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Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Well my scan put me a week ahead.. I am beginning to worry that my lmp date was accurate. I also know when I ovulated and the time of conception and I'm thinking Halloween.. ugh! Anyone else worried re same? No plug loss either! Grrr!

Ooh new car!! We got a new car too (well new to us lol) its a Vauxhall Vectra Estate. We've always had VW's so we're having to adjust. Its lovely and roomy. Got my Maxi-Cosi (we sold ours after Ethan) and I have finally got my hospital bag ready.
Hi everyone

Loving the new facebook group, btw - what a great idea, Pink. I've added Darling too so hopefully this will come up when you next login to f/b.

Pielette, how fab to have a new car! I've been trying to persuade OH because he's got a 2 door convertible at the moment which is great for the 2 of us but not so practical for a LO. But with all the other expense at the moment I think this will be something we do next year. I don't drive in London anyway, I find it too scary!!!!

Waitress - I'm not quite at the point of wondering if things will go off etc before the LO comes but I've stopped making any social plans. I'm peeing constantly, like I'm up every hour during the night at the moment. And I'm having bowel movements about 3-4 times a day - not sure if this is nerves or something to do with my body getting ready for the LO!!!

Babyhopes - great to hear you and Gemma are doing well - are you sure we can't persuade you to join facebook so you can be part of the group on there too?

Darling - I have become an obsessive pant and toilet paper inspector too!! No signs of anything going on here though.

Angie - hope you're having lots of precious moments with Zachary!!

Hi to Bernie and Dr M - hope you're both doing well

Does anyone else still not have a name sorted? We're hopeless and can't really agree on anything. There's a few names we both quite like so we've got a bit of a shortlist, but I'm not completely taken with any of them!!! I'm still hoping I'll get some more inspiration in the next couple of weeks or when we meet her!!

Congrats ont he new car Kara - exciting!

We fitted our Maxi-Cosi and family fix base yesterday. Another one of those lovely "new parent" jobs we did together and had a massive row about.....:blush: I heard myself telling him "You don't look excited about it" and even I thought that was a bit off. I could tell he was thinking "Its a F**king carseat, I'm more excited about whats going in it"!! Dear God, please let him still love me by the time the baby actually arrives....he will won't he?

Been for a LONG walk today. Dog is knackered, I had some pretty tight BH's but nada more than that. I am ignoring my phone and all the "Any signs?" texts. Seriously doing my head in. Do people really think I am going to text back "yep, had a bit of discharge this morning, a very loose pooh and a few pains in my vajazzle".

All thats happening is a little bit more CM in my pants than normal and my bump keeps going a weird shape - like I can actually see the arms and legs sticking out at some points - anyone else getting that?

Come on baby!:baby:

Emma - my bump is also getting into some odd shapes! Very strange! And i am also getting VERY annoyed with texts and calls asking if the baby has arrived or if there has been any movement!! I mean seriously! If the baby was here i would have told them already!!!

Pielette - Great about the new car, i have a Toyota Yaris and think i will need to buy a different car in the next few months as think the boot is not big enough. I really like Toyotas so have considered the Prius. Let us know what its like when you get it.

I keep swinging between wanting the baby here now and then not feeling ready. But i really want to have a home birth (if i can stand the pain!) and so i really don't want to be induced. Am going to start going for walks tomorrow to try and let gravity work!
My legs are so puffy with water retention it is nasty....by the time i go to bed i have proper grandma legs!!! Can't wait for that to pass after the baby arrives.

Hope you are all well.
Girls I haven't felt the baby move much today. I'm lying down on my left side having drunk a sugary drink. Nothing yet. I'm worried now. I will give it another 15 mins then call hospital. Hope everyone else is ok. Xx
Kara, I hope you feel more movement soon. I normally feel most movement in the evening after I've had a meal - it might be worth eating something too. I'd always say call the hospital for peace of mind though.

Waitress and Bernie - I keep getting strange movements too - my favourite one is when I think my LO sticks her bum right out and it looks like she's trying to break out through my belly button - my bump becomes a really strange shape, all distorted to one side. Waitress - you made me laugh out loud with your comment about what you might say to people who are asking for an update!!!! Classic!!!

I saw the m/w today and she said the glucose test I went for last week all came back normal. Then she tested for glucose in my urine and said it was really high again so did another blood test. I dunno what's going on really but no-one seems to be that worried about it so I'm trying not to worry either!

Bye for now xx
Back from Yeovil - all ok. Fetal trace fine. Baby was quiet all the way there and I was really worried. Didn't get a cuppa though (she forgot me!) and they left for 20 mins on my own! Scandalous!

I'm really lucky. I just get me girl friends calling to ask if I'm ok and to offer to wax my legs and fix my hair (boy it needs some fixing!)

Leeze that all sounds very confusing! Sometimes these tests just add more stress!
Hi Ladies , its silly o clock in the morning here as i was up for the midnight feed and she wouldnt settle until now.. and ive lost my sleep ! urgh and before i know it, it will be time for her next feed, just when im falling asleep... the joys of motherhood !

Kara, congratulations on your new car !

Angie, hope little zachary is settling well at home xxx and that you are recovering well xx

I know all of you might be pulling your hair out now, waiting for bubba to arrive, and feeling BH's etc, and trying everything under the sun.. ! hope it progresses soon for those of you who wish for it right now ! xxx

Leeze, i would love to join, but unfortunately i cancelled my facebook ages ago as i had stalker issues.. it was quite scary ! i havent made one after that.. xxx
Thanks ladies, I'm very excited and can't wait to get my mitts on it! Have to sort out insurance this morning and luckily I can do a multi-car thingy to get the costs down, so that should be good. That was our thinking Bernie, the Yaris is very small - doable, and we would have got through, but it's going to be lovely to have all that space in the back. I shall let you know what it's like, but I was already impressed on the test drive by how smooth and responsive it is.
Ah Preethi I'm sure it won't be long till we're all bemoaning the lack of sleep just like you! Thank goodness we all have BnB for upcoming sleepless nights. How is her weight gain going? Any recent pics? :flower:
Very glad to hear all is ok with bubs Kara - he might be slowing down, conserving energy for his grand entrance. I hear they do do that? My little man has been quieter the past couple of days too, nothing that's worried me because I have felt him, just not his usual craziness.
Leeze that's really weird and not exactly appreciated right now! I guess if they haven't been too concerned about it you can just relax. You could do without it though!
That cracked me up Emma, I too am starting to get the text hell. Maybe I should just put up a FB status every day about what's going on, I'm sure everyone wants to hear about my bowel movements :haha: I'm getting a lot of tightenings and BHs, but nothing more substantial than that. I am seriously desperate to give birth now! The thought that it could still be another three weeks makes me want to cry :cry: I'm just so flipping uncomfortable!
So glad your baby is ok Kara. I have been worried a little because mine is moving so much - especially at night. I have no idea why. I keep hoping its me feeling it begin to start this labour thing but here I am again, another day, another no-show in terms of any bloody signs!!!!! I have put on white underwear today in an attempt to garner some reaction from my cervix - come on!!!!!!

I feel bad for wanting this baby to come right away - I know others don't get the choice. And I'm not "due" till the weekend but I am so READY! I don't want to wait another 3 weeks either Vanessa. :nope:
Haha! I've actually caught myself putting on white knickers to coax my plug out!! Lol. Pregnancy really does make you loony!

My stretch marks have taken over in brain's absence! Grrr! First pregnancy none. Second pregnancy two or three in the last fortnight. This time we're up to ten all in the last week! They're sneaky little critters. My best friend is really chuffed she's 33/34 weeks and hasn't got any yet and my trap is firmly shut!
Kara, great you got it checked out and all ok. And what lovely friends you've got - I could definitely do with someone to do my hair and a bit of waxing too!! My workmates bought me a voucher to go to a lovely spa place for a treatment but I'm a bit worried now about booking it and the LO coming while I'm traipsing across the city on my own! Sorry to hear about the stretchmarks, hon, another one of those joys of pregnancy!

Preethi - definitely post more pics!!! And, I agree with Vanessa, we'll all be joining you soon for those sleepless nights!! One of my friends who's got a small baby said that she got a small portable DVD player and watched DVDs in bed with headphones on while up for the nighttime feeds - I reckon I'm going to try this when the time comes, although I do have a tendency to fall asleep while watching DVDs so I'm not sure if it would work too well for me!!

Vanessa - I hear you on the feeling uncomfortable bit. My feet are permanently sore and my bump is definitely very heavy nowadays. Also my sleeping is generally pretty awful, I keep waking up with hip pains and a sore leg from where I've been sleeping on them. Saying that, I still feel ok to wait another 2 weeks because I've psyched myself up for having 2 more weeks of "holiday" before the baby comes. But I haven't really felt any BHs or tightenings etc, so I reckon these could be a good sign for you that the LO is nearly ready to make an entrance!!

Emma - that's funny about the white knickers!! And also isn't it interesting that we can worry ourselves when baby moves too much as well as not very much. I bet these worries will carry on in some shape or form for the next 18 years or so (or more!!). Have you tried any of the supposedly natural ways of inducing labour - lots of sex, pineapple, hot curries, raspberry leaf tea? Have you been offered a sweep if the LO isn't here by your due date? My midwife said they can do a sweep at my next appointment which will be 31/10 - just under 2 weeks time as I'll pretty much be 40 weeks by then.

I'm hanging out at our new flat today waiting for a washing machine to be delivered. It's a great excuse to do nothing because I can't really go out and there's no chores that need to be done here! So it's going to be a day of reading books, watching TV and surfing the internet!!

Bye for now xx
Now I must share this with the only ladies who will understand my excitement...

Blood in my knickers! :happydance: I have never been so delighted to see blood in my knickers; no doubt after the birth I will be flipping sick of seeing blood in my knickers :haha:
Ooh exciting!? More details please? Anyone other symptoms?
Lucky you Vanessa! I hope its your show and things kick off from here :flower:

Leeze, I haven't tried any of those things. Because I'm not technically due till this weekend I am giving the LO the full 40 weeks before I serve eviction papers. I am just moaning about it not doing something to move along by itself in the meantime! After the weekend, the gloves are off! BTW heard RLT is supposed to help you push as it gets your uterus nice and strong but it doesn't help kick off labour?

I have a sweep booked for next Weds when I will be 40+4, I am really hoping I will be at least in labour by then, if not back home and not sleeping!:haha:

Just done another long walk with my mother and the dog. I had a couple of huge tightenings when going uphill but my white pants are doing nothing for me today. Zippety doo da happening. I'm going to the football tonight so maybe that will ratchet things up a bit!:shrug:
Pielette - yes please give an update on the car, i am very interested (i never thought i'd be someone interested in cars!!....lol!) Sounds like you are progressing which must be exciting!! I hope things move along nicely for you.

I've had increased discharge a couple of times today with a slight green tinge (sorry if TMI) and i was unnaturally excited about it....pregnancy does strange things to a woman! Apart from that i am just very uncomfortable, keep getting sharp pains in my lower stomach and period type pains, i think the baby is really pushing down a lot!

Kara - Glad the baby was okay when you got it checked. And i am with you on the stretchmarks (although am impressed you managed to get through one pregnancy without any!)

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow morning so will ask about a sweep then. Am concerned my blood pressure will be high again (was 140/90 two weeks ago and 140/85 last week) as i am so worried that they will panic and induce me!
Woo-hoo! How exciting Vanessa to have blood in your knickers!!! Keep us posted - this could very well be the next little pumpkin on its way!!!

Emma - you're going to the football? You're seriously my hero. As of today I've got a self-imposed ban of going anywhere that involves lots of people and walking more than 10 mins at a time!!! It's all getting too much.

Bernie - sounds like you've got some promising symptoms going on there too. How exciting for you too!!!

This is it girls, we're all very nearly there!!!! Xx
Leeze you're so like me!! Lol. Forget the fact I'm heavily pregnant! I walk like I have something huge and really uncomfortable like a flipping watermelon shoved up my a*se!!!! Oh wait!? Uh-huh.. Yeah I'm back up to speed now! Ahem..
Emma you are putting us all to shame! Stop it! ;-P Seriously I walk bow-legged now! I make John Wayne look camp!! :shrug: Lol

Vanessa you can't drop a bomb like that and leave us!! Are you ok? Any more? Omg! I'm obsessed with her knickers now!! :dohh: Well on the subject of knickers I think I lost a weeny bit of plug yesterday. Cant be one hundred percent sure but definitely no colour in it so not a show but... Ooh could mean I could go into labour over the next few weeks!! Grrr! Come out!!!!

Pink you ok hun?

My delicious husband managed to get himself to work and my daughter off to school this morning without waking me! What a sweetheart! I really needed the sleep so badly. On top of everything there's been a lot of drama lately with my demented 'family' and we had to make the decision to completely sever contact and we are looking at changing phone numbers and possibly even moving. I have a half-sibling who is potentially dangerous and my mother would rather believe I'm the problem. Hubby has put his foot down and said enough is enough as she consistently leads him to us again and again. He's gone through her stuff found old debts of mine (we're talking minor debts of £50/£250) that are now time-barred and I can't be legally made to pay and given them my address.. gotten in touch with a horrible man from my past (I was young and made mistakes but most people don't have a sociopath rifling through there closet!) and gave him my address too. He sent me flowers with a note saying "you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone!" Its not the time for harrassment when you're pregnant.

Anyway, my husband is wonderful and what I lack in family I make up for with loving and loyal friends so I am truly blessed. My little lad is a joy and really coming out of the terrible twos now. The sun is shining and I feel rested and good and we may, may have found another house!
Hey ladies im sorry but i doubt i will get on here much anymore im much more into facebook and bnb is just so slow since the changes...when i do finally get in i have missed a tonne and find it hard (im sorry im lazy too) to read through everything (have a serious lack of concentration atm!). Ive requested Darling as a friend but i cant add her and without being friends i dont think i can. Anyone wanting to join needs to request and then i will approve it (we dont have to be fb friends too lol). The group is completely closed and no one can see our posts/chit chat so very private more private infact that our conversations on here (which i much prefer). Preethi maybe consider setting up a new account purely for the fb group...you dont even need a profile pic or anything just pm us what your account name is and could use it solely for that.

Updated fb earlier had a message from krissi - she woke up this morning to trickling watery blood. As blood is bright red has to go in to be checked (also having mild contractions (she thinks)). Waiting to hear back from her and if she is unable to get on i will keep you updated x

Hope everyone is well and that were not all driving ourselves insane playing the waiting game...hopefully next time i get on more babies will have arrived! x
Hi kara yeah im good thanks just miss so much on here struggle to catch up lol! Ive been getting the really sharp pains down there and the pressure ...ouch...but im starting to think ill end up going over (despite having two early babies!). This time tomorrow i will be the most pregnant i have ever been. Hubby is now unwell with tonsilitis so actually need bubs to stay put a few days so that hes better and can be more help x

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