to 3 months

A baby of this age has little control of her limbs. Her actions are controlled to a large extent by infant reflexes. (A reflex is an automatic or involuntary response). Because of the influence of reflexes, young babies RARELY display the typical signs of tiredness we take for granted.
If a baby's tired signs are overlooked her behavior will increase in intensity. Behavior commonly displayed in this age group to indicate tiredness, starting from more subtle to less subtle behavior, include...
Fussing à whining à crying à screaming
Glazed stare à looking away à turning head away à back arching
Facial grimaces i.e. pulling faces
Clenched fists
Flailing arm and leg movements (waving arms and legs about) à jerking, quick limb movements.
May seek comfort by sucking/feeding
Please Note: Babies of this age often pull up their legs when they cry ANY reason. Knees up is not necessarily a sign of tummy discomfort.
What happens if these signs are overlooked?

A baby's temperament will influence how quickly and to what degree her behavior will escalate if her subtle signs of tiredness are overlooked. 'Easy-going' babies will often fall asleep without too much fuss. 'Sensitive' babies will slowly reach a level of being upset; often very upset by the evenings when their level of tiredness is at a peak. 'Irritable' babies very quickly escalate to the point of distress when they become tired.
If a baby remains awake (or is kept awake) longer than she should, her level of tiredness will continue to increase. Eventually she can reach a point where she is over-tired. An overly tired baby often experiences great difficulty 'switching off' in order to fall asleep (even with parents help). Soon a vicious cycle begins, where the more over-tired she becomes the more distressed she becomes.
Without realizing what is happening parents often mistake her distress as pain and so keep her awake even longer, as they try multiple things to 'relieve' her discomfort. For an 'irritable' baby this may further add to her over-stimulated state. Eventually she can reach a point where she screams inconsolably for hours. After what can feel like an eternity, she finally falls alseep exhausted.

This one is interesting too:
Angie, hope you enjoy Yarmouth and the weather is nice for you.

Gem, im glad Heidi was good for her injections, not looking forward to Jacks :nope: 2 months old already eeek. Jack is 6 weeks tomorrow - its going so fast.

Lilli, thanks for posting the article, Ive had a hard time this week, I even took jack to the doctors today as he has literally screamed for 5 days running - not just crying but red in the face, choking, arching his back - looked really uncomfortable. Every minute that he was awake he was screaming! I thought it was colic so spent £12 on a teeny tiny bottle of colief, which didnt seem to do anything. Anyway yesterday I booked the appointment for this morning and guess what he was like an angel yesterday - a totally different baby and today well not one whinge!!!!! So he made me look like a paranoid mum this morning at the doctors and the silly moo just told me that babies cry! umm yes I know that but this was screaming!! :nope: :grr:
The only thing that is different is that he has slept a lot more the last 2 days - so maybe the colief is taking the discomfort away so he can sleep :shrug: and yes I think he was over tired aswell because I was flapping thinking he was ill!

My baby is actually happy today! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Oh and someone crashed into the back of me coming out of the doctors so not only did I look stupid going but I also got shunted up the back by a taxi which sent me to the other side of the road- thank god another car wasn't coming the other way and Jack was ok in the back

Hiya everyone,

Kath, how are you after your bump? what a horrible shock for you! And how is Jack with his crying? 6 week growth spurt? They always seem to be having growth spurts! Don't ever feel like a paranoid mum, doctors are what you've paid your taxes for all these years! So much better to air on the side of caution, look what happened to us thinking Adrian's breathing was normal after being told all new borns have snuffles and then ending up staying the night in hospital!

I have gastro-enteritis at the moment, posh word for tummy bug with associated v&d... feeling quite sorry for myself!
Last night Adrian did his best sleep ever, he went down at 8pm and didn't wake for a feed until 5am!!! it was amazing! however, i was up from 3am with stomach cramps which were so painful they reminded me of contractions :(
So i didn't really get the benefit of his big sleep :nope:. The worst is being in the middle of a nappy change or feed and having to put him down somewhere safe and run to the loo.
He is loving his big boy bed, he's slept soooo well since getting it, last night was the best. He actually looks small in it. :thumbup:
I got some lovely sleeping bags for him in TKMaxx. Have to be careful that they have their togs written on them, but absolute bargain!

Hope you are all well,
Hi Lilli we are ok thanks for asking - no harm done to us or the car - I was just a bit shaken up!

How are you feeling now? I hope you are better - its horrible having d&v when you have a little one, I remember when Jack was a few days old - I had an upset stomach and had to literally fling him somewhere and run!! ewww.
What a shame you missed his big sleep - typical hey!! Has he done it since? Jack dropped one feed one night about a week ago but hasn't done it since! Hes still feeding every 3 hours!

Ive had a bit of a breakthrough though - I bought a swing off my friend and oh god does he love it - what a god send - he will sleep for hours in it!! :thumbup: It has a vibrating chair so I think its that he likes and I think its also helping his wind! Hes been a lot happier. Ive even had time to decorate my bedroom!!

What do you mean by big boys bed? cot? Im asking because Jack still doesnt sleep well in his moses basket - he fidgets like anything and wakes really easily.

Hope you are all ok, our babies are growing so fast - I can no longer squeeze Jack into Newborn :haha: xx
yeah, we had to buy a cotbed because he'd fling his arms out in his crib, hit the sides and wake up. Or shuffle to one side and get his arm stuck through the bars.
The cotbed will do until he is about 4 or 5 years old (hopefully). You gradually lower the base as baby gets bigger then take off the sides etc.
I've spoken to other people who've said that their LO's slept soooo much better in a bigger bed. :thumbup:
He did 8 hours last night! :happydance:

Adrian had his first injections today, oh the tears! :cry: He screamed and screamed, bless him! Just given him some calpol and he's calmed down a bit...

Isnt it funny how they love the vibrations, pleased for you that it's giving you a chance to do stuff! Adrian loves his too :)

hi girls

Had a lovely chilled time in yarmouth although the first night Alex screamed murder for 6 hours we ended up at james paget hospital and 3 doctors and 4 hours later they said he had a tummy bug/virus and gave him extra strength calpol and he then slept 11:30pm to 8am bless him - the next day his nappy was blackish green and then that was it all fine so i guess that was the bug coming out - The rest of the week was great and we took him swimming in his new warma wetsuit and he loved it and giggled for ages.

Sorry to hear about the crash kaths glad you both ok :flower: and sorry to hear your ill Lilli hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Alex has been in his cotbed since 5 weeks and he loves it and sleeps sooooo much better - alot of people frowned at me for doing it but he is just fine and we all get a half decent night. I got this https://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wc...displayA_190_10751_-1_14739_92171_10001_14736 which is safe from newborn and stops his arms going through the bars.

Hi Ladies,
Angie, i bought that Airwrap too :)
just been into work. it was sooo weird, i felt really nervous for some reason?! :wacko: I'd gone in for a meeting, sort of and taken Adrian... never thought i'd get my boobs out in the office :haha: He screamed a lot in the meeting so i had to go out, twice. It was quite hot in there.
Different world, so not bothered about all the politics anymore!
Hope you are all well, :hugs:
Its good isnt it

I went into work to show them Alex when he was 2 weeks old but dreading when i have to go in again and talk about work stuff - it will seem more real going back. Still waiting to see if he has his nursery place and before you know it will be feb and its back to work :cry:

At least you have done that step now Lilli

I know, it's hideous, i have to start thinking about a 'work life balance' application to apply to go part time... work is all so up in the air at the moment. I work for the police and there are lots of changes going on. Haven't thought about what we are going to do for childcare yet. I'm lucky enough to be having a year, so got a bit of time...
Rhyme Time and weigh in tomorrow :)
i'm thinking of going part time mid next year just because i worked out that the childcare will take half my salary so i may as well work half the time and get to spend it with Alex instead of him going to nursery

I know a few people in the police - 2 policeman and 1 who works in something to do with fire arms

Alex has a hip ultrasound tommmorow but hoping to get to a rhymn time next week

Hey, I had to get my boobs out at work too - i had to go in a office and put a sign on the door :haha: I've been into work a few times but I know what you mean its such a strange feeling. I feel like I havent been there for years but its only been 9 weeks!! Im dreading going back, how long are you girls having off? have you given your work a date of going back? I havent, I can just go back when I want which will hopefully be as late as possible! Im loving being off.
What are you doing about childcare when you do go back?

Ive had a scary evening - Jack is being a nightmare at night times - he just will not sleep, he hardly naps through the day so I think he just gets over tired but it was 1am when he finally went to sleep the other night, I was rocking, shushing for hours - eventually I let him cry (hated doing it) and after 5-10 minutes he went to sleep! sooo I thought ok maybe Im intervening too soon and need to let him whinge longer and tonight I tried that again, he had cried for a few minutes then did a little gasp, I looked at him and he was blue :nope::cry::cry::cry::cry: I grabbed him out of the basket so quick - thank god I was there, I know he's too young to leave crying but it had literally been minutes - god it scared me!! I think he just forgot to breathe.
What are your bed time routines?? I keep being told he should be sleeping through the night by now! no chance!! Last night he woke at 1, 3, 5 and 7 :nope:
Hey, I had to get my boobs out at work too - i had to go in a office and put a sign on the door :haha: I've been into work a few times but I know what you mean its such a strange feeling. I feel like I havent been there for years but its only been 9 weeks!! Im dreading going back, how long are you girls having off? have you given your work a date of going back? I havent, I can just go back when I want which will hopefully be as late as possible! Im loving being off.
What are you doing about childcare when you do go back?

Ive had a scary evening - Jack is being a nightmare at night times - he just will not sleep, he hardly naps through the day so I think he just gets over tired but it was 1am when he finally went to sleep the other night, I was rocking, shushing for hours - eventually I let him cry (hated doing it) and after 5-10 minutes he went to sleep! sooo I thought ok maybe Im intervening too soon and need to let him whinge longer and tonight I tried that again, he had cried for a few minutes then did a little gasp, I looked at him and he was blue :nope::cry::cry::cry::cry: I grabbed him out of the basket so quick - thank god I was there, I know he's too young to leave crying but it had literally been minutes - god it scared me!! I think he just forgot to breathe.
What are your bed time routines?? I keep being told he should be sleeping through the night by now! no chance!! Last night he woke at 1, 3, 5 and 7 :nope:

how many weeks is he hun 6?
That sounds so scary :hugs: to you

I'm thinking he may be having a growth spurt - Alex did the same thing around 6 or 7 weeks and he also sometimes has off weeks where he wakes more. He only slept through the night i would say last week although he has been doing 5 to 6 hour stretches since 7 weeks.
I follow the baby whisperer E.A.S.Y routine and it took a week to kick in but he now goes 7 hours from the last feed at 7pm until his next feed

Hey ladies,
Angie, what's happened to Alex's hip? Hope the scan went ok? Do you have to wait for results?
Kath, sorry you're having a tough sleep time. That sounds like a very scary experience!
Well, dont hate me, but Adrian is sleeping between 8-10 hours a night now! It's nuts, he was doing the 1,3 5, 7am feeds, but it's since the day we put him in his big bed with a thick mattress, in his own room... We try to put him to bed between 7-8pm, so in the last 10 nights, he's woken once at 11.30pm then gone back down for about 7 hours, every other night he's done between 8-10 hours, so between 3-5am, quick feed and nappy then back down for about another 3 hours (unless Tom wakes him when he gets up for work!). We dont really have a day time nap plan and every day is different. Usually he cries if i put him in his bed during the day but he's been in it for an hour now and only just started grumbling. He seems to sleep a lot though really... Still feeding every 2 hours or so during the day but i guess that's cos he's not eating at night? :shrug:
So he was 8 and a half weeks when he went into the cot bed.
I do leave him crying a little bit. Not screaming crying, just when it's more whinging... If he's tired he'll go back to sleep.
I'd recommend the Huggies Super Dry nappies too. They're managing fine with 10 hours of wees!
We only bath him once or twice a week at the moment.
I dont know hun, it was totally by chance for us that he started sleeping through.
I hope it gets better soon, maybe it is an age thing and 8 weeks is the magic number?!
Does he look big in his moses basket?
Hi, yes he is 6 weeks old, Last night he did 10.30-2.30 but then wouldnt go back to sleep - I was still up at 4.30 and he was wide awake!
Yes he is starting to fill the moses basket now, He will go in his crib now. We haven't built the cot yet.. maybe we will have to do that this week!
What do yours sleep in? babygro? sleeping bag?
Im still swaddling Jack because his arms still have a life of their own!
Hi Kath,
Adrian sleeps in a vest and sleep suit/baby grow for clothing, then a 2 or 2.5 tog sleeping bag that i got at TKMaxx.
he goes nuts if i try to swaddle his arms. He still flings them about a lot though! :)
If you put him down awake after a feed in the night, does he cry?

His room is about 18-20 degrees

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