Aimee: I'm not judging, we all know what its like sometimes when your in a bit of pain so if that's what Earl needed; its not as if you just randomly gave him some as he likes the taste! Hope he feels better soon
Flora: Glad your having a lovely anniversary weekend

Funny you should say that about girls and boys hair, there is another thread on her about baldie toddler and I think they are all girls, 99.9 of them are anyway!
Milo'smummy: Lovely vid

I love how boxes are just great fun for LO's

Chloe loves to stand in hers too.
Fraggles: I'm here if you need to chat

I agree with Aimee, if you do suspect, maybe talk to someone?
Took Chloe out for an hour today and yesterdya in the sun, made a point of getting out instead of missing out as per. Music on and windows open soon I think, best crack on with some chores. Sick of this house I really am, hate being ill and playing catch up but its relentless with the cleaning anyway.
Started bleeding again today - another AF?

Who knows! Didn't happen last time I came of the pill when we started NTNP so I have no clue what my body is up too. I think as its can't be physically seen, Nij forgets I am feeling so crappy sometimes too.
He has a new route from this week meaning he won't get in today until 3 -3.30 and got his parents then too. Ah the joys!
I must say, I am having fun dressing Chloe up in summer things again. She helped me get dressed yesterday, she was most adamant I put a certain top on, was really quite cute