Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Oh I bet you are SO relieved!!!! I'm very happy for you Kara!

Right... so... update here, I've been at the hospital since 11am after having a non responsive non-stress test at the doctors office. He then ordered a biophysical profile... we failed, got a 2 out of 10. 3 hours later repeated the test and failed again with a 4 out of 10.... so doc said enough is enough... admitted me to the hospital where its now almost 9pm... and baby will be born tomorrow morning at 8am!

I'm officially freaking out LOL... its just nerves, and worry for baby... and the thought of major surgery.... ya know... I'm hopeful all will be well
Oh Angie honey! That's awesome!!!!:hugs:
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Please let us know asap and post a pic! Have you settled on the spelling yet? Xxx
Ya, I think I will probably go with Zachary, will post pics as soon as they let me take some! I'm very nervous, but very excited

I'm sure I wont sleep much tonight.... so I will check back later
good luck Angie - excited for you!

Kara - you must be so relieved....does this help any with the decision on where to have him?
Ok hun. Try to rest while you still can (virtually impossible I expect?) I think Zachary is the nicest spelling and he can still shorten it to Zack or Zac or even Zach. I love that name! The girls must be so excited about meeting their baby brother. Good luck sweets! We're rooting for ya!! Xxx
Good luck angie xxx so exciting that we are all so nearly there and will be meeting our babies soon xxx
Sorry Em must have posted at the same time. Yes such a huge relief! I've gone for Yeovil but we've left Taunton (main hospital) open. Mw said that Eleanor (mw from hell) is well known and that she'd like me to make a formal complaint then bizarrely tonight, totally out of the blue, she phoned my cell! Co-incidence? She asked me if I was ok because she hadn't heard from me and I said I wouldn't be having my baby there and I said very strongly and patronisingly in a cutting but polite tone (you girls would have been so proud of me) "To be honest Eleanor I didn't feel particularly 'empowered' so I'll be going somewhere I can feel empowered!! Ok. You take care. Thanks for calling!" Silence! Yay!!
Wahay for great news on the thread today!!!! :happydance:

Kara - that's FANTASTIC that your LO has turned - so happy for you. And well done for what you said to the m/w - nicely put in her place!

Angie - I'm so excited for you that you get to meet your LO very soon and all the worries can stop (well, probably be replaced by a different set of worries, but you know what I mean!!!!)

Catch you all later xxx
Wow it's all go! Angie that's fab news, so pleased you're going to have your little guy very very soon! Zachary is a gorgeous name, and it can still become Zack. Enough was definitely enough.
Thinking of you all and can't wait to see pics! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Love your cutting remarks Kara! Sounds like that midwife is rather well known for awful reasons. Maybe it'll make her think about her nasty ways a bit more.
Thanks girls! It was nice to get a second chance as I only said to dh the other night I wished I'd said whilst crying "do I look empowered?!!" but in all seriousness she should not be taking her natural childbirth fanatacism to such extremes where stats are more important that people. Empowerment of women is about having a choice.

So excited for Angie! I wonder when we'll all go into labour (as long as its not today as is my mother's birthday and I don't want my baby to be born on her birthday).

How is everyone else? I'm obsessing over plugs atm lol. Very envious of those losing theirs.
Well my crampy feelings have calmed down over the past couple of days, grr. I don't actually think he's low enough yet either so I think it'll be another week yet, at least. I still have the early instinct, but maybe it'll be a couple of days or a week early.
I'm getting really impatient now! I thought I'd be happy to wait, and don't get me wrong I am, but I just feel so flipping... heavy. Everything aches. Please think about coming out soon bubs!
Quite an adventurous night in this l&d Ward.... one girl came in and the nurses ended up delivering her without a doctor... and at the same time a lady came in 26 weeks with ruptured membranes and they had to have her flown out to a bigger hospital..... makes my cramps and aches seem weak but oh well. Nurse just gave me my IV and I think I started a mild anxiety attack.... I suddenly couldn't take a deep breath and started coughing. Its eased now...

Baby is being a little stinker, he will not stay where the monitor will pick up his heart rate. I finally dozed off and they came to move the monitor and woke me up. I've slept about 20 minutes. I have to say I'm very jealous of you home birth ladies, cuz these nurses don't care about privacy or comfort really. Anyway... 3 hours and counting
Wow that all sounds very dramatic. 26 weeks... can't imagine how scary that must be.
From what I understand the doctors and midwives in these hospitals can be very insensitive, you must be feeling shattered now Angie. Three hours till the c-section? Fingers crossed that goes quickly, have you got any books or magazines you can distract yourself with?
I'm very tired... but wound up, if that makes sense, I couldn't close my eyes if my life depended on it LOL. I do have 1 book but my mom will be here shortly and I'm gonna get up and brush my hair and teeth.

I just had a nice talk with the nurse who just came on shift, she seems very good.... knows I'm nervous and explained how they do their spinal blocks and how the tech on duty today is amazing. I feel a lot better about it now.

Down to 1 hour 10 min..... OMG!!!!
How exciting! You get to hold your little man so so soon!
Have we had a baby yet?! So excited to hear Angie!

Mine isn't coming today - all symptoms have completely stopped! If it wasn't for the fact I can hardly put my pants on I would be doubting I am even pregnant today - I feel fab!

I am so going to be overdue...I KNOW IT!
Woo-hoo, can't wait for next update from Angie!!!!

No sign of bits of plug coming away here - although I did get a strange sharp pain in my bum earlier - not sure if this means anything!! Seemed very random and not connected at all to needing the toilet!!!

Angie, I hope they treat you well in the hospital. I've been visiting a friend in hospital today and some of the staff are so rude and inconsiderate - it has made me feel really angry. They're supposed to be working in a caring profession, why do it if you don't care? GRRRR.

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